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"Antonia's questions to Cassie"

Posted by tracyc1166 on 04-26-06 at 10:18 AM
Why didn’t someone smack the crap out of Antonia today? I was waiting for someone to stop her but I guess everyone was in the same state of shock. I really felt sorry for Cassie. I was waiting for Rhonda to blast her. I hope someone puts Antonia in her place.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by TexasSOfan on 04-26-06 at 10:58 AM
Kudos to Antonia for not buying into the Cassie crap.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by annie828 on 04-26-06 at 11:08 AM
>Kudos to Antonia for not buying
>into the Cassie crap.


"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by Lanna42 on 04-26-06 at 11:17 AM
I think it's good for all involved that Antonia said what she did.Not that it was exactly the right time.But in Cassie's case she needs to understand that her son may be very angry with her for giving him up.And for choosing her addiction to alcohol and drugs over him.She seems to lack some accountability there.She doesn't JUST have a disease.She CHOSE substance abuse over her son and he is probably going to be upset about it.I'm not judging her but the facts are what they are.In turn we learned something more about Antonia and the motivation behind some of what she does.Why she is so reckless with money and why she feels the need to gauge her value as a person by material things.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by SOcrazy on 04-26-06 at 12:19 PM
>Kudos to Antonia for not buying
>into the Cassie crap.


"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by janniebabie on 04-26-06 at 11:18 AM
LOL Did you see the look on Rhonda's face?!?!?! It was priceless, like she was floored. Although I find Cassie to be a worry wart & a bit of a drama queen at times I think she handled Antonia's questioning pretty good. IMO Rhonda could have helped out a little more than she did and helped Antonia re-direct her anger.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by Juliejo on 04-26-06 at 11:47 AM
Antonia is very immature for 24 and she speaks her mind freely. We all make mistakes especially when we are young and maybe Cassie is really sorry she gave her son away. It was proably the best thing for the child at the time if she was using drugs. You cant' parent kids when you are abusing drugs. Child rearing is a full time job and hard enough when you are stone cold sober. I have seen first hand what drugs can do to families and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. I wish Cassie well and hope Antonia learned something, however I didnt get the feeling that she did it to be mean or disrespectful, just young and immature.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by GreatWhiteNorth on 04-26-06 at 11:48 AM
Actully, I think Antonia asked tough questions that a lot of people themselves would like to know the answer to. She was angry for her own reasons but nothing she asked is NOT what Cassie's son would want to know himself. I did think Cassie handled it gracefully as Rhonda sat by a bit...stunned. I see it as maybe a "trial run" for tough questions that do need answering ...but for the son's benifit, not Antonia's.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by cyndin on 04-26-06 at 11:56 AM
Antonia was so out of line!! She knew nothing about Cassie or her son because she asked why and when she gave him up. She seems like a spoiled brat and I agree someone should have smacked the crap out of her!!! I hope she keeps saying nasty inappropriate things so she gets kicked out of the house.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by Baxtera on 04-26-06 at 12:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-06 AT 12:05 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-26-06 AT 12:04 PM (EST)

I would say the one adult thing Cassie did do was surrender her child for adoption, it's the stalking she's done ever since that's undone the postive thing she did in realizing she was incapable of caring for her child then. I cannot believe the bias adoption has been given on this show. I'm amazed it's been allowed to be portrayed as it has.

On the one hand we see Kim's Mom Melinda slammed for turning her daughter over to Dad when she obviously wasn't capable of taking care of her daughter instead of turning her over to Social Services to get her proper care. Then we see Cassie bashed for actually recognizing that a drug addicted acholic shouldn't be raising a child and putting your child first is making sure it has a safe home not trying to put your own desire to have the child with you first. Maybe Josie should have learned that lesson about putting your child's needs ahead of your own wishes.

Antonia is just full of herself and her moral judgements about other people. There is a huge difference between a dead beat dad and a mother surrendering a child to an adoptive home. Maybe Antonia should be forced to do some research on the topic to teach her so her attitudes become educated ones.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by sillybear on 04-26-06 at 12:04 PM
I don't disagree with Antonias questions.But I did not like the judgement in her voice.I don't think any woman in the house has the right to judge another in that way.They are all there for their own individual issues.I know Rhonda said this was her issue not Cassies and she may be right.I say Antonia could use a little more compassion but she is very immature.Once she grows up a bit and stands on her own feet and has her life together she may see things a little differently.I hope so anyway.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by Mama_Pita on 04-26-06 at 12:08 PM
Well, cassie has to realize that there are people in the world who speak thier minds, if they have a question to ask, whether it hurts her feelings or not, they will ask.
Maybe starting over should line up with SuperGlue as a sponsor so they can have a weekly "Get a Grip Award". Im sure everyone in the house will win at least once.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 04-26-06 at 01:04 PM
Here were my thoughts:

1. Cassie's son is likely to ask similar questions. (He is only 19, and might word them similarly.)
2. It was about Antonia and her disappointment in her father, and not about Cassie.
3. Antonia does not have the maturity to recognize # 2.
4. Cassie's son's mother must be having an absolute hissy fit, if she knows about their "meeting" after making it abundantly clear that she never wanted this meeting to occur. I feel sorry for her. That was never mentioned, and Antonia has no knowlege of that part of this story, either.
5. Some people are NOT meant to be parents. When Cassie got pregnant, and she realized this about herself, to her CREDIT, she gave her son up for adoption.
6. Cassie's problem is her inability to live with the consequences of her decision to give her son up for adoption.
7. Antonia also reacting to the fact she cannot fathom someone making the choice to give their child up for adoption.
8. Regardless of Antonia's harsh tone, I thought that for CASSIE, she handled the questions calmly and appropriately, to the best of CASSIE's ability, without falling apart.
9. Therefore, I was disappointed to see the conflama coming down the pike with "Cassie might be too x to handle meeting her son."
10. Rhonda was right, but completely useless.

I do not believe that Antonia should apologize to Cassie, since Cassie recognized that the anger was about Antonia, and not Cassie. If those are Antonia's wounds and beliefs..so be it. Sad. but, there it is.

And, I also agree that maybe it was helpful, in a twisted way, because I bet a lot of birth parents get this kind of anger from their adopted out children. I bet it was easier to practice answering Antonia, than it will be Saturday.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by Baxtera on 04-26-06 at 01:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-06 AT 01:12 PM (EST)

Antonia needs to grow up and learn that dumping your anger and issues on other people is not appropriate and it is definitly something she needs to learn to handle as she is an adult not a 2 year old throwing a tantrum.

She wasn't adopted from what she's saying her father was/is a deadbeat dad a totally different situation than the courage it takes to surrender a child to the adoption process so they can have the benefit of loving caring parents who are willing to put the child and not themselves first. While not every adoptive parents are great they do have to go through a screening process no birth parent has ever experienced to prove their worthiness to be parents. Antonia's deadbeat Dad didn't put her up for adoption he abandoned her, there is a difference.

Antonia should apologize for not controlling herself and putting her issues on someone else. Grow up or get out.

"RE: Antonia's questions to Cassie"
Posted by ChristinaJB on 04-26-06 at 01:18 PM
I was in shock watching Antonia. I think everyone knew it was about her, not Cassie, well, everyone except Antonia. I still think Rhonda should have stepped in and clairfied that, so that Antonia could have an 'a-ha' moment (is she is aware enough at this point to have one).
I give Cassie credit for giving her son up for adoption. I do remember specifically though, that she thought it was an OPEN adoption - she said that several times last season and that the adoptive family tricked her. She thought she would be able to stay in contact with her son, once she cleaned herself up.
Antonia has some serious anger issues regarding her dad. I thought that one of the main lessons learned in SO was compassion for others. Wow, Antonia must have missed that group session.

"Locking - wrong forum"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 04-26-06 at 01:34 PM
Antonia + Cassie <> individual houseguest.