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"Paula Freakin Abdul"

Posted by bacon on 04-06-05 at 10:29 AM
Ok, we all know that Simon is the straight shooter of the bunch. He's not afraid to speak his mind whether it ends up hurting feelings or not. So it only makes sense that they get a judge who is on the opposite end of the spectrum. But this has truly gotten ridiculous!

If you'll notice, Simon does like some of the performances. He hates a lot of them, but he also likes some too. Paula, on the other hand, might as well just be holding up a sign that reads "I love everybody". She actually applauded Anthony's song last night!!! Now if you didn't see his performance just imagine someone putting your head against the ground, placing a giant nail in your ear and then swinging a giant hammer down on top of the nail. That should give you some idea as to how bad he was. But Paula thought he was the second coming of Frank Sinatra by the way she was talking.

It's time for a new judge to take over the "I love everybody" role. At least give me someone who's coherent.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by AtlantisRoyal on 04-06-05 at 11:01 AM
I agree. I used to love Paula, but she's like a broken record this season. In previous seasons I got tired of hearing her say the word "pitchy", but I would really like to hear her say it now. At least it would show me that she was actually listening.

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by motormouth on 04-06-05 at 12:41 PM
I agree. She has lost all credibility in my opinion. I would understand if she felt the need to say something positive in addition to the truth/critisism but she doesn't help anyone by blowing smoke up their a$$es.

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren!*

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by MarleyCat on 04-06-05 at 01:12 PM
Paula needs to stop interrupting Simon. He listens politely while she gushes over every single perfomance...but as soon as he starts talking...she interrupts and Simon rarely gets to finish his comments. He's the only one worth listening too.

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-06-05 at 01:16 PM
That's Paula Freakin Abdul Estevez to you...

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by trigirl on 04-06-05 at 02:02 PM
This is the first season of AI I have watched and I cannot believe Paula Abdul. I thought maybe she was drunk or something!

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by udg on 04-06-05 at 02:05 PM
Someone needs to teach her how to clap. The open handed, arms straight out thing is just obnoxious. She looks like a freaking SEAL. Whenever she starts to talk, I sit there rolling my eyes and thinking, "Ark, ark, ark."

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by Spidey on 04-06-05 at 02:10 PM
You didn't read my Final 11 summary, did you?

(I go into great length about the seal thing.)

For shame!!! Summaries rule - and they are hard work. You should read them!

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by udg on 04-06-05 at 03:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-05 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

If you Google "seal clapping" the first hit is talking about Paula! Really.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
Edited, because I got weeks mixed up. Ginger was last week, and you were two weeks ago.

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by Spidey on 04-06-05 at 06:37 PM
Holy carp. I just did the google thing and wow. Too funny.

Great minds and all that, huh?

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by nailbone on 04-06-05 at 03:09 PM
Whenever she starts to talk, I sit there rolling my eyes and thinking, "Ark, ark, ark."

And then she speaks, and all we hear is "blah blah blah".

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by frisky on 04-06-05 at 02:30 PM
I'm lookin at the huge skull and crossbones ring on her finger, and I'm thinking -- of all people, why the hell is Paula Abdul with sugar syrup and a cherry on top wearing a death ring? She is so strange.

And the contestants...some of them still go "wow thanks Paula!" when she pants all over them after their performances. If I were them, I would find her patronizing.

The world is my litterbox.

Posted by Bebo on 04-06-05 at 02:47 PM
...to the Individual forum.

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by nailbone on 04-06-05 at 03:11 PM
They REALLY need to let Simon speak first, because he's the only one that really makes sense, and by the time Paula gets done fawning over the contestant, and interrupting and berating Simon, his comments are severely limited.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by Smiley11 on 04-06-05 at 05:35 PM
I agree!Paula didn't say a harsh word to anyone last night and some of those performances were horrible! I think they need a new judge to replace Paula.

"Re: Paula"
Posted by Harrison on 04-07-05 at 11:17 AM
I see your point here. She can get tiresome.
But she (or someone like her) is needed to make a show like American Idol work.

As this competition seems in large measure aimed at young and enthusiastic fans of pop music, positive remarks given to each of the contestants lessens the chances of alienating portions of the audience.
As hard as it might be for you or me to believe, everyone on this contest has throngs of adoring fans.
Adoring, enthusiastic, young fans--prime demographics, anyone?

The sponsors (and so, the producers) love to keep those eyes on the screen. Why sour any particular group?
And yes, I am suggesting with this point that Paula is purposefully keeping herself useful to the show with her sugary critiques.

Advantage: Sponsors, Producers, Abdul, the Show.

Second, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
By this, I mean that Simon ought to be considered the best thing American Idol has going for it.
Everyone waits for his remarks.
Everyone puts stock in his sometimes blunt, always honest appraisal.
For that to work, you need to have something against which his reaction can be contrasted--enter Paula.


For an example of how this should not be handled, you need look no further than that miserable "The Next Starlet" (or whatever it's called) program in which Vivica and Faye each try to out-Simon one another.

It just doesn't work.
If you have the spice, you need the sugar.
If you like your sour, you'll want some sweet.

Sure, Paula is incredible, predictable and mind-numbingly without substance at times.
But she's a useful tool.

Like it or don't, she does make the show work.
But that's not to say she couldn't be replaced in that role...

"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by johnnyaa on 04-08-05 at 10:53 AM
Couldn't agree more! Her "Good job!" and "I'm proud of you!" comments used to be somewhat cute. Now they're just plain annoying. Idol could save some money by just recording these comments and playing them back when it was her turn to squeal.

If it wasn't for her exposure on Idol she'd be a has-been performing Friday nights at the Holiday Inn in Mattoon, Illinois (no disrespect intended to anyone from Mattoon).

"Paula is unfair to Simon"
Posted by TARugh on 04-09-05 at 01:36 AM
It seems many folks are quick to jump down Simon's opinionated throat the second he says something negative. Although his thoughts may be viewed as crass, he at least has the respect to NOT interrupt other judges when he does not agree with them.

Paula will gush every show and about every contestant about how wonderful and heroic they are...boring and rolling the eyes of millions of Americans each week. Simon says nothing during her drunken stooper love confessions of each Idoler.

Then, the 'cold hearted snake' speaks. Simon, the only judge with credible reasoning, will say what is on most of our minds. (Reference to Simon's response to Ukrainian Clay's 'Sound of Music' crapola) Paula will not let Simon have an opinion unless in the rare situation where he actually agrees with her. The second he says anything against her original thought, she interrupts with her nonsense. As if she has an arguement.

I'd love to hear Simon lose it, turn to Paula and say (in representation for all of us) "Paula, shut the {BEEEEP) up you (BEEEP BEEEP) stupid (BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEP) and (BEEP BEEEP).

I'd watch more often just to see Paula put in her place.

Hey...I'm sadistic, what can I say?

"Paula IS a has-been"
Posted by DawnOfTheDead on 04-10-05 at 00:05 AM
It's funny how people use the term "15 minutes of fame" when referring to past AI contestants. Sure, Justin Guarini never even got 15 minutes (his time expired after two seconds), but how Paula Abdul has managed to stretch HER "15 minutes of fame" with this AI gig is truly a question for the Gods.

Her schtick wore tired halfway through the second season. If it weren't for this show, she'd probably be a shoe-in for the twelfth season of "The Surreal Life" or better yet, peddling plastic jewelry on QVC.

"RE: Paula IS a has-been"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 04-10-05 at 02:43 PM
Well she is on tv we are not, so it seems like her 15 minutes is longer lasting than say, mine.

Hey, that must be it- Paula nabbed MY 15 minutes! That should be ME up there with Simon

"RE: Paula IS a has-been"
Posted by niteowl on 04-11-05 at 05:08 AM
I think Paula nabbed a LOT of people's 15 minutes, I mean add 'em all up! I lived through the '80's and I barely noticed her THEN!

"RE: Paula IS a has-been"
Posted by Cassandra on 04-16-05 at 02:54 PM
At eonline, Kristen has blind items, usually about some misbehaving TV celebrity. This week she discusses a "constant" on a hit TV series that the producers wanted to fire before season three but didn't because of the begging, crying, etc. from the potential firee. It totally seemed like something Paula would do since she considers AI her springboard for a big comeback. Notice Kristen never uses the term actress when describing the person. What do you guys think?


"04/13 on TVGuide.com"
Posted by tamarama on 04-13-05 at 04:15 PM
Crack me up!!

American Idol
It's official. Paula Abdul needs an intervention. First off, nobody is that peppy without some serious street-grade "assistance." And second, the woman only has a career because her dancing helped us overlook those crappy songs, and now she's wobbling around that table like a high-schooler who's had eight too many Zimas at an Applebee's happy hour. Granted, maybe Simon's abuse has driven her to huffing or something, but it's getting ugly. She's interrupting her fellow judges, doing that Frankenstein-monster clap and calling people "bright lights" or whatever. Honey, that's just the swirlies. Get some rest and they'll go away, OK? Hopefully, the same can be said about a certain way-past-his-welcome wannabe who shall remain nameless. As should whoever came up with the theme of Songs from the Year You Were Born. Lame. Thankfully, at least half of the hopefuls pulled it off and gave us some good stuff. The others? Well, they looked nice, right?

(followed by critiques of each singer...most of which are pretty spot-on)


"RE: Paula Freakin Abdul"
Posted by J Slice on 04-18-05 at 07:02 PM
I vote in favor of replacing her with MC Skat Katt.

Twelve steps forward, twelve steps back...

" Paula's affair? "
Posted by Cassandra on 04-21-05 at 10:11 PM
Corey Clarke who got thrown off the show for assaulting his sister is now claiming he had an affair with Paula when he was on the show. Also, that she promised to spend millions helping his career. (I doubt she has enough money.) Given Corey's history, this has to be taken with a grain of salt. But maybe this would explain why Paula is never critical of their "performance" since she may be hoping for a horizontal one later. Guess Corey is shooting for a new career as professional gigolo and snitch of sorts.


"RE: Paula's affair? "
Posted by Ricky on 04-22-05 at 02:46 PM
Yeah, Corey is just trying to pitch a book deal. I'll bet it's not really true.

But then again with Paula you never know.