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""Be The Survivor" S 27 Ep 01: "They're Experienced And We're Meatheads""

Posted by RollDdice on 09-19-13 at 02:43 AM
Before we launch into Survivor 27: Blood Is Slicker Than Water, I wanted to take a self-reverential moment to congratulate Survivor on surviving this long. We have vanquished faux-reality shows like Siberia, bested scripted dramas like The Dome (take that King and Spielberg) and parallel universe offerings like Big Bother. Even documentaries such as Duck Dynasty bow their beards to the juggernaut that is Survivor.

I have taken the clichés and beaten them not into plowshares, but into nastier and more ratings-friendly clichés. But it hasn’t been easy, and I think I’ve finally hit rock bottom, or at least Redemption Island.

Gone is the Hantz clan. Brandon Hantz was a weaponized Honey Boo Boo and everyone, from the caterer to the coconuts, threatened to boycott if he appeared again. Instead of irrational violence, this season of Blood vs. Water promises familial strife and psychological warfare. My Line Producers have assured me that Dr. Phil, Dr. Drew and Dr. Pepper won’t be able to put these people back together again.

Day One Is The Loneliest Number -We begin with the much talked about Day Zero. Apparently it starts with just the Loved Ones on a patch of beach. Colton believes that Day Zero means that the entire day will have no calories so he isn’t expending any energy and asks his boyfriend Caleb, “Do you want me to do something?” Besides burning that ridiculous country club polo shirt and sweater combo? No thanks, I’ve got this.

After we get Jiffy down from that majestic mountain fly by, he assembles all of the victims and breaks the bad news. The bittersweet agony that there will be struggles and starvation ahead? The fact that you will be separated from your wife, your husband, your girlfriend, your brother or your mother and forced to play against them? No! The bad news is Redemption Island is back and this time it's pissed. Also, no one in the Philippines has heard of the FAA and Jiffy was almost killed by a helicopter provided by the lowest bidder. Ah, CBS and their budgets.

Disorientation Meeting –We are introduced to the Geldings tribe of returning players and the Benihana newbies. Moments after Buffs are dispensed, Jiffy is telling each tribe to vote out one of their own. Pirate Rupert’s wife Laura is dispatched for the Benihanians and Candice gets duck duck goosed for the Geldings. Laura has fallen victim to the classic “Woodstock is over and that tie dyed shirt is burning my eyes” blunder.

Jiffy explains the Redemption Island twist and says that a loved one “could substit--” whoops, there’s Rupert taking a dramatic step forward. He takes his wife’s place, putting Laura B. on the Geldings tribe. John, steps forward, has a conference with Candice. Wets his finger and sticks it in the air in order to gauge wind direction and speed. Finally, he decides to let Candice develop the ocean front property at Redemption Island with Pirate Rupe.

They’re So Cute At That Age – Over at camp Geldings the old-timers are shaking their heads as newbie Laura B is trying to cut a coconut with the machete. Fortunately seasoned veteran Colton is nearby to demonstrate how to straddle a piece of bamboo and perform the first jungle self-circumcision. He explains his skill with cutlery by saying, “My nanny never let me play with sharp tools.”

One sharp tool is Monica M who wants to clear the air about her season with Colton. She feels that she was backstabbed by Colton Cumbie and wants to bury the hatchet. She doesn’t realize that he’s not sharp enough to get the point of all these mixed metaphors.

We’re Counting On You – Brad Culpepper slowly realizes that he’s the “Jiffy One-Namer” this season, taking over the reins from Survivor royalty like Donaldson, Hatch, Cochran, Coach (self-inflicted), Boston Rob (the exception that proves the rule), Skupin, Ozzy and others. He runs around camp, working on his alliances until he’s assembled “four guys and one gay guy.” This leads to some classic Jethro Bodine “cipherin’”… “‘Four with one means you’re done’. Wait. I’m sorry, that’s not it. ‘Four with nine equals out. Five with nine equals in.’ Then you do the hokey pokey and shake it all about. That’s what it’s all about!”

While Brad is calculating in base nine, the rest of Benihana is trying to make fire and boil water to purify it. This gives Vytas the chance to sit like a junkie on a log and tell non-campfire stories about his heroin addiction and one year in prison. While that may build trust at Al Anon and on and on meetings, Vytas’ smirking and wild eyes aren’t inspiring much confidence amongst his tribemates.

At Geldings Colton is holding court and breaks into tears as he everyone how hard it is to grow up as a gay man in the South. It’s his cross to bear every single day. He cries and the women rush to reassure him. Monica M tilts her head and her thought bubble reads, “Haven’t I seen this act before?”

Scenic Redemption Island features Rupert and Candice chillin’ and enjoying the solitude. Actually Rupert is chillin’ while Candice is making fire, chopping wood, boiling water, cooking the food, publishing the RI Gazette. Basically, she’s building more stuff than Home Island Depot, while he’s playing Rupe Van Winkle. A rested Pirate is a challenge-ready pirate.

Boat Ropes & Puzzle The Immunity Challenge has all the basic features and the newbies go at the obstacle course like wild men. Gervasse does his best impression of an anchor for the Geldings and the Benihanians find themselves in the lead when they get to the puzzle stage. But the experienced veterans make up time and go on to win Immunity and a flint from the Survivor gift shop. We get to see some vintage Colton as he screams at Kat to paddle faster. Colton’s emotions range from crying to crying once he realizes that the Benihana loss could put Caleb on a slow boat to Redemption Island. Basically, with the polo shirt and neck-tied sweater, Colton has revealed that he hasn’t grown much and he’s still the spoiled Thurston Howell the Turd.

Another Opening, Another Tribal! – A lot of talk and Jiffy tries to muddy the water, but we have a pretty good idea where this is going. Gervasse’s excessive celebration at the Immunity Challenge has made niece Marissa an easy early target.

Jiffy tells us, “First Tribal Council. First blindside. Your family may have taught you something about Survivor, but the fact that you’re here; they didn’t teach you everything.”

21 year old student Marissa Peterson gets no love, a torch snuff, and paddles herself over to Redemption Island to join Rupert and Candice, just in time for a light supper and Candice’s one-woman cabaret show.

Mark "It's Good To Be The King" Burnett

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by jbug on 09-19-13 at 11:31 AM
For a minute there I thought I was out before I got started!
My sweetie came through for me. Now I just gotta win it for him!

I didn't think I did too bad at chopping coconuts. Come on y'all! Everyone had to have a first time.

Please let me stick around for a little while.
I promise not to make much noise;
I promise not to be annoying (like I know Rupert can be at times); I promise to catch fish and do everything that Rupert always did for his tribe!

"I'm saving a spot for you"
Posted by suzzee on 09-25-13 at 03:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-13 AT 03:01 PM (EST)

Poopert's occupying it right now.

POOPERT! Get up off your arse and do something. Nobody wants to hear how you're conserving energy. It's not like you're going to run any marathons on the island.

Candice! Didn't think I'd see you so soon. Tell me, honey, who'd you piss off?

Marissa! Well, well. Just goes to show you that you can't pick your relatives. If you hang on a bit I think Uncle Olympic Swimmer will be along shortly.

I'm Poopert's Paradise!

"RE: I'm saving a spot for you"
Posted by kingfish on 09-25-13 at 04:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-13 AT 04:58 PM (EST)

We like them tasty, meaty, tender, and not too fatty (the burn pit gets too hot when too much grease hits the fire).

Rupert? Too fatty, but the meat is probably OK. Won't make very good brain stew, not much there.

Candice? Not meaty enough, and what's there is too tough and stringy.

Marissa? Just right for slow cooking. The meat will just fall off the bones, and the coconut flavored brain stew will cook in it's own juices.

The RI Pygmies: "Feed Me, Wilber!"

"RE: "Be The Survivor" S 27 Ep 01: "They're Experienced And We're Meatheads""
Posted by kingfish on 09-19-13 at 03:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-13 AT 03:08 PM (EST)

OK Folks, it is I, Spoiler Sam, back with a new alias and the same old attitude, the same old attitude which is the reason I need new alias every year. This year I have new fingerprints to keep the Federales confused and at bay, and am working on disguise DNA.

But enough about me, I am here to introduce you to my new cast of veteran spoiler reporter chicks, which is pretty much the same as the old cast except for muff flaps, new tattoos, piercings, a few knife/bullet scars, and a very new bag of tricks designed to wheedle the secrets, money and intimate desires out of the Survivor Production crew. It all comes down to one basic technique, boinking them till they talk. And they always talk. That or they are taken on a one way Vespa ride to the nearest sacrificial volcano.

Now that we've read the very entertaining and obviously very accurate recounting of events by the Very Evil Aussie Producer MB, we have spoiler business to pursue.

They fought thru packs of wild animals, they comforted each other on those long island nights they awakened to the shrieks of jungle monkey tribes, they ate worms (after a fashion), and they crawled on their bellies thru the jungle so that they could steal into the production camp and get their information. I can’t reveal the specifics of what they did to extract information out of the crew, but the code for it is Bob Jlows, it involved a lot of "Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Don't stop now, please", and is their specialty, especially of those who majored on Bob Jlows

Here’s what they’ve gathered so far;

Spoiler #1: Not only is Redemption Island back, but the cannibal pygmies of Redemption Island are back too. The fire pit used in other seasons to burn buffs is really a BBQ pit for the unfortunates that are evicted. EPMB decided in a fit of petulance that since Survivor didn’t get an Emmy last year, that they would up production values by adding human immolation and consumption. That long pig is the favorite snack of the pygmies was just icing on the cake.

Spoiler #2: Speaking of body parts, Skupin was originally picked to return this season, but in the time between now and his last appearance, he disappeared. It seems that he just kept losing body parts and faded away, much as we may see happen to Colton. Don’t get your hopes up, but maybe.

Spoiler #3: Colton’s SO (sorry Tribe, but it is generic) revealed to the other newbies that Colton had turned him straight. The fact that Colton turned out to be a secret weapon for the Fred Phelps’ of the world stands out for it’s stark irony.

Spoiler #4: First night on the island, Rupert stole Candice’s shoes. However when he discovered what an expert machete thrower she was , he gave them back. He was forced to spend spend the rest of his time in shallow water staunching the blood flow and gazing forlornly at the spot where his right ball (and the first pygmy hors d’œuvre) used to hang. He may not do too well at the RI challenge if it involves running. Or walking. Or standing. Or sitting. Or not screaming.

Spoiler #5: An international investigation has been launched to determine who that putz Apostal had to threated or kidnap in order to force that chick to be his girlfriend. Ain’t natural. Something underhanded has to be at the root of that. And my girls, the acknowledged queens of Hob Jands (more code - sneaky, right?), will get to the bottom. Of that.

shhhhh! I stole this from Tribe and I ain't gonna give it back.

"RE: "Be The Survivor" S 27 Ep 01: "They're Experienced And We're Meatheads""
Posted by tribephyl on 09-21-13 at 05:49 PM
And ... the acknowledged queens of Hob Jands ... will get to the bottom. Of that.

I take offense. *poot*

I can turn any guy straight.

"RE: "Be The Survivor" S 27 Ep 01: "They're Experienced And We're Meatheads""
Posted by kingfish on 09-23-13 at 08:59 AM
The girls have penetrated Colton's colon in order to collect some inside information, and after a week on the island with no release, they believe that pressure is building to blow like Mt. St. Helens. This particular spoiler will kill the vegetation and rid the campsite of insects. And people.

One might wonder how my "Girls" managed to do such a thing to Colton. All I can say is that they are good at what they do and that breaking thru Colton's subterfuge and penetrating Colton's lower line of defense isn't all that hard to do. He actually has a welcome mat laid out.

And, of course, they're sneaky.

shhhhh! I stole this from Tribe and I ain't gonna give it back.

Posted by tribephyl on 09-21-13 at 05:46 PM
Without coming off as racist I would like to ask that someone help me get this drowning monkey off my back.

I swear I read that you took some swimming lessons before coming out here, Gervase. What happened?

You're heavier than the burden of having a druggy brother.

"RE: Jervis?"
Posted by Aruba on 09-23-13 at 06:04 AM
Yeah, I took swimming lessons...before Borneo 13 years ago when I (and the rest of that Survivor cast) was paving the way for players like yourself.

Anyway, I appreciate your effort. Give that man a CIIIIGAR !!!!!

Hey, even BEFORE the IC I stated the running/swimming won't mean squat...it would all come down to the Puzzle in the end.

And what happened???? OHHHH YEAHHH, just call me the Survivor Prophet!

Give THIS man a CIIIIGAR !!!!!

"I'm Baaaaaak!"
Posted by suzzee on 09-24-13 at 03:36 PM
Yes, it's me the Island of Misfits, Poopert's Final Resting Place, The Dream Crusher.

I'm like a bad franchise and you're watching because you can't believe they revived-an-island one more time.

I can't believe they resurrected this awful idea either.

Here we are though: Candice, Poopert, & Marissa. Time to start placing your bets. I'm thinking Candice FTW. I don't know but she's a doctor, her hands better be steady.

I'm Poopert's Paradise!

"RE: I'm Baaaaaak!"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-25-13 at 06:51 PM
Dear Redemption Island,

Please start the thresd for Episode 2. I'm off scouting new islands for next year. I'm thinking Treasure Island on the Las Vegas strip...

See you as soon as I sober up.

Roving EPMB Mark "Baby Needs A New Pair of Shoes!" Burnett