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"State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"

Posted by OceanSkater on 11-06-02 at 07:42 AM

Episode Eight

Bye Bye Shii-Ann!
"Life's a box full of chocolates, but most of them are nuts"
And we never saw her tah-tahs! This link is for a recap of last week's episode, and confessional/show highlights by our charming group of nuts. There is no spoiler material in Shii-Ann's "last words", unless someone can understand Taiwanese, and it's really more than the "I love you Mom" message. Sorry to say, she was leading in Larry's Diva Journal, but looks like the catwalk Queen has to relegate the Diva title to a more befitting candidate.

Shii-Ann on the early show
Don't let the title fool you, there is a lot of alliance speculation in this thread!

These are the original vidcaps from Thursday. From these ensued many a debate over the IC, and whether or not this would be an individual or team effort.
Thursday Vidcaps

Here's what you can look forward to this Thursday at 8pm according to the CBS blurb.

Tensions between the original tribes is at an all-time high.
One Survivor is particularly disgusted by the other tribe's hygiene habits in their new home.
Members of the original tribes feel each other out (we want footage!) about the possibility of alliances.
A Survivor holds a funeral for the last-to-be-eaten chicken.

Sunday Vidcaps
Here again, a lot of discussion on whether this is individual or team challenge, and boot speculations are worked in as well.

Honk if you have an alliance with Brian!
Who has an alliance with Brian? Who doesn't? Is Brian just playing with himself?

Just when you thought dating your cousin was wrong
Ken, Jake, Erin and Penny or any combination within, give a whole new meaning to inter tribal mating.

Jed's article on Sook Jai dynamics or "backstabbing 101"

Thanks to Galactic Cowgirl for the alliance tracker. It certainly has cleared up a lot of misconceptions for me and put all alliance theories in perspective.

Quote from a pregame interview regarding merge to put to rest the speculation that Jiffy actually has any creative say in the show:

Robert: How much latitude do the producers have on creating rules on the fly? i.e.: When in Africa you all of a sudden had people changing tribes.
Jeff Probst: Zero. Nothing is done on the fly. Everything is charted out in advance. We knew we were going to switch tribes. We knew what day, and within a couple of hours we knew what time. There is a lawyer from CBS on site at all times whose job it is to make sure that the game is fair.

With the lawyer that would make 17 snakes on the island

Another little tidbit from the FAQs at Cbs.com:

Will there always be two Tribes?
No. Halfway thorough their stay on the island, the two tribes merge. The remaining Survivors, accustomed to thinking of each other as "the enemy" or members of the "other Tribe" will come to live together and compete as individuals. At that point, the challenges become person against person, as opposed to Tribe against Tribe; only the winning individual will receive a Reward and/or Immunity.

We certainly have seen "halfwit" defined, but what is the true meaning of "halfway"?

The Merge: When/Will it happen
BergDogg stirs the pot
This thread will have your head spinning, it's an E ticket.

Could IC be individual after all?
Out Front Girl wants to know
This thread will show you some intriguing theories, making you think that Spoilers should actually have a say in production, because they make this a hell of a lot more interesting than the actual show.

"CBS Misdirections E8"
Misdirected, misinformed, or mistaken
Is CBS really smart enough to fool us with these tidbits of fluff? No, but they get us speculating at their inapt advertising.

SeeBSeye mail
More fluff!

To Paratrooper Spoiler Thread: Analysed here is the significance, if any, of the sun in the Vidcaps provided by Paratrooper. Bring your 3D glasses! Or put on some Pink Floyd and have a flashback.

radio alert
Brownroach brings us the latest radio spot that surfaced Tuesday morning. Raid Alarm: Brownroach is everywhere and indestructible.

Clay Info
Clay whores himself out at Holiday Inn

Ater a long run on the boards, the National Enquirer article has been "Debunked".
The National Enquirer lied?
Does this mean Evil Penny still has a shot at it?

the missing link
Did Robb almost slip in a radio interview? Interestingly enough, the URL for the interview in question, does not work. Is the link extinct? Is Robb the only remaining shred of evidence it ever was there?

Preseason interview to show us that someone out there knows the truth and with enough persuasion and torture we can beat it out of them.

rattler: Is it becoming more difficult to keep the outcome of the show a secret? How do the producers intend to keep it hush-hush as the show gets more popular and attempts to discover details become more common?
Jeff Probst: Keeping the secret is our biggest challenge once the show is over. Ultimately, there is no way to absolutely ensure the secrecy. It comes down to trust. Many of our crewmembers know what went on, and certainly the 16 Survivors know what went on. We try to make them realize that we are all part of this together and that any one of us talking will only spoil it for everyone else. We've been very lucky so far. I hope our luck continues.

Find something else to choke on if you wanna leave the table
Ivory Elephant kindly started this thread to inform us that S5 will NOT air on Thanksgiving evening.

Desperate measures: did they use Erin's flotation devices to go and get water?
Among other things, posters start exploring how news from the contestants' families could impact them as it had in past Survivors.

While the cat's/cats' away
Blurb from Episisode 10 or how many pusses really inhabit he island?

Just as I'm sure you did on Tuesday for practice, vote on your bootee pick as if national security depended on it!

SOTS is provided by as a service to our readers. The purpose of this post is to consolidate the threads in the Spoilers Forum pertaining to this week's episode. Feel free to reply to this post if you feel that a theory you support was not adequatly represented in this message...Please use this thread for unified discussion of all topics as we approach the next episode.

Table of contents
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,dabo, 09:34 AM, 11-06-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,lroy, 11:04 AM, 11-06-02
  • Thanks for doing this!,janisella, 11:06 AM, 11-06-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,Brownroach, 11:30 AM, 11-06-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,Bebo, 11:59 AM, 11-06-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,PepeLePew13, 12:44 PM, 11-06-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,rpm, 05:32 AM, 11-07-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,TODDLJ, 02:05 PM, 11-07-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,addictedtoSB, 02:11 PM, 11-07-02
  • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,katem, 02:56 PM, 11-07-02
    • RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight,OceanSkater, 08:39 PM, 11-07-02

Messages in this discussion
"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by dabo on 11-06-02 at 09:34 AM
Wonderful SOTS, OceanSkater, very comprehensive! Since I just started a new thread, I'll add the link here rather than expect you to edit it in. Immunity Poll (cast your vote on how you think immunity and tribal council will work this week) at http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID2/3223.shtml

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by lroy on 11-06-02 at 11:04 AM
Thank you OceanSkater!! i have been sick for 6 days and have not been to the boards very often, this is a HUGE help!!

Meet George Jetson, his daughter lroy

"Thanks for doing this!"
Posted by janisella on 11-06-02 at 11:06 AM
Loved it!


"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by Brownroach on 11-06-02 at 11:30 AM
Terrific job, OceanSkater! You covered everything and then some. And I'm absolutely LOL at your hilarious headings!

-- br

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by Bebo on 11-06-02 at 11:59 AM
Good blend of information and humor. And now that I've done one myself, I can really appreciate the effort it takes to do one. Thanks for a great job!

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-06-02 at 12:44 PM
Great job, OceanSkater! It was an easy read for me with the way you outlined the discussions taking place and the centering of text was a nice touch as well.


"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by rpm on 11-07-02 at 05:32 AM
Thanks OceanSkater especially for including Jiffy's quote about nothing is changed on the fly. I thought I had seen it before but hadn't taken the time to look for it.

If that's true, then last week's fake out/merge was indeed planned in advance. But how could MB know that the tribes would be split 5/5 and not 8/2? Would we still have seen the locks in the cage with 2 against 2 and 6 people sitting out?
And remember, if a tribe of 2 loses the IC, then tribal council becomes a farce, since there is really nothing to discuss, the vote becomes useless, and the stupid purple rock becomes the only drama. Theoretically tonight's episode could have had an 8 to 1 tribe split and a tribal IC would be even more absurd.

So despite the vidcaps, I'm thinking that if what Jiffy says is true about everything being planned in advance, the tribes must merge tonight. (Or else by 'planned' Jiffy meant that one tribe would not win every IC.)

UNLESS --- MB's plan is to merge when one tribe gets too small and he had individual IC's ready to go if the tribes were split 8/2. But this 'floating' merge date is contrary to Jiffy saying that they know exactly when things are going to happen.

Maybe I'm being too picky and taking Jiffy's comment too literally. But if they don't change things on the fly how would they have handled the highly improbable situation of an early merge had all of one tribe and none of the other tribe taken up Jiffy's offer to switch tribes?

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by TODDLJ on 11-07-02 at 02:05 PM
50 Diva Points for OceanSkater!

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by addictedtoSB on 11-07-02 at 02:11 PM
Loved the titles of your links. There were a lot of great discussions this week. Thanks for getting them all in one thread and for throwing in the laughs.

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by katem on 11-07-02 at 02:56 PM
>With the lawyer that would make
>17 snakes on the

HEY !!!!! I OBJECT !!!!!

Then again High Diva Larry Johnson gave you 50 Diva points for this SOTS

Actually, it WAS very funny. Thanks for doing it.

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

"RE: State of the Spoiling, Episode Eight"
Posted by OceanSkater on 11-07-02 at 08:39 PM
Thanks! Just for you Katem, from true court archives:

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere