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"Official CBS Website up"

Posted by byoffer on 01-04-08 at 05:43 PM
Here is the for Survivor Micronesia.

Read all about them! Then post comments.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by vince3 on 01-04-08 at 05:45 PM
official CBS website?

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by byoffer on 01-05-08 at 00:17 AM
thanks Vince. Stoopid HTML in my post.

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 01-07-08 at 09:14 AM
About the cast. Pretty decent cast. Surprised Terry was not a member. I am a little disappointed in the Vanatuu Members. Vanatuu was really the only Survivor I did not enjoy. Plus it had been so long that does anyone really remember these people? Getting Fairplay was a good move....I think he won't last long but should be interesting. Also surprised that both James and Amanda are on this coming addition because fans vs favorites the fans probably will not know who they are...they probably were filming when the most recent season aired.

Also, i am happy they have a contestent from my local ara who goes to my university. The boy with the long blonde hair goes to Eastern Michigan. Seems that 80% are from california so when they have a local guy it is always neat. Look forward to this season.

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 01-07-08 at 12:05 PM
I was a little surprised at the exclusion of Terry, as well as the entire casts of Palau and Guatemala (Ian, Rafe, and even Crazy Judd would have been better additions that @$$hat Fairplay) but, overall, they got about a 7/10 from me with regard to "favorites."

Six of them matched casting choices from All-Stars II (which was a pretty good cast, if I did pick them myself,) and one was a good China pick. Amanda was a bit of an odd decision; I would have chosen Peih-Gee myself. Fairplay was the biggest bonehead decision of the cast, and Eliza is only redeemable because she has a pet Yorkie.

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 01-08-08 at 02:12 PM
Too me, Fairplay and Jonathan make the cast. Fairplay being excluded from the first all-stars was wrong. he would've been better on that one because none of the all-stars would've known about his gameplay style. Now it will all be apparant and he will be an early exit.

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by byoffer on 01-08-08 at 03:08 PM
I agree - JFP would have been great last time. Rupert had this role last time (the other players didn't know how he had done) and this time it is James and Amanda. I don't think there will be any disguising James' game-play. He will be seen as exactly what he is - a physical threat with not much game and marginal social skills. (unless he changes). Amanda might be the sneaky one this time, or at least we will see if she was the mastermind last time with Todd, or riding his coat-tails.

"RE: Official CBS Website up"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 01-08-08 at 03:10 PM
Fairplay on the first All-Stars might have worked, but keep in mind that people who did poorly in challenges were easy targets for early exits. If he doesn't turn ultra-strategic or outsmart Mariano, he's gone right away.

Also, if Rupert blabs, he's a target anyway. I would even say that, as a replacement for any male castaway, he's a potential disaster, or no improvement at all.

Cutting Rudy for Fairplay is no improvement, and he's out for the same reason.
Cesternino? Again, Mariano's power trip claims the probably-useless Fairplay.
Hatch was a must. Even so, by that point, Fairplay's reputation would have gotten around, and he's gone anyway.
Colby isn't a good match for Fairplay, and I can't imagine Lex keeping him. Same with Ethan.
Fairplay as a Lex replacement might have been interesting. Amber would have been out right before the merge, and an angry Mariano would have faulted Fairplay. The only change would be Rob's edit, as more of an anti-hero than a mob boss.
Replacing Big Tom with Fairplay...don't even think about it.
Replacing Rupert with Fairplay would have left many, many Pearl Islands fans angry, and I guarantee it wouldn't have worked.
As for Mariano himself...Fairplay doesn't have Rob's social skills.

The only way All-Stars with Fairplay would have worked is if it were 20 castaways instead of 18.

"I didn't know..."
Posted by satyrist on 01-07-08 at 01:03 PM
that Leif Garrett was a survivor fan:

"RE: I didn't know..."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 01-08-08 at 02:13 PM

Does look like him. I agree.

"RE: I didn't know..."
Posted by byoffer on 01-08-08 at 03:25 PM
In reading his bio, it says that Erik has run under 50 seconds for 400 yds. Do they even run that in the US? or should that be for 400M? Either way, that is a very fast time. This guy might not out-wrestle James, and I don't know how he is at swimming, but I wil put him forward as the best athlete in the bunch.

"RE: I didn't know..."
Posted by mistyrose52 on 01-11-08 at 10:33 AM
At least he can outrun anyone who's trying to get to him, huh??

He is awfull young, skinny, and well, young! Oh well. Hope he doesn't get eaten the first day. James has one heck of an appetite, as we all know from the EIGHT hamburgers he chowed on last season.

Yeah, I have to say, I didn't recognize a few of those ex-Survivor women, but that's ok. They don't know me, either, so we're at least equal.

It will be interesting to see how far JF goes. I think most of us realize he doesn't have a snow ball's chance, but he may prove us wrong altogether. He may be kept around just for entertainment value. AND if he aligns with James, the two of them could do some damage.

I am just hoping that Yau Man gets a just reward this time-and I truly mean that in a POSITIVE way. He was SO ripped off last time. But I have a feeling the return Survivors are going to be targeted right away, and not embraced so much, as Stephanie was when she came back.

OK, so I'm stoked for this-it should start about the time Project Runway starts playing out, and in the middle of The Celebrity Apprentice-looks like my DVR will be working overtime soon! Especially if this writer's strike is ever ended!!

"RE:I saw Jeffy promoting this on Reality TV last night"
Posted by mindy23 on 01-28-08 at 08:27 AM

He was critiquing all the players, and giving a little blimp of his OWN personal take on them. I didn't pay a lot of attention, since I like to get my own personal take on them, and well, since I already know almost half anyway...BUT, it was interesting and as always, Jeff is entertaining. Well, most of the time, anyway. He and his little 'fire side chat'.

He said he's actually excited about JF being there, and hoping that he'll align himself early with one of the other faves (as if!) so he can go a little further that everyone is expecting. Wonder if that is some hint of what the future holds or just teasing us with what is NOT going to happen?? I take the latter.

One of the Vanauatu chicks (Amy??) said she wants to grab hold of Yau Man and never let go! She was pretty big, so he'd better be running for his life.....I'm sure they've already filmed, or are at least in the process. I think it will be a really good season, IMHO, at least. We all know that James and JF have huge marks on them, going in, and it'll be interesting to see what they'll do to turn that around.

Of course, JF had his 3 minutes of fame, and he said things are going to be way different this time, mostly because HE'S GOING TO WIN! Keep dreaming, Jonny, Keep dreaming!! I think he suffered serious damage when Danny Bonaducce (or was it Dustin Diamond) threw him off his shoulder and busted his head open!!
Of course, he was seriously damaged before that!! And who knows, Grandma IS getting older as we speak!!!!

"Pic violation"
Posted by Bebo on 01-28-08 at 02:36 PM
mindy, please take a moment to read our commuity guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. Per our guidelines, any pic used as part of your standard posts as a signature - even if it is at the top of the post - needs to be 60 pixels tall or less. This picture, which is taller, has appeared in multiple posts from you. For future posts, please either refrain from using this picture or resize it to conform to our community guidelines.

"RE: Pic violation"
Posted by mindy23 on 01-29-08 at 01:59 PM
Ok. Thanks

"RE: Pic violation"
Posted by agman on 01-31-08 at 08:32 PM
Here Mindy, I know it looks sort of tiny, but it is now the correct size

Sculpted by Tribe

Posted by mindy23 on 02-04-08 at 02:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-08 AT 02:09 AM (EST)

That's GREAT!!! Can you e-mail me and let me know what I need to do to download that to mine?? I'd be grateful FOREVER!!!

I'd even bake you a pie or something!! THANKS!!! SO!! MUCH!! I can't tell you how much I tried to get it SQUARE without cutting off strategic parts of my man, and just couldn't.....

You are AMAZING!

I just PM'd you.

"RE: Abman-"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-06-08 at 12:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-07-08 AT 10:04 AM (EST)

Never mind-I'm working on it myself. ANYway-back to Survivor; I'm REALLY stoked that it's only one day away!! WHOO HOO!!!

"RE: Abman-"
Posted by mindy23 on 02-07-08 at 10:03 AM

Thanks-finally got it! TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!! YEAH!!

Hope you don't think I'm stalking you-I promise you I am not...

my precious.........