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"Official Rachel Death Glare count."

Posted by Estee on 02-27-12 at 07:36 AM

I'm surprised it got through Customs.

Do we need a separate Official Rachel Mini-Breakdown Count or can we just assume the two go together?

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"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-27-12 at 08:22 AM
Enlighten me, as a non-BB watcher, was this behavior par for the course with Rachel? Or is there much, much worse to come from her?

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-27-12 at 09:28 AM
*waits for answer*

I don't watch Big Brother either and have never seen Brendon or Rachel before. Coming from an unbiased observer, Rachel has a whiny, grating voice, doesn't seem very bright, and doesn't handle frustration well-- a great combination for a TAR contestant. Drama, here we come.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by newsomewayne on 02-27-12 at 11:20 AM
I watch, but I tend not to get too involved in the psychology of the players, except to notice who's a jerk or stupid, etc.

But these two...

These two are a perfect match. And I'll stop that description right there because there is no way anyone could add the qualifier "in Heaven". Should Kingfish truly want proof there is a Satan in this world looking for souls to devour and torment, here it is.

But speaking only about them, here's what you should know. Brendon is misogynistic, overbearing, and extremely jealous of anyone who shows signs of being a better person than he at anything. And it doesn't take much to show that. She is majorly insecure, overcompensating, unable to accept criticism as constructive, no matter the delivery, and view any action by others that does not benefit her as definitive evidence of unrighteous jealousy and hatred by that person for her and her boobs.

Actually, insecure doesn't even begin to cover Rachel's emotional health problems. Her need to be subserviant and treated like a beat dog is sickening and sad. It's made even more sad because she's shown she could be better in a controlled (did I just call the BB house controlled) environment, i.e. a place without Brendon or anyone else to rely on/ hold herself in a lower position to. In other words, I think she is capable of being a strong individual on her own or as part of a couple, but she won't let herself.

Editing can be used to excuse the actions of many players, but for BB that is near impossible to hide from those who follow the live feeds. What we saw last night was par for the course. I think what you got was a very perfect microcosm of the entity known as Brenchel. And it will last as long as they do.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by qwertypie on 02-28-12 at 02:12 AM
Thanks for the break down. I haven't watched Big Brother in awhile (which of course narrows dramatically the ability for my mother and I to communicate), and I did wonder why there was such backlash against those two.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by GOOU on 03-06-12 at 06:28 PM
Thought I'd buck the tide and say something positive about Rachel - she is fiercely competitive - sorry that's all I can come up with, but i admit i was rooting for her to win BB last time...

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by qwertypie on 03-07-12 at 08:16 PM

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by MissMyth on 02-27-12 at 04:58 PM
Then Brenchel lucked out by arriving at the cattle/math task at the same time as the one team that is probably genetically incapable of telling a woman to go pound sand.

"The Gallons of tears count begins as well"
Posted by kingfish on 02-28-12 at 12:53 PM

And a hex on the Kentucky guy who prevented what was building up to be a Rachael supernova meltdown.

(So, you don't have to learn long division to get a PHD? Or was counting her weakness?)

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by kidflash212 on 03-05-12 at 10:03 AM
Don't reality show send potential contestants for a psych exam? How did Rachel ever pass?

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by newsomewayne on 03-05-12 at 11:26 AM
Yes, and I'm pretty sure failure of them puts you on the short-track to being casted.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by kidflash212 on 03-05-12 at 11:42 AM
Must be. No one could ever convince me that Rachel is mentally stable. And Brendon total devotion to her is some other form of mental illness.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by kingfish on 03-05-12 at 02:30 PM
Rats. Two challenges that BBRachael isn't bad at, putting the thingy in the hole and bottle balancing. Running five blocks nearly killed her, so this episode wasn't a complete waste.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by Estee on 03-05-12 at 06:36 PM
*non-death glare*

Rachel isn't always a challenge force, but she was almost always stronger than anyone gave her credit for -- with 'anyone' being 'everyone else in her current pool until they learned better'. Her emotional performance is unstable, but the physical one could get her past a lot of obstacles.

Keeping her centered long enough to perform -- good luck.

Posted by dabo on 03-12-12 at 02:18 AM
Did they actually manage to go off the scale this week??


"RE: Salami"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-12-12 at 09:07 AM
My wife and I were actually wondering for a while who was the more pathetic crier ... Rachel or Flo (Season 3)?

"RE: Salami"
Posted by jbug on 03-12-12 at 10:12 AM
Oh my! I had almost forgotten about Flo!
Rachel is giving her a run for the money for sure.
please please please please don't let the final ending come out the same!

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by MissMyth on 03-12-12 at 07:37 PM
Why can't they just quit when they say they're gonna?! That's the problem, no follow-through. She is such an ugly crier. Or fake crier.

"RE: Official Rachel Death Glare count."
Posted by TWoman on 03-12-12 at 08:41 PM
Yes, it's been noted many times on the Big Brother boards that no actual live tears flow when Rachel "cries." A scrunched up face is all the satisfaction we get.

"Total math failure."
Posted by Estee on 04-30-12 at 06:37 AM
1. Arrive at Fast Forward, requiring shaving of hair which will also destroy $500 extensions.

2. Realize that finishing first on leg will net, at minimum, a trip worth a few thousand dollars.

3. Shave head. Get Fast Forward. Finish first and win trip.

4. Sell trip to get money for really good extensions.

5. Profit!

"RE: Total math failure."
Posted by Snidget on 04-30-12 at 07:47 AM
That assumes that money has anything to do with why she's on The Amazing Race.

It is all about building up the ego in the face of extreme lack of self esteem.

I think her equation is:

1. Being on TV gives me self worth

2. Must be pretty if I am going to try to grab extra camera time.

3. Only attribute that makes me pretty is my hair.

4. Cannot try to get more camera time if I'm not pretty.

5. Less TV time per episode means I'm less worthy.

It is sad to see how completely insecure she is.

"RE: Total math failure."
Posted by Estee on 04-30-12 at 10:07 AM
As the originator of the theory on Rachel being a former social outcast who never managed an internal makeover, I won't argue this. It just wouldn't have set up any Bad Chemistry Math potential, so I went for the cheaper gag.

There are days when it's just too early to be deep.

"RE: Total math failure."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-30-12 at 07:52 AM
Another mathematical equation Rachel failed at:

1st place this leg minus $500 hair extensions plus potential 1st place in race = helluva hair extensions and new nose (courtesy of Vanessa)

I *so* wanted her to be eliminated for that particular bit of vanity and whining.

"RE: Total math failure."
Posted by Molaholic on 04-30-12 at 03:49 PM
Let's just hope that her pediatrician plastic surgeon doesn't mix-up the nose and boob job procedures (Of course, if Tarzan gets the assignment, then anything can happen...)

"New math failure..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-08-12 at 11:38 AM
Unable to read a clue + taxi fare = a heckuva lot less than a million dollars.

"RE: New math failure..."
Posted by PsychoKitty on 06-01-12 at 04:46 PM
Very funny Pepe!!!! ;)

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
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