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"It's not like we can take this sober either."

Posted by Estee on 07-16-04 at 07:11 AM
Let me make sure I have this straight. Jase was drunk last night? His reaction time was off, his words somewhat off pace, and then he said he was glad to be drunk, because he couldn't deal with things sober. He's about to appear on national television, live, no protection beyond the seven-second bleep button, and his response is to get himself completely soused. Aren't you glad none of those yellow balls read 'marijuana'?

Then again, the show would probably be a lot better if everyone on it got stoned once in a while. (Can we just call that the JSlice Credo? 'All reality shows can be improved with the mass stoning of the cast, no matter how you want to define 'stoning'.) But still... Jase drunk is almost exactly like Jase sober. Still stupid and arrogant, just slower to boast about it.

And as long as I'm in this area, let's take a few seconds to avoid talking about his hair. I used to like the spikey look, but full-on hedgehog is going a little too far...

(sigh) Let's get Holly drunk next, just to see if we can tell.

Then again, if Jase and Holly were both drunk, they might breed.

...I'm going back to bed.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: It's not like we can take this sober either."
Posted by volsfan on 07-16-04 at 09:00 AM
Estee to be honest...I don't care if the houseguest are drunk but it is getting to the point where I need a buzz to put up with these arrogant pricks and pencils!

Speaking of pencils...don't forget Scott's impressions on Jase! Scott's hair wasn't any better than Jase's. Help us all if they are both in the house after next Thursday!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

"RE: It's not like we can take this sober either."
Posted by Captain_Savem on 07-16-04 at 05:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-16-04 AT 05:54 PM (EST)

Have you ever seen a bunch of stoners in the same house? Trust me, it's not that entertaining - unless you yourself are stoned. This is what we'd be subjected to:

Holly - laughing like a hyena, at stupid shat.

Jase - saying "dude, I'm sooooo baked" all day.

Scott - trying to suck his own nipples.

Will - trying to fit into Lori's bikini.....while she's still in it.

Cowboy - attempting to lasso and hog-tie Nakomis.....and then screw her.

Lori - talking shat behind her own back.

Diane - cooking something in the kitchen that is neither namable or edible.....unless you're stoned.

Marvin - getting all perverted with Scott.....and Scott liking it.

Nakomis - trying to dye her hair......plaid.

Adria/Natalie - successfully tying themselves into siamese twins.

Drew - trying to have a philosophical conversation....with the fish tank.

On second thought, that does sound more entertaining than what we're getting.

Courtesy of Slice & Dice Chop Shop ©2004 All Rights Reserved U.C.B. Local #69
"Diane gave Holly a brain teaser. This is sort of like giving a cornflake to a black hole..." ~ Estee

"RE: It's not like we can take this sober either."
Posted by J Slice on 07-16-04 at 07:19 PM


::hee hee::

I've watched BB baked before.


You've got the looks, I've got the brains, let's make lots of money. - Pet Shop Boys, Opportunities

"RE: It's not like we can take this sober either."
Posted by summer123 on 07-17-04 at 12:26 PM
Funny funny funny! Ü

I have nothing truly insightful to add except to thank you for these ideas re: improving the show.

Perhaps we should forward them on to the "Powers that Be?"
