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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 4089
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Original Message
"TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"

Posted by Jims02 on 09-19-11 at 04:14 PM
Welcome to the TAR19 Casino Game, the wacky internet game in which...

Wait, what's this?

A Wild Detour Approaches!

A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its pros and cons. In this Detour, internet surfers will choose between Play and Go Home.

In "Play", internet surfers will take these 20 points and have a great time robbing the TAR Casino Game of their riches.
In "Go Home", internet surfers will close their browsers and miss out on the fun.

Have you made your choice?

Not yet?

Well, maybe I should give you a brief explanation about what this TAR Casino Game is all about.

The TAR Casino Game is a game in which players make wagers on the outcome of each leg of The Amazing Race. Because this is a family show and internet gambling is kind of, well, "illegal" we just play for fun. Every player is given 20 points (or "JimBucks" for some) from the start, with the goal of accumulating as many points as possible until the end the game. The player with the highest total at the finale is the winner, and gets the prize of Supreme Bragging Rights until next season rolls around.

Last years winner was ARNutz, who is, uh, nuts about The Amazing Race. Will someone prove nuttier this season and take the crown? Only time will tell.

Players must adhere to a series of ordinances (henceforth called "rules") that govern play.

We tried a season without any rules but it didn't end well. One player immediately claimed infinite points and then the other players arguing for something called "backsies", which prompted the infinite points to be split up into separate pieces of infinity. And then people started pulling each others' hair...

...We don't talk about that season.

Ye Olde Rules

1. Each player in Week 1 starts with 20 points. In every subsequent week, this amount decreases, so join now. Also, these are the only points you get, so don't waste them. Once you run out of points, you're out of the game.

2. Every week, you may choose to wager your points on the various teams. Later on, there will be limits on the max bet you can lay down, which will be covered in full next week. This season is definitely a limit game, mostly because people hate the no limit format so much.

3. You don't have to bet all your points. Any points you don't wager are banked, and will be carried over to the following week without risk.

4. Decimals are evil. All wagers must be a whole number. Also, in scoring your entries, all decimal points will be rounded up. It makes the scoreboard prettier that way. No one wants to see a final score of 693.22463 to 612.1935.

5. Absenteeism sucks. If you miss three straight entries, you're eliminated from the game. If you're going to be on vacation, send me a note and I'll keep the records.

6. All entries must be entered before showtime: Sunday, September 25th, 8 PM Eastern Time. Any entries after that time will not be counted. Any edits to an existing entry after the deadline will be penalized. The clock is based on the clock on this message board.

7. Your wagers will be scored based on the almighty Payout Table. The Payout Table gives a multiplier value to each ranking, and determines the return on your wagers. Each of your individual wagers are multiplied by their appropriate multipliers, and then totaled together.

For example, here's the Payout Table for Week 1.

Week 1 Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - 1.5x
3rd place - 1.3x
4th place - 1.2x
5th place - 1.1x
6th place - Break even
7th place - .9x
8th place - .8x
9th place - .7x
10th place - .5x
11th place - 0x

This is going to be based off of the final rankings at the end of the episode when they arrive at the Pit Stop.

31st Century Example - You've got 20 points and you choose to wager them on the following fictional teams...

Fry/Leela - 10 points
Bender/Zoidberg - 5 points
Amy/Kif - 3 points

Bank 2 points.

Now let's pretend Fry/Leela finished 1st, Bender/Zoidberg finished 10th, and Amy/Kif finished 9th. Your score would be...

Fry/Leela - 10 points * 2 = 20 points
Bender/Zoidberg - 5 points * .5 = 2.5 points
Amy/Kif - 3 points * .7 = 2.1 points
+2 points banked

Total = 20 + 2.5 + 2.1 + 2 = 26.6 = 27 points (rounding)

Overall, you'd gain 7 points for the week and have 27 points to wager for next week. A pretty good result overall, eh?

Here are the teams you will be wagering on.

TAR19 Teams Remaining

And that's that! Good luck everyone!

I think the "Play" Detour option is definitely the better choice of the two, myself.

Table of contents
  • My first time,jbug, 04:52 PM, 09-19-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Weez, 11:49 AM, 09-20-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Belle Book, 04:24 PM, 09-20-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,kidflash212, 06:33 PM, 09-20-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,flipxcyd, 08:42 PM, 09-20-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Molaholic, 11:53 AM, 09-21-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Max Headroom, 01:29 PM, 09-21-11
    • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Jims02, 06:18 PM, 09-21-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,KwietOne, 05:28 PM, 09-21-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,beau_30, 07:59 PM, 09-21-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,samboohoo, 08:02 PM, 09-21-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Starshine, 03:00 AM, 09-22-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Estee, 12:37 PM, 09-22-11
    • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Jims02, 10:24 PM, 09-22-11
  • Newbie here,Puffy, 10:12 PM, 09-22-11
    • RE: Newbie here,Jims02, 10:24 PM, 09-22-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Ontheroadagain, 10:51 PM, 09-22-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Max Headroom, 08:11 AM, 09-23-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Booted, 02:03 PM, 09-23-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,popeave, 07:23 PM, 09-23-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Element King, 03:01 AM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,ARnutz, 08:07 AM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,esquire, 10:10 AM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,qwertypie, 11:33 AM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Scuba Steve, 11:34 AM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Snidget, 12:47 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,louislam, 01:51 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,bbenzenberg, 03:29 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,chiubakka, 03:56 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,MzTee, 04:41 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,5cats, 05:24 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Yogi, 05:39 PM, 09-25-11
    • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,michel, 07:19 PM, 09-25-11
      • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Jims02, 07:26 PM, 09-25-11
        • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,ARnutz, 07:38 PM, 09-25-11
        • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,michel, 05:19 PM, 09-28-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,CTgirl, 06:02 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,jbenz, 06:03 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Wallflower66, 06:07 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,sarah1234, 06:08 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,alemattos, 06:17 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,cahaya, 06:49 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,vennui, 06:51 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,FFantasyFX, 06:55 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,IanQuentin, 06:56 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,michel, 07:22 PM, 09-25-11
  • RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!,Jims02, 07:27 PM, 09-25-11
  • Woot!,LeftPinky, 07:50 PM, 09-25-11

Messages in this discussion
"My first time"
Posted by jbug on 09-19-11 at 04:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-20-11 AT 06:19 PM (EST)

I've never had any JimBucks. I want in!

I will be buggier about TAR than Arnutz is nuttier.

I have a need to be first - therefore, my prompt post.

Andy - Tommy 10
Justin - Jennifer 8
Bank 2

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Weez on 09-20-11 at 11:49 AM
Eeny-meenie-miney-mo .....

Andy/Tommy - 9
Laurence/Zac - 9

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Belle Book on 09-20-11 at 04:24 PM
I'm playing!

10 on Andy & Tommy &
10 on Ernie & Cindy.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-20-11 at 06:33 PM
10 on Ron & Bill
10 on Andy & Tommy

- the Race is back!

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-20-11 at 08:42 PM
20 JIMS on Ernie/Cindy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Molaholic on 09-21-11 at 11:53 AM
Put me all in on Ethan & Jenna


"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 09-21-11 at 01:29 PM
All in on Rex Grossman/Mike Shanahan.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-21-11 at 06:18 PM
Lately, that hasn't been such a bad pick.

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by KwietOne on 09-21-11 at 05:28 PM
20 on Cindy/Ernie

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by beau_30 on 09-21-11 at 07:59 PM
welcome back Jims. I'm glad I checked.

Here Are My Picks:
All in On Ernie & Cindy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by samboohoo on 09-21-11 at 08:02 PM
All in on Ethan & Jenna.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Starshine on 09-22-11 at 03:00 AM
10 on Andy & Tommy

10 on Jenna & Ethan

May the sun always shine on Tribe

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Estee on 09-22-11 at 12:37 PM
I never enter games hosted by dead men.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-22-11 at 10:24 PM
You say that as if there exists a world where I could possibly pay for my sins.

My greatest sin? Depending on the Ravens to be competent.

"Newbie here"
Posted by Puffy on 09-22-11 at 10:12 PM
I've never played, but here goes:

Ethan and Jenna 6 points
Andy and Tommy 5 points
Ernie and Cindy 5 points
bank 4 points

"RE: Newbie here"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-22-11 at 10:24 PM
Welcome aboard! Good luck!

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 09-22-11 at 10:51 PM
Yes, I'm back. Let's get those drinks flowing.

10 on Justin/Jennifer
10 on Jeremy/Sandy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 09-23-11 at 08:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-11 AT 08:12 AM (EST)

All in on Ernie/Cindy.

And I'm starting the Dallas DST this week, so Rex needs to resume being Rex this Sunday Monday.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Booted on 09-23-11 at 02:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-11 AT 02:04 PM (EST)

Ernie / Cindy - 9 points
Jeremy and Sandy - 11 points

Boot Ed

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by popeave on 09-23-11 at 07:23 PM
My usual first week strategy of not having a clue who any of these teams are leads me to bet:

15 on Kaylani/Lisa
5 on Liz/Marie

Of course, my usual first week results would probably suggest that I ought to at least look at who I'm betting for, but who cares about strategy?

Thanks for running the show again, Jims02!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Element King on 09-25-11 at 03:01 AM
Laurence/Zac = 15pts
Bank = 5pts
Birthday on Amazing race, comeon let me win

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-25-11 at 08:07 AM
20 JimsBucks on Ernie/Cindy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by esquire on 09-25-11 at 10:10 AM
20 on Andy/Tommy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-25-11 at 11:33 AM
20 Jimbucks on Jenna/Ethan

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 09-25-11 at 11:34 AM
All in on Ethan/Jenna.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Snidget on 09-25-11 at 12:47 PM
Andy and Tommy all in.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by louislam on 09-25-11 at 01:51 PM
Very excited to get to this casino again, thanks Jim!

15 on Ernie/Cindy
5 on Jeremy/Sandy

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by bbenzenberg on 09-25-11 at 03:29 PM
20 Points to start

Liz & Marie - 5
Laurence & Zac - 5
Ethan & Jenna - 5
Justin & Jennifer - 5

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by chiubakka on 09-25-11 at 03:56 PM
Chiubakka 20 pts

12pts Ernie/cindy
4pts Ethan/Jenna
4pts Andy/Tommy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by MzTee on 09-25-11 at 04:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-11 AT 04:43 PM (EST)

Andy/Tommy 10pts
Justin/Jennifer 5pts

bank 5pts

Happy Birthday Element King!!!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by 5cats on 09-25-11 at 05:24 PM
20 pieces of silver on Ernie and Cindy.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Yogi on 09-25-11 at 05:39 PM
Thanks for hosting the game again Jims!

Ernie/Cindy x 20

Could I double up on that bet by backing Jims' Jokers V3?

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by michel on 09-25-11 at 07:19 PM
His fantasy team is looking strong, isn't it?

Ils sont fous, ces Romains!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-25-11 at 07:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-11 AT 07:31 PM (EST)

I'm seriously considering changing the name to the BradyWelkers.

At least my loser team in the the Politically Incorrect league has finally won a game, despite Chris Johnson trying to drag the team down.

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-25-11 at 07:38 PM
Yup. I had all my good players on the bench this week in the PIOT league!

You're welcome!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by michel on 09-28-11 at 05:19 PM
It's you and me this week...


"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by CTgirl on 09-25-11 at 06:02 PM
Glad to be back to PLAY in the casino!

All in on Ernie and Cindy

Lit up by Agman

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by jbenz on 09-25-11 at 06:03 PM
12 on Ethan and Jenna
8 on Andy and Tommy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 09-25-11 at 06:07 PM
All in on Ethan and Jenna. Go Team Survivor!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by sarah1234 on 09-25-11 at 06:08 PM

I totally want to play.

5 points on each of these teams:

Ethan and Jenna
Laurence and Zac
Ron and Bill
Ernie and Cindy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by alemattos on 09-25-11 at 06:17 PM
5 pts on each:
Ethan and Jenna
Amani and Marcus
Ernie and Cindy
Ron and Bill

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by cahaya on 09-25-11 at 06:49 PM
Gonna spread the bets a bit here...

5 Andy/Tommy
5 Ron/Bill
5 Ernie/Cindy
5 Ethan/Jenna

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by vennui on 09-25-11 at 06:51 PM

20 points on Ernie and Cindy

If this goes bad acn I catch a ride with someone?

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 09-25-11 at 06:55 PM
20 points on Ernie/Cindy

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by IanQuentin on 09-25-11 at 06:56 PM

All 20 points on Laurence/Zac

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by michel on 09-25-11 at 07:22 PM
All in on Ernie and Cindy

I have no idea who they are, knowing only that Jenna and Ethan are on the race, that there is a football player and a teenage navigator but that's what all the big players are doing so why even bother going to a spoiler board?

Ils sont fous, ces Romains!

"RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome!"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-25-11 at 07:27 PM
I'm feeling under the weather today, so I don't want to put any thought into my picks.

20 points - Ernie/Cindy

A 2003 IceCat original

Posted by LeftPinky on 09-25-11 at 07:50 PM

Andy/Tommy - 15

Laurence/Zac - 5

Haven't played for several seasons... time for a comeback!