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"Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"

Posted by brooky21 on 02-02-05 at 09:57 PM
I can't believe the melt dowm maria had when she wasn't chosen. If i were her and watched back footage of myself doing that i would just want to crawl under a rock and die of embarrassment.

Marissa didn't really seem upset when she wasn't chosen!! Unless the poor girl was in a state of shock when she saw the man of her dreams and 'princess' walk off into the sunset. How deverstating for the poor girl. I really thought so was going to be picked but i think she was led on abit. Vadim aka Jack showed her alot more affection in there final date and i think that led her to believe she was really in for a chance to win.

However Natalie really seemed to have a lovely personalty so i wish them all the best

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"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-04-05 at 03:01 AM
Marrissa led on,I dont think so.She thought it was going to be her and nobody else.The way she acted throughout this whole experience was that there was no other! As far as I`m concerned she got what she deserved!
However I agree that jack over did it on their 'final' date,that`s why I call him a real ding dong!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-05-05 at 05:07 AM
Further more Brooky21,Maria`s performance was totally what I expected her to be, and that was ,totally without DIGNITY!
If I was her, I would visit my General Practitioner and get a presciption for some calming drugs and pop them all at once until it took me to oblivion!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-06-05 at 04:57 PM
I do agree with you consise10 when you say marissa acted like it was going to be her and no other. Jack definatly over did it with her on there last date. You could so tell he wasn't interested in her when she went in for a kiss and there was nothing on the other end. But i suppose he had to act like that as not to give it away on the show who he was going to pick.
As for her proformence when Natalie came back from her date with Jack, that was just pure bitchyness, i can't believe what she said about her being a poor princess and she looked trashed. Very bitchy and nasty.

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-07-05 at 04:34 AM
Yes brooky21 how could I forget that beauty,about being a "trashed princess".You are right about Marrissa being a #####,and another thing that continued to annoy me about her was her willingness to hurt hurself physically.Remember when she dehydrated herself early in the program so that she could get dumb Jacks attention? She even did it in their little dip in the Indian Ocean on their final day together,when she supposedly injured her fragile little toe,and Jack being the total (sickening I might add)gentleman carried her back to shore.I honestly think she has some sort of destructive personality disorder,and is guided by some sort of evil jealousy.What do you think brooky21?
She certainly got what was coming to her anyhow!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-07-05 at 04:58 PM
True, she certainly did get what was coming. She totally put an act on through the entire show hurting herself and getting the attention she obviously craves wanting dumb jacks attention and only to beat the other girls at the game because of her jealousy. I also agree that she has some sort of destructive personality disorder, and is guided by some sort of evil jealousy.

I was reading a magazine yesterday and it says that Natalie and Jack aka Vadim are engaged and are both living together in Kentucky.
It also featured Marissa being a ##### saying and i quote:
"its the best thing that could have happened because i didn't want him anyway you can't really get to know a person in 5 weeks and i couldn't actually imagine being engaged"
WHATS THAT?? That sounds like the words of a sore loser to me.
She has now moved to LA to pursue her acting and music ambitious. GAG!! She claims she is "excited about her new start".
So in other words she is now using the experience to move ahead in the music and film industry. And make out she was was only acting to pursue a career.
Don't give up your day job marissa.

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-07-05 at 10:02 PM
She is a slag! in the true sense of the word Brooky21.It was so obvious during the whole program that she wasn`t genuine.
Now is that the triat of a great actress? I think not ! A great actress would have us all fooled into believing she really had feelings for 'vulgar' Vadim.

Unfortunately Marrisa you are totally transparent, and obviously have delusions of grandeur! Well said brooky21-Don`t give up your day job,and go and see your therapist!!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-07-05 at 10:11 PM
yes slag slag slag. Evil,jealous,and obviously not a happy person if she has to make everyone elses lives unhappy. As consise10 said go to a therapist near you because you need help!! If you think you have a chance at acting you have got that wrong because the whole country could see right through you and wanted you to go before we knew you were going to be a boomerang and come back you should have went the first time never to return..................

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-08-05 at 00:10 AM
You make me laugh brooky21!Especially that comment about the boomerang!Keep it up Brooky21,and good on you mate!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-08-05 at 00:38 AM
Thanks mate!! At least i made someone laugh. I got abit fired up in the last message didn't i!!

"RE: Marissa was led on abit i reckon!!"
Posted by consise10 on 02-08-05 at 09:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-05 AT 09:55 PM (EST)

You sure did brooky21! Hey what do you reckon about the x Factor? I just can`t stand that arrogant ##### Mark Holden.What do you think of him?(Is this the right forum to discuss this topic?)

"X Factor"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-09-05 at 04:51 PM
Yeah we can discuss whatever we want here. I love watching the X factor. I actually tried out for it but didn't get to see those judges cause in Sydney we had to go past two lots of judges first. Mark Holden, interesting topic of discussion, i agree he is arrogant! But i think he does no what he's talking about as far as music go's. I think he speaks the truth and says things that people actually think! But wouldn't dare to say in order not to hurt peoples feeling. Did you see that pablo group? Well it might sound horrible but the first thing i noticed was that guys forehead. And holden just came out and said it. So yeah i think he is a arrogant and some things he shouldn't say to people cause they are just plain mean but man he makes good television. What do you think???

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by consise10 on 02-10-05 at 05:16 AM
Well I guess he does say things which are totally outrageous and that makes for good Tv viewing,and between him and Dicko on Australian Idol-they made it real entertaining,but so did Marcia Hines,who played the role of dissaproving what they said anyway.

But as far as the X factor goes I really can`t stand Cate Ceberano !!She is an absolute Ding Bat!! I hate her with a passion!! She kept on agreeing with Mark Holden and often didn`t have her own colliding view.She is totally useless and just loves the sound of her own voice.As far as I`m concerned she should go back to the 1980`s where she belongs,and take a back arm chair. She is just so irritating!!!and a so average performer of yesteryear herself!!! What do you reckon brooky21?

With regard to the other judge from Scotland,(what`s his name?)I think he`s the only one with a decent enough experience and knows what he wants and doesn`t want.Unlike Ceberano, who is just a cackling hen!!! Did you see the way she was laying on Holden-God that made me sick!!!She`s such a huge attention seeker its not funny!!!So is Holden in a way but I guess I`m used to him from Australian Idol.

With regards to the group Pablo,They reminded me of The Wiggles! What was so good about them anyway?Unique? Not in my view.Would they sell records?Not many,in my view.What do you think? And about that guys forehead-It`s irrelevent what he looks like as he`s not the leader-I mean look at Jeff from the Wiggles-he`s quite ugly,but dressed in the purple green yellow and blue tops he`s O.K. Know what I mean brooky21?

Always Good talking to you brooky21.

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-10-05 at 06:05 PM
You just totally cracked me up. I needed a good laugh.
Yes Kate Ceberano is a has been and i totally can't stand her. How about when that 17 year old Tim block came on and she said "your cute i like you" like hello!! your married and your perving on a 17yr. Get a grip women. And she went on and on and on about him.
I could go on all day about how much i hate her. When she says things you feel embarassed cause you think you idiot as if you would carry on like that. She was in i think NW magazine saying she hates being fat and she wants to be a size 10 because you can wear whatever you want when your a size 10 like mmmm good role model for young girls. And what songs does she sing again?? Buggered if i can remember.

Shes only got a album coming out now because of her exposure on the show and now people remember who she is. She thinks shes some big rock and roll veteran cause shes been in the business for ten years. AND!!! I don't have any of your albums I don't hear any of your music on the radio get over yourself.

Yeah about your comment on her laying on Holden how sicking was that i thought come on mate thats going abit to far what are you trying to do get the record deal for yourself or what.

Now you mention it pablo do look like the wiggles minus the colours. I wouldn't go and see them. They looked liked a few blocks who were probably in the school choir together, left school, got jobs, and then reunited for a come back choir special on the X Factor. Sorry fellows not happening.

John Reid (the scotland guy or the homosexual guy as some people i know refer to him not that theres anything wrong with that) does seem to be the only one with knowlegde and know what his talking about. I mean come on he made Elton John a name (Elton,John now you can't help but wonder haha).

I could just go on and on...........
Always good talking to you to consise10

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by consise10 on 02-10-05 at 06:53 PM
Yeah Cate Ceberano is awful,and I `m glad you agree with me about that idiot brooky21.

So the Scotsman is a poof.I thought there was some thing strange about him, well there you go. Not such a big deal nowdays any way, since a huge number of men crave what we as women want and have, if you know what I mean brooky21. It`s difficult to find a decent man in this country!

Back to the cackling chook ceberano I can`t quite recall that moment you refer too about her going on and on to the 17 year old,but it sounds sickening,total vomit spew material.Ohhhh ewwww yuuuk ylukk.....bring me a bucket please..and you are probably right when you say about the reason she was sleezing on Holden was because she wants the record deal herself! I wouldn`t buy it either.Her face is like a fat piece of burnt pork! Yuk,and bad for your health!

In comparison, Marcia Hines, who I like, did similar to relaunch her career but she did it during the second season of Idol in Australia.(Come to think of it her daughter annoys me,she`s got no real talent,and probably only made a mediocre name for herself because of her mums connections.)I think Marcia is a true star,natural talent.But Cate Ceberano...peeeeewww do us all a favour, get out of the camera and go and hide in the darkest room of your house and somebody please lock the door behind her !!!

Good to hear you laughing Brooky21,you have a similar effect on me too !

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by brooky21 on 02-10-05 at 07:06 PM
Yeah i like Marcia Hines she is so sweet. As for her daughter Danni she has no talent and i can't recall a song she has recorded. I think its just a chance for the old ducks to relaunch there music careers on these shows and hope that they find some talent in the younger generation along the way.

Its funny how you see daughters and sons of stars who think they can make it just because there famous parents have,
they use there connections and they just fail and have no idea. And the people with the real talent don't get a chance cause all these "stars" kids are all in the way.

Can't wait to see what the next eposide of the X Factor holds. Should be entertaining.

Have you seen Desperate Housewives? I absolutely love that show.
Do you like The O.C?

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by consise10 on 02-10-05 at 07:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 10:05 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 09:55 PM (EST)

I havent had a chance to watch Desperate Housewives,but my husband watched it and said it was #####.But I think I`ll have to give it a go myself.

The O.C. Some times I watch, but I find the characters so boring and clean,that I can`t stand to watch it !

When Footballers Wives was on at about 9:30 pm we both loved to see that! but now they have moved it to the 11:30pm timeslot and that`s a little too late for us.GOd that is a really funny show! with characters such as Tania and her soccer player husband Tony and Chardonay and sleezy Frank it`s a roaring riot to view. Have you seen it brooky21 ? I wish it was on earlier in the night.It`s so funny..

Hey Brooky21 do you recall a reality Tv show called
"Temptation Island? if so what did you think of it?

Very true about Denni Hines.She`s a real ugly duckling who only became recognised because of her dear Mummy.True what you say about the old goats-wanting to rejuvenate their careers! I am tired of them,perhaps they should just stay in the past where they belong!

"RE: X Factor"
Posted by consise10 on 03-25-05 at 06:21 AM
Hey Brooky, I havent posted here in ages,but I was thinking about the XFactor again and remembered you..and how much you cracked me up with your posts.

I just wanted to get your take on that boy band that got flicked last week called The Brothership. I hated them right from the word GO.They are all to greasy looking and absolute nasal pigs.I can imagine the taller louder one, snoring in his bed and smelling the whole room out.They were so hopeless I thought, and I don`t know what that stupid Mark Holden saw in them in the first place ?

When they came back to master class all sick and sniffy- ohh that was it for me!! They had to go ! From that point on every thing they said and did shitted me. I am so glad they`re gone. They changed their name so many times from 43 Sherriff to the Fillipou Bros and finally to the Brothership-How LAME.I am glad to not have to listen to their horrid voices ever again !!
Whats your opinion Brooky21,and any one else out there who knows what I am on about, Aussiechick perhaps?

"Locking - off-topic"
Posted by Bebo on 03-25-05 at 12:55 PM
Folks, I appreciate the fact that this show is no longer airing in a number of countries, but the show forums are not the place for off-topic discussions. We have a forum for that. In addition, you can private message or email each other.

Since this conversation has been unrelated to the show for quite some time now, I'm locking.