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"Negativity towards Niambi"

Posted by flower2 on 04-17-06 at 11:30 PM
Who would've guessed how catty and judgemental the women have been towards Niambi only after 2 days of living with her? It was disheartening to hear them not even give her a chance before "trippin' out on her," saying "her guard is up," accusing her of "passing out" on the little bench and adding that she "doesn't know how to act around us" (all remarks made by Christie). Kelly chimed in "Niambi is asleep and probably doesn't even know that one of her housemates was moving out. What is that?" Well duh!!!! Unless she dreamt it, how was she supposed to know--she was asleep!!

Fat Christie is probably just jealous of how thin she is and Kelly is mad because she's beautiful. What did they expect--her to come in and immediately feel comfortable opening up around strangers? Get real! Though she is independent, she expressed her willingness to learn to be a team player.

Surprisingly, Jodi and Kelly appeared to be supportive of her. I hope they all think back to when the were new and how difficult it was to not only trust the process but the people as well. Give the girl a break!

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"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by sweet cheeks on 04-17-06 at 11:39 PM

Amen Sister. They don't know how she feels .
They have not walked in her shoes.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by JustBNMe on 04-17-06 at 11:47 PM
I can see this from both sides. Niambi did come in very at ease, animated and happy to talk about herself in group and she seemed very content doing it. Then once she was done talking about herself she basically isolated and tried to not interact with the other HG. Look at when Bethany had them dancing... you didn't see much of Niambi and when you did see her she was basically standing there looking bored. It was kind of odd that she chose to sleep on a little couch in a hallway instead of her bed or even outside on the hammock if she felt she had to nap. If she was waiting on the phone she could have said something or left a note. I also agree that some of the hG were quick to judge and to that I would reply why should Niambi be any different than how they treated other new HG's? They are quick to judge them all and I do think that is worng but hey it's somethign they do that we as viewers can count on.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by deededell on 04-17-06 at 11:56 PM

Bless ya'lls hearts- you are going along with the assumption that these women are capable of caring about another soul's lot in life. My daddy always told me that to assume makes a "a*% of you and me". Truly they are new enough to the show that we can remember what each of them did when they came into the house. Or am I "assuming"

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by sharnina on 04-18-06 at 01:25 AM
Ah, another southerner in our midst. Yep, you are right, the ladies are only staying true to form in their cattiness and judgemental ways. They certainly did not disappoint today, did they?

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by Cleverone on 04-18-06 at 00:09 AM
I'm not surprised, Flower2....that's the way they've been most of this season, some more than others....but, what I don't get is how they can become soooo attached so soon. It's uncanny the way they all talk about how they love each other in one breathe and then.. before you know it... the cat claws are out.

They put up good fronts and for the times they do get along, I guess it could be genuine, but I don't believe so....it bugged me the way Christie is so bothered by the fact that Niambi isn't responding to them as she'd like...she just got there and has said that she's a loner...now, the whole house is acting like they need to convert her to be one of them...good grief already ...give the girl a chance to see if she's ready to commit to the process before trying to win her over...they may have rushed Bethany this way and if so, I don't blame her for wanting to leave (they can be too pushy and overbearing...poor thing Kim was all over her when she returned from the beach, I know she feels she's supporting her, but, Bethany needs her space right now)...all of the women this season seem to want to control everything...they have a baaaaad case of nose-i-tist.

Maybe Niambi had jet lag or is having a hard time adjusting to the environment and was tired...but, Kelly acted like she deliberately took a nap to avoid being present for Bethany's decision...how awful, that she could sleep while the earth shattered.

I also hope that Niambi isn't putting too much stress on her self to prove to them that she's the athlete that she claims to be...I noticed that this was a major concern for her during the rock climbing episode...I get the funny feeling that somehow she's out to prove something to us all about her abilities and not entirely there to work on "romance issues"...I hope I'm wrong...time will tell.

"I walk in my own shoes..."

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 04-18-06 at 00:39 AM
Cleverone wrote: "what I don't get is how they can become soooo attached so soon. It's uncanny the way they all talk about how they love each other in one breath and then..before you know it...the cat claws are out".

Agreed. When did falling asleep become an offense worthy of a gossip session? There may be a perfectly good reason Naimbi feel asleep - maybe she couldn't stay awake. Maybe a catnap is all she needs to regenerate herself. Maybe jetlag, maybe she has trouble sleeping in a new bed...maybe, maybe, maybe....

No, they would rather cling to a scenario that involves Naimbi being rude and intentionally snubbing an indecisive, tormented, grief-stricken mother as she leaves the SO house. Yes - that's much more interesting (and cliquish).

In reality, Niambi JUST got there. She barely knows the women, including Bethany. She may not even fully comprehend how serious Bethany is about leaving. If she believed that Bethany might leave that night, I think she would have expected someone to wake her up to say goodbye. The woman wasn't raised in the wild!

Why do they do this? Why look for problems and offenses where none exist. It's the same formula every time: the gossiper pretends to be "concerned" about how someone else's behavior is going to "hurt" an innocent party, someone else looks shocked and says, "What?!?" Then the opinions, all disguised as concern, start to fly: "Well, I think blah, blah, blah!" Another target has been created. Why can't they just give someone the same benefit of the doubt they would like to have extended to themselves.

Forget all of the steps....how about striving to live by the golden rule?


"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by Cleverone on 04-18-06 at 01:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-06 AT 01:17 AM (EST)

Hey SR ....Kelly does have one thing right ...they are there to work on their own issues (a favorite saying of her's especially when she's mad...LOL.) They need to stop with the "fake love" and just support each other, knowing that they won't always agree and will have unpleasant moments with each other, should be enough...I think the love fest has played out...they need to "get real"!

Niambi just got there and already they are digging in deep...shaping and molding her to fit in when none of them have mastered that trick themselves.

I agree they should give her space to adjust to her new surroundings and start her process with Iyanla before they can even think about supporting her or judging her...

...it was terrible how they were dissecting Bethany's decision to leave and all the while being totally "selfish in their reasoning"..."I" don't want her to leave...blah,blah, "I" want her to stay....blah,blah...and to think Jodie is now contemplating leaving and I quote "because she's tired of people leaving her" ...I didn't know they were leaving "her"...talk about being self-centered....maybe Niambi would be wise to follow Bethany out the door as well...wonders never cease.

"I walk in my own shoes..."

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by LaurieC on 04-18-06 at 04:32 PM
I just love your posts seasonedrefinement! I agree with you regarding the hg. Niambi did just get there. I think she can be forgiven for not "falling madly in love" with the housemates immediately. None of them know all the reasons that brought Niambi to the house....did Niambi even have the full pic of Bethanys story...did she know that Beth was making a decision right away.....has she been crying a lot and feeling that drained sensation one gets after a crying jag? I just get so frustrated with those women. Why does everything have to be so hard. Where is all the love and support they supposedly have to offer. Gosh...if that was me, and I noticed how mean some of them were I would head for the hills!

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by MizJazmine on 04-18-06 at 01:45 AM
While I knew that Christie has a problem with being judgemental, I didn't know she was sooo envious. My, my, my, what "green" eyes Christie has.

Ahhhh yesss...the "girls" were just being themselves as usual.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by nikkidemus on 04-18-06 at 05:42 PM
Yeah Christie has a lot of nerve dogging Niambi about taking a nap. Most of the time Christie herself is taking a nap. I bet her naps last for hours. And whats up with the nosey b*****S always spying on other housemates exercises. Christie,kelly,and Kim all ran to the window to watch Jodie with Iyanla break her mask. They do it all the time. There worse than my three dogs running to the door to see who rang the bell.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by MizJazmine on 04-19-06 at 03:55 AM
hehehehe...I'm not being too hard on the women this time around because the house has been fluctuating ALOT. As of late hg's are coming and going at a pretty rapid pace. I think because of that Niambi kinda got the backdraft of all of it.

While the women may have wanted Niambi to join them in their waiting & anticipating, she doesn't really "know" any of the women. She just met everybody. To her credit she didn't try to fake the funk. I like that about her thus far....

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by dreamlife on 04-18-06 at 09:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-06 AT 09:11 AM (EST)

I completely agree with you Flower2!!!

The most obvious thing to me is how jealous Christy is of Niambi.
Since when is taking a nap such a horrible thing???? It's not like this group of HGs are the most exciting people to be around? Heck, we all get bored with them!!

When Kelly was describing how beautiful Niambi was, Christy interjected and said "yes, she's so talented". Because of her jealousy, she immediately took the focus off of her Niambi's looks.

Christy is so judgemental and yet so insecure. Sadly, she will be the one to instigate the hate towards Niambi. I think until Niambi arrived, Christie considered herself the most attractive person in the house and now she feels in competition with Niambi. Christie's ego is overinflated.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 04-18-06 at 09:13 AM
It's sad she was attack for having taken a nap. She was probably jet lagged, maybe had a few days of little sleep from nerves because she knew she was going to be making this big leap and must of just drifted off while waiting for Kelly to get through her list of 20 phone calls.

It must be a rather startling adjustment for any of them to get used to being there, only working on their problems, no outside distractions and a camera crew following them everywhere. She was barely there a full day and her nap is cause for gossip??? My god are they that bored that they have nothing else to say?

Considering Kelly is often saying she is her for herself and no one else, quite a double standard to be making comments about Niambi's nap during Bethany's announcement. Like Kelly can be the only one looking out for herself but all the others have to be on point all day to any one else business? Huh???

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by zipitgood on 04-18-06 at 09:27 AM
she was hiding, I would hide too!! Isnt kelly her roomate? need I say more?

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by flashwife on 04-18-06 at 04:22 PM
>she was hiding, I would hide
>too!! Isnt kelly her roomate?
>need I say more?

Zip you read my mind!!!! HA HA

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by ChristinaJB on 04-18-06 at 09:38 AM
Yep, they sure did pounce on her. Let's not forget either, that in confessional Niambi said she had been crying hard since she got there - I believe she said it was like someone turned on the hose. All of that emotional crying can and will wipe you out. She obviously was reading a book and fell asleep - a hard sleep while she was reading on that bench.

My how they say one thing to each other's faces and then are so CAT-TY behind each other's backs. I would not trust any of them.

It's sad because this show is suppose to be about women lifting and supporting, not being fake and nasty.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by flowerbundle on 04-18-06 at 10:03 AM
It's kind of like watching a car wreck. Their behavior is terrible to behold, yet so fascinating that I can't tear myself away!

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by crazeec on 04-18-06 at 10:52 AM
I agree - give the lady a break for a few days at least - even this bunch of *******. Jeesh. She should thank pissy chrissy for one thing though - NO alcohol in that house or they would have been 'concerned' she was passed out on booze. I can't imagine the pressure of a new HG that first day. And she has severe issues with self-esteem already. Some support. Humph. But then this may be the perfect place to find that. If she can do it there she can do it anywhere .

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by tac_2 on 04-18-06 at 02:07 PM
That scene of Niambi sleeping on bench made me wonder if any of those nasty gossips even thought to put a blanket over her. No, probably not.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by Juliejo on 04-18-06 at 02:12 PM
Give the poor girl a chance. She just got there for heaven sakes. She says she is a loner and she will have to adjust. They are all back stabbing her and she isnt even over jet lag yet. WTF?

"Post Removed "
Posted by Bebo on 04-18-06 at 01:20 PM
What part of DO NOT POST SPOILERS IN THIS FORUM is so hard to understand?

"RE: Post Removed "
Posted by kalalala on 04-18-06 at 06:47 PM
Did anyone else notice that Niambi said today that Kelly had been so nice to her and that she appreciated Kelly checking up on her and asking how she was? Maybe she did give her a blanket or something, but heaven forbid the editors show that. Not nearly enough drama.

"RE: Post Removed "
Posted by SueNahMe on 04-19-06 at 11:03 AM
What are u talking about?

"RE: Post Removed "
Posted by sharnina on 04-19-06 at 11:07 AM
You, like some posters on another thread must have missed the conversation between Kelly and Niambi.

Kelly had to have a conversation with Niambi for one of her assignments. She had to ask Niambi whether she liked her or not. Niambi felt that Kelly had been nice to her and told her so.

More to it but you can find it on another thread about Kelly.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by klh830 on 04-18-06 at 09:07 PM
How long did Niambi even know Bethany?? 12 hours! Jodi is like Yoda...all knowing with one exception she doesn't know how to deal with her own issues. It is easier for her to divert attention away from herself because even she can't stand to be alone with herself!

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by Omniscia on 04-19-06 at 05:27 PM
I'm annoyed that Jodi and Christie don't even realize they are mispronouncing Niambi's name over and over. I wonder when she will correct them.

"RE: Negativity towards Niambi"
Posted by alaholly on 04-20-06 at 00:37 AM
Niambi is isolating herself. Didn't she say she likes/wants to be alone? That's not going to go over well with the nosy gossips. But now that Antonia is here I'm sure she will be earning all the gossip and Niambi will be left alone.