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"S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"

Posted by DEVILRAYS on 12-15-03 at 02:23 AM

Pulau Tiga (ep 7) Pagong's Anti-Alliance Voting (non)Strategy!
Australian Outback (ep 11) Amber Doesn't Realign With Kucha!
Africa (ep 4) Silas' Strategy Proposal!
Marquesas (ep 8) Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8!
Thailand (ep 7) Shii Ann's Defection Strategy!
Amazon (ep 10) Alex Scares Rob Out of Alliance!

Well, this is the last week of gufus, folkypokes. At least for this season, anyway. Come next weekend I will start the final vote with both Production and Contestant gufus and the like with all the finalists included.

Here's how it works this week: This week, you are allowed to vote for up to FIVE contestant gufus over the course of the final TWO episodes. You can have three from week 12 and two from week 13, or one from 12 and four from 13, or all five from 12 if you want; the total of the two shows cannot exceed five per person. The top FOUR vote-getters this week will go to the final vote; there will be no wild cards from this week. Both this and the wild card thread are open until this weekend when the final vote begins. Here are the standings.

Weekly Winners
Week 1 winner: Morgan's Poor Market Strategy
Week 2 winner: Morgan Blows Another IC Lead
Week 3 winner: Osten Sinks His Own Tribe's Boat
Week 4 winner: Burton Gets Drake to Throw IC
Week 5 winner: Michelle Subverts Drage Plan, Chugs Her Smoothie
Week 6 winner: Jon Spills Beans to Morgan About IC4
Week 7a winner: Osten Throws In the Towel. Again.
Week 7b winner: Morgans Alienate Lill
Week 8 winner: Christa Shoots Off Her Mouth at TC
Week 9 winner: Drake Alliance Does Nothing About Jon's Plans
Week 10 winner: Sandra and Christa Vote with Jon
Week 11 winner: Everyone Trusts Jon

Wild Card Contenders
Nicole Shoots Off Her Mouth
Morgan Can't Find Water Source
Morgan Puts Ryan S. First in RC
Osten Throws In the Towel
Shawn Loses Fishing Spear, Can't Find It
Sandra Alienates Morgan in Taking Tarp

Osten, Tijuana, and Lill Swim Away from RC Conflict
Lill Goes Fishing and Loses Last Hook
Morgan Votes Out Worker Lill, Saves Lazy Darrah
Morgan's Poor RC Performance
Andrew and Ryan Get Lost Without Map

Jon Doesn't Know How to Steer
Osten's Laziness Over Shelter
Jon Shoots Off His Mouth at TC
Trish Spills Beans About TC Plans
Osten's Wimpy Attitude

Rupert Goes Ballistic on Jon
Drake and Morgan Screw Up Challenge Again
Morgan Runs Out of Food, Won't Eat Crabs On Beach
Burton Paints Target On His Back at IC

Balboa Hands Rupert Immunity After Plotting His Demise
Darrah and Tijuana Turn Against Ryno
Burton Gives Reward to Jon
Balboa Votes Off Rupert
Sandra Votes for Jon

Tijuana Blabs to Jon
Sandra Doesn't Confess to Dumping Fish
Lill Storms Out of Talk at Reward
Christa Acts Too Zealous to Backstab

Production Nominees
Narrow IC Path Prevents Passing
Two Ryans on Same Tribe
Three Non-Swimmers on Morgan
Promised "Photo Finish" Never Takes Place
Ryan O.'s "Package" Visible in Relay

IC Doesn't Test Tribes' Teamwork
Casting of Jon
Excessive Hype for Weak Treasure
CBS Website Spoils RC and IC Winner
Morgan Gets to Steal a Drake Member
Excessive Hype for TC Performance

Predictable Gross-Out Eating Challenge
Jiffy Trashes Losing Drake
Kidnapping Not Even Mentioned After IC5
Shower Issue From Website Never Happens
Lackluster RC with Small Cannonballs
Casting of Osten

Outcast Tribe Twist
Producers Don't Make Osten Walk the Plank
Osten Possibly Still Being Paid
Sudden Merge After Outcasts Return
IC7 Favors Men
Absence of Expected "Wedding"
CBS Website Declares "Jenna" As IC Winner

No Mention of Giving Away Immunity
Another IC Out of Players' Hands
Another IC Out Of Players' Hands
IC Favors People On Top Half of Target
Jeff Reads All Votes at TC9
Guilting RC Winners Into Giving Up Their Rewards
Shot of Snake Eating Lizard
Casting of Darrah

Jeff Screws Up IC Judging
Lousy Execution of Loved One Reward
IC Obviously Weighted for Darrah
Group Reward Late in the Game

Remember that the final vote will begin this next weekend, probably sometime late Sunday night.

It's time for the last gufu bash, people; knock yourselves out with Captain Morgan's rum!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-15-03 at 02:40 AM
Burton lets Lill doubt their alliance

Burton takes Jon on reward, lets girls strategize

Burton too cocky, refuses to believe he is in danger

(i don't know, maybe those three should be combined into 1 or 2, howver you see it appropriate D-RAYS)

Darrah TELLS Lill she won't take her to the Final 2!

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-15-03 at 07:55 AM
Week 12:
1. Burton takes Jon on reward, giving the girls a chance to strategize.

Week 13:
1. Darrah won't "commit" to taking Lil to F2
2. Lil votes out Jon, who she could've beaten, and keeps Sandra.

Week 12:
1. An immunity challenge that is slanted towards people who've lost a lot of weight. Of course Darrah was going to be able to reach the key faster.
2 Having the Survivors use their OWN canteens in the IC. I bet they had a helluva time getting the salt water out and getting them clean enough to drink from again.
3. When Jon & Burton are returning from reward, use of a shot of the boat with Jiffy still on board.

Week 13/Reunion:
1. Jeff saying that "Lil won 6-1" while everyone is celebrating.
Jon Sig
2. Interview with the teenage challenge designer. Ugh. As if Darrah wasn't a bad enough interview. This kid had nothing.

Sandra wins! Sandra wins!
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:289.5 Loss To Date:-49.5

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by Bebo on 12-15-03 at 09:12 AM
1. Lil's poor handling of the jury, starting with her insult of three members in her opening speech.

2. Burton takes Jon on reward, leaving the women alone to plot his demise.

3. Lil grills Darrah on F2 in front of other people. She could have probably gotten a firm commitment from her if the other two wouldn't have been there listening.


1. Jiffy says Lil won 6-1.

I am the embodiement of snarky, sarcastic and smart.

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by Oscirus on 12-15-03 at 09:46 AM
week 12 Gufu#1 Burton taking jon on the Rc with him
week 12 Gufu#2 Sandra plotting to sabotage the tribe rather than try to strategize
week 13 Gufu#1 Lill takes Sandra over Jon now that is just straight up stupid
week 13 Gufu#2 Ruperts whining at Tc yea she lied to you get over it
Week 23 gufu #13 Jons the only one to get the shark question right exactly how many land sharks have the rest of these people heard of it

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by kpod on 12-15-03 at 10:15 AM
1. EP12: Burton takes Jon on ep 12, for reasons which became obvious
2. EP12: Burton and Jon plot to turn on Darrah right away, thus starting Lill down the road to their betrayal
3. EP13: Lill guarantees defeat taking Sandra to F2, instead of a chance at victory by taking Jon
4. EP13: Darrah underestimates her 'threat' value, fails to plot appropriately
5. EP13: Jon fails to make the scene at final TC we would have expected (read: "I couldn't think of a REAL fifth Gufu.")


The key in Burton's lane for Ep12 RC seemed like it was buried a lot deeper than the others
Malfunction with Lil's plank at Ep12 IC
Second on the challenge designer interview. Who cares!
We never find out whether one of Jon's letters was from not-dead Granny

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by dabo on 12-15-03 at 11:48 AM
Vote 1 (week 12): Burton takes Jon on Reward, leaving ladies behind to plot against them.

Vote 2 (week 12): Jon overplays his dead granny again.

Vote 3 (week 13): Darrah doesn't assure weepy Lill she's got her back.

Vote 4 (week 13): Jon forces Sandra to swear on her kids, using his fake dead granny ploy yet again, even though it should have been obvious to him that Sandra wasn't in his corner for any reason anyway.

Vote 5 (week 13): Lill votes out Jon, saves Sandra, when she knew she had a better chance of beating Jon.

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by Fishercat on 12-15-03 at 12:55 PM
E12- Burton taking Jon with his reward, which he and Jon KNEW would allow the females to conspire, and ultimately cause Burton (and Jon's) demise, although neither of them would have been able to beat Lil in the final challenge, one of them may have been able to pull off going and winning (Burton more likely). What actually happened is that Burton met his demise in this same episode and Jon died with Lil's choice.

E13- Multiple girls (Jon was the only girl who didn't miss it) and the jury blowing a common sense question in the trivia challenge. My goodness, when did a fatal massive land shark come into existence?

E13- Lil taking Sandra over Jon if she was going for the money. At least with Jon, it would have been a close vote most likely, but she took Sandra who was likeable, was there for anyone's vote, and as a whole was blunt. She shared one of Sandra's only bad qualities in the game which was riding the coat tails. Jon would have gotten the strategy vote and the "Lil lied to me" vote, but enough to win is really a question.

E13- Darrah tells Lil that she will not take her F2, dur.

E13- The Jury, for the 7th season in a row, not asking the question "Give me a reason why the other person deserved it", man, I am waiting for that question.

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by dajaki on 12-15-03 at 01:14 PM
Week 12
Contestant 1: Burton and Jon leave the women overnight - Plenty of time to talk strategy!
Contestant 2: Burton doesn't press the basketcase into confessing the planned mutiny. If he'd worked Lil harder, she would have caved.
Production 1: IC again seemed tailor made for Darrah.

Week 13
Contestant 1: Darrah hedged on Lil, effectively ending her own chances in the game.
Contestant 2: Though I'm not complaining because I'm glad Sandra won, Lil was a fool to take anyone with her except Jon.
Contestant 3: Lil playing the "I'm just Lillian Morris" thing at TC. Who the heck cares? You want votes, describe how you have out strategized Sandra, how you've worked harder than Sandra, how you have played a better game than Sandra. And after the first spiel about the uniform, refuse to address the issue.

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 12-15-03 at 01:18 PM
Ep 12:
1. In a plan that proves that cocky is stupid,(is anyone ever going to figure this out?!) Burton and Jon trot off to reward, leaving the girls behind to mop floors, peel potatoes--and sharpen their claws.
2. Jonny Overplay digs up grandmas bones yet again...as if anyone cared at that point.

Ep 13;
Lillian, proving to us all that she is thinking with her head, chooses Sandra over Jon for final two. (Stop trying to sound intelligent, it only makes you look more foolish..and I didn't think that was possible.)

Rupert, whining and refusing to let go of the bone when he didn't get the answer from Lil that he wanted.

All the jury, for having the audacity to demand honesty...every single one of these people in their kiss and cry interviews throughout this show said you had to lie to win...so why then whine and demand total honesty at TC?

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by tig_ger on 12-15-03 at 09:54 PM
1) Burton takes Jon for the "overnight date," (what, no conjugal visit?) leaving the girls time to pull together a plan to oust the boys. How stupid are you??? Grab Sandra because she never got to go on a reward. Grab Lil because she is a whiny b!tch. I know you don't want to leave Jon alone strategizing with the women, but Jon actually likes you. The women? Not so much anymore. Do NOT provide them any opportunities.

2) The girls get rid of Burton before Jon. There are some that would say that due to Burton's potential immunity threat, one should get rid of Burton first. I heartily disagree. Generally, the last immunity competitions are either A) Fallen Comerades (he doesn't know squat) B) Survival skills (he's a tool, but not the sharpest in the box) or C) some endurance test (generally women are better). Therefore, no worries. Get rid of the "brains", Jon, first, before he plays you all like a piano and destroys your alliance.

3) Darrah and Lil allow Jon to get in the middle of their alliance In a brilliant move on his part (ladies, if you had gotten rid of Jon in the first place, you would not be having this issue--see Gufu #2), Jon stirs up dissention between Darrah and Lil by bringing up who they would pick to be in the Final 2. Both ladies allow themselves to be foolishly drawn into discussing two moves ahead. Jon: had nothing to lose. Darrah & Lil: had everything to lose. The result: Darrah is booted and Jon is allowed an extra three days and more money.

4) Lil votes out Jon and keeps Sandra OK, if you weren't smart enough to get rid of Jon as #5, you may as well let him go up against you in the jury. Don't forget that Sandra didn't vote for half the people on the jury--playing the "I had no idea you were going to go" card very smoothly. Also, don't forget that Burton is p!ssed at you, and Rupert and Christa think Sandra's their long lost sister.

Lil allows herself to believe what everyone is feeding her ego--that people actually like her and that she would have no problem winning a jury vote against anyone.

5) Lil's poor handling of jury questions Lil gets waaaaay too emotional and accusatory towards the jury members--again a sign of too much ego. She needs to remember who is signing her paycheck figuratively and moderate her words and her tone. No one wants to hear that they were lazy and not contributing...it is not the way to inspire votes.

A Kittyloaf Original

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 12-19-03 at 04:17 PM

1. Burton Turns Cold to Lill

2. Lill Takes Sandra to F2

3. Lill Sucks in Front of the Jury


--Malfunctioning Planks in IC12

--Allowing Jury to Compete in IC13

--Jiffy Declares Lill Winner After Sandra Cleaned Her Clock

--"Sandra is the only Survivor EVER to receive no votes" - you mean, besides the other six

"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by dabo on 12-23-03 at 00:50 AM
I second malfunctioning planks and allowing the jury to compete in the IC production nominations.

Anyway, Devilrays, don't sweat the post-season drop-off in attention to gufu, that always happens. And it is always the hardcore gufu fanatics who make the final determination for the season, which is perfectly appropriate. Plow ahead whenever you feel like, that's what I always did.


"RE: S7 Gufu Award: Week 12 and 13"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 12-23-03 at 03:06 AM
The finals will begin this week sometime, as I have been sick and busy with my crappy holiday job, which, thank EPMB, ends tomorrow at 11, at which time I will look up to the sky and thank EPMB or some higher power that it's all bleeping over. In any case, I always noticed in the past that the gufu participation sort of trailed off toward the end of the season, but I dodn't know why...now it makes perfect sense. I had a ton of votes the first week, a decent amount most other weeks, and hardly anything this week. Oh well; as you said, the hardcore Gufu-lovers such as you and me will decide the champion.