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"Darrah and Nash"

Posted by KeithFan on 12-05-03 at 10:11 AM
This weeks episode really brought to the front to me that Darrah just isn't playing the same game as all the rest of the survivors, and to her advantage. Has there ever been 1 episode with more lies, half-truths, and sneeky underhanded manuvers? Rob C would be proud of his decendants. But I have to begrudgingly give Darrah the credit she deserves. We have see the F2 spoilers with her in them, I'm here to say that I would be suprised if she wasn't.

We all had the big Nash discussions in S6, but it applies here very well. When everyone zigs, you need to zag. When you are playing against the biggest group of cut-thoat liars in Survivor history, be agreeable and go along. I hate watching her boringness, and wish they would give us reason to like her, but this is exactly what will bring home the prize.

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"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by frisky on 12-05-03 at 10:19 AM
I completely agree, KeithFan. She's in a perfect position, but I'm not convinced that she's doing it on purpose. She is the quiet little duckling amid a bunch of honking geese, but not because of any brilliant strategy. She's just going with the flow. That's why I don't want to see her win. She's just falling into the winner's circle instead of manouevering herself there.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Bebo on 12-05-03 at 10:57 AM
She's in a perfect position, but I'm not convinced that she's doing it on purpose.

I'm starting to get convinced after this episode.

She's watched numerous other competitors overplay their hands, and watched them take the walk of shame because of it. She's taking a more conservative approach and not overstrategizing herself out of the game.

- With her head on the chopping block, she goes to the person she just voted for and contritely works her way back into his good graces (see Markopolo's transcript for the details). She doesn't go overboard trying to nail Burton down to lofty promises, but just tries to make him think she'd be OK with fourth place. Since this is non-threatening to his goal of winning the game, he's willing to listen to her. After she has assurances from him that she won't be the next to go, she stops. She doesn't try to overplay by forcing a next move, she just stands pat with the fact that she's not going in the next TC.

This move is in direct contrast to the one that got Tijuana voted out of the game. Tijuana overplayed her hand and gave up a sure Burton boot in TC because she was trying to play another round ahead. Darrah, meanwhile, knows she can't win the endgame if she's not around to play it, and is just buying herself some time. She also knows that with another head on the chopping block - Christa's - there's no reason to do anything that would draw the attention back to herself, which is what had done in Nicole at the very first TC. She's learned from her tribemates' mistakes.

- At the reward, she takes prime advantage of the fact that she has the ear of Jonny Fairplay with noone around to overhear. Unlike Lil, who sulks when Jon pokes fun at her, Darrah recognizes what a great opportunity they all have to talk strategy and uses it to her full advantage. She leads Jon to think that she would be a better F2 opponent than Lil, moving herself up from 4th to 3rd (at least) on the totem pole. Jon is willing to listen since Darrah's arguments for going farther in the game do not appear to conflict with his goal of winning the game.

Lil forgot to play the game here. She was too busy jumping on the bed and getting her feelings hurt to realize this was a prime opportunity to secure her position in the pecking order. Darrah, meanwhile, recognized that this was still part of the game.

I think she's also been doing a good job of not making unnecessary enemies. Her fellow Morgans on the jury have no reason to turn away from her, because she stayed loyal to them while they were in the game. She wasn't one of the ones who stabbed Rupert in the back - it was the other Drakes who "forgot" the plan to eliminate the Morgans, then Lil. Even Sandra and Christa will have to recognize that Darrah wasn't the one who broke the plan, they were, so she'd probably be a lesser evil to them out of the remaining players. And the more she gets that immunity sword, the more she reminds them that she has done well in that aspect of the game as well. Her challenge strength has to be respected.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-05-03 at 11:03 AM

I .heart. Bebo!!! Thank you ( and KF and Frisky, too) for that great explanation of how Darrah really is playing the game, as opposed to most here who think she's a big waste.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by KeithFan on 12-05-03 at 11:20 AM
Does she remind you that much of Amber?

"Darrah IS Amber"
Posted by GuessItRains on 12-05-03 at 12:17 PM
Actually, KeithFan I think Darrah is playing Amber's strategy full-tilt. The difference (as I think you've put it pretty well) is that under Nash, the Amber/Darrah strategy is successful in a game like S7 where everybody else is being a lying manipulative jerk and trying to eliminate anybody else who threatens their leadership.

Amber pursued that same UTR strategy of trying to be nice to the powers-that-be (Colby and Tina). The difference was that there Colby and Tina were secure in their power alliance and basing voting decisions on who was nice (witness voting off Jerri before Nick and Amber before Rodger). So to win, Amber should have been a b!tchy coalition builder, something she couldn't do.

Bottom Line: In most previous incarnations of Survivor, Darrah would have been the "UTR 6th place loser" along the lines of Amber, Colleen, Kim P, or Erin. Here in S7 though, she brings home the bacon.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-05-03 at 03:08 PM
>Does she remind you that much
>of Amber?
Yeah, what Rains said. And she's cute. Can't wait for her Stuff magazine layout!!!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 12-05-03 at 11:07 AM
Well said! I completely agree with you that Darrah is playing a deliberate heads-down game, avoiding making promises she'll have to break, and keeping her options open from one TC to the next.

I keep thinking back to Ep3 when the Morgans were trying to pick between her and Lill. I think she knew she was safe with RyanO's support and didn't need to bog herself down in negotiations and deal making. She's been playing the same game all along, aided by winning ICs. You go girl!


"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by frisky on 12-05-03 at 11:10 AM
I second what Boner said. You have intrepreted Darrah's actions into a brilliant strategy, and I *really hope* this is what is going on behind the scenes. I could live with a Darrah win if your scenario is true. We'll see how she lays it out at the final TC, where she has to convince the jury that she played this well.

Has Bebo applied for Survivor 9?

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Bebo on 12-05-03 at 01:31 PM
Has Bebo applied for Survivor 9?

Can't, I'm preggers. My due date is during the filming of the show.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"totally agree"
Posted by anotherkim on 12-05-03 at 11:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-03 AT 11:38 AM (EST)

and she's won three challenges in a row. She isn't "falling" into anything. She's staying in due to her own efforts. They can't vote her out if she has immunity. She bides her time and makes her move. She made the comment last night that she would just let people come to her and she'd make her decision. Unlike Christy, she didn't flaunt that power. She kept her flipping mouth shut.

I've never understood why people think you have to be loud and grating aka Richard to win. The whole point of the game is to OUTWIT. No one is doing that better than Darrah out there except Jon, but he has burned too many bridges and won nothing on his own. He had the reward challenge handed to him out of pity. He may be able to manipulate the others to a point, but at some point, he's gotta put up or shut up when it comes to competition. I don't think he can. Neither can Sandra. That's why Darrah is going to win in the end, IMO. She's consistent and well-rounded.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--go away, Lil.

"I agree too!"
Posted by bebekid on 12-05-03 at 11:53 AM
Thanks Bebo for your wonderful analysis.

Go Darrah!

"RE: totally agree"
Posted by aethelstan on 12-05-03 at 11:55 AM
I agree with what's being said here too especially with your 'go away, Lil' line, AKim.

Darrah is starting to grow on me as a player, much like Matt last year. There really hasn't been any reason to dislike Darrah. Most comments here have essentially come down to her being invisible as a reason not to like her.

Survivor seems to be mostly a game of lesser evils.
Jon annoys the hell out of me and I don't care for his style of play. I thought Brian from S5 was slimey too but I preferred his style of play to Jon's.
Lil is just plain annoying. A bit less so last week when she actually seemed to be thinking about the game (her convo with Burton) but the previous 3 weeks she has been unbearable. Tijuana's post-boot comments seem to show that others feel that way too.

If Darrah keeps winning immunities, she is outplaying. If she allows others to overplay their hands into being booted before she is, she is outwitting. If she wins the final endurance challenge to go to final 2, she will have outlasted everyone. So, yeah, given those ifs, I think she would be a worthy winner.

Another quality creation by JSlice

"RE: totally agree"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-05-03 at 12:03 PM
I actually think she's been invisible all this time because she's done nothing all this time. Last night's episode was when it hit her that she better start interacting with the remaining players and formulating plans, beginning with her approaching Burton after the TC.

"Darrah = Worthy, but Boring"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 12-05-03 at 02:04 PM
Given the players and playing "styles" of the S7 cast, Darrah is playing the game perfectly to win. In her favor is her ability to show little to no emotion and (at least outwardly) not be affected by any turn in the game.

I won't have the same problem with a Darrah win that I had with a Jenna win. My problem will be that for all her merit, she makes for really bad television. I just can't get excited about her winning. It will be better than having to stomach a Lillian win (the mere thought gives me the dry heaves), but it will be a HUGE anti-climax.

Vee was to "UTR" what Rich was to "The Alliance". Now that Pagonging is a less common occurrance, maybe future casts will figure out how to dump the UTR players. One can dream...

Just cuz the UTR strategy works doesn't mean I have to like it when it does.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by ulalame on 12-05-03 at 11:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-03 AT 11:41 AM (EST)

"She is the quiet little duckling amid a bunch of honking geese, but not because of any brilliant strategy. She's just going with the flow. That's why I don't want to see her win. She's just falling into the winner's circle instead of manouevering herself there."

There's more than one way to "play" this game . . . Darrah's in a game with 4 (Jon, Burton, Sandra, Christa) strong type A take control personalities, and one "swing voter" (Lil) who has been an instrumental part in every single boot. Playing UTR won Tina the game, and we admired her for it. Sometimes that's the only way to get ahead, especially in a game of desperate back-stabbing liars.

Making a choice to do nothing, not rock the boat and lay low, is still making a choice. It may not be as interesting to watch as the schemers, masterminds and manipulators, but it's as good a strategy as any. One can have a brilliant plan to manipulate everyone and get to the endgame, but you also are exposing yourself to great risk of getting caught/uncovered before the finals and getting the boot (think Rob Cesternino last season).

All in all, I'm beginning to like Darrah, despite her apparant lack of overt scheming.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-05-03 at 12:10 PM

>"She is the quiet little duckling
>amid a bunch of honking
>geese, but not because of
>any brilliant strategy. She's just
>going with the flow. That's
>why I don't want to
>see her win. She's just
>falling into the winner's circle
>instead of manouevering herself there."

>There's more than one way to
>"play" this game . .
>. Darrah's in a game
>with 4 (Jon, Burton, Sandra,
>Christa) strong type A take
>control personalities, and one "swing
>voter" (Lil) who has been
>an instrumental part in every
>single boot. Playing UTR
>won Tina the game, and
>we admired her for it.
> Sometimes that's the only
>way to get ahead, especially
>in a game of desperate
>back-stabbing liars.
Exactly. She stays quiet and folks label her a "quiet duckling" and a "corpse" and stuff like that, despite 3 challenge wins in a row. But when she does get some face time to talk, they make fun of her accent.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"Hey Nailbone!"
Posted by bebekid on 12-05-03 at 12:16 PM
Tell me, would you be a fan of Darrah's today if she hadn't kept losing her top every time she dived?

*runs and hides from her whacking*

"RE: Hey Nailbone!"
Posted by nailbone on 12-05-03 at 03:06 PM

I was a fan even before she kept losing her top...although that didn't hurt.

And I WILL find you and give you a WHACK!!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Hey Nailbone!"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 12-07-03 at 11:07 PM
I was a fan before the show, and before she lost her top...and, needless to say...I'm an even bigger fan now.

But then again, it could be the bikini.

But Darrah, -0.25 points for the belly button ring.

Even when you can't see Him, God is there!

"RE: Hey Nailbone!"
Posted by nailbone on 12-08-03 at 03:43 PM

Eh, I can overlook the BB ring. But doesn't that bright yellow look HOT with her tan!!!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by frisky on 12-05-03 at 01:29 PM
I know I'm guilty of calling her a corpse, but I have never made fun of her accent. I would like to hear more of it.

If Bebo's Darrah strategy indeed exists, and like I said before I do hope that it does, then it just started. I think she was traumatized by the T boot. She lost her last family member. There's nobody else for her to hide behind, so she has to fend for herself. I concede that based on Bebo's post, she could be playing now, but she entered the game late. I'm speaking in terms of strategy only. Darrah has always held her own in challenges. I just don't think that she's mastered the social part of the game up to this point. She's just coming out of hiding.

I guess the question is whether the "hiding" was her strategy. I say no, based on her indifference early on in the game when she came so close to getting the boot.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-05-03 at 01:43 PM
I pretty much concur with your assessment, and I said above that I think that's why MB hasn't shown her doing anything until now.

As for her accent, I do find her difficult to understand -- but I think that might have gone away if MB DID show her speaking more often. It's hard to get accustomed to her pronunciation when she only says one sentence per episode.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 12-05-03 at 02:08 PM
But when she does get some face time to talk, they make fun of her accent.

We all made fun of Big Tom's and Robfaddah's accents, too. It didn't shut them up any.

Fester <-- still has to rewind the tape on the rare occasion when Darrah does speak.

Posted by Oscirus on 12-05-03 at 11:28 AM
we apparently now have a hero to jons Villan. This show is becoming more and more like a sitcom. Shes been playing the game but has been in the background the whole time. According to nicole she was part of the vote out tj bandwagon but as soon as nicole got in trouble she jumped off and voted here off . Ryan who was probably the main person who saved her got in trouble she once again goes wit the crowd and votes him of. she does a good enough job of acting without overdoing it to be one of the reasons Rupert feels safe enough not to pick up on the plot to take him out (true he was pretty dum but convincing nonetheless). She diverts the attention from burton too lil. her statement about jon not turning on her was cutoff before she finished so who knows what happened there. Unlike most people shes stayed in the background and let other people take the lead and when they messed up shes been in the position to benefit. If she wins she will be a welcome survivor winner and another member who can just as easily be a great all star survivor
if she would have swapped tribes with michelle drake would have
lost all of one challenge or at least thats what I believe

"Quiet Thunder"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 12-05-03 at 11:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-03 AT 01:59 PM (EST)

Darrah is being quiet thunder like we saw in both challenges this week. She blew eveyone away in the reward challenge. She showed strength that people did not know she had, they underestimated her, as Christa said, "She was a cheerleader..." This was the first time they showed anyone saying anything about her, but then again she was amazing. And quietly shooting her targets into flames was too good.

She has been completely misjudged by everyone, including us, as a non-threat as she has been the quiet one. Well the quiet one has a lot of spunk.

So, initially, I was bummed that she was pulling out as the possible winner, but I am liking her a lot better after last nights episode too.

"We're coming out!"
Posted by KeithFan on 12-05-03 at 12:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-03 AT 12:34 PM (EST)

The Darrah fans speak! (Even if she doesn't)

I know, DAW, replying to my own post.

I too hope she is aware of the game she is playing. My biggest fear of a Darrah win (who is the only one left to root FOR) is that when they go home after the reunion show and Darrah is interviewed on her local CBS affiliate she comes up with the line "..and then, for no apparent reason, that nice Jeff feller done give me a sword, and said I was safe this week".

"RE: We're coming out!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 12-05-03 at 02:17 PM

Just because she has a southern accent, that doesn't mean she is stupid! Really, being underestimated may win her this game, although she is showing a lot of strength in the challenges.

I say GO GIRL!

That JSlice, such a talent!

"RE: We're coming out!"
Posted by KeithFan on 12-05-03 at 09:03 PM
Just saying I HOPE she doesn't turn out to be...we just don't have enough data to process.

"RE: We're coming out!"
Posted by PelicanPete on 12-05-03 at 08:24 PM
Hooray! More Darrah fans! I've been a fan of hers from the beginning because she didn't ruffle any feathers, she generally kept herself in the majority, and she was tough in challenges. Plus, she was on my preseason favorite tribe (Morgan) and she is fairly attractive (most of the time). Other than me not liking UTR players, what's there not to like about our Southern Belle? I'm very excited at how well the last Morgan is doing at the challenges and I hope my girl can pull it out and win this season. If she does indeed win, MB better start giving her a lot more screentime.

Not spoilerish but I.HEART.DARRAH!

Hope she's our S7 winner now that T is gone.


"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Loree on 12-05-03 at 02:27 PM
At this point I would be happy with Darrah winning. I think she has been playing the game. But MB has not been showing her because he had the strong personalities to showcase. Meanwhile Darrah has been paying attention and only getting involved when she needed to. She lays back and votes with the group and doesn't raise eyebrows or make enemies. Nobody on the jury has a reason to hate her. It isn't just lasting to the end, but having the votes when you get there. And she does win challenges too. So she isn't just being helped along.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by strid333 on 12-05-03 at 02:59 PM
Well if Darrah keeps going with her immunity run, I think she'll be in good shape to win. I think she and Burton are the only ones left to really have good chances at winning those immunities (and it doesn't matter if it is a physical, endurance, or mental challenge). If she wins, I won't be angry. She is UTR but a nice enough person. She and Sandra are the only ones left who I want to win the game.

Rupert is the perfect Survivor.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by jsanb on 12-05-03 at 04:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-03 AT 02:59 PM (EST)

I have to agree with most of the posts so far except that comparison of Darrah to Amber. Amber was one of the worst players ever. Amber should have joined Nick- Liz- Roger to form a final four alliance and didn't, after Jerri was outed. Amber either was too stupid to see or to timid to try.

Darrah had a great offer to C&S. They turned her down and took out TJ. THEN C&S turn around and want to re-form the alliance and Darrah turned it down, which was a brilliant play on Darrah's part. If she joins C&S, she is the 3rd wheel to their powerful dyad. Now with 5 players and Burton's poor play with Lil, Darrah is the one holding all the cards, and is in the best position to form a triad to go the final 3. She is the only player to NOT make a mistake.

Jon& Burton took out Rupert too soon.
Christa and Sandra should have voted out Burton.
TJ should not have tried to intimate Jon let alone inform him of the plan to take out Burton
Burton needed to make an Outcast F2 pact with Lil
Jon is being way too patronizing toward Lil
Lillian is so clueless I don't even know where to begin

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-05-03 at 05:48 PM
*points and laughs at the people trying to rationalize a darrah win* (which, by the way will NOT happen!)


*runs away before Boner (who really should get a room with horse-faced Darrah) kills him*


"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by tamarama on 12-05-03 at 06:01 PM
I think I love you, He.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 12-07-03 at 11:12 PM
HE...You'll have more than Boner to deal with!

Yes, I do realize that I am just a beaver, but have you ever had your nipple bitten off by one?

Wow...'Boner,' 'beaver,' and 'nipple' in the same post...wow...sorry...
Even when you can't see Him, God is there!

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by geg6 on 12-08-03 at 11:18 AM
Luv ya, He. Can't agree with you more. Absolutely hate this girl!

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-08-03 at 03:42 PM
>*points and laughs at the people
>trying to rationalize a darrah
>win* (which, by the way
>will NOT happen!)
Oh yes it will!! And I'm gonna post something making fun of you when it does!!

>*runs away before Boner (who really
>should get a room with
>horse-faced Darrah) kills him*
Horse-faced?!? Dude, she's, like, totally, like, so hot!!!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-
Don't make me have to whack you!!

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-08-03 at 04:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-03 AT 04:57 PM (EST)

hot?! the only one LESS attractive is Nicole!!

and you make your thread, you'll look really silly when she doesn't win

seriously though, this looks like a good place for a bet! if darrah wins, i'll put her picture in my sig, if she doesn't you put sandra in yours. sound good?

(and you DO remember what happened last time you made a sigpic bet, don't you? )

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-08-03 at 05:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-03 AT 05:17 PM (EST)

You're on. And yes, I remember.

Sig pics at dawn. And the pics stay there until ASS begins on SuperBowl Sunday. Deal?

If you think Darrah and Nicole are unattractive, who among this cast do you find attractive?

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-08-03 at 05:31 PM

tijuana was the only one i thought was attractive. sandra, christa, michelle, trish and lill all 5 had their moments though. but i'd rather have lillian go full tongue on me like she did burton than i would darrah. anyway, looks are hardly the way i pick favorite survivors, and personality (of which darrah has none) goes a long way towards making someone attractive (not saying that you do, but darrah's lack of, well, ANYTHING, makes her unattractive to me)

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by Bebo on 12-08-03 at 05:40 PM
but i'd rather have lillian go full tongue on me like she did burton

*WHACK* for putting that image back into my head. Bad, bad HE.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by nailbone on 12-09-03 at 09:55 AM

And another *whack* from me for that image, too!!

I'm not picking D simply for her looks, though that does help. She's the only one that's not completely A) annoying OR B) a total idiot. Burton's probably #2 in that regard, but he didn't play Lill very smart last time. Lill is a whining ditz, and Jon and Sandra are just impossibly annoying, both of them.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by managerr on 12-05-03 at 07:54 PM
I blame CBS for this. Basically MB is so intent on adding twists and turns--the most important social quality you now need in this game is Adaptability. Which people are usually in the best position to adapt? UTR players and players that sit on the fence.

In a way, this game now rewards the outcasts. In a lot of instances, it's better to be the 4th and 5th in an alliance of 5, instead of setting yourself up as the leader or the #2 in the group.

I think Darrah is a much better player than Amber, simply because I think she seems to be able to make a decision instead of just trying to be nice. However, if you put Darrah on Season 2, and put Amber here--then I think Amber would be Darrah and Darrah would have played like Amber. (Side note: I would like to see Amber redeem herself in All-Star Survivor, but if she goes out the same way, I will be furious at her wasting a slot)

"My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 12-07-03 at 07:39 PM
anyone remember this


it was written after ep. 1 and before I saw any of the spoilers.

I hope I am correct

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by aethelstan on 12-07-03 at 08:43 PM
I just read it, IE. That's very impressive and it looks like it could be the case.

Another quality creation by JSlice

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 12-07-03 at 08:45 PM
I do remember reading that way back when, and saying to myself..and the computer..."no F___ing Way!!"

And look at how things are shaping up! Hats off to you Ivory if you are correct and I will eat mine ;o)

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 12-07-03 at 09:01 PM
Very insightful. I think you hit it right on the money.

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-07-03 at 10:24 PM
Prescient analysis, Ivory. And so S6 may be the exception that proves the rule. Who was (or were) the most flatteringly protrayed in S6's episode one, and where did they place?

I wonder whether your data gleaned from ep 1 is

a) intentional "in-joke" by the editors, knowing who won;

b) subconscious feel-good work product by the editors, knowing who won; or

c) pure luck or a result of the inherent socio-dynamic character and interpersonal skills of the eventual winner, as the editors have episode 1 finished and in the can well before the end of the shooting. Yes, they had a month and half or so to edit every episode after the final TC. But I'm sure MB's team is condensing and make a rough cut (with a decent amount of extra time alloted for future pruning) on the fly during the on-site period.

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-08-03 at 07:55 AM
You called it for Brian in Thailand as well, am I correct?

Good job, IE! I do believe that you are correct here, the editing has rapidly changed for Darrah in a much more positive way in the past episode, it just fits.

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by KeithFan on 12-08-03 at 09:24 AM
Wow! Good call! 9/20!

Was wondering if ivoryElephant gave stock tips?

"RE: My ep. 1 analysis may be right"
Posted by pdragonfly on 12-08-03 at 04:12 PM
Wow this was wonderfully insightful.
Interesting that the editors would know so far in advance who won. I would have thought that only MB and Jiffy would know along with any other top people.
Maybe your just psychic!

"I'm pasting it here"
Posted by DRONES on 12-09-03 at 08:06 AM
I wonder if this original thread doesn't deserve to be re-posted so that it can have it's own thread once again?
ivoryElephant 1524 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"
09-20-03, 11:22 PM (EST)

"Episode 1 Analysis: pride cometh before the fall"
I called it for S5 but struck out on S6. But the pattern did exhist in S2-4. So I will try it again since people have requested it. I have read no spoilers(except for a couple accidental ones) so this is strictly based on the analysis.
Basically the winner is portrayed in the most positive light in the first episode. A player who shows one of the following is not portrayed well...

insulting others
showing weakness

So lets get down to it.... if the m/f trend continues it should be a man right? Well it may be time to break that trend just like the trend of the final IC winner losing the game.

Rupert: Disses the dynamic duo. Disses jon. complained about swimming

Jon: "i don't play fair" cusses, complains about mosquitos

Burton: Complains about mosquitos. acted very very jealous of rupert for catching 7 fish. "he is gonna hurt himself"

Shawn: insulted ruperts beard(seeing ruperts reaction you know he was insulted too) downplays ruperts hard work.

Michelle: complained about sleeping wet. insulted the nude morgan men

Sandra: insulted nude men. said there dingalings could get cut off. complained about burton not sharing coconut milk. disses jon.

Christa: disses jon, disses other tribe for yelling. complains of being exhausted.

Trish: disses dynamic duo saying they better watch out.

Andrew: insults ryan s. saying he can't pull his weight. says osten is scary mary.

Ryan S. : walking complaintbox he had so many complaints I can't list them all here he dissed ryan o. and the tribe for not spending more.

Ryan O. after messing up and running around like a chicken with his head cut off he says "i screwed up this one."

Osten: "i'm not a strong swimmer" "we were chaotic" negative comments

Tijuana: Yelling at storeowners and saying they stole from her.

Lillian: self doubt. worries that she looks like a mess and is not showing proper leadership to her boys back home with her shirt tied in a knot and unbuttoned.

Nicole: already booted but she said "this guy is a jerk" about osten and "i don't like tijuana"

That leaves one player with little screentime her late confessional was iffy ...

"i like nicole but I don't know if i can trust her, but i still like her".... she states a fact but doesn't want to insult nicole by saying she still likes her.

Ethan had a similiar confessional where he stated that diane carrying the map was an issue. but he said it in a diplomatic way just the same as her.

So the winner? of S7 is....



"MB still likes the pride goeth theme"
Posted by Bebo on 12-12-03 at 12:44 PM
Last night's episode was a classic example of pride going before the fall. There are still some MB editing patterns that remain consistent, with lends even more credence to this theory.

I am the embodiement of snarky, sarcastic and smart.

"RE: Darrah and Nash"
Posted by angelic_alex on 12-09-03 at 00:47 AM
I really don't like Darrah, but I hate Lil even more. As long as Lil doesn't win I am happy! Darrah truly is boring, but Lil backstabbed Rupert and I didn't like that one bit! So for that reason alone.. I am rooting for Darrah.