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"Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."

Posted by snoocharoo on 03-27-03 at 09:41 AM
Last night is the first time that I recall seeing joint confessionals from the survivors. My husband commented on how strange it was to show Alex and Matteo in a confessional together when Alex was hell-bent on having Matteo booted the week b-4. Then later on we had the Silicone Sisters chicken-heading about some non-sense. Have I not been paying attention closely enough or is this the first time we've seen joint confessionals, and if it is does it have an underlying meaning?

My other question is vague but I'll try to verbalize my thoughts. Butch is slated as CO's "older guy about 50", since Roger is gone Butch is the only remaining male to fit the mold. But we have seen so very little of him and he appeared completely out of the loop with the vote. I'm having major ZZzzoe flashbacks. Is Butch just really boring and being hidden so as not put the viewing audience asleep or is he being hidden in plain sight? And I cannot figure out who the narrator is, is it Rob or is it Deena or both?

If Survivor history has taught us anything it's that strategies revealed never succeed. We see a female + Rob alliance. The Butch, Dave, Roger alliance that we saw exposed was thusly shattered. Where do Christy, Matt, Alex and Butch fit into the puzzle? I cannot fathom that the Silicone Sisterhood so blatantly shoved in our faces will succeed, but then again I can't see how it can fail.

The sex angle is being played up to the hilt. I still don't quite understand why the Silicone Sisters disrobed, the could have kept their clothes on and got food anyway. It seemed hinky and almost planned.

Dave is a jamoke (I thought I was the only one who said that word!!!)and his 1975 Playboy Forum stories around the campfire were just too cheesy. This will definitely get to chooch Rob who desperately needs to get some action or he is going to explode. Could it be that those who weren't part of the remake of Caligula will go on to succeed?

I'm still holding onto a thin thread of hope that the F4 will be Butch, Deena, Christy and Matt but I cannot come up with a scenario to support it.

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"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Breezy on 03-27-03 at 10:23 AM
I thought the same last night too, why the tag team confessionals. That was new.

Also didn't understand the girls taking off their clothes, they didn't need to to get food.

I don't think Rob is going to go very far, he seems to always be on the outside looking in. Wanting the girls to kiss him and like him and if they like someone else he gets upset. We'll see if he can get everyone to vote for Dave next week.

Snooch for your final four, I can see it. Deena will drop Rob for Matt, Jenna for Christie and Christie will bring Butch.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 03-27-03 at 10:45 AM
The girls stripped because they are shameless-DAWs-in-training, and were practicing their expert skills in DAWdom.

I would like to suggest that ChillOne is not totally correct. Yes, the spoiler got most of the first four -- in the wrong order. Some potential missteps:

1) The final four of Jenna, Butch, Christy, and Matt. After last night's result, this looks weak now. How will BUTCH get there? And CHRISTY? I thought the two of them might have some sort of alliance, but last night showed otherwise.

2) Furthermore, the final four "swan" (the unattractive woman suddenly becoming attractive) would now seem most likely to fit Deena than Jenna.

3) Alex could now be the younger man instead of Matt. For that matter, Rob could possibly be there, also.

And, quite frankly, I absolutely don't trust other spoilers out there right now.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by ulalame on 03-27-03 at 11:19 AM
Dawg, I so agree with you about the pre-season spoilers!

Once again, in retrospect, the Roger boot (like the Shawna boot last week, and the Jeanne boot the week before) makes incredibly good sense. But for the thought that Shawna/Alex must have time together at loser lodge ergo Alex is a pre-jury boot, there was no reason to pick him to go this week.

In hindsight (and kudos to those who made this argument last week), what benefit would new-Jamburu have gained by voting out Alex over Roger, Dave or Butch? Methinks this week we should focus our spoiling efforts more on the clues derived from the episodes themselves (and booted survivor chats -- Daniel, for one, handed us the Roger boot on a silver platter) rather than trying to fit the square pegs into the round holes remaining of the pre-season spoilers.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 03-27-03 at 12:29 PM
I agree with you for the most part, although not for exactly the same reasons you describe (for me, the misdirection principle for the Hollow Theory WAS there and I didn't follow it ).

The only real surprise was Jeanne... and this is why I think KDH and other spoilers may have been plants.

Roger was actually pretty easy to see **IF** one didn't think he'd win immunity (as I did).

As to Alex... yes, there was no real information about him out there... except we know that he and Shawna are an item. As I said somewhere else, I was thinking of changing my vote... but it would've been to Dave, not Roger.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by jkokoj on 03-27-03 at 12:30 PM
I agree ulalame. We have a good basis for spoiling and most look at other items out there other than ChillOne. There are several different scenerios.

I still believe Christy and Butch are tight. Butch and Dave are going to realize their error and go to Christy. Christy and Butch are going to be unable to save Dave. For Butch to be anywhere near final 4 he will have to win a couple of ICs. As long as Dave, Alex and Matt are in the game that is not going to happen.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Booted on 03-27-03 at 01:09 PM

How will BUTCH get there? And CHRISTY? I thought the two of them might have some sort of alliance, but last night showed otherwise.

We were just having this conversation and here is what I think. If I recall correctly last week Butch told Christy that he had an alliance with the other guys and had to stick by that. Being a man of his word he did that. Now that others have broken that alliance he is now a "free agent" and will now align with Christy and together they will make the final 4.

Just one mans ramblings (and woman can ramble just as good as men. That means I am not Rodger (or is that Roger???)).


PS: Loved the Casey Cassen (sp) act last night

PSS: Showing men can be stupid too, what is DAW???

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by djandy on 03-27-03 at 02:38 PM
DAW stands for Desperate Attention Whore. Look in the upper left hand corner of all posts, and it lists your number of DAW postings.

And I get a DAW for explaning this.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by dajaki on 03-27-03 at 11:59 AM
Joint confessional is new and kind of weird. Maybe this is meant (by the producers) to instill a false sense of trust in the two participants for each other. If we're getting interviewed together, our alliance must be tight, right?

I don't get the Butch deal, either. Maybe he's so boring that they don't want him on camera much when they can have naked models or young men embellishing their private lives.

Silicone sisters offered to disrobe for food, even though disrobing wasn't a necessary part of the challenge. Of course Jeff isn't going to remind them that getting naked won't get them food. If they hadn't jumped, he sure wasn't going to bring it out to them. It was just an unplanned bonus for MB.

Does anyone here really believe Dave's story? This little vignette reminded me of a "Friends" episode where all the paleontologist colleagues of Ross show up at a party. Clearly none of them had ever had a girlfriend of Rachel's quality, and thus Ross was the king of the paleontologists. I think Dave may be the king of the rocket scientists. He probably has had a sexual misadventure or two, he probably has exaggerated them so his rocket scientist buddies can worship him, and he is just keeping the good story going for his new circle of Survivor friends.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-27-03 at 12:25 PM
Silicone sisters offered to disrobe for food, even though disrobing wasn't a necessary part of the challenge.

Yeah. I think it went like this:

Jenna: I'd get naked for peanut butter and chocolate.
Heidi: Me too!
Rob: Get the food now!!
Jeff: So you'll get naked for peanut butter and chocolate?
Jenna: YES!
Heidi: YES!
Rob: (YES!)
Jeff: Hold on a sec.

Then out he comes and the rest is infamy.

Does anyone here really believe Dave's story?
Yes, I've seen some of my very in-shape friends accomplish the amazing with very willing women. You gotta give Dave his props...he's in great shape (and smart) and A LOT of women dig that.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Brownroach on 03-27-03 at 12:30 PM
I think this little gimmick may be limited to this episode.

Halfway through I realized that my Roger-looks-like-target-but-Dave-gets-boot theory wasn't going to happen. Because MB was reveling in giving us the blow-by-blow countdown to Roger's boot. No misdirection required, because the audience would eat up every second of it.

Once Roger was decided on as the boot by Deena and Rob, virtually all of the confessionals revolved around Roger. Christy, Deena, Jenna and Heidi all complained about his treatment of the women. Then after Roger lost IC, we saw everyone gleefully anticipating Roger's departure.

I think the joint confessionals were just to accentuate the degree to which everyone was on the same page about sending Roger bye-bye.

MB must have despised Roger, he's never humiliated a contestant so thoroughly in their boot episode. There was no attempt at redemption whatsoever.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 03-27-03 at 12:41 PM
Totally agree with you, Brownroach!

MB has really laid the irony on thick this year (*drip drip*), and he really gave Roger both barrels in Ep. 7.

My personal feeling? Remember that S-6 was filmed right after S-5... before and during S-5's airing. I remember hearing that all the production cast was REALLY disappointed in how S-5 came out... and I think MB took it out on S-6, not to mention made sure we wouldn't view S-6 the way we viewed S-5.

In any case, you're right... even Jerri and Ghandia were not so totally destroyed by the power of MB's editing as was Roger. He must have truly been worse than we saw on the show...

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Brownroach on 03-27-03 at 02:56 PM
He must have truly been worse than we saw on the show...

True, maybe he was irredeemable. Although he did have some human moments regarding Christy after the tribal swap.

And yes, even Jerri, arguably the most hateful Survivor character to date, was softened up a little before her demise.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Loree on 03-28-03 at 01:13 PM
I've read that Jeff was asked on a radio interview which Survivor he liked least from the Amazon series and he stated Heidi. So she must of really annoyed them if she was more disliked than Roger. But the editing of her certainly shows she wasn't liked by MB.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by snoocharoo on 03-27-03 at 12:43 PM
I hope this doesn't come across as sanctimonious or pious but I have a REAL problem with the sex talk and blurred nudity on the show.

My 10 yr old daughter LOVES Survivor and our family night kind of revolves around the show. Last night, my daughter got all embarrassed when the Silicone's stripped, she kept asking me "mommy, why are they taking their clothes off". Then, we get Rob talking about 3-somes and Dave with his Playboy forum fantasy...by the time the show was over I ended up explaining menage a trois and trying to rationalize why it's okay for 1 man to have sex with 2 women at the same time and why someone would want to do that. Not for nothing but this show is aired during Primetime. I have no problem with nudity or deviant sexual behavior, I have a problem explaining what a 3-some is to a 10 yr old though and I really think that last night's episode sunk to new level of classlessness.

Sorry, I just don't like the sex angle and feel that MB is putting way too much emphasis on it to garner ratings. Just my opinion.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by addictedtoSB on 03-27-03 at 01:03 PM
I'm with you snooch. MB is going to need a new time slot if the sex theme is going to keep escalating. Grinding S5 to 3-somes in S6. My girls are in JR High but this Survivor sex talk with dad around is uncomfortable for everyone.
Just my 2 cents. Still, thanks mostly to Rob, The Funniest Survivor Episode EVER.

"Since when did Survivor have to sink so low..."
Posted by Boilermaker on 03-27-03 at 02:56 PM
I agree with you both. Survivor has always gotten great ratings and this season they seem to be sinking to lower and lower levels. Not only has the sex talk and blurred nudity increased to new levels, but the corporate sponsorship that has always been around Survivor has also gone off the charts. I'm still pissed that a Reward was actually a mini-fridge with Cokes. What's next a reward challenge that provides them with Sani-Wipes and Trojan condoms?

"RE: Since when did Survivor have to sink so low..."
Posted by snoocharoo on 03-27-03 at 02:59 PM

"RE: Since when did Survivor have to sink so low..."
Posted by jkokoj on 03-27-03 at 03:36 PM
I am with you snooch. The little mice in my house usually watch survivor and it is our family night kind of thing. Hubby did not want to watch this week and was playing PS2 with the kiddies. Thank goodness b/c the sex talk was over the top for primetime.

"RE: Since when did Survivor have to sink so low..."
Posted by prn on 03-27-03 at 03:58 PM
They actually do have condoms with them... Remember Outback... Maralyn and her comments about being the prophylactic police. And how every morning she’d count the Trojans... It came in the first aid kit, I believe.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Spidey on 03-27-03 at 03:03 PM
It didn't even occur to be that all this sex stuff was being viewed by scores of young people. I thought it was hysterical, but my kids (who are little) were in bed.

You are right Snooch, it WAS inappropriate. Clearly the IC couldn't be edited out, but that sex forum could easily have been. If they are going to continue in this vein, I think a 9 or 10 pm slot is much more appropriate!

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by SurvivaBear on 03-27-03 at 03:07 PM
I know this has nothing to do with spoiling the show, but I completely agree. Not that I think he could have completely edited out the getting naked stuff, but he seemed to focus in on the sex talk stuff more than he needed to to tell the story.

I have five year old and nine year old daughters. Fortunately, they did not seem to be paying close attention. EPMB was skirting the edg of the PG-13 rating in my opinion.

Beware the Bear! An IceCat Original, © 2002

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by DoodleBug on 03-27-03 at 04:56 PM
Maybe this should be moved to the Bashers thread? But I whole-heartedly agree that S6 has gone downhill. Although, Friends isn't much better.... unfortunately it's about ratings. And for that reason, I tape it and watch it later. Having said that, last night was THE funniest episode ever.

I think the joint confessionals added a new perspective to the show and we saw a different kind of interaction with the characters. Probably won't see it again as someone else pointed out.

And I must say.... Rob was hilarious last night

"Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good-bye!"

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by katethegreat on 03-28-03 at 08:02 PM
Completely agree. The sex talk was way inappropriate, it should not have been aired. I think Jeff or the crew encouraged the boobies to strip. Because it was inexplicable - he had just stated that if they stayed up for some time, rewards would be offered. Was this idea planted with Jenna earlier?? (I keep envisioning the crew clapping and waving at the girls - "Yeah, Go". Pointing at the cameras, laughing. Surely there is some interaction. . . .)

Very weird, Survivor is sinking to new lows. My household contains three children, 15, 13 and 11.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Bebo on 03-27-03 at 03:13 PM
I'm still holding onto a thin thread of hope that the F4 will be Butch, Deena, Christy and Matt but I cannot come up with a scenario to support it.

One of the things that has struck me is how we're not being shown any direct strategy for Butch, Christy, or Jenna. Yes, we know about Butch's and Jenna's alliances, but mostly through hearsay. Dave revealed the male final 6 doomed strategy to us, and Deena revealed the alliances with Jenna (first the cute girls + Deena, then the J/R/D final 3). We also heard about Jenna's desire to keep Roger off the jury from Deena, not Jenna. So it seems like we have multiple cases of hiding in plain sight.

I'm still interpreting the CO final 4 as Matteo, Jenna, Butch, and Christy, and I could see it happening as the revealed alliances disintegrate:

- Deena is set up as a target, now that bossy Roger is gone. Markopolo's insider transcription shows us that they would have targeted Deena if Christy had won IC. And she's the biggest female IC threat. So Dave and Butch will be agreeable to putting her on the chopping block if they can find support.
- We're shown Dave and Heidi getting closer in previews. Dave is clearly next on Deena's chopping block, which will drive a wedge between her and Heidi. And since Heidi and Jenna are like 2 peas in a pod, Jenna may not be as loyal to Deena as Deena is to Jenna.
- Alex didn't like Roger, is he going to be any more agreeable to being bossed around by a woman? And knowing that she's targeting the strong men, he's gotta know that would mean his demise sooner rather than later.

In prior survivors, we had strong cores of 5 develop that Pagonged and then cannibalized, but that is not happening here. The newJabaru 5 is not a strong core of 5, since Alex and Matthew have already been mentioned as targets because of IC strength.

So, long story not short, how could that lead to a B/C/J/M final 4?
- Matthew could go on an IC run, or his psycho machete act may convince others to keep him around as a good F2 opponent.
- Butch is a fringe target, since he is not the IC threat that the other men are. This could give him time to ally with others on the fringes of the revealed alliances.
- Christy is being kept around to help vote off others. Her single vote is a useful tool as the smaller factions fight for superiority. As those alliances break down, she could end up outlasting them by allying with other fringe members.
- Jenna keeps getting mentioned in the core alliances, so why keep her around? She gave us the answer herself in the last episode - she's not likely to win ICs. Out of the core group, she is the least likely to win an IC and spoil the plans of those on the fringe. (Of course, the last laugh would be for her to win the final IC, pick Matthew to go to the final 2, and win the jury vote.)

I'm just psyched that I don't see a straight Pagonging ahead this time - there are just too many possibilities for how the smaller factions can get together to target individuals along the way.

A Bebodacious American

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by snoocharoo on 03-27-03 at 03:39 PM
The great thing about Bebo is that she can articulate my thoughts so well.

Okay, I'll bite the bullet and accept the fact that in all liklihood Jenna would be part of the F4. So we agree on an F4 of Jenna, Christy, Butch and Matt.

The fringe factions is what I was trying to get out. I think these fringe faction change and migrate depending on circumstances at that time. There are two constants, Christy and Matt. Both are viewed as expendable but both have vote power that can be manipulated.

I have to think on this somemore...there is a deep thought up inside my head that I just can't reach yet.

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by kiki_k on 03-27-03 at 04:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-03 AT 04:08 PM (EST)

I agree with Bebo completely -- and have lurked enough around here to have totally respect for her spoiler logic.
I wanted to believe that CO's final four included "Deena" and not "Jenna" -- but there is no way I can figure Deena making it with Matt, Butch and Christy. However, Jenna, Matt, Butch & Christy seems very likely now (see Bebo's post above).
Also, I want to add, don't forget the Alex & Matt joint confessional -- the only other joint confessional we saw last night was Heidi and Jenna -- whom we know are aligned. Maybe the hidden alliance is Alex & Matt -- secure enough to even say in public they were voting for each other (which, btw Matt didn't --but they knew Shawna was a sure thing) to throw off Alpha feMale Deena. I really don't think MB shows us things unintentionally -- why an Alex & Matt joint confessional, unless they are aligned.
Which brings up Butch & Christy -- a tentative alliance and now, with Roger gone, one that will become stronger -- Butch said (see Marcopolo's Platinum transcript) that he was only voting Christy because of the prior alliance -- that prior alliance no longer exists. Butch and Christy will not vote for each other from here on out.
Alex and Matt are not the playthings to the girls that Rob is and after booting Dave next week (barring IM), I think they are going to finagle their way in with Butch and Christy to turn on Deena and Rob.
Thus, as of right now I see Dave going next (Alex wants him out because of IM threat, so he will not rock Deena's boat yet), then either Deena or Rob (or vice versa depending on IM), then Heidi in 6th place, then, somehow Alex (haven't worked it out -- but prob. a crucial IM win to some one who would rather vote Alex than anyone else) and you get the Christy, Butch, Matt, Jenna final four.
Feel free to blow as many holes as you will.

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. -- Oscar Wilde

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by Bebo on 03-27-03 at 04:59 PM
I agree with Bebo completely -- and have lurked enough around
here to have totally respect for her spoiler logic.

Then you obviously missed my post before the last episode in which I said there was no way they were targeting Roger.

I agree with you that Alex is going to be part of the group that brings about the downfall of Deena and Rob. Deena has already talked about wanting to put distance between Rob and Alex, and he has to know that Deena is going to target him because of his IC threat. His bond with Shawna prior to her demise put him outside the Jabaru inner circle.

And why would Alex go 5th? For the reason I just mentioned, an IC threat. Christy has no ties to him, Jenna doesn't want an all-male F2, and if Butch allies with Christy, he'll be the third vote. Maybe the three of them decide that between Matteo and Alex, they'll pick off whoever doesn't win IC.

A Bebodacious American

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by kiki_k on 03-27-03 at 05:16 PM
>I agree with Bebo completely --
>and have lurked enough around
>here to have totally respect for
>her spoiler logic.

>Then you obviously missed my post
>before the last episode in
>which I said there was
>no way they were targeting

Hey, we all make mistakes -- and the logic behind it was solid, even if, ultimately, mistaken.

>And why would Alex go 5th?
> For the reason I
>just mentioned, an IC threat.
> Christy has no ties
>to him, Jenna doesn't want
>an all-male F2, and if
>Butch allies with Christy, he'll
>be the third vote.
>Maybe the three of them
>decide that between Matteo and
>Alex, they'll pick off whoever
>doesn't win IC.

Good thinking -- I knew I was on my way, but, just as in Snookie's case, it took your reasoning to shed light on the thought process! Mucho gracios

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. -- Oscar Wilde

"RE: Joint confessionals and other hinky things..."
Posted by bichon on 03-28-03 at 01:12 PM
I totally agree. Assuming the ChillOne F4 and the spoiler on Heidi finishing 6th are accurate, it only leaves 4 spots to be filled. Rob and Deena will probably go back-to-back and Alex will probably outlast Dave. I think it will take a while for Rob and Deena to be exposed so Dave goes next episode, followed by Rob and Deena (in any order), then Heidi, Alex, and the rumoured F4. So, not only is this boot order supported by kiki's explanation, it logically can happen. Well, assuming the spoilers are accurate, that is.