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"Which spoiler is telling us the truth"

Posted by bergdogg on 04-06-02 at 03:20 AM
Currently, we have three spoiler out there with three suggestions to our possible bootee. They at this point are all plausible as far as the way the game is going, and one of them is more than likely true (well, maybe just a really good guess by the person who bs'ed it). So, let's look at each of the spoilers one by one, and see if we can make some kind of "final" decision.

1) Kathy goes. I remember reading this spoiler on EZ boards, and this person suppossedly had a friend who says that "Kathy goes April 11th." She has lasted two weeks after that statement, and this sure as hell seems possible. The problem with this is that we are taking it on a posters word, which in most cases is about as viable as an OJ Simpson "Not Guilty" plea.

2) John goes. Their is a "Cruise ship Spoiler" out that states John is the bootee on episode 7, followed by Tammy in episode 8. This is a vaible spoiler, and also possible. The problem with it thought is that it places John and Tammy together, when in every other survivor the non-jury members and jury members were seperated.

3) Rob goes. This is the also a viable spoiler. This one mainly comes from Gina's Early show comments, where she says that Rob is a great person outside of the game (or something to that extent). This one is the most viable IMO, since we have visual evidence to place it on. The problem on this is that it is a pure speculation spoiler.

Now that we have all of are "possiblities", let's see how each of them might work out in this episode, using what CBS has already given us:

The tribes merge, and confrontations are quick to ensue.
Rob confronts some of the tribe members and urges them to "tell the truth."
A secret alliance forms between two unlikely castaways.
Kathy finds out some uncomfortable news.

Theory #1: Our confrontations begin with one of the NM's asking the OR's why they voted out Gabe instead of one of the Ambiguously Lazy Duo. Another possibity could be a religious confrontation, where Sean or Rob confront Neleh about her mormon beliefs. Maybe Kathy comes in to defend poor Neleh, and pisses off the OM's. We have already seen in the previews that this fight is between John and Rob. The resolution is still somewhat unknown though. The previews lead us to believe Rob and John end this negitively, which may be the case. But it doesn't show us if they finally resolve it or not. In this theory, they resolve it, and decide Kathy is a goner. That is where your unlikely alliance lies. And Kathy finds out from other tribemates that see is a goner, or at least on the top of the list of candidates.

Theory #2: The confrontations could be the same as the ones based in Theory #1, with John causing more of a "leadership" role where he tries to tell it like it is. This of course inferiates Rob, who thinks he is lying. They have their little quarrel, which DOESN'T get resolved. This makes an unlikely alliance between R/S/V with K/P/N, since Kathy has found out that her former tribemates have made a pact to the end, and she is not in it.

Theory #3: Same possible confrontations from Theory #1, with either Rob having no involvement with the Gabe fight (unless he "casually" brings it up) or he questions Neleh's religious beliefs and criticizes her for her beliefs. John and Rob's issue doesn't get resolved, in which Rob confronts Kathy and tells her of John's Dicque-esque plotting. Though Kathy doesn't like it, she decides to vote with her old Rotu buddies one more time before stabbing the knife in, so she makes a Secret alliance to Sean or Vee to oust Rob this week, and next tribal counsel start the dismantling of the Old Rotus. Kathy may have to make some kind of garantee (like swearing on her parent or something) for this to work.

All of these theories are very plausible, but they all have flaws. In Theory 1, we have to have John and Rob make a pact they stick to. To me, this is about as possible as the Expos winning the World Series. In Theory 2, we have to believe that R/S/V allign with K/N/P, which may not be a very good possibility, depending on how much the NM's want to be around lazy manipulative morons who always seem to find a way to luck out. In all contests, it is sometimes better to be lucky than good. In Theory 3, we need to believe that Kathy uses brain power and manipulation. In Survivor history, this concept is out, since either it ends up biting you in the ass (ala Brandi) or they don't use their brain at all (ala Amber).

You really could go with any of the possibilities, but it really is up in the air this time around. With three destinct alliances, it all depends on who makes the smartest move.

IMO, all of these "Spoilers" don't have too much credibility, but one of them should be the correct one (albeit from a lucky guess by a bs post like theories 1 and 2, or spec like in theory 3). I think the Cruise ship spoiler is out the window, but may be correct if the person just got the placement of the cast aways being voted off incorrect, and both John and Tammy are on the jury. For me, it is still up in the air between both Kathy and Rob. By Thursday, I should prolly make my decision, but it will have to take some better evidence than what we have at the moment.

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"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Spidey on 04-06-02 at 11:14 AM
It has been rumored that the cruise ship spoiler is off a few days and John and Tammy are really the 8th and 9 off, both on jury. If this is the case, it comports with Kathy 4/11, then John and Tammy, then perhaps Rob.

I think the Gina comment on Rob "playing stupid" has more to do with early Mara. votes and conduct than later in the game. He is at a total disadvantage now and we know he is playing the game, so getting booted anytime from here on out is expected. How much "stupid" is required now? It really comes down to what N/P/K are going to do, because he knows he needs them. Bringing up Zoe's lie and the Rotu 4 alliance is smart - it is his only option, and we know from the previews that he does that in some fashion.

Gina could easily have gotten a better impression of Rob after the show wrapped. IMHO, finding him to be a great person outside the game does not in any way prove Rob goes to Loser Lodge. Remember T-Bird on Diane's friends list and the Carl reference to her? That really threw us. This is even less concrete. I also think that had Rob gone to Loser Lodge, we'd have more info. on a Rob/Sara liason, which seems to have died at the switch. If they were attracted to each other sweaty and stinky on the island, can you imagine a nice big hotel room, hot showers and toothpaste?

It could logically go this way K, J, T, R. John, trying to stay true to his word, votes off Kathy (she annoys everyone anyway) and Rob joins in to prove he's keeping his word. After Kathy goes, N/P are scared and join R/S/V to save their skins and vote off J & T.

With Rob no longer needed for a majority, his alliance turns on him at their first opp.

This is not to say that any/all of the spoilers are credible, just that it could all work out this way and stay true to the spoilers, if we don't read too much into Gina's Rob comment.

Does anyone have any more solid evidence on the cruise ship or Kathy items?

"you forgot one..."
Posted by shakes the clown on 04-06-02 at 11:18 AM
Before ep #6, Wanda said that Rob's number will be up soon. Some people thought that meant that he would go in ep #6, but I always felt that she meant within the next couple of episodes as opposed to the very next one, or else she probably would've just said that he goes next instead of saying that he goes soon.

Also, Wanda is one for one this season with her earlier statement that Gina and Hunter hang out at the Loser Lodge.

"Sarah's comments"
Posted by wephanie on 04-06-02 at 12:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 12:24 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 12:13 PM (EST)

I can't remember which interview she said this in, but she stated she wasn't able to meet all the team mates from Rotu. And she can't wait to meet them after the show.

This means she hasn't met any from J/Z/T/Robert alliance. So either Kathy is booted E7 and goes to LL. And Sarah has already met kathy from the switch.

Or it means that an original Maramu goes to LL prejury.

So both the Kathy and Rob spoilers are equally accurate for EP7 bootie. I just can't tell who it will be.

And the Oceanus spoiler is going to be the jury members. So John and Tammy are booted, but on the jury.

"RE: Sarah's comments"
Posted by Loree on 04-06-02 at 02:24 PM
Sarah just said she wasn't able to meet ALL the members of Rotu. That doesn't mean Sarah didn't meet some of them. She obviously met Gabe at Loser Lodge. And when asked who she found attractive she mentioned Rob, Hunter, Gabe and John. She knew enough of John to say he was attractive. So he could have been at Loser Lodge. Patricia also said she never met any Rotus but we know Gabe was voted out prejury. So I don't think we can always go by what they say.

And Gina may have liked Rob as a person in the game and was just upset he voted Hunter out so she called him stupid. She has sat at home and watched the game. Rob commented to Sean over at Rotu that they had the good-looking women over at Maraamu. So Gina may have been flattered by hearing that and think Rob isn't so bad. And at the wrap-up party she probably talked to Rob. He was on her team and he probably hung around Sarah at the party who had now become friendly with Gina at Loser Lodge. I am still not too sure about Gina's words meaning Rob doesn't make the jury.

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Granvil the 4th on 04-06-02 at 01:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 02:35 PM (EST)

Wait a minute - hold on. In RL, I am known to be a person who sits back and watches and listens to everything and occasionally jumps in and says, "Hold on, that's not right." I THINK I'm about to do that here - before I do, I want to say that I COULD be wrong, and if I am, someone please quickly squash my incorrectness.

I have seen way too many posts on many different threads talking about Gina's Early Show quote, saying Rob is a nice guy outside the game. I actually saw that for the first time on a thread before I had the chance to go home and watch the tape of it. When I did watch it, I don't recall her saying those words. I recall her saying, "Rob was stupid in the game, but is a really nice guy." Period. No "outside the game." Gina seems to me to be a really nice girl - the type that doesn't like to slam people unless she REALLY doesn't like them. Now, granted, she didn't caveat her comments about Sean in the same way, but we all know that the contestants can be edited to be completely different than they are in RL. We have Sarah's comments saying Rob is exactly like how he is portrayed, but I digress. Gina could have been talking about her opinion of how Rob played the strategy up to the merge, but he's really a nice person, and have absolutely nothing to do with getting to know him better at LL.

Now, having said all of that, understand I am not trying to advocate that Rob stays this week - I'm not decided on that point yet. Bebo brought up a good point on another thread about how everyone would feel about putting the Robfather on their jury, but then we have all of the other reasons in this thread for our possible bootees. I just didn't want to go off of an improper assumption. Can someone check to see what Gina really said? I'll watch the tape again tonight when I get home.


"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Naked on 04-06-02 at 06:18 PM
Granvil the 4th,

Welcome to the boards. Glad to have your insights.

I also did not hear Gina rave about how nice Rob was after the game. It sounded to me more like a PC situation. She did comment negatively about Sean,(Who wouldn't?) but I still didn't hear that Rob and her where best friends....

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-06-02 at 03:49 PM
Well, IMO the smart move this week is for R/S/V to go along with John's plan to start on his old tribemates....That way Rob can push the passive Neleh/Paschal for an alliance when Kathy's gone and have the 3-2 control over this alliance....But do T/Z/RD even know about this plan? I really can only recall him telling Rob about it. And what are the odds of an intelligent strategical move being made by ~anyone~ anyway?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Gabriel: "Alright, John go straight! Straight!" - Um, Gabe?

Stop Discrimination Now

"Kathy weight loss"
Posted by LadyT on 04-06-02 at 04:33 PM
I am not sure if this is mentioned anywhere about Kathy's weight loss. I have family outside of Burlington, VT. My bro in law works with a friend of hers and this person claims she lost 30 pounds on the island. Then my bro in law saw her in Burlington and he says she does look like she has lost that much weight and maybe more. He says she looks a lot thinner than she did in the last ep. I am not sure what you all can do with this, but I thought I would throw it out.

"thanks T!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 04-06-02 at 04:40 PM
This helps quite a bit T.....finally we have a credible poster reporting Kathy's weight loss, whereas up until now our only rumor as to Kathy's weight loss came from an out of nowhere email to a poster at EZ, and that email had SEVERAL holes in it.

Now, granted this info is a couple of degrees of separation to it, but I'm willing to assume it is more than likely legit given the fact that two of the three sources in the train are you and your brother in law. How well does your bro in law know this co-worker? Would the co-worker definitely have first hand info and is there any chance the co-worker would lie about something like that?

Also, we have to keep in mind that MB encouraged Peter and Patricia to get in shape and lose weight while they were on Loser Island....he might've done the same thing with Kathy.

"RE: thanks T!"
Posted by BMH on 04-06-02 at 05:00 PM
Hey guyz..im a new poster..first i would like to say thanx.. all of you r great spoilers. Ok now down to business..Im not sayin this Kathy weight spoiler is completly not true..but if I remember correctly in S2 when liz,tina,colby,and keith weighed themselves the highest weight loss was like 25 lbs. And bascially the whole time the survivors were in australia they were starving..and this was the final four..So i find it hard to believe that Kathy could lose 30 lbs!!..even if she was the winner because in survivor marguesas they are eating very well considering the circumstances..those r my thoughtz

"RE: thanks T!"
Posted by Loree on 04-06-02 at 05:52 PM
I'm also thinking there is the fact that they say TV adds pounds so they probably do look even thinner in real life. I also remember that what's-her-name (how soon we forget, but the woman police officer that was voted off after saying she was Tina's friend in Australia) said she lost weight after being voted off and seeing how heavy she looked on TV. So Kathy could have kept up the weight loss to look better for her TV interviews, etc. She does already look like she has lost quite abit. Her clothes are much looser on her.

"RE: thanks T!"
Posted by hrc2u on 04-06-02 at 06:29 PM
I agree she has lost quite a bit of weight so far. Especiallyh since moving to maraamu camp. I know from experience that fruit is a great diet to use when trying to lose weight. Keeps the system clean, not to mention they only have water to drink. Not much extra calories yet. No butter for their seafood and no salt. (Except for the reward challenge win of course). I can totally believe her losing 30lbs, plus compare her start weight to Tina's. Tina was thin to start with. Sorry not much spoiler here.

"RE: thanks T!"
Posted by LadyT on 04-06-02 at 07:33 PM
>This helps quite a bit T.....finally
>we have a credible poster
>reporting Kathy's weight loss, whereas
>up until now our only
>rumor as to Kathy's weight
>loss came from an out
>of nowhere email to a
>poster at EZ, and that
>email had SEVERAL holes in

Thanks Shakes

>Now, granted this info is a
>couple of degrees of separation
>to it, but I'm willing
>to assume it is more
>than likely legit given the
>fact that two of the
>three sources in the train
>are you and your brother
>in law. How well
>does your bro in law
>know this co-worker? Would
>the co-worker definitely have first
>hand info and is there
>any chance the co-worker would
>lie about something like that?

My bro in law says that his co-worker is friends with her, I am not sure how close. I asked my bro in law if he would lie about this and he doesn't think so. Plus, he saw her in Burlington, and she was a lot thinner. He is a faithful Survivor watcher and is positive it was her.
>Also, we have to keep in
>mind that MB encouraged Peter
>and Patricia to get in
>shape and lose weight while
>they were on Loser Island....he
>might've done the same thing
>with Kathy.
Very true. SO maybe this means nothing at all

"Remember Gabe?"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-07-02 at 03:45 AM
Don't give up so easily LadyT. I think Kathy's weight loss is significant...

In one of his interviews Gabe said he lost weight before he was booted. Then he ate for days and regained his weight in a few weeks, Sarah also lost weight and regained it at the lodge.

In order for Kathy to have returned home with that kind of weight loss, she can't have had much time to regain it. She probably goes a ways further.


"Jeff V says Sean goes"
Posted by IslandFever on 04-07-02 at 02:20 AM
He has been right 5 out of 6 so far. This is where he got kicked out in S2. Maybe Rob wins immunity. I don't know if it is a physical challenge but he should prevail at that. I don't buy the cruise ship spoiler at all. But no way does John last long. He has told us too many times he will be in the final 4. Wrong. Jeff V and Survivor News seem to have an inside source. They're not feeding us everything like Elipsiiis did though.

"RE: Jeff V says Sean goes"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-07-02 at 04:07 AM
Jeff compiled 2 boot lists (of contestants who "struggle to make it past the merge")--both before the premiere of s4. Of these lists, both have Peter ("deceased"), Patricia ("deceased") and Zoe. The names only on list 1: Hunter ("deceased"), Kathy, Robert. The names only on list 2: Sarah ("deceased"), Gabe ("deceased") , Sean, Gina ("deceased"). Contrary to what IslandFever claims, Jeff Varner has gotten 6--not5--out of 6 boots correct. All of them came from these 2 lists. Based on Jeff's perfect boot prediction record, IMHO, we can safely assume that next boot is from 1 of these 2 lists. Rob is not on either of these lists. Sean is, but than so is Kathy, Robert and Zoe. I can't see Zoe or Robert going anytime soon. That leaves Kathy and Sean. Other spoilers have placed Kathy as the next to go; as well as, stating that Sean makes the jury. One could argue that if the number of boots from each list are equal, than that would make Kathy the next likely boot. Jeff also states that he was not happy with his perfect score--a little arm twisting form EPMB perhaps? Is Jeff telling us the truth or is he messing with us? He could be if EPM is breathing down his neck. IMO Jeff KNOWS who the next boot is--irregardless of his prediction. If Sean is indeed the next boot, Jeff is either an Einstein or has Insider information. If Kathy is the next boot, as the spoilers claim, then Jeff's prediction of Sean being the next boot, would be a great way to get MB off his back. We shall see . . .

"RE: Jeff V says Sean goes"
Posted by MeToo on 04-07-02 at 11:55 AM
> Jeff compiled 2 boot lists (of contestants who "struggle to make it past the merge")--both before the premiere of s4. Of these lists, both have Peter ("deceased"), Patricia ("deceased") and Zoe.

So what's to say that it can't be Zoe? Okay, so she hasn't had a lot of face time. But what little there is shows her lying and in confrontation with Rob and possibly Kathy. What if the old and new Mumu's somehow decide to team up against John's alliance, but John wins immunity? While I've been picking her to win the whole thing, I think Zoe would be quite vulnerable in this situation.

Teddy, I agree that Varner's batting 100% and I don't think his picks can be ignored.


"RE: Jeff V says Sean goes"
Posted by rotu rooter on 04-07-02 at 03:07 PM
I admit Zoe is looking a lot more vulnerable suddenly; let's hope she somehow disengages herself from John, maybe through reuniting with P/N/K. Although this doesn't change your conclusion, because she was on one of Jeff Varner's lists, she wasn't on both:

From http://www.survivornews.net/article?id=18

Jeff Varner 2/13/02: If I were a betting man, I'd predict Peter, Patricia, Hunter, Kathy, Zoe and Robert will struggle making the merge. I'd say Tammy and Gabriel reveal conniving devilish sides. Sarah, Rob, Hunter and Gina top the list of eye candy and Maraamu will be the strongest tribe.

The second incarnation of the article, acceptable for public consumption, was revised to say:

Jeff Varner 2/25/02: If I were a betting man, I'd predict Peter, Patricia, Gabe, Sean, Sarah and Gina will struggle making the merge. Tammy and Gabriel (and possibly Sean) will reveal conniving devilish sides....

"RE: Jeff V says Sean goes"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-07-02 at 03:51 PM
OMG rotu rooter, you're right! ! ! I read so many messages claiming she was on both lists--sorry . That would make Kathy, Sean, Zoe and Robert, possible boots. I think Robert is safe for now IMO. Youre're right, Zoe could be vulnerable, BUT--to take you're assumption of John winning the IC to its logical conclusion, it would seem to me that Tammy--whom I would like to see make it far in the game--would be a much more likely choice post-merge. I'm not willing to put sand on the fire yet, concerning the cruiseship spoilers for John and Tammy 'though. Now, Tammy is not on J.V.'s lists. However, she is a much geater immunity threat than Zoe. That's why I'm particularly confident that Robert does make the jury. I just can't see Zoe being booted before T--that is unless Tammy jumps ship and lets Cap'n Jonhn and the 2 remaining members of his crew: Z/R sink with him. Judging by John's performance in the last IC, I think it is highly unlikely that he wins the IC. LOL IMHO, I see Rob (M)/T/V/Zoe--even Sean getting immunity before John. I was originally betting on Kathy to be the next boot, but now I'm wavering back and forth between her and Sean. Since EPMB is anything but obvious in his editing, the odds are on Rob (M), IMHO to make it to the jury.

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by alleyb on 04-07-02 at 05:16 AM
All of these spoilers are questionable.

The "Kathy goes on April 11th" spoiler comes from the EZ board, where a poster (who is trusted I think) from Vermont talked with a friend of Kathy's (who is also in Real Estate) who gave him this info. This friend said she didn't watch or care about Survivor, which I think is suspicious--if she really is good friends with Kathy I'd think she'd be pretty interested in this Survivor, regardless of how she felt about the show before. I don't see this as having any conclusive evidence--the friend could be pulling the poster's leg, or Kathy could be pulling her friend's leg. Either way, I just don't see Kathy taking the risk by telling anyone a definitive date as to her booting. (Of course, Tom's 4th place finish spoiler did come from a family member, so some people aren't too careful).

The Oceanus spoiler is certainly questionable as has been discussed here before. Room #s, dates, likelihood of two bootees being housed on the same boat, particularly in the last non-jury/first jury boot slots. It seems much more plausible to be the first two jury boots, but it all sounds kinda fishy.

Gina's comments on Rob from the Early Show:
"A little stupid on the island but a great person. He's -- you know, it's the way he played the game. I just -- I think he could have strategized a lot better and things could have been a lot differently if he would have made one, you know, crucial decision early in the game and he didn't. He chose to go another way and even talked about it and I think that was a stupid decision on his part, but he still is in the game and I'm not so I guess he's smarter than I am."

I guess all of the hubbub over this came as a result of the general tone of how she spoke of Rob, and people heard things that weren't really there ("outside the game" "He'll even tell you that.") But it does seem like Gina had time to get to know Rob outside the game--I doubt that they'd have enough time at the wrap party for Gina to think that Rob's a "great person", and after watching him on the show I don't think she would be praising him based on what she saw. BUT--it could be misdirection, or Gina could have kept in contact with him after the show. I just don't see them making that much of an effort to get to know each other once they got back from the island, so the only thing that makes sense is that Rob spent time with Gina at the Loser Lodge.

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-07-02 at 05:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-02 AT 06:06 AM (EST)

alleyb, you are critical of the various questionable spoilers out there--as well you should be. I find it interesting that you are not nearly as skeptical of the contestants' chats; which in most cases have either been vague: ie. Sarah, "Gina does very well," or false; ie. Paricia, " I met no Rotu." The only credible spoiler info. is Gabe: "If I had only found that last (14th) tiki (in the Ep.5 reward challenge), I would have made it far in the merge." Since NewRotu won the Ep. 6 IC, we know that this spoiler was correct. How can you be sure this questionable Gina spoiler is nothing more than a red herring? All the previous boots have been on either of Jeff V's 2 boot lists. Rob is not. Time will tell if there is any spoiler value to to her comments. . . . FYI, "True Dork Times (or another Website based spoiler)" predicts Kathy as the 7th boot, "based on" someone referred to as "'EthanFan's' claim."

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by munson on 04-07-02 at 11:15 AM
As a supporter of the EYEmail profile theory - none of the remaining castaways will be booted without first being profiled in EYEmail - Monday's new EYEmail will eliminate either Kathy or John from the target list. Of those mentioned in this thread as possibilities, only Rob and Sean are "profile eligible" as of today.

I'm looking for either John or Kathy to join the list on Monday.

"More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by bergdogg on 04-07-02 at 01:17 PM
I was skimming through EZ boards today and saw this post. Though at the point that I wrote this nobody had responded to it, it has some very interesting quotes from the early bootees. Here is a link:


I am posting this to add onto the surprisingly positive comments towards Rob by some of the bootees. Even Hunter seemed to say positive things towards Rob, making a knucklehead comment more toward saying Rob is a comedian, and not a dope.

"RE: More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by MeToo on 04-07-02 at 02:41 PM
Just playing devil's advocate here.

Gina, Hunter and the early bootees may have said nice thing about Rob simply because he was rather nice - to them at least during the game. All of his scheming took place in confessionals, and all of his ugly statements were made to Sean. Currently, he's bickering with John - these 2 haven't been voted off to give us any opinion. Don't forget, they used to do the morning show and have a really great time over at Mumu. And Rob himself was never actually called "lazy" by the others - that description was used for Sean and Sarah.

I'm not saying that the Rob spoilers are no good, but they aren't air tight. If I were out there, I'd be voting Rob, but I'm not out there and some of the things these guys have done have not made a whole lot of sense. Somehow, I just don't think MB would let us have 2 gimmes in a row.

Just food for thought.

"RE: More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-08-02 at 07:38 AM
Somehow, I just
>don't think MB would let
>us have 2 gimmes in
>a row.
>Just food for thought.


Gina was only a gimme to us who study the game. The SBlows website poll had Rob as the top vote getter, with Sean in second, and Gina only receiving something like 19%. MB fooled most of his audience last week, so this week might be his gimme for them...


"RE: More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by MeToo on 04-08-02 at 11:53 AM
The trouble with those polls is that people can vote as many times as they want. I don't think they accurately represent what most people thought.

That said, my totally unscientific sampling method of coffee time discussions at work came up unanimous for Gina, hence my reference to her boot as a "gimme". I don't know about everyone else, maybe they didn't see it coming at all.

Maybe I've been trying too hard to see something else this week - the evidence for Rob is mounting and I should just accept it but for some reason, something is not quite right this time. It's probably just Lex's gut. I hope I recover in time to make an intelligent pick by Thursday!


"RE: More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by Bebo on 04-08-02 at 12:02 PM
>That said, my totally unscientific sampling
>method of coffee time discussions
>at work came up unanimous
>for Gina, hence my reference
>to her boot as a
>"gimme". I don't know
>about everyone else, maybe they
>didn't see it coming at

We had a big family dinner that night, and in my totally unscientific poll from that sample audience had only one vote for Gina -- me.

Many people who don't come to the spoiler boards choose their victims by going for the villain (per MB's editing) or their views of what would be logical. My family has been wrong every time except for Sarah. So I'd take polls with a huge grain of salt.

On an unrelated note, they also vow to never, ever again watch Survivor if Rob, Sean, or John win because they can't stand any of them. From my unscientific standpoint, that tells me that none of them will win, because MB doesn't want to lose his general non-spoiling viewers, and I don't think my family's views are all that unique.


"RE: More quotes that point to Rob"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 04-08-02 at 12:04 PM
That said, my totally unscientific sampling method of coffee time discussions at work came up unanimous for Gina, hence my reference to her boot as a "gimme".

My sampling at work revealed the same thing -- of course, I'm the only one here at work who will admit watching Survivor, much less spoiling it(!). So much for that one-man sample.

I don't think Gina was a "gimme". Peter was a gimme from MB. I didn't consider Gabe a "gimme", either, but I can see where some would. Gina was just a logical choice that came into focus just at the right time.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by discus on 04-08-02 at 01:17 PM
"Kathy find out some uncomfortable news."

Something about the way that is worded makes me think she finds out that she has something like a yeast infection or a UTI.

"i'm done laughing - here's my guess"
Posted by sorgee on 04-08-02 at 01:43 PM
i'm not sure why that made me laugh so darn hard, but it did. my co-workers have no idea why i am giggling, but i am sure that they must think that i am on crack or something. i actually started watering at the eyes.

thank you for the mid-afternoon laugh!

but seriously, i think that kathy finally realizes that they other tribe members just really don't care much for her. her demeaner(sp?) makes me think that she is under the impression that she is well liked. those of us in viewer land know better.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::on't do the action if you can't handle the reaction. ~deborah briggs

"Cruise Ship Spoiler "
Posted by MeToo on 04-08-02 at 02:44 PM

>2) John goes. Their is a
>"Cruise ship Spoiler" out that
>states John is the bootee
>on episode 7, followed by
>Tammy in episode 8. This
>is a vaible spoiler, and
>also possible. The problem with
>it thought is that it
>places John and Tammy together,
>when in every other survivor
>the non-jury members and jury
>members were seperated.

Exactly what is the cruise ship spoiler? Does it specifically place J & T together? Wouldn't the jury members be able to do "stuff" in between TC's. They have 3 days to kill. Isn't it possible they went for a brief cruise while they were waiting? If so, could this mean that J & T are vote out 8th and 9th - assuming that if this "cruise" actually occured, it would include all of the jury member so far. That would make J & T safe this week. Bye Bye Rob.

On the other hand, I haven't actually seen the spoiler and this could all be crap.


"Cruise Ship "Spoiler" Link"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 04-09-02 at 00:37 AM
Here is the link.


Looks like BS to me, but decide for yourselves.


"RE: Cruise Ship "Spoiler" Link"
Posted by dabo on 04-09-02 at 00:57 AM
I have decided this is more likely about to ep8 joint reward winners (a la Colby and Jerri, Ethan and Lex) than booties.

Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!

"RE: Cruise Ship "Spoiler" Link"
Posted by sorgee on 04-09-02 at 08:49 AM
a cruise would be a good reward...

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Don't do the action if you can't handle the reaction. ~deborah briggs

"RE: Which spoiler is telling us the truth"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-08-02 at 03:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-09-02 AT 11:59 PM (EST)

Well this thread seems like the most appropriate so here's my spec:

1.) The only possible bootees (IMO) this week are John, Kathy and Rob. This is because Vee/Sean have been fading into the background over the past couple weeks, (sure that happened to Frank, and was Kim P. even in the episode she got booted? but that's just another example of how awful S3 was so I'll go on ;) Robert/Tammy/Zoe are still featured as "John's Alliance" and not as themselves, and honestly I'm just going with my own opinion that Paschal/Neleh are not on the menu this week.

2.) Storyline:

John/Rob are currently at war with eachother. This is not a conflict I see resolving itself next week. For my thoughts on the John/Rob issue click here.

We have heard John speak of his plan to destroy the 3 new Maras coming over. As we know, throwing your strategy out on the table is a clear sign that it's not gonna happen, however, that does not mean it will not ever begin.

Kathy/Paschal/Neleh have heard Gina spit venom about Sean/Rob for the last 9 days....there is no way in hell they are suddenly joining forces when they have maybe a day and a half to bond after the merge. (This is factoring in the fact that it looks like there is some kind of challenge the first night where they are still in their original tribes plus the spec that the first challenge will again be one of endurance, and unless it's another breath-holding challenge, it will take half a day off bonding time)

The promo shows us Kathy upset. I do not think this is because she was told "We're gonna pick you off one by one." It's more likely she simply found out about John's "Final 4" alliance.
Now, have we known Kathy to be quiet when something's bothering her? Hell no! Kathy will approach each and every member of Rotu and try to get into an open & honest discussion about what's going on. Now, even if John was lying to Rob when he promised to bring him into the final 7, we have to assume that he's going to notice this and take Kathy as a threat (and possibly as an extra annoyance that he doesn't need)

The way I see it, Kathy's fate depends on Rob - I seriously do not think he will reveal his hand (he knows John plans to vote out K/N/P) this early, with no time to decide whether he can trust her. And as an extra incentive if he lets Kathy go, he can push for an alliance with (passives) Neleh/Paschal and be in control (ex-Mara 3 vs new-Mara 2) without having to worry about someone else (Kathy) vying for leadership.

3.) "Spoilers"

There really aren't any trustworthy spoilers this week (IMO).

- "Kathy Goes" is from some guy who knows some guy who knows Kathy

- The "Cruise-ship" spoiler comes from an anonymous source and is wrong on a few counts. (Room #'s, descriptions, 7 & 8 th boots don't stay together, and I believe it has dates wrong) There is speculation that the dates meant are for the 8th and 9th boots, but I mean this is speculation based on nothing so....

- Gina's "Rob's a great guy" comment - well sure he is. Gina hasn't ever heard Rob talking **** about others - the only person he ever really speaks freely in front of that we've seen is Sean. Rob may have played like a total idiot, like Gina says, but even through that early part of the game he was still liked and trusted.

- "Kathy visits Hunter" see here for some viable explanations of this one.

Anyway, if I've forgotten anything, I'll update but for now, my pick is: (obviously;)


Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Gabriel: "Alright, John go straight! Straight!" - Um, Gabe?

Stop Discrimination Now

"are you sure Koko?"
Posted by shakes the clown on 04-08-02 at 04:14 PM
>1.) The only possible bootees (IMO)
>this week are John, Kathy
>and Rob. This is
>because Vee/Sean have been fading
>into the background over the
>past couple weeks, (

....I don't think you can discount Sean as a possible bootee this week. Sure, he has faded into the background recently, but he has enough prior face time where he can easily be focused on this ep and then disposed of at TC. Vee, on the other hand, has ZERO face time this entire series and probably won't until the ep BEFORE she goes, if even then. She might get the Amber treatment and get dumped without any story or face time. (I think this is how MB punishes castmembers who tricked him into thinking they would bring a lot to the show when really they are completely uninteresting and boring)

...you've outlined a pretty solid game plan in that it is highly unlikely that there will be an OldMu and NewMu alliance in this episode, and I completely agree on that.

That means that the bootee will either be from NewMu (John sticks to his promise) or OldMu (John tries to save face with NewMu by getting rid of the bad apples). If there is gonna be an OldMu boot then the obvious choice is Rob, but what happens if Rob wins Immunity? I think its pretty clear that if Rob wins Immunity Sean becomes a prime boot candidate. I know Sean has spoilers that suggest he sticks around for awhile (and that might be enough to rule out a Rob IC victory), but if we are gonna put together a list of all the possible boot candidates I think its pretty clear that Sean has to be on that list.

"On Sean"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-08-02 at 04:37 PM
A couple points as explanation:

1.) I don't see Sean's early face time as indicative of a boot as it would be for others. IMO, the only reason he was shown so prominantly was because of his constant "quippiness" and his racial under(over?)tones, which happened to make him one of the (2) most interesting people over at Mara.

2.) I'm also suffering from a "Good Show" bias. I try to think up good but still likely scenarios - for example, if the entire episode focused around Kathy's insecurity, John's deviousness and Rob's manipulation (which is what is seemingly going to happen), I'd feel cheated if suddenly say Rob wins immunity so we get a minute and a half of Sean clips and then he gets booted. (And if you recall, there were far too many episodes like this in Africa)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Gabriel: "Alright, John go straight! Straight!" - Um, Gabe?

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: On Rob (Sean and Kathy)"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-08-02 at 07:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-02 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

Jeff Varner has picked 6 out of 6 correct boots this season. In his latest column, he says that Sean will join him, Grethen and Clarence in becoming lucky number 7. Since Rob is not on either of his 2 pre-show bootlists but Sean and Kathy is, I'm guessing 1 of those 2 will bite the dust this week IMHO. The SeeBS poll 2 weeks ago asked who benefitted most from the switch: Gina, Kathy and Rob. The current poll asks who will be the most famous: Hunter, Sarah and--you guessed it--Rob!!! When both these polls 1st came out, I was scratching my head; why Rob? Why Rob? He obviously turned out to be the correct choice in the 1st poll ! ! ! ;so I wondered why he would be included in this poll? Even though, he's studied Drama, it's hard to understand what he is saying? Then I thought, how could Rob extend his 15 minutes? Then a horrifying thought occurred to me--something even too hideous for Fear Factor--could he . . . could he actually WIN this thing? Oh sweet Mother McGrady, tell me it can't be so; I don't want to have nightmares tonight LOL. *NOTE: edited for spelling.

"RE: On Rob (Sean and Kathy)"
Posted by LadyT on 04-08-02 at 08:13 PM
I am more convinced than ever that Rob will be redeemed and will win this thing.

Koko, you have made some strong arguments, and even with Kathy's weight loss being an issue, I am leaning towards Kathy