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"True Fact about CBS Survivor by a native bornean"

Posted by sabahan on 08-23-00 at 11:46 PM
Hi all,
I am not here to rain on anybody's parade but just wanted to make clear of true reality & facts about Borneo where the CBS hit show was filmed over this summer. I was born there in kota kinabalu, east malaysia (the name borneo, are not being used any more). NOw i am a graduate student studying here in the USA.

1) THe island is not that deserted at all. It is only about 35 miles away from Kota Kinabalu (my home town), the capital city of Sabah (a state about the size of Arizona + new mexico). 20 miles away are tons of world class 5 star hotel and golf resort. We have Pizza hut, Mac donalds, kentucky fried chicken .....etc.

2) It is sad that CBS failed to show some true facts about the island. First off, The part of Borneo where survivor was filmed is NOrth Borneo part of Malaysia. In this case its East Malaysia. No, we dont live on top of trees, NO, we do not eat worms. ALl of the wooden sculpture with funny faces that were used on the show are not of borneo's origin. They are INDONESIAN.

3) There are no Volcanos or any lava in any part of Borneo. The location of Borneo is so strategic that we are shelter from tornados, hurricane, earthquakes and volcano activities. THe Island is very tame and are used by fisherman's for overnight trip. NOw there's another island 25 miles north of Kota kInabalu that is truly scary. This small island are inhabited by ten of thousands of SEA SNAKES at night. Snakes so many it looks spagetti on a plate. How about the japannese death march during WORLD WAR II ?? The japs made the allied soldiers ( mostly australian) walked thru dense jungle infected by malaria from the east coast of the state to the west coast (size of the state is arizona + new mexico), only 12 solders survived out of 500. )

4) Sabah is also a host for South East Asia's highest mountain (11,000 ++ feet). There are few british soldiers who got lost in the dense jungle while trying to scale down the mountain's south face( a real jungle not just an island's puny jungle on the show) and was helped by the locals. One of the soldiers had to be treated by a local medicine man which include putting his hand into a jar full of snakes.

4) On the east coast of Sabah, theres a tiny island call SPIADAN island which was voted the top 4 diving spot in the world few years ago. The island has 3 ft" of sandy beach and then a 1000" vertical drop off.

Overall, North Borneo or Sabah, malaysia is truly a hidden paradise. MOst European knows about it but not Americans. Most AMerican View's of third world country are not true. NO we are not ruled by warlords, NO foreigners are not captured and kidnapped and raped. MOstly, NO we are not savages. Basically dont believe 100% what you see on TV.

Just like what i saw on TV when at home about the USA. They only show the suburb or MALL (only some nice neighbourhood). DOwntown LOS ANGELES is far worst than Kota Kinabalu, believe me i am born in kota kinabalu, borneo and i ve been to Los ANgeles and lots of other big cities in the usa. When i was young i used to walk to downtown to the nightspots and walk back home at 3:00 am in the morning without being worried of muggers or robbers. Try do that here in the USA.

for more info: www.jaring.my/sabah

p/s: HOw come a f@g can be finally call a survivor ? ITs almost like high school attitude (who likes who, who back stabbed who). DO they really have to come to my unspoilt country paradise just to show off some negative Western culture ?? beats me ?!?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: True Fact about CBS Survivor by a native bornean"
Posted by Henley on 08-24-00 at 03:00 AM
Wow, thanks for the information!! It must have been so frustrating to see the misrepresentation of your home. It WAS a silly game show, after all. But, most people who probably couldn't locate S. China Sea on a globe will walk with whatever impression the show gave about your home.

"There are no Volcanos or any lava in any part of Borneo."

But on the island? They said over and over again on the show that a volcano made the island. Maybe you mean it's inactive?

"DO they really have to come to my unspoilt country paradise just to show off some negative Western culture ?? "

Well, no. But, it is rather inpolite to badmouth the culture of the country where you chose to pursue your education. It does work both ways.

Thanks again for your post,

"Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 08-24-00 at 08:21 AM
>p/s: HOw come a f@g can
>be finally call a survivor?

I enjoyed your post up to, but not including your "p.s." when you showed us your true homophobic colors.

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by sabahan on 08-24-00 at 09:11 AM
I am not homophobic so if you dont know me please dont try to judge me.
I am saying the name of the show "survivor" is not the same as the final concept. IF truly you are to be deserted in an island (like wht the show wants you to believe), Ricahrd would definetly wont be the last man/gay/gal or whtever standing. He doesnt have true survival skills at all.
call me a barbarian but; when i see the word "survivor", i think of real OUTBACK survival skills not who can hold a stupid wooden creature for the longest.

I have no problem with fags as long as they dont hit on me. In fact i have friends that are gay (both male & female).

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Hunydou on 08-24-00 at 10:08 AM
>I am not homophobic so if
>you dont know me please
>dont try to judge me.
>I have no problem with fags
>as long as they dont
>hit on me. In fact
>i have friends that are
>gay (both male & female).

This seems highly doubtful from your statements. They certainly couldn't be friends if you call them such vile names as fag. What a loser you are.

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Bananalover on 08-25-00 at 03:48 AM
Hey now, calm down. Don't you recall Richard referring to himself as a fag? I have two very good gay friends who refer to themselves as fags all the time, and they have no problem with it. Calling someone such a harsh name as loser says something about your own character.

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Checks on 08-25-00 at 09:37 AM
Let's not go ahead and make assumptions on what homosexuals prefer to be called. Just like every other person on this earth, homosexuals are individuals and each regard the word, "fag" very differently, regardless of what Richard, or the token gay guy "you know" says.

Please as far as I'm concerned there's this straight guy i know who calls his other straight friends, "assholes." I think they all like to be called assholes.

Please. Please let's not generalize.

And to that Island guy. Yeah, you can really tell that you're sensitive to your homosexual friends. And oh yeah, I guess you really don't know what "Survivor" means... Wouldn't you say that Richard was the ultimate MENTAL survivor, completely OUTWITTING everyone on the show. Mental and physical go completely hand in hand.

YOu should add one more bullet to that list of what they don't show on the TV show.

4.) On the island, we like to generalize and stereotype all queers, and people we don't understand. We also like to feed off American popculture, and then ridicule it when we all get together. We really have no other opportunities in the local Borneo area, so we generally go to the place we make fun of the most

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Checks on 08-25-00 at 09:38 AM
Let's not go ahead and make assumptions on what homosexuals prefer to be called. Just like every other person on this earth, homosexuals are individuals and each regard the word, "fag" very differently, regardless of what Richard, or the token gay guy "you know" says.

Please as far as I'm concerned there's this straight guy i know who calls his other straight friends, "assholes." I think they all like to be called assholes.

Please. Please let's not generalize.

And to that Island guy. Yeah, you can really tell that you're sensitive to your homosexual friends. And oh yeah, I guess you really don't know what "Survivor" means... Wouldn't you say that Richard was the ultimate MENTAL survivor, completely OUTWITTING everyone on the show. Mental and physical go completely hand in hand.

YOu should add one more bullet to that list of what they don't show on the TV show.

4.) On the island, we like to generalize and stereotype all queers, and people we don't understand. We also like to feed off American popculture, and then ridicule it when we all get together. We really have no other opportunities in the local Borneo area, so we generally go to the place we make fun of the most

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Checks on 08-25-00 at 09:39 AM
Let's not go ahead and make assumptions on what homosexuals prefer to be called. Just like every other person on this earth, homosexuals are individuals and each regard the word, "fag" very differently, regardless of what Richard, or the token gay guy "you know" says.

Please as far as I'm concerned there's this straight guy i know who calls his other straight friends, "assholes." I think they all like to be called assholes.

Please. Please let's not generalize.

And to that Island guy. Yeah, you can really tell that you're sensitive to your homosexual friends. And oh yeah, I guess you really don't know what "Survivor" means... Wouldn't you say that Richard was the ultimate MENTAL survivor, completely OUTWITTING everyone on the show. Mental and physical go completely hand in hand.

YOu should add one more bullet to that list of what they don't show on the TV show.

4.) On the island, we like to generalize and stereotype all queers, and people we don't understand. We also like to feed off American popculture, and then ridicule it when we all get together. We really have no other opportunities in the local Borneo area, so we generally go to the place we make fun of the most

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by RDIheath on 08-25-00 at 12:02 PM
I have to admit that I agree in part with the point made that just because you refer to yourself with a specific adjective does not give anyone else the right to do it. Rich referring to himself as a " fag " may in part have been his way of making light of it and throwing the spotlight so to speak off of himself. Ill tell you this I ahve a friend that is gay, and I would NEVER call him a "fag" Fact of the matter is I had no idea he was gay for nearly a year, we even double dated. It was my girlfriend at the time who let me in on the secret. Along the same lines I have many many friends that are black and just because they call each other " niggah" or the like I would NEVER EVER do the same.

"RE: Are we a little homophobic?"
Posted by Hunydou on 08-26-00 at 04:21 AM
>Hey now, calm down. Don't
>you recall Richard referring to
>himself as a fag?
>I have two very good
>gay friends who refer to
>themselves as fags all the
>time, and they have no
>problem with it. Calling
>someone such a harsh name
>as loser says something about
>your own character.

It's remarkable how those who defend intolerance always have a "good" gay, black, woman friend who don't mind being called a disgusting name. And I feel very sorry for you if you think the term *loser* is a harsher term than *fag.* That's really sick.

I absolutely 100% guarantee you that those two gay friends would be extremely hurt and pissed if some straight guy walked up to them and said, "Fags!" Gays use the term fag in the same way that black people use the word nigger -- to appropriate a term that has always been used to hurt them. There's a huge difference between another gay person calling you fag (since it implies that they're one themselves) and some belligerent straight person calling you one. Try it out yourself if you don't believe me. Walk into a gay bar and start calling everyone a fag. See what happens.

I work in the theater industry in New York and have over 100 gay friends in the theater, NONE OF WHICH would appreciate you calling them a fag. They have been subjected to a tremendous amount of hated in the *real* world (two have been gaybashed) and don't need more namecalling and justification for intolerance from the likes of you. They'd probably kick your ass.

Richard called himself a fag to endear himself to the *straight* people around him on the island, knowing that his sexuality made them feel uncomfortable. He played right into their stereotypes and made his sexuality a joke because he wanted to win the million. He can joke all he wants about the *fag* winning the million, but that's to preempt those who will say it first. It's no different from a woman claiming that she's a dumb bimbo or a black guy an Uncle Tom.

"RE: True Fact about CBS Survivor by a native bornean"
Posted by canutetg on 08-25-00 at 10:04 PM
Hmmm, seems to me I read on some news story link from this web site about the island. A new resort has been built on the Island subsequent to the filming of the TV show and it is a national park. That story, if I recall corectly, said that the islands volcano was 5 feet across and gently oozed mud 24 hours a day. Not exactly an impressive volcano when you can jump from one side to the other, but apparantly a volcano.

While this seems to me more like the "paint" pots of Yellowstone National park and Iceland, it would indicate active geo-thermic activity in the area, which would practically guarantee volcanic activity. Also, there are many active volcanos all around the Pacific Rim, the so called "Ring of Fire."

I live visual range of four volcanos, Mt. Baker, Mt. Ranier, Glacier Peak, and Mt. St Helens. The latter errupted in 1980, but having climbed all four I can tell you that all are currently active and venting gas. You seem to be confusing human time and geologic time in knowing what an active volcano is. I think you think that all volcanos look like the hot lava oozing volcanos on Hawawii or in the movies. Go look at any map that shows the volcanos of the "ring of fire" and you will see many marked on Borneo and elsewhere in Malaysia.

When I search the web I find "Bombolai" as a volcano in Northeastern Borneo.

Whether or not the mudspewing geothermal feature on this island "counts" as a true volcano I will leave up to the real geologists.