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"Let's go back to the beginning"

Posted by Bebo on 11-20-02 at 03:43 PM
WARNING: Wild speculation ahead.

In the voting thread, ulalame refers back to the first episode title, "The Importance of Being E...est". At the time, we deduced that this meant "The Important of Being Eldest" and referred to the fact that the eldest man and woman (Jake and Jan) picked the tribes.

In prior Survivors, MB has hidden a clue in plain sight in early episodes - biggest example being Richard's write me the check comment in the first episode of S1. What if he did it again?

Could MB have also been telling us that Jake wins - possibly against Jan in the finals?

We've got Paratrooper's spoiler that a SJ wins. There is also increased speculation that Penny leaves this week (and there have been some good arguments posted on the vote thread regarding that one by big idiot and ulalame). So that would leave Jake.

Jake has already unsuccessfully approached Clay. Clay had told Jake he could bring along one of the women to vote out Ted, but it didn't happen. Jake may see through this and realize that Clay didn't want Jake to approach the women directly, since they were the outsiders to the main plan hatched by Brian and Clay. Jake might try to approach the women himself and see about stirring up the pot that way. We've seen a number of indications that Jake and Jan get along well, so he may work through her to get both of them on board. We've also seen Brian's comments about women - does this foreshadow that the women are ultimately his downfall? And if Ted realizes how Clay and Brian engineered his votes from SJ, he'd go along with getting rid of those two guys and hope to stay in the game through IC wins.

This would give us a final four of Jake, Jan, Helen, and Ted. I could see Jake and the Skinny Women voting out Ted if he didn't win IC. And Jake would have an excellent chance of going to the finals - if he didn't win, one of the CG women might take him along thinking she could win a vote along tribal lines. But as Jan says, "Clay doesn't forgive", and the woman would lose to Jake in a probably-not-close vote.

Looking at the ages of the remaining contestants, we have:
Jake (61), Jan (53), Helen (47), Clay (46), Ted (37), Brian (34), and Penny (27). A Jake-Jan-Helen final 3 gives us the three oldest players in the finals. Talk about the importance of being eldest.

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"RE: Let's go back to the beginning"
Posted by big idiot on 11-20-02 at 05:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-20-02 AT 07:22 PM (EST)


On 10-8-02 (about episode 4?) I started a similar thread titled, "The Importance of 'The Importance of Being E...est.'"

I was having some fun/wild speculation also.

So you at least have my support (which may not be viewed as a good thing...)

(Edited to add: Jan has not lived up to her "wise elder" role, but that may be MB's editing)

Anyway, here it is copy-n-pasted:


Posted 10-8-02:

Survivindawg's thread, "Revisiting Tribe's Selections" made me think of this, but it was too tangential to post there.

What if the first episode title has more meaning than initially thought?

What if the "importance of being eldest" is not only the "Thailand culture" significance, but the possibility that Jan or Jake wins, and wins mostly because each was given that position on day one. Each was artificially designated as the tribe's "Wise Elder" on day one, this results in two things:
#1) Each rising up to this role
#2) The tribes viewing each in this way.

Is the title of episode 1 the smoking gun that everyone searches for in episode 1 as a tip-off of the winner?

I already foresee the biggest criticism here, that this is only being proposed because each seems secure at this point and may last far and hence possibily win.

But I wonder if each is "secure" in this stage of the game BECAUSE of #1 and #2 above, otherwise, they would simply view themselves AND be viewed as the "old person" in the tribe, rather than the "wise elder" in the tribe.

Think about the psychological ramifications of #1 and #2 above. If you were chosen as "wise elder", you would rise up to that challenge, and if the "wise elder" chose you to be on his/her tribe you may be more hesitant to vote that person out.

The summary being that Jan and Jake are secure right now BECAUSE they happen to be the eldest which resulted in their promotion to "wise elder", not solely because of who they were that moment prior to the first tribe determinations on episode 1.

Evidence against above:
--Helen annoyed at Jan's behavior in episode 1
--TDT report of Jake not making Jury (but does that mean LL or final two?)
--Only one minor report of weight loss for Jake (meaning I've only seen one mention somewhere so it is probably not validated)

Evidence for above:
--Major weight loss for Jan
--Jan doing crappy in challenges but no discussions of her being booted
--An interview with Jan where she hid some items that were on her mantle (garnered as a final four contestant?)
--Besides Helen, few to zero negative confessionals on Jan or Jake (but my memory is poor)
--Neither are listed as Ghandia's stars (I'm actually not sure how to interpret that)
--Paratrooper has a Gahn as #2 and a Jai as winner (not much meaning here, just the very ironic possibility that the final two is Jake and Jan)
--Several weeks ago, ABT predicted Jan as #2 and Jake as winner in an interview (this would assume that they KNOW the entire boot list, but yet seemingly got episode #2 and epi #3 bootees wrong, I saw somewhere that they put all their yahoo points on Tanya for epi #2, but have not heard what they did for epi #3 - anyway, yeah, BIG reach here, just the crazy possibility that ABT has gotten a hold of an entire boot list but is sorta smart by purposely posting wrong picks on their website, yet in the end will reference the interview where they predicted winner and runner up - which they would have a 50% shot at being correct if knew final two. Yeehaw, I can hear the conspiracy theorists gobbling this up).

Bottom line: I really don't think Jake and Jan are the final two, but I do think Jan may win and that A LOT of the credit for her getting to the merge is because she was LUCKILY placed in the artificial role as "Wise Elder" on day one and that is the importance of "The Importance Of Being Eldest"

Flame or ignore, result is the same, I'll cry.


"RE: Let's go back to the beginning"
Posted by TribalTex29 on 11-20-02 at 06:06 PM
Good Post! I would like to see Jan make it into the Final 3, not necessarily to win, but who knows? I do think it was a very wise decision early on that Jan chose the tribe as she did, whether luck had something to do with where they are now or not ( IT DID! )

Even though Helen and Jan aren't the best of buds, I would think there has to be some allegiance there. And while I think Helen would stab Jan in the back in a second over one of the former Sook Jai, if she has any control over the game, she'll keep Jan in it as long as possible. However, we know this, Helen sided with the men at the beginning, and that may be her downfall, but if she has any brains, she'll split the males ASAP increasing her chances. We also know, the only way that will happen is if she can make it un-obvious that she is siding with Jan.

She will probably play along with the majority if she has to, to get farther. This will likely happen, leading to her ultimate demise. (Possibly even before Jan ).

The fact is immunities play a huge part. Things can change at any time. That is why I'd like to see Jake win immunity Thursday. Might shake things up.

"RE: Let's go back to the beginning"
Posted by ejm92 on 11-21-02 at 01:32 AM
Sheer brilliancy, guys.....this sounds somewhat plausible to me....and after looking back throughout the whole season, we have had certain "Themes" and hidden meanings of certain things.

What comes to mind is MB and JiffyP's playing with "Assumptions", we have heard that word throughout the last few episodes, and it has been overused. Also, there is the cryptic "Dropping Like Flies" message left by Jed at his first (and final) tribal council. (Remember that the TC discussions last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, so MB has a lot of footage to crop through, and he put that clip in there for a reason. As far as TC's go, everything said is important to listen to since it has been cropped and put into place)....and the episode titles are also well thought out...and the "E...est" was very interesting.....you could be on to something.