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"Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"

Posted by bookwomanblue on 01-23-06 at 07:19 AM
Reported on another site:

Jackson brings her the GED diploma during her graduation. Her gift is real estate classes and art classes. What a joke. Plus she gets a shopping spree in NY with Andy Paige. TJ just got a weekend overnight for her girlfriends. That stinks.

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"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 01-23-06 at 08:21 AM
Oh my god! That little wench got all that and TJ just got a weekend get away? That's so wrong. I know they try to match the gift with the woman but come on! Could of thrown in a shopping spree for TJ too. Or something for the group home she runs.

At least she got the GED.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Kookachoo on 01-23-06 at 09:02 AM
Unfreakin believable!
This season gets more insane the longer it goes on. What possible value to her growth or employablility can real estate and art classes do for this imp? No parenting classes, no interviewing skills, no interpersonal skills...she doesn't even know how to dress properly for an "honorable" job. God forbid she have to sling hash or work at fast food joints like so many of us have had to do. I reckon she can pick up some tasty pasties during the NY shopping spree tho.
These gifts will no doubt serve her well during her brief stint at Hooters.

Rhonda and Iyanla should both be embarrassed by this season.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by justletmebe on 01-23-06 at 09:45 AM
I think we need to remember that this is just "spoiler" info for now. Info on gifts has been wrong in the past...SO didn't pay for Aliscam's schooling like it was spoiled. So there's a pretty good chance Christina doesn't get all that.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 01-23-06 at 09:51 AM
Precisely! That's why I said I couldn't vouch for the truth of it.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by snowflake2 on 01-23-06 at 11:52 AM
This is a very believeable spoiler.

If it's true, it's terrible how TJ seems to have gotten the least in terms of gifts.

Why are they wasting $$$ on art school for Christina??? Although this might actually be a few "fingerpainting" sessions at someone's house. Real estate classes...wasted on her also.

As far Alliscam, the schooling might not have been presented as an actual graduation gift (these are from the sponsor Glade) but I believe it is very true that she received free schooling at USM, arranged by Starting Over, particularly Iyanla.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Snackerson on 01-23-06 at 11:58 AM
I would rather go on vacation with my friends than shopping with Andy Paige. Also aren't real estate classes usually free. I know people who have become agents and they didn't pay anything.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by SportsNut on 01-23-06 at 12:13 PM
I just posted a topic about this (probably will get in trouble because I didn't post it here). How on earth can they justify "graduating" her? What has she done while she was in the house? What a joke...

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 01-23-06 at 12:20 PM
I can't figure that out either. She completed her GED. But, how did she become "honorable"? She wasn't even explicit with her mother about her past. I am so deeply disappointed in the changes in this show this season.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Labyrinth on 01-23-06 at 01:48 PM
Real estate courses cost. You can generally take a course at a local community college (something like 14 classes I think) and then you go take the state exam. This isn't a costly gift... personally, I think TJ's away with friends probably cost more.

You don't have to take the courses - you can go take the exam anytime and see if you can pass.

Christina will need to take the exam in the state where she plans on working as they are not transferable from state to state.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by tvgal on 01-24-06 at 01:10 AM
I have seen the show and it is what she gets for graduation. Plus for her makeover she gets her hair cut and made darker and she looks like crap. Andy says while they are in the hair salon that this is going to be the best make over in SO history. Her outfit is a basic black pant suit and between her hair and makeup she looks old and hard.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by snowflake2 on 01-24-06 at 02:19 AM
LOL! Andy Paige has the uncanny ability to make everyone look old & frumpy, even the young ones!

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by ellcee18 on 01-24-06 at 07:37 AM
>Andy says while they are in the hair salon that this is going to be the best make over in SO history. Her outfit is a basic black pant suit and between her hair and makeup she looks old and hard.

Doesn't Andy say this about every SO makeover? LOL

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 01-24-06 at 09:06 AM
Well, at least Andy is enthusiastic!

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Dayum Yankee on 01-24-06 at 10:11 AM
OMG this spoiler was right on. Jackson does hand her the GED certificate, her mom is wearing a blue graduation cap and she does get all that stuff when graduating. It was sickening. Practically the entire show was Christina graduating and most of it was Lyanla talking about how much Christina has grown in her time at the SO house. I was sitting here getting majorly pissed off. Jill at the end of the show whines like a friggin little baby too..............I'm all alone now blah blah blah

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by OklaBlue on 01-24-06 at 11:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-24-06 AT 11:36 AM (EST)

And TJ got what?

(I thought I read a post where someone said they saw her with Karrine and Jackson in a Target or somewhere and her hair was short and blond.)

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Dayum Yankee on 01-24-06 at 12:58 PM
TJ got crap in my humble opinion. She got that get-away for her and three friends including some massages. That's it. TJ was definitely my favorite from Day 1 of this season and I think she had gotten the short end of the stick from the first day right up through graduation. Her graduation on tv lasted what? 15 mins. tops and Christina's took the entire damn show.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by pegasustt on 01-24-06 at 07:53 PM
Did anyone notice that today's gifts at graduation was not provided by Glade but instead it was from SO and each of the life coaches?


"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by ForeverHotBabe on 01-24-06 at 01:25 PM
Are there even words for the way Christina looks? What the f***? Her hair? WHY? Whats up with that? Her hair was just sticking out all over the place, the color toooooooooo dark and that outfit just plain old black. Is Andy Page blind? What is her problem I really would like to know. She has absolutley no skills in the makover department whatsover!! Someone make that BI*** stop her madness!! Did anyone see how Rhonda was giving Christina the EVIL eye whe Iyanla was giving her speech? She looked at tina like, u little slutty Bi***!! I mean the look on her face was classic, I was rollin, I could not beleive she looked at her that way, man I think Rhonda does not particularly care for Tina. The Look Of Death! Tinas hair did look better just straight whaen they showed her in the confenssional. Now I hear her hair is blond, Hmmmm. Wasent her hair blond when she was an escort? I thought so.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by Kookachoo on 01-24-06 at 02:16 PM
"Did anyone see how Rhonda was giving Christina the EVIL eye whe Iyanla was giving her speech? She looked at tina like, u little slutty Bi***!!"
Hey HotBabe I sure did see it. It's like Rhonda forgot for a minute she was supposed to be acting and her true feelings leaked out. Rhonda knows it's a big farce to graduate this girl and is probably embarrassed and ashamed...after all, this is going to effect her reputation as well and make her look like a fool and a charlatan...a fake coach.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by lola76 on 01-24-06 at 01:09 PM
You were right. XXXtina got all of that. It made me sick to watch her. Her stupid mouth always hanging open catching flies. The OMG I am so surprised look on her face. It is also getting old having Jess at every graduation. And the last two graduations Jill is the only speech they air. xxxtina's speech was all about her favorite subject, HERSELF. I did this. I made this. Very little about everyone else. Although it could have been edited. Her haircut made her face look so round. Color maybe a little dark. Suit ok. Knowing Andy maybe polyester! Why does she have to go all the way to NYC for shopping? They have Targets everywhere.

"RE: Can't vouch for the truth of it, but found this spoiler on Christine's graduation"
Posted by maryellennaco on 01-24-06 at 04:15 PM
It wouldn't be that bad if it weren't such a joke! This season has been riddled with scummy people who don't want anything more than their 15 minutes... Some of them (allushson) want more than their 15 minutes. It's naseauting (sp) how they've gone this far down the "living large" path. The show producers, etc. need to really look at what this formerly good show, has become. It's all a joke, IMHO>