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"Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"

Posted by lionsroar on 11-30-01 at 10:15 AM
Here is a link to a vidcap shown during the recap episode. The vidcap shows the immunity necklace hanging from Lex's torch.


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"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by runningchicken on 11-30-01 at 10:25 AM
This same imagery was used in Survivor 1 with Richard. And I noticed it recently in connection with the Samburu tribe right after the "twist." There was a cap with a skull in front of the samburu flag. I doubt it's a coincidence, but I'm not sure it's not MB playing us either.

"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by weltek on 11-30-01 at 10:58 AM
I think Lex is capable of winning immunity challenges if his will is strong enough, and you'd better bet his will is strong this week.

The cap could be an MB set up, but I would think he'd rather keep the audience thinking Lex goes than Lex stays. Tough call on this one.

"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by lroy on 11-30-01 at 11:24 AM
Do we have any vidcap's of all the torches? Does only Lex's torch have the skull?
Look at the letters painted on the torch, on the bottom right, it looks like an "IM" which would point to Kim P. or Mama Kim winning immunity. Names are painted on the spears, are they also painted on the torch?

"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by anotherkim on 11-30-01 at 11:58 AM
That torch has Kim written on it...trust me, I know my name when I see it . It sure doesn't look like there is anything close to Lex on it...and if you look at the picture below it

The past Survivor torches had names on them somehow--remember how they walk by them and contemplate them "wistfully" on their walk to the finish.

Now we need pics of the Kims' torches.


"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by MikeD on 11-30-01 at 12:39 PM
this was planted to make us think Lex wins immunity - plain and simple...

"Careful folks... This ain't no spoiler!"
Posted by IceCat on 11-30-01 at 07:07 PM
I've checked the video tape.

It is most definitely Lex's torch... no question of that.

Lex's torch is the only one with a skull. Nobody else has a skull or any other protruding object on their their torch (this is important later on).

First Thing to Consider:

Now... remember how Samburu had all their torches and spears stuck in the ground in one one area and how they put the idol in the center? That immunity necklace is hardly something you would want to where all day. Teresa had it off of her as soon as the wine and cheese party got under way. In S2, when the immunity necklace was much smaller, Colby used to hang it on the edge of the lean-to shelter. If the combined tribe follows a similar practice, they could very well store the immunity necklace with the torches and the most convenient place to hang the necklace would be the only torch with a protruding object on it.

Second thing to consider:

If you view the actual video clip and not the single captured frame, you will see that the video sequence is a time-lapse shot that shows the clouds moving rapidly. The ring is moving sporadically in the wind as well. The camera does not move with the respect to the stationary spear. That strongly suggests that the shot was taken with a tripod. Not just a quick shot picked up in the camp by one of the mobile camera operators but a staged shot. My guess is that, just after the tribe members head off to a reward challenge (leaving the torches and immunity necklace behind), the camera crews set up for a tripod shot. Taking Lex's torch with the necklace either already on it (or putting the necklace on the torch themselves) they took a couple of minutes worth of video with the clouds moving in the background.

This shot is staged eye-candy... NOT a spoiler!

September 11, 2001

"RE: Careful folks... This ain't no spoiler!"
Posted by zzz on 11-30-01 at 08:27 PM

Excellent analysis. This is why I am reluctant to believe VidCap spoilers. MB has gotten so good at knowing what will mislead us.

"RE: Careful folks... This ain't no spoiler!"
Posted by TechNoir on 12-01-01 at 07:28 AM
Yup, yup, 100% yup.

Darn, I had Lex down for immunity and
now I gotta change it

"RE: Careful folks... This ain't no spoiler!"
Posted by Sam Buru on 12-01-01 at 03:49 PM
Just for grins, anyone out there have the capability to grab pics? Just before the last TC, they show Kim P walking out of the camp. They have a close shot of her carying her torch, almost displaying the writing. BTW, the shot seems contrived when you review it. I can't make much detail in the writing with my tape copy.

When you see the Lex IC spoiler, clearly we see some writing on that torch that appears to match Kim's. Could Kim have wone IC and Lex made a Ubertorch for Kim? Could he be working the Jury?

"The Letters IM....MUNITY?"
Posted by Krautboy on 12-01-01 at 04:11 PM
If this is Lex's torch, why are the letters "IM" on it?

Is it possible that MB liked the idea and imagry of the animal skull and had his crew make an "immunity torch" for holding the necklace during the IC after it has been returned? The special "immunity torch" is just a place to display the immunity necklace until the next winner claims it. It is also labled with the letters IM...MUNITY!?

I agree that this is not a spoiler. The questions I think we need to ask ourselves are:

1. Is this simply a picture of the Immunity Necklace on it's holder waiting to be presented; an image intended to have us simply wonder who will win the next IC?

2. Is this Lex's torch and a staged shot intended to make us THINK that Lex wins immunity, when in reality Frank or someone else wins this week? Remember, MB cannot control who wins immunity, he can only control what he shows us. He's trying pretty hard if this is a staged shot.

3. Is the torch that of KIM P. or KIM J. as Anotherkim speculates? Does one of them add a skull to their torch this week? If the letters on the torch are those of one of the Kim's, did MB overlook the letters while trying to mislead us about the immunity winner?

4. Does one of the Kims win immunity this week and MB is just giving us that in an effort to lead us away from Teresa and back to Frank. Some of us have speculated that Frank wins immunity and Teresa gets voted out. MB giving us the fact that one of the Kims is this weeks immunity winner would strengthen the "Frank goes this week" arguement. Is that MB's intention?

I agree that this is not a spoiler. But the question is what are we supposed to think and why does MB want us to think it?


"Excellent points for consideration......m"
Posted by anotherkim on 12-01-01 at 10:13 PM
I will now worry myself silly over this for the next few days....IM, IM, IM.

If you look on the Surviviorfever page where they show the picture of Lex, you can see there is some writing on his torch, but it looks almost like a triangle of something...not an IM.

Are there any other pictures of Lex and his torch to be found??


"The Tale of the Torch"
Posted by Bungler on 12-01-01 at 11:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-01-01 AT 11:59 PM (EST)

Well, gang, the more I look at this, the more I'm thinking this Lex torch/Immunity Necklace thing might be a red herring.

First off, let's look at everybody who has had visible signs of something being written on their torches. This started off in Episode 4 (Linda's boot), when Frank carved his wife's and daughters' names (Polly, Jocelyn & Sage) into his torch.

By Episode 5 (Silas's boot), those names had been rewritten again in white paint and others had jumped on the bandwagon.

The others jumping on the bandwagon included MamaKim, who apparently wants us to call her "Grandma" instead.

Clarence, who wrote "I Love U Mom" on his torch. Aw, ain't that sweet?

Although that's Ethan you see in this shot, the torch next to him is Teresa's. I can't make out what hers says. It doesn't look like her husband or kids' names (hubby is Brian, kids are Tyler and Ellie).

And then there's Kim P., who's apparently all about herself in this game, as hers says "Powers!"

I have not been able to find any evidence of names or anything else painted on Ethan's or Tom's torches (which were shown in a couple different shots with no visible paint marks) or Brandon's (whose torch I couldn't make out in the various shots I could find).

And then there's Lex. Lex's torch is very unique. He's not only got the skull,

but he's also used two different colors of paints for messages to his wife, kids and dogs (in the shot with Lindsey, I can see "Thank you," as well as "River" - a son's name, and "Daisy" - a dog's name; in the shot of Lex by himself I can see "Corbin" - his other son's name, and in another shot I didn't cap there's a very visible -"ly" - and Lex's wife's name is "Kelly"). Not only that, but he's written these names in a spiral fashion, instead of a solid column like the others above have.

I point out the spiral part because I think it's significant when considering our potential Immunity Necklace spoiler pic. Have a look at it again.

See, you can see the skull, but where are the rest of the messages written on the torch? Lex's messages go down at least half the length of his torch. They're in at least two colors. And they're written in a spiral, not a block-lettered column like the "IN" in this shot. Then again, this doesn't mean that Lex doesn't paint something different on his torch at some point. But still, it seems a little fishy to me.

Make of this what you will.

And if you can figure out what Teresa's torch says, you get 10 Bungler Bonus points. They're not worth anything, but it's nice to have 'em, right?

"RE: The Tale of the Torch"
Posted by Bungler on 12-02-01 at 00:00 AM
BTW, forgot to mention that it definitely looks like "IN" in my cap, rather than "IM." Not sure what others think. Just thought I'd point that out though.

"Lex's son "CORB...IN"?"
Posted by Krautboy on 12-02-01 at 01:57 AM
Bungler, thanks for all the extra analysis.

I think your right about the ...IN. As you point out, it makes sense for Lex to have an IN on his torch if he wrote the name of his son "CORBIN" on it.

Let's assume it's Lex's torch. That leads me to agree with those who have concluded that this is a red herring intended to manipulate the viewers into concluding that Lex wins immunity this week.

I'd say this is just more evidence of MB's trickery. He is hiding the real immunity winner...Frank?


"RE: Lex's son "CORB...IN"?"
Posted by Bungler on 12-02-01 at 11:22 AM
Yeah, I thought of Corbin also, but his name is already on Lex's torch. In the shot of Lex at TC above, you can see the "bin" from Corbin written in orange or red paint just below skull. I wonder if he'd write it twice?

"RE: The Tale of the Torch"
Posted by DiamondK on 12-02-01 at 12:34 PM
I still think it could be Lex's torch.

The immunity necklace is covering up a section of the writing about the same length as the skull. In the caps and my videotape, I've only seen the top part of Lex's torch: fire-holding part plus skull part plus section below skull part. I can't say I've seen the section that corresponds to the "IN" writing. It's not out of the question that the spiral writing could stop below the words we've seen.

Also, the torches are color coded according to their original tribes. The winding below the ball area is either red or yellow, and *there is a stripe of red or yellow paint on the part just above the ball.* The torch in the preview has yellow paint--must be an original Boran torch.

For that reason, I don't think the "grandma" torch is MamaKim's. It has red winding on it, not yellow. The players seem to be dedicating their torches to their loved ones. I think it could be the other side of KimP's torch, dedicated to "grandma powers," but I wouldn't rule out other Samburu except for Frank.


"RE: The Tale of the Torch"
Posted by Bungler on 12-02-01 at 08:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-02-01 AT 09:04 PM (EST)

Great catch, DiamondK!

It looks like the "Grandma" torch is Brandon's. So we can scratch Brandon from the torches with no visible writing column and replace him with Mama. Oh, and here's a little vidcap proof of the order of the torches. The "Grandma" torch is the 6th one and is one of two that is somewhat behind Mama at Ep 7's TC. I've vidcapped the arrival shot and how the torches were placed, then a shot of the whole group and numbered their torches.

"RE: Lex wins immunity? Vidcap spoiler"
Posted by Rudyrox on 12-02-01 at 11:52 AM
Lex winning immunity would make sense when you consider how they are developing his character. They are making it look like everyone is ready to oust him.. but what happens? He goes and wins immunity and screws up the plan. I think this is a real spoiler.

"Watch the Full Motion Video"
Posted by IceCat on 12-02-01 at 12:13 PM
This is a staged timelapse shot. The only person who hung the immunity necklace there was a cameraman. No spoiler here.

September 11, 2001

"RE: Watch the Full Motion Video"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 12-02-01 at 12:26 PM
Bungler do you also post on ss.com because I saw that same analysis and vidcaps over there, forgot to read who posted it, was it you?

"What a twisted web we weave when at first we practice to deceive"

"RE: Watch the Full Motion Video"
Posted by Bungler on 12-02-01 at 08:13 PM
Yep, IE, I'm omnipresent. LOL!

"RE: Watch the Full Motion Video"
Posted by dabo on 12-03-01 at 10:16 AM
I agree with this being a staged shot, and I have mentioned already on some other threads that I think it relates to the witch hunt Lex goes on. It's irrelevant whose torch had the skull, that it was Lex's was just happy coincidence; what is relevant is the death symbolism of the skull together with the immunity necklace which Teresa won in episode 7, since she is the actual target of the witch hunt. I also think the witch hunt idea is a poor game move strategically as whoever gets sent off because of it would have every reason to not vote for Lex to win in the end.

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few miserable individuals might linger, but even these in a year or two would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")