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"Am I the only one..."

Posted by Risti on 03-23-05 at 01:08 PM
Who just isn't that impressed with Carrie?

She can stay on tune, most of the time, yes, but so can alot of people who have musical training(and she strikes me as the kind of kid who sang in her first fair when she was six). Her range isn't that big, as she keeps proving by singing songs that go too low for her(like the beginning of last night's performance). The judges raved her attempt to break out of the country mold last night, but I thought that only the last 30 seconds of it or so was something to talk about, and even then, it was nothing compared to some of the performances Nadia has given(although I'll admit Nadia was a little off her game last night). Even Lindsey didn't do any better or worse then her last night, I thought, and I've never been a big fan of Lindsey.

All and all... I just don't see what the fuss is about.

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"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by geekboy on 03-23-05 at 01:34 PM

No, you're not the only one who is not drooling over Carrie.

I agree, she has a good voice, and her performance last night was good but little naive me didn't see 'Alone' as a tough song to sing.

My problem with her is that she is inconsistant, and has literally zero stage-presence. This contest is not simply about the voice, its about the whole package and ultimately about consistancy and versatility.

I don't believe Carrie wins on those aspects, but again its America voting.


"Not alone"
Posted by Loquatrix on 03-23-05 at 01:57 PM
I like Carrie a lot more than I like, say, Mikalah or Anthony, but there's nothing about her to get really excited about.

She's a pretty girl and a competent singer, but as you said, she's a County Fair type of singer rather than a pop star type. I don't think she stands a chance of winning the competition as long as Bo and Nadia are around.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by shedevil on 03-23-05 at 03:52 PM
No you are not alone. I don't think she sings that great. She is okay and can sing a few notes really good but never a whole song. She is only okay looking and she has no feeling when she sings. She is numbing and not in a good way.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by Corvis on 03-23-05 at 04:12 PM
I never really liked her until this week. To me, she proved that she can really sing. But I thought she looked scared to death for most of that song. I don't get Simon with his prediction that she'll win and sell more records than the previous winners.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by munson on 03-25-05 at 09:41 PM
She blew it up this past week. If you didn't hear that, you're listening with your emotions and not your ears.

It's OK to not want Carrie to win because you have other favorites but to deny that she has a fantastic voice? Plz....

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by KLicK on 03-31-05 at 06:47 AM
I'm a country music fan and felt that Carrie's Independence Day was a very poor performance. If I was a judge she would have gotten the "Don't take on Martina if you can't handle it line." I've also thought she does a poor Faith Hill, too.

I think she is one of the better singers, but she is not the best. She consistently starts off key (as she did in ID) and is outsung by the backup singers. As someone said, she needs a lot of fine tuning.

Sorry, I just don't see what all the fuss is about. She is a beautiful woman, but...

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by NDNation on 03-31-05 at 03:16 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-05 AT 03:21 AM (EST)

She doesn't even sing in tune consistently. She's often as much as a quarter step sharp. It's actually pretty painful.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by badger on 03-31-05 at 10:36 AM
carrie bores me.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by green eyed girl on 03-31-05 at 10:51 AM
I agree that Carrie is extremely boring. She has a nice voice - but no stage presence at all. She is definitely not Bo!

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by ginger on 03-31-05 at 12:23 PM
Carrie bores me, too, but then, so do Shania, and Taylor, and LeeAnne .... if I bought the albums those ladies produce, I suspect I'd buy Carrie's, too.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by kbpc3949 on 04-01-05 at 03:03 PM
BORING with a capital B, I agree. Can we start to think out of the box. Just what we need is another singer like her.

"RE: Am I the only one..."
Posted by seahorse on 04-02-05 at 01:24 AM
She has a good voice, but she has nothing to set her apart from many of the other country female singers out there. I would be very surprised if she wins this competition.

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"Actually, Carrie does have a great voice"
Posted by cloudbug2 on 04-03-05 at 05:39 PM
The tone, and power of Carrie's voice is much more listenable and of greater talent than anyone on the show except perhaps Lindsey, who was unable to ever show us just how amazing her voice is.

Based on vocal talent, Carrie is much better than all the others left. However, she is not as good a performer as Nadia, Bo, Constantine or Nikko. Yet, if people one heard 1 cd from those I've mentioned and compared to Carrie's, Carrie's would certainly be the favorite. I used to like Nadia, now all she does is yell. Bo is old and boring, souther rock and greasy. Constantine cannot sing well. Nikko and Anwar are just horendous singers. They are always painful to listen to. I think it is between Vonzell and Carrie for the best singer. Between Bo and Constantine for best showmanship.

Carrie is odds on favorite to win. If she doesn't she will still have a great career, as will many on the show no doubt.

NOtice Carrie and Bo are the only singers who don't need to add that vibrato, runs, etc nonsense all the time like the other weak singers.

"great voice yes, but a performer needs more"
Posted by tamarama on 04-04-05 at 02:55 PM
Yes, Carrie has a terrific voice, and knows how to use it...

aaannnddd that's about it.

Frankly, she reminds me of Kimberly Caldwell from...AI2? A little too theme park, too little energy. Now, unlike Anthony, she has vocal energy, but her total performance lacks energy & connection -- it's more about how she sounds than what she's saying. Yawn.

Bo is at least equal to her in terms of voice and skill, but far surpasses her in performance.

Nadia doesn't quite come up to her level with voice & skill, but blows her out of the water with presence.

As a singer, you CAN'T just make pretty sounds. You have to relate the story, make me care about WHAT you're singing. Some of my favorite singers haven't always had the prettiest or the biggest or the most in-control voices. (Billie Holliday anyone?)

>>NOtice Carrie and Bo are the only singers who don't need to add that vibrato, runs, etc nonsense all the time like the other weak singers.<<

While I also hate the over-use of runs, vibrato (good vibrato) is a sign of good breathing technique - not a weak singer.

BAD vibrato - that sounds like a machine gun, or makes your jaw quiver -- is a weak singer trying to force vibrato in the absence of good breathing.

"RE: great voice yes, but a performer needs more"
Posted by geekboy on 04-04-05 at 03:22 PM
I have to agree 100% with tamarama here.

Yes, Carrie has a good voice. So does a woman down the street from me, but performance wise they're both quite blah.

I look forward each week to the performances of Bo, Nadia and Constantine. This is what i use to judge the 'winning potential'. I don't know if anyone looks forward to Carrie's performances. I'm sure some do, but not in my house.

I love Bo's energy and versatility. I love Constantine's ever-more-surprising song choices. And my favorite performance bar none this season is Nadia's first top-12 week with "Power of Love". That was simply amazing.

I'm sure the Country record execs are waiting for Carrie, but i don't think she'll come out on top unless she raises the bar which she hasn't done yet.
