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"Replacing Paula"

Posted by Ripley on 02-06-07 at 04:43 PM
There has been rumors of Paula being replaced.Who do you think would be the best female to replace her.I personally think Beyonce Knowles,she definitely knows about the industry,she can sing herself,she is nice,and very easy on the eyes.

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"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-07-07 at 12:58 PM
She's too busy. I believe Paula was picked because she wasn't doing anything else. They have to pick someone who's a great singer but is not doing anything now.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Ripley on 02-07-07 at 03:42 PM
That's true,and not that I don't like Paula ,but who would you think could replace her,where it wouldn't hurt the ratings in the least?Maybe Christy Hines from the Pretenders or Pat Benetar or Debbie Harry of Blondie?

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by geg6 on 02-07-07 at 04:47 PM
I cannot for the life of me imagine Chrissy Hynde, Debbie Harry, or Pat Benatar taking that gig. Besides which they are all still recording and performing.

The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. — Henrik Ibsen
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. - Henry David Thoreau

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by geekboy on 02-07-07 at 04:26 PM
Paula will NOT be replaced. These silly rumors pop up every dang season, and so far multiple times this season alone.

It will NOT happen. Period. End of story.


"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-07-07 at 10:43 PM
Dag! Let's just have fun with the thought.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by bob_chester on 02-08-07 at 01:43 PM
I don't agree with you often Geekboy but I think you are right this time.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Sues on 02-08-07 at 02:22 PM
I for one would hate to see them replace Paula....I love her medicated rantings and when she dances with the music....she's like a little pill of sunshine.....

Beyonce? I respectfully disagree. I thinks she's gorgeous, but I can't stand listening to her speak (don't like her singing voice either but that's just a personal taste thing). The whole ebonics thing sounds forced and I don't think she's entertaining off the stage....oh, and she's too famous..LOL Same with the others mentioned.

I think the 3 they have is the right mix with a guest judge thrown in here and there...

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by bob_chester on 02-08-07 at 02:25 PM
the three judges plus Ryan are the personality of the show. If you cnage one of them it could cause less intrest>

You following me around? lol just kidding.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Brtndr98 on 02-11-07 at 07:23 AM
Normally I would agree with everyone who wants Paula to remain on the show. I've always like Paula, she's nice, she's attractive and she use to be a really good performer. (not necessarly a good singer) But a good performer.

However, she has become almost completely incomprehensable this season. It appears that they can't even edit together 5 minutes of material were she behaves or sounds sensible. And did anyone see her recent press interviews? She had to be either drunk or on medication.

Paula Abdul use to work really well for the show, as a contrast to Simon's personality. But now she's comming across as a drunken hasbeen' pop star.

I think Jewel would be a great replacement for Paula. I thought Jewel did a really good job in the first episode. She brings all the qualities that Paula gives the show, and she's a better singer. Plus she still has a little bit of a carreer left. But not so much of a carreer that it over shadows the show.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by geekboy on 02-11-07 at 08:46 AM
I found Jewel incredibly boring. she showed absolutely zero emotion, was not exciting, blah, blah, blah.


"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Ripley on 02-11-07 at 10:35 AM
I think that the whole show is great,if you don't have the singers entertaining you the judges are.There's Randy's weight loss,there's Paula's arguing with Simon,I loved the stabs Simon and Ryan threw at each other.It's nice to see judges that don't act boring like their on the Supreme Court.And they still get the job done.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Brtndr98 on 02-11-07 at 01:47 PM
>I found Jewel incredibly boring.
>she showed absolutely zero emotion,
>was not exciting, blah, blah,

Actually when I think about it geekboy...Jewel was kind of boring. I guess I was so mezmerised by her beauty that I didn't notice she really was uncomfortable with offering any type of criticizm of the people auditioning or Simon's behavior.

OK, then how about the song writer in the New York auditions? She seemed to really know her stuff.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by geekboy on 02-12-07 at 10:16 AM
OF all the "guest judges" that they've had so far, the only one that was good, entertaining, fun, etc - was Gene Simmons from Kiss. I think the rest were filler.


"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by tamarama on 02-12-07 at 09:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-12-07 AT 10:01 PM (EST)

>>OK, then how about the song writer in the New York auditions?<<

Carol Bayer Sager. She really, really does know what she's doing. Check out her bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Bayer_Sager

BUT, she is also lacking that entertainment factor. We need someone that's both entertaining AND knows what the carp she's talking about.

A name that's come up before is Cyndi Lauper. A skilled singer, a songwriter, a good entertainer, and lotsa (maybe toomucha) personality.

I'd like to see that.

ETA: wouldn't you love to see Simon's horror at sitting next to Cyndi with her braying New York accent?

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-14-07 at 12:40 PM
I think Cyndi Lauper is a great idea. She does have that entertaining factor and I don't think she's too busy. I saw her on Ellen like a year ago and that's it.

"Carol Bayer Sager"
Posted by niteowl0205 on 02-27-07 at 10:34 PM
Was it just me, or does Carol look like the morphed offspring of Joan Collins and Pat Benatar???

"Melissa Ethridge"
Posted by Bravehart on 02-14-07 at 05:34 PM
We need a (female) Rocker in the Judgemental area!

Posted by Glow on 02-27-07 at 11:01 PM

"RE: Me"
Posted by SilverStar on 02-27-07 at 11:27 PM
What are you, high?

Sigs by Bob! Fear and chemistry keep everyone happy!
PS- Why aren't you returning my emails???

"RE: Me"
Posted by Glow on 02-27-07 at 11:33 PM
that makes me perfect for the job, right?

they weren't there before but now they are.

"RE: Me"
Posted by SilverStar on 02-27-07 at 11:35 PM
I think you have to be high and drunk. Maybe we could join forces.

Sigs by Bob! Fear and chemistry keep everyone happy!
*hating on gmail*

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by priestdi on 02-28-07 at 03:29 AM
The show would lose a major element of its chemistry without Paula. she's central to the judges' interrelationships. Both Simon and Randy, who have absolutely nothing in common, have obvious soft spots for her. She's sitting between them for a lot of reasons.

And she has a huge, multi-generational fan base too.

And Fox and the producers know it.

They had their chance to dump her with the Corey scandal. They did a lot of studies and polling groups and discovered how integral she is to the show, and gave her a three year contract extension and a raise instead of dumping her. Not to mention they totally whitewashed the results of their investigation.

she's gold for them, and they know it.

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by emydi on 02-28-07 at 11:10 AM
I couldn't believe it she was actually right on on a few of her comments last nite...I can't remember which but I wrote them down...

"RE: Replacing Paula"
Posted by geekboy on 02-28-07 at 11:18 AM
I have to say - i did love her lighter-colored hair last night. I was working for me. She was looking good last night.


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