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"All Player Jury??"

Posted by SuperDork on 02-02-04 at 10:23 AM
Hello-This is my first posting ever, but I am an avid viewer. Just wondering if anyone caught something interesting on the Early Show, and what they thought about it. Julie Chen asked Tina something that I found very intriging. Even though Tina was the first bootee, Julie asked her if she was on the jury. Tina replied that she couldn't answer that. What a great, unexpected twist that would be if everyone got to be on the jury! Just wondering what you all think of that possibility. I'm not sure how they would do it if they did it at all, since there would be a sixteen (even number)jury. I can see them doing that though, because they are most likely going to shake things up, and wouldn't that be quite the shake up. Another reason I could see them doing that is, since it is All Stars, best of the best, what have you, it is fitting that to win this one, the winner would need to have the most votes of every player to win. Just wondering what you guys think.

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"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-04 at 10:32 AM
You know, I wouldn't mind seeing *all* of the bootees vote on the final two but I don't think it'll ever happen for as long as they've got an even number. It would be a nightmare if there should happen to be a tie and you'd hear the muttering for years if someone happened to win because of a tiebreaker.

Having said that... keep in mind that there's a reason why us long-time spoilers call her "Benedict Tina" as she's famous for talking out of both sides of her mouth, saying one thing and then doing the opposite. She was probably just feeding the hype and nodding at whatever is B.S. or shaking at whatever's true, while shrugging her shoulders at everything. She's a pro.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-02-04 at 10:35 AM
The problem with that would be that the people voted off early wouldn't get a feel for who was playing the game well. They could only base voting on gut feelings and prior knowledge of the contestants. Then it would come down to a popularity contest. I don't think this would be fair or very realistic at all (not that MB has always played fair).

Not to mention that it has been speculated/spoiled that the pre-jury boots were sent packing on separate vacations to Patagonia or Mexico depending on the group.

Welcome to the boards SuperD

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by SnowBunny on 02-02-04 at 10:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 10:44 AM (EST)

Welcome, Super. I don't contribute often, myself, so I am not exactly an expert on this by any means. With that in mind, my first reaction to the suggestion of an all-player jury is this:

I believe the concept of the jury voting is based on their experiences with the final two people, coupled with their observations of the performances in the TCs. Unless a jury member has eaten, slept and sweated with these people, it seems odd to have them cast a vote for the million bucks. In Tina's case, she may KNOW the people on the other two tribes from her real life experience, but she hasn't had the experience of being in the game with them. Therefore, it makes little sense to ask her to vote on the final two.

Second, the tie vote is an obvious issue (16 people voting)

Third, all the booted players would have to be brought back for every TC. Our spoilers indicate some people get to go off to Mexico and such for little vacations. If those stories are true, then no all-player jury.

I can imagine her response to the question might have two contributing reasons. 1, she is now aware of the "outcast tribe" return from the Pearl Islands season and doesn't want to be responsible for 'spoiling' whether there is another outcast return or not. 2, she really believes you can't comment on that kinda thing.

Edited to add that someone beat me to it. I don't think I type fast enough for these folks around here.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by speedyforme on 02-02-04 at 10:53 AM
i kno an all player jury would not probably happen, but in her FINAL WORDS....didnt Tina say something about possibly coming back??

i swore she said it like it COULD happen but she didnt kno....i dont kno, why would they put that in???

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by dabo on 02-02-04 at 11:17 AM
All of the booted players are instructed not to reveal what happens in future episodes regardless of what they are asked. Tina gave a standard answer that basically amounts to "Wait and see."

A jury that could potentially tie the final vote is most unlikely, as would more than two vying at the end for the win from the jury (which could also potentially result in a tie).

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"Remember the ghosties"
Posted by Bebo on 02-02-04 at 11:13 AM
Even though Tina was the first bootee, Julie asked her if she was on the jury. Tina replied that she couldn't answer that.

If Tina had replied that she wasn't on the jury, then we'd know that she doesn't return to the game. That doesn't completely dispel the notion of a ghost tribe return (since she could lose the vote at the ghost TC, or the ghost tribe could lose the challenge this time around).

Since CBS is hyping the amazing twists, I doubt they want to dispel any speculation of ghosts returning, even if it doesn't happen.

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by Abbynoxious on 02-02-04 at 11:16 AM
I wouldn't rule out an outcast tribe, especially if fan favorites go early. Also, everyone there knows how each individual has previously played the game, so I expect some early boots of our favorite villians. If they go early that makes for a less interesting game. I expect some payback votes as well. An outcast tribe in this game would bring even more complexity and interest than in the last one.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by dabo on 02-02-04 at 11:31 AM
Normally I would say they wouldn't pull the same big trick twice in a row (or if they did they would do it differently), but as the theme this season is repeatrepeatrepeat we shouldn't rule it out.

Still, 18 players to start with, three tribes already, it would seem they have enough of a big twist there already.

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-02-04 at 03:24 PM
If the spoiler is true that Jenna leaves,the jury would be uneven.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-04 at 03:30 PM
But then again, there's a spoiler that she was flown back into Loser Lodge (or travelling with other bootees) after attending to her mother.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by dabo on 02-02-04 at 03:34 PM
Jenna M supposedly opts out early becuase of concerns over her mother's health (early!), it shouldn't have any effect on the number of players in the jury.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-02-04 at 04:32 PM
>Jenna M supposedly opts out early
>becuase of concerns over her
>mother's health (early!), it shouldn't
>have any effect on the
>number of players in the

The OP was suggesting that perhaps all of the voted-off All Stars could be on the jury,and several people mentioned that this would never happen because it would make the jury even.I simply pointed out that this argument is invalid if Jenna leaves and doesn't come back,as rumored.
I don't think it will happen,but not because of the "even" jury argument.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by dabo on 02-03-04 at 09:12 AM
But Evil Peck MB couldn't have planned on that in advance. Believe it or not, there are FCC rules that must be followed in what amounts to a game show even if it is called a reality show.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by ejm92 on 02-02-04 at 03:36 PM
Or...what about having the final vote at the final 3 with a 15-member jury? This would help shorten the length of the game...and although it provides potential for ties, there would be plenty of ways to break the ties.

Survivor All-Stars: Let's Go Big Tom!

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by mookiemeister on 02-02-04 at 04:54 PM
Early bootees haven't even interacted with other tribemates yet. If someone from other tribe turn out to be the final two, how can the first few that got booted be able to decide who is the better survivor? Oh, maybe the jury can talk among themselves? I guess in that case, they will be able to come to some sort of agreement who is the best of the best.

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Einstein

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-02-04 at 05:56 PM
I think that this is an interesting idea and not to be "Blown" off easily.I suppose Tina coyly didn't answer the question as coached,but why was it asked?
In the other Survivors,except the first,it was ASSUMED that the first juror would be the first of the last nine,leaving the final 2 and seven jurors.So what's up with the question? Has the first loser ever been asked that question?
Don't "BLOW" this topic off so fast.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by munson on 02-02-04 at 06:20 PM
Ah, the real question. Why was it asked?

Keep in mind that the question was asked by Julie Chen, bed mate of Les Moonves, the head of CBS, he of the oft proclaimed misinformation campaign.

I think it was planted. Julie can bring it up, Tina can't answer, the fans await some sort of additional twist and start speculating.

As for the even numbered jury question, it's true that Jenna6 leaves the game but MB doesn't know that ahead of time. While we can't guarantee anything, it's pretty accepted that these twists and changes are planned before the game starts. Most require too much planning and any spur-of-the-moment changes could be seen as trying to blatantly manipulate the game by the SEG.

How could Tina vote for a winner? Wouldn't she need to attend the TCs to get a feel for how the game has been played? How can she do that when she's horseback riding in Patagonia.

Sure, everything's open for consideration but, like you said, I don;t think it'll happen either.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by tinybubs on 02-02-04 at 07:36 PM
Welcome to posting SD. It's much more painless here than on other boards.

I been thinking that all of the booted survivors will somehow make a second apperance on the show. They may not be part of the game, like the outcast tribe in S7, but somehow as part of the show. These are the most popular players and MB would be a fool not too give them as much camera time as possible. He has to capitalize on their popularity for ratings.

One way is with an expanded jury to 9 or maybe 11.

Another would be as a ghost tribe, but the spoilers don't seem to indicate this.

Or maybe as part of a challenge much in the same way that the jury was used in the S7 question and answer challenge.

This is only my speculation, I haven't seen any spoiler info to back this up, but I fully expect to see Tina and her fellow pre-merge booties back on the show in some capacity.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by geg6 on 02-03-04 at 08:45 AM
I'm with you here, tinybubs. I do think that the early bootees will be back in some way, just don't think it will be as jury. Being that these are the biggest DAWs in the universe, I don't think they would agree to be on the show unless they were guaranteed significant face time and Tina sure didn't get that.

"RE: All Player Jury??"
Posted by dabo on 02-03-04 at 09:28 AM
In Celebrity Mole 2 the three Executed Players (Ananda, Corbin, Stephen) appeared in episode #4 as an opposing team. They couldn't get back into the game, but they could earn money for themselves (ie. for the charities they represented) based on how they performed.

Survivor, from the outset, has followed the Hollywood cast appearance (not game show) tradition of paying off players based on the number of episodes in which they appear. The jury even earns a higher payoff based on what amounts to non-speaking walk-ons, same as extras in Hollywood tradition.

In the past the Survivor recap episode allowed the players who were booted early to rake in more of a pay-off. In the last series the Ghost Tribe twist and the two-part episode effectively accomplished the same thing.

Lesson here: MB and CBS will treat the booted players as best they can under the circumstances, or rather give those players the most incentive they can to play along with things during the season. In short, y'all may be onto something here, particularly since there has been no advance word about any sort of recap episode.