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"Can Teresa win Immunity?"

Posted by Krautboy on 12-29-01 at 01:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-29-01 AT 01:41 PM (EST)

As we know, MB cannot control who wins immunity, but he can try to influence the outcome with the type of IC he selects. At this point during the game MB probably decided on an immunity challenge that favored Teresa, the lone surviving Samburu. If she won, it would force the Boran Four to to vote off one of their own and keep the game interesting...

So, if you are MB, what do you select as the Immunity Challenge this week? Another endurance challenge? (The only challenge she won was the water bucket endurance challenge) The seatbelt demonstration challenge? MB is rooting for Teresa...

Remember that MB knows who wins the immunity challenge next week. If he chose a challenge she could win, and if she actually wins, then MB would undoubtably edit Teresa as a target this week...Was that what he was doing last episode when he showed Lex talking about the "fire in her belly" and how dangerous Teresa was?

Webby speculated (see the "Can Kimj and Teresa Count?" thread)
that the footage of KimJ and Teresa strategizing about getting Tom on their side may have been taken from this upcoming week...could it be that the dicussion took place after Teresa won immunity and KimJ had no choice but to come up with a plan to save herself? Maybe we'll never see that footage this week in its proper context, because it would give away too much this week.

Remember that strategies that are too openly revealed to us usually don't work out. But if this weeks strategy was camoflauged as part of last week's strategy, it could be different...

I hope we get more previews. I will be looking for editing clues that seem to focus on Teresa as a target...good indication that she wins immunity. I think MB would like her to win and did what he could to help.


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"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 12-29-01 at 04:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-29-01 AT 07:35 PM (EST)

I think this is a wonderful analysis.
Now we know something about the IC, it looks like the answer is No, he didn't favor Teresa. See Bungler's new thread. I think she has a shot, but the favorites are still Lex and Ethan!

Edit: to change Tom to Ethan after DK pointed out I had typed Tom by mistake. I pick Ethan to go all out and win this one.

Which annoys the hell out of me that such a physical challenge sets up the Final Four...

I am not of the theory that the KimJ/Tbird conversation was pulled from the future.

For one thing, we know from Kim Powers' chat and Insider that Teresa worked on MamaKim even more than was shown to change her vote, while KimP was till there.

My opinion is that KimJ refused to help save Kim P (see her TC vote clip on Insider--too young, athletic, energetic, huge threat to older woman like herself--or to jump early.

(This part would not have been shown us) So they were probably already looking ahead to the next vote, Ep 12. Since Kim P allowed T to do all the negotiations for her, she would have been unaware T was agreeing to cut her loose in exchange for a next epissode alliance.

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Rose Red on 12-29-01 at 05:07 PM
I don't think Teresa's got a chance of winning the super=duper-whooper combo of an Immunity Challenge that's now being previewed as coming this week. (see vid caps, other threads)However, OFG, could be right again(she usually is) and this is THE RC, NOT THE IC. He did it last year when Colby won his mother. Now why does he do this? So he doesn't have to fly FIVE families to Africa to MAYBE be on the show, only THREE, (Lex's, Ethan's and TB's?) They are the only three that have a ghost of a chance at winning this...

I know, OFG, there's a misogynistic(sp?) edge to this. Like he wants to MAKE SURE no Tina Two, an older woman gets near the F2. That's what's on his mind. He's not protecting Teresa at all. He wants her gone...And maybe MK, too.

He's thinking of "Who's gonna be the best,most telegenic spokesperson for my show that's now down in the ratings?" And who hasn't won before? NO STRAIGHT GUY has ever won Survivor yet. So he's going to make sure AT LEAST it's a guy....Since the final three Borons are straight.

Tom and Ethan's appearing together in Tom's hometown indicates that a Rudy/Richard finale is coming up where somehow Ethan doesn't have to vote against of betray Tom. Somebody else might vote Tom off. Like Mamakim. Or Teresa. Or Lex.

Kelly seems like she spent time with Teresa, Lex and Tom though, and none with Ethan and Mk.

However, OFG, correct me if I'm wrong, but the last person out. The F3 candidate has VERY little time at the lodge. Only overnight, pretty much. Like Keith last year didn't even seem to have time to have changed his clothes, or shave and SUDDENLY there he was back at Tribal council again.

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 12-29-01 at 07:52 PM
Rose Red,
You make a good point that no straight guy has yet won Survivor, and I can see how that would appeal to Burnett. Not that I believe he has real control over it, but he can nudge with challenge selection.

I think Tina has made the most boring spokesperson so far. ( And all her makeup and her obvious face and eye lift/dermabrasion are so in your face when they run a clip from the Outback while interviewing her.) But I digress to Bashing material. The spoiler relevance is that I agree MB would want someone completely different this time.

AyaK said elsewhere that Burnett edited S2 with the assumption that Colby won--due to the lockbox. I think that's a great point. That means that this time he should have learned the lesson and edited BOTH of the Final 2 to be visible throughout the show--which describes neither KimJ nor Teresa, but fits both Tom and Ethan, and even Lex.

Some people think Ethan has been pretty low key, but that's his game plan, what can Burnett do? Ethan has always been a main player in this game though.

Re the family visit RC: the way the family visit was handled by Burnett in S1 (he writes at length in his book Survivor about the logistical nightmare), and I presume S2, was this. Each remaining player's family member was flown to the nearest gateway to the South Pacific. Los Angeles, in the first two.

All had reservations. The challenge was held early in the a.m. and then the word immediately phoned to the waiting people which one was to board the flight, and the other tickets were cancelled.

(In BB2, CBS flew a family member of each nominee out to be present at the eviction, and the other one just went home.)

In S4, the word is that he flew a family member out when there were still six players in the game. No matter how many players, only one player's family member flies the expensive ticket to Africa.

I would like to see Teresa win this RC. Although Ethan's family looks to have good humiliation potential, and Tom's wife would be a lot of fun. Sorry, Krautboy, for the side swipe of the main topic.

The RC winner will have the best edge on the immunity challenge though--probably food and a shower and a nice place to sleep.
Colby won the RC and the memory-based IC in this episode last time.

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by sonrod on 01-01-02 at 04:24 PM
Rose, the survivor show was filmed before the fall season began and the producers had no idea that the show would have trouble breaking into the top ten in ratings. As far as they were concerned they would continue to crush the show "Friends" just as they had in the spring. I believe that he could arrange the immunity challenge to give Therese a chance at winning and perhaps to present MamaKim little or no chance at winning.

I read somewhere that several contestants visited Tom at his farm, so it was pure chance that Ethan was photographed with Tom. I think that MB would like MamaKim eliminated to avoid any sympathy votes, since she has yet to win anything, or even come close to winning any challenges, yet could still make it to the final three.

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by dangerkitty on 12-29-01 at 05:15 PM
Great thoughts, Krautboy. And as OFG says, seeing the IC, it looks less likely for T. If MB was going to rig it for her, the Fallen Comrades would have been her best shot. Still, she might....especially if she wins RC and there is food involved.

OFG, I'm thinking that you meant that Lex and ETHAN are the favorites, not Lex and TOM. Although he is getting quite a six-pack with all the weight loss, right? Uh, wrong. Unless it's a six-pack of sour mash.

One thing for sure, MamaKim is out of this one. Which makes the conversation between her and T more pertinent, I think. Let's say T does win IC. Now MK is in trouble. I'll assume that she expects to be the odd OB out. Now SHE needs Teresa! T says she can get Tom, perhaps because she knows how Tom feels about Lex. Teresa may be bluffing, with how sure she is, but what does she have to lose?

BTW, I am not assuming that this convo actually took place in Ep 12. It could have (I hope not - that is just too smarmy of MB), but even if not, it could have been part of their negotiations together regarding several "what if" scenarios. You know that T is planning ahead, and if she presented "what if I win IC next time", MK would have to consider that. And since MK stated that LilKim was more of a threat, that could explain why she was voted off instead of T in Ep 11 - MK thought LilKim had more chance of winning that next IC then T. And T is saying, look, I'll help you if I win that IC - LilKim can't help you. Even not knowing that it's such a physical IC coming up, MK can't be very confident that she'll ever win one.

T looked so upset when LilKim was booted - at first I thought it was because she had really hoped that MK would vote for Lex and was disappointed. Now I wonder, was it just her poor conscience again, knowing that she had a hand in it?

If MK had absolutely refused to vote for Teresa, saying that she really believed that LilKim was the IC threat, the guys would have to go along. Although it's hard to imagine her being that assertive - but we have been shown so little of the OB vote discussions. And if she recruited Ethan - well, it would help him, too. Also, the respect/honor factor: T has been a player, and OB may feel that she deserves to be out there longer than LilKim. Remember, that was what Keith or Colby said when they talked about booting Jerri - that it just didn't seem right that Lis or Rodger should go before her. I do think that matters to the players, as has been discussed on the board by AyaK and others.


"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 12-29-01 at 08:08 PM
I really like the scenario you've imagined here of what went down with Kim Powers. Btw, she says in her Insider clip that Teresa was considered somewhat of a Boran (due to the Switch) and that Kim thought the one most outside all the tribal loyalty bonds was the logical one to go, namely herself.

This seems to indicate that loyalty plays an extremely strong part in this version of the game. The only reason anyone has approved for switching alliances to date was if an ally supposedly betrayed them first.

Meaning that neither Ethan nor Tom will likely turn on Lex (even with the Brandon incident) without the conviction that Lex is set to do it to them. How would they get that idea? Lex would convey it to them that Lex's GUT was telling him the other one is getting ready to do it to him, Lex.

Convoluted enough? Yes, but it happened with Kelly.

Now we need a scenario based on neither Tbird or MamaKim winning immunity. Say Ethan wins. I think MamaKim is ready to take out one of the three guys now--because it's NOW or NEVER. If they are the core alliance, then she will go NEXT, after Tbird.
So, she needs to convince Tom or Ethan that Lex is out to get them, I guess. Problem is, Lex and Tbird alone could not oust Tom at this point, so why would he worry?

This is starting to hurt my head. Someone else take a turn...

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Serendipity on 12-29-01 at 08:54 PM
Lex may make it easy for them. Remember he discussed his "gut" feeling with the other Borans when he was ready to oust Kelly.

If it's Ethan he distrusts, he may discuss this with Tom and possibly MK. This could really backfire on him, of course, as they doubted him somewhat with Kelly (at least Tom did), but would they even slightly believe him with Tom or Ethan?

"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by Rose Red on 12-30-01 at 01:25 AM
>Lex may make it easy for
>them. Remember he discussed
>his "gut" feeling with the
>other Borans when he was
>ready to oust Kelly.
>If it's Ethan he distrusts, he
>may discuss this with Tom
>and possibly MK. This
>could really backfire on him,
>of course, as they doubted
>him somewhat with Kelly (at
>least Tom did), but would
>they even slightly believe him
>with Tom or Ethan?

I think you've really nailed it here, Serendipity. I think this is EXACTLY what happens, with the addenda of THEN Teresa chooses this as the time to tell them all that SHE was the one who voted for Lex. Maybe she tells MK this, who of course, will tell Ethan, who as we know from early on was painted as paranoid before Lex ever REALLY got paranoid.

This could have the effect of a bomb going off, "Truth Be Told". Maybe Teresa doesn't reveal this til after she loses the IC, and her LAST CHANCE of staying in the game in any direct way. What has she got to lose at this point? And MK and, I think, Ethan, too, are predisposed to like and trust Teresa, as a sort of (switched Boron) especially if she outlines EXACTLY why she did it. And when she has finished telling this charming, little, hairaising story to Mamakim and Ethan(who may win the immunity this time), they'll tell Tom and then it's goodbye Lex. We can only hope.

Frank did elude to "Lex's alliance was beginning to crumble" when he was voted off(per Frank's EW chat) and he(Frank) wished he had been able to stay around to witness this. I also thought he was implying that his beloved pal T-Bird was helping with the crumbling.

I really hate Lex, as does most of the free world at this point. I thought EPMB was softening him a little this week with the safari and the putting Tom to bed scene, which was priceless. Now imagine, if you will Tom winning this and he took T-bird or Kim P.! Then the trip would've had a whole differnt spin. It was set up to be EPMB's great wet dream of two survivors hooking up, but alas, it was all strategy. Priceless humor, however.

And what, OFG, is this lockbox thing? I'm so sure EPMB KNEW that Tina had won. The show was edited to mislead us by yes, thinking that Colby won. MB kept throwing challenges at him that he knew only Colby could really win. And Tina was hidden. It was a strategy, a plan. A plot. All good mysteries have a plot, and hopefully a surprise ending. This show may, too. How does EPMB surprise us? Well, there are very few arrows left in his mystery quiver that we, and the whole spoiling world aren't on to, but I would say he's doing his hiding tricks. He hid Kim P's banishment up until the final vote! I, for one, was shocked, and then pissed that I once again had fallen for EPMB's editing. It made sense to the tribe, but it made no sense to all but the most discerning of viewers, like OFG, the goddess of words, Krautboy, etc, etc.

He's certainly kept T-Bird, MK and Ethan to an absolute minimum, and overexposed us to Lex and Tom.

And Tom is, quite frankly, given EPMB and his crack editing team, the best material to work with, albeit in some ancient Elizabethan tongue. He's Falstaff and "Tom Washes the Women" could've been "The Merrie Wives of Windsor." And Ethan, of course is Prince Hal. I would also like to point out that Tom also washed Ethan. He did not wash Lex. LEX put Tom to bed. Interesting dynamic here.

I would SO love Teresa to oust Lex at the last minute with her revelation of her vote for him. It could be the coup de gras that the others need to get rid of him.

And he started going off again last week! Hasn't he learned ANYthing? I thought the "Off With His(Her) Head" stuff was finished, and yes, maybe he could win it. But not if he keeps going on like this. And I think OFG, once again, pointed out that since we're being shown a second witch hunt, it indeed will lead to a second witch hunt. And Ethan is the target, like Kelly was before.

I think all those gentlemen in the vidcaps are Peace Corps workers, not any one's family members...Maybe they don't do a family member visit this time.

I wonder if they let the families meet and interact at the airport hotel,as they await the outcome of the RC, or do they tell them, not to look at each other, as they did when they are put up in hotels and then told NOT to speak to any of the others....They do this when people are trying out for the show. Fifty people staying in the same hotel who can't talk to each other, or look at each other, only read a book.

"RC and IC Switched?"
Posted by Krautboy on 12-29-01 at 10:44 PM
Yes it does not look good for Teresa if this actually is the IC, but what if this is the RC and the IC is something like Paired-Up/Concentration, like it was last year?

That would seem to make more sense. Why change from last years format if it makes sense in terms of keeping the game interesting?

Is there a precedent for the Challenges being switched from previous formats...where what was an IC in previous seasons was a RC this season? Weren't we mislead before into believing an IC was a RC?

If the IC is really the Super Challenge, then it will be boring...Ethan or Lex will win.

If Ethan wins, Lex's rant against him means nothing.

If Lex wins, Teresa is a goner.

But if Teresa were to win...that would be interesting


"RE: RC and IC Switched?"
Posted by dangerkitty on 12-29-01 at 10:49 PM
The one that jumps out is the SOS challenge being the IC and the Boulder Roll being the RC - seems it should have been the other way around. And It seems it might have been switched last minute in order to give Boran a chance, since they were getting creamed at the time.


"RE: Can Teresa win Immunity?"
Posted by gemstone on 12-29-01 at 09:17 PM
Looks like this IC was intended to protect Ethan. Ethan also seems to be featured in the pics too. Doesn't look good for Ethan especially with the bus closeup theory that the final 4 and the first series boot (Diane) and the first merge boot(Clarence)
were the only ones given closeups in the first three minutes of the first episode. Tom, Teresa, Kim J, and Lex are the final 4.