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"Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"

Posted by katem on 04-15-03 at 01:12 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-03 AT 01:15 AM (EST)

Well it's over, and let me just say, right of the bat, that I can't believe I wasted so much of my valuable time on this piece of garbage. Rant over.

Well Billie Jean and Tony walked down the aisle only to have Tony leave her stranded there, after she said "I do".

Jill and Kevin walked down the aisle only to have Jill leave Kevin stranded there.

Tony just was not in love and Jill thinks Kevin's family did not accept her, they have too much influence over him and Kevin has is a moron who does not know what to do with his waste of a life.

The public voted for Jill and Kevin, and it appears that they are still "engaged".

I think they are all DAW's who had no intention of getting married, they all just wanted to be on TV. Like that was even in doubt.

I can't believe I watched this piece of crap from start to finish, serves right, I guess.

I wonder what crap FUX will come up next. What? A show called "Mr. Personality"? About a hot chick (not that hot chicks do anything for me) deciding between a group of men, of which she cannot see their faces? MONICA LEWINSKY'S THE HOSTESS? OMH !!!!! SWEET !!!!! THIS SHOULD BE A GOOD ONE !!!!!

Talk to me when it's over and I will most likely rant again

Edited because I did not write the word "see" in the next to last paragraph.

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"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by weltek on 04-15-03 at 08:25 AM
I only watched a few episodes, but due to the lack of good content on tv last night, I was sucked into the finale.

My comments:
Billie Jean is a total freak show! I can't believe how pissed she and her family were. Did they forget this is all a "game show" more or less? She choose to make a mockery out of herself by agreeing to do this show. At least Tony saved face, IMHO.

Jill and Kevin are cool, I hope they make it. They seem great for eachother, except for the whole family differences.

I'm am officially, 100% through watching reality dating/marriage shows. What crap.

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 04-15-03 at 08:38 AM
All I can say is ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was hilarious. Call me heartless, but I couldn't stop LMAO when Billy-Jean was sitting in the closet sobbing, along with her hillbilly friends. That guy that walked her down the aisle ... what a joke! What was that thing on his head? It's a wedding for crying out loud, can't you keep the do-rag off for one day? Loved when he was ranting. He throws his bottle of beer, but half the beer spills all over his back LOL!!

Bring on Mr. Personality. That'll be a hoot. I've seen the most recent commercials where they have to wear full head socks & masks. It's like a gang of super-heroes. Loved the preview of them sitting in the hot tub with their silly masks on. Sad thing is Monica will be hosting. Hope she'll have minimum coverage.

If it weren't for STRESS, I'd have no energy at all

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by rilond on 04-15-03 at 04:42 PM
The guy that walked her down the aisle is a hair stylist. Billie Jean and him are on her website. I truly believe this was all staged. Kevin, Jil, Billie Jeanne and Tony are all wanta be actors/actresses. I too cannot believe that I watched this show all the way to the end. I read this morning of Married by America website the messages from friends, etc. Giveing their websites and viewing the pictures

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 04-15-03 at 11:30 AM
This was a total waste of my damn time....not that I don't have plenty to waste!!

You would have thought that at least one of the couples would have gone through with it or the show would have been axed in post production before it hit the air....come on a "game show" where nobody wins anything....hell they could have promised them a billion dollars the way this worked out!

I was actually shocked that Jill and Kevin didn't go through with it....I knew Tony was gonna dump Billie Jean...that girl would be fun to party with (remember there's a party in her pants...LOL)but not to marry! And her friends are just as freaky as she is...geez he can't even through a beer without spilling it all over himself!!! LOL

They should have called this show....."Who wants a free four week vacation and we'll provide you someone to have sex with the whole time"

Rant over...we now return you to your regular programming

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by dajaki on 04-15-03 at 12:06 PM
They should have called this show....."Who wants a free four week vacation and we'll provide you someone to have sex with the whole time"

If they had, there would have been a much larger contestant pool from which to choose! LOL!

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by Loree on 04-15-03 at 12:16 PM
Okay Billie Jeanne was the only one I was ever sure was going to go through with it. And sure enough she said "I do". At least Tony showed more class saying "No" they weren't ready than that ridiculous roommate of Billie Jeanne's. We all know he is bald under that doorag or why else wear it constantly? He made more of a fool of himself than anyone all day. Although it was kind of funny to see Billie Jeanne crying in the closet in her wedding dress. Seems that Billie Jeanne and Tony are still attempting to date. Maybe if she does move out to LA and get aways from her crazy friends they will have a chance.

And Kevin is some kind of Momma's boy. No wonder a man his age has never had a serious girlfriend. I'm sure they all ran when they met his family and saw his closeness to them.

And they really tried tricking us with that black eye. One of Tony's friends seems to have had the black eye before the wedding. Then on the preview we were shown him and we all thought there must be a big fight. Sure...

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-15-03 at 12:21 PM
Oh come on guys! you are so mean! didn't your heart break just a little bit for Billie Jean? Her little "wow" and then just standing there. That just broke my heart. Of course she's an over the top attention whore - but would we have it any other way?

And I even have a soft spot for her white trash friends (being white trash myself). That dude was such a freak!

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by Rosewood on 04-15-03 at 03:11 PM
I agree with Lisapooh. Maybe it's only because I didn't watch the series, only the finale, but I felt quite bad for BJ. Obviously, this was a girl trying to claw out of her white trash roots, who had deluded herself so completely into thinking she would have the fairy tale ending, and her prince would take her away. It was fun to watch (it reminded me of Pretty in Pink with Tony as Blane) but deep down inside, I felt a little sick for her.

---Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams, "Last Chance to See"

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 04-15-03 at 01:07 PM
What a piece of nasty crap!!!! I the show annoyed me from the start. Making a mockery of marriage but being an idiot I watched the show.

Last night my personal life was upside down and missed nearly half the show before returning home. Once home my TV was on but I was spending time with a friend. Glad I made the correct choice.

It sickens me to think I wasted time and energy on that stupidness.

OMH, a rant out and I feel better. Thanks Katem

"Thank you"
Posted by realitybites on 04-15-03 at 01:20 PM
Thanks for the update. I bailed out on this show early and it looks like the correct choice.

Someone will try again with a mix of marriage, media whores, and prizes. Perhaps it will be better then.

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by kiki_k on 04-15-03 at 04:19 PM
I had not watched the show before last night, but I got sucked into the first half hour on the eliptical machine at the gym and, when I got home, watched the last half too. Thank god I didn't waste more time on this pile of tripe, but I will give my impressions:
Jill -- your breasts are HUGE! Jeez, did you tell the plastic surgeon "make them look as fake as possible"? And Playboy isn't a badge of honor, but it is your choice -- defend it on that ground, not on the ground that Playboy is legit. And your dad, with that gross back hair and gold chain, is just creepy and totally gives me a "molester" kind of vibe.
Kevin -- I don't believe this dofus is human -- never been in love before, no emotions, no facial expressions, no job, no prospects of a job. Dull as dishwater. Thank you, Jill, for having the good sense to say "no" to this "great" catch.
Billie Jean -- definition of white trash -- black roots, farrah flip and all, but I actually did feel sorry for her as I believe she has deluded herself into thinking she is in love with Tony. That said, it was pretty funny to see her and her friends were all jammed into that closet. And I think a "loser" is a guy who wears a do-rag to a wedding (I'm looking at you Dwayne) and some one who bounces up and down doing an "arm pump" as she arrives at her wedding (*cough* BJ *cough*). What did she expect? Tony told her before he wasn't in love with her.
Tony -- you might think that I have more respect for Tony for "being honest" and you would be wrong. He came on this farce of a show, told her he didn't love her, and still showed up on the chance that he could srew his courage to the sticking place for the half million. That fact that he didn't go through with it was irrelevant.
Finally, why did these people what until AFTER they were at the altar and AFTER they said their vows to say "I don't?" This seemed too contrived to not be part of the FOX production plan. Jill and Tony didn't have a choice but to do it that way -- I still think they are pathetic though for going along with it though, as no one held a gun to their heads.
Rant over.

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. -- Oscar Wilde

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by Loree on 04-15-03 at 05:29 PM
I think it was probably in the contract they signed that they had to go to the wedding and say the vows. Otherwise they could have all walked away and there would have been no suspense at all to the ending. So Jill and Tony were left to tell the others "I don't" at an awkward moment. I wonder if Kevin would have said "I do" if he had went first?

"RE: Married By America -- The "Grand" Finale !!!!!"
Posted by managerr on 04-15-03 at 06:12 PM
*gasp* How could you America?!?!?! Didn't you hear Billie Jean tell you "no more losers!" when she asked you (America) to hook her up in the married by America promos? Now look at what happened.

Tsk, tsk.