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Posted by Styxfan on 11-13-01 at 11:42 PM
I was just wondering what everyone thought about the teams this season. Did they meet or beat your early expectations? Here are my thoughts:

Matt&Anna: Out of all the teams, this one caught my attention the least. Maybe that's because they were eliminated after just one show. I had no expectations for this team.

The Teachers: Disappointing, to say the least. I expected to see them get farther because they were young and in shape. Being teachers, you would think they would have a little common sense. Apparently, not these.

The Moms: Did about as good as I expected them to. Could have used a little more competitiveness. The FF didn't help them as much as it did others. The pendulum that wasn't ruined their chances of advancing any farther.

Grandparents: The longer they lasted, the more I liked them. Had the right attitude to go all the way. If it weren't for money problems, they probably could have stayed in the race a bit longer.

Paul&Amie: Didn't particularly like this team, but was sad to see them go none-the-less. Their inability to think quick in tough situations and Amie's untimely illness prevented them from getting farther than they did.

Lenny&Karyn: Greatly exceeded my expectations. This couple had little team chemistry and lasted so long only because they seemed to get lucky at all the right teams.

Momily: The biggest surprise. I expected mom to collapse from exhaustion and frustration before they left Africa. Their competitive side finally appeared last week, unfortunately, it seems it waited a little too long.

Guidos: Good enough, strong enough, smart enough....but for how long? Their arrogance may catch up to them before they reach the end.

Lawyers: Quietly a solid team. Consistantly makes all the right moves. Doing as good as can be expected. Probably needs to step up their competitiveness if they want to win though.

Fratties: No longer the sneak-up-behind-ya-and-catch-you-by-surprise team. They are serious contenders to take it all because of their intense desire to squash the Guidos.

F&M: The Cinderella team. Should they win, their story would make a great fairy tale. Started as the ugly ducklings that no one liked, have become the team you stand up and cheer for.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Opinions"
Posted by KelvinKing on 11-14-01 at 00:05 AM
Some of the teams did supprise me.

At first I thought the Frats were just out to have a wild time, and in terms of comic relief they definately didn't dissappoint. However, I didn't expect them to last that long, basically my expectations of them were simple - as long as their in the race, it'll be fun to watch.

I thought the lawyers were pretty strong at first, but I didn't realize they could suck so much without a FF. They have never been first since their first episode, and that was just because they used the FF.

I thought the Dildos were just a merry little bunch at first, they were all smiles, and getting playing a good game overall. But, turns out they are a pretty competitive and coniving lot.

Actually, contrary to the belief of Momily, they HAVE been pretty lucky. Of course not as lucky as the dildos have been. But at least they're still in the race. In 2 episodes, Kevin & Drew helped them out by dragging them out of the country. In earlier episodes they had the opportunity of teaming up with the underdogs and getting through quite nicely.

I'm thinking their luck will REALLY run out these next few episodes. They don't come across as a resourceful team. Despite Emily's little comment last week.

"RE: Opinions"
Posted by mark grace on 11-14-01 at 02:11 AM
<B>Matt&Anna:</B> Here one day gone the next. They seemed nice enough but nice doesn't win you prizes in this game.

<B>The Teachers:</B> I'm going to be a Teacher in a few months time and I feel that they should have done better.

<B>The Moms:<B> The Mums really enjoyed their travelling and if it wasn't for the Pendulum I think they would have lasted another episode but no more then that.

<B>Grandparents:<B> This team surprised most, they worked good as a team and I think could read maps better then most but the cruling running around would have tired them out I had my doubts at first but soon realised their potential so I was surprise to see them exit in Tunisia.

<B>Paul&Amie:</B> This team fought more then compete and really got on my nerves... I was glad that they got lost in the desert and exited.. could you imagine if they made it to india// ohh that would ahve been nasty...

<B>Lenny&Karyn:</B> At first I expected this team to be the dark horse they were super eager but then there team work was lacking and Lenny not taking a solid role and letting Karyn do all the talking was a error on his half.

<B>Momily:</B> They have been a big surprise. They have just made it by the skin of their teeth in all occasions. Hopefully they get the Fast forward before the guidos do..

<B>Guidos:</B> I don't like this team and I hope they go soon. I must admit they are strong and super competitive. I expected them to be good due to their travel experince.

<B>Lawyers:</B> They try hard but they need to raise the tempo in order to take the million. They will survive but I feel that an error will set them behind in a bad way....

<B>FRATS:</B> They are gentlemen but at the same time competitive when the going gets tough they motor and they have been lucky in India they could have fallen by thee way side but just made the train. I expect these guys to rank in the final 3 and probably take it out.

<B>F&M:</B> I thought they would have fallen away but its amazing how much a difference a fast forward can make even a 48 minute advantage can led u to success. I see that they are pulling as a team..

"RE: Opinions"
Posted by Canadian_eh on 11-14-01 at 01:08 PM
At a little past the half-way point here is what I think of the teams.

Matt&Anna: Who? Oh yeah! Out before they were in.

The Teachers: A little disappointing but they weren't very competitive to start with.

The Moms: Performed to my expectations, maybe a little better. I thought the younger women team (teachers) would have beat them, but that wasn't the case.

Grandparents: They had advantages in experience. But lacked some of the physical attributes of other teams. Also some problem solving skills were definitely lacking (Re: money problems). Overall they exceeded my expectations.

Paul&Amie: Definitely exceeded my expectations. They didn't seem particularly quick-witted. They made up for it with youthful enthousiasm.

Lenny&Karyn: Somebody get a gag! I pity that poor Lenny. It's a miracle they made it so far considering they stopped being a team... actually they never really worked together.

Momily: I expected 'Soccer Mom' to act like dead weight and anchor her daughter. Mom has shown some great resilience (if you ignore the weekly tears). Emily has shown pretty good character overall, in dealing with people and most problems that arise (getting change on the eifel tower, directions in Tunisia) considering she is so young and never travelled much. She did have a bad moment in the market in India, but I think that was the stress of the game getting to her.

Guidos: I knew they would do well and I didn't like it. Now their poor character makes me like them even less. We all know the reasons why so I won't go into detail. (Yes, I do realize that part of the fuss surrounding Guido can be due to editing, but I still don't like 'em) Hopefully Karma catches up to them.

Lawyers: A good team. Not a winning team though. They will be among the next to go. Combination bad luck, not enough drive.

Fratties: Definitely contenders for "Most Improved". I thought they were funny from the get-go, but not too swift. I didn't think they'd last. Now they could go all the way.

F&M: I thought they were strong from the start, but weren't working together very well. Frank's desire and enthousiasm and Margarita's tact and intelligence. Now that they are working together, they're my pick for whole game. BTW, Margarita's french is better than the Guido's (who lived in Paris).

"RE: Opinions"
Posted by samced on 11-14-01 at 02:27 PM
>Matt&Anna. Who? Oh yeah!
>Out before they were in.
>The Teachers: If either one was my daughters teacher, I'd be looking for a different school!
The Moms: I thought they would have gone further. A requirement for a mom is to stop and ask directions time and time again for B-days- soccer games etc.

Grandparents: A fighter pilot and a dare devil, I wanted them to stay on longer, If not for the money thing, Im sure they would still be in. As for strenght, hell I dont think I could have climbed Notre Dame. ( o.k. for a million bucks, maybe.)

Paul&Amie: Too emotional for the game. Laster longer than I thought.
Lenny&Karyn: Karyn did not realize that Team does not have an I.
Lenny is carrying all the gear and she still yells "you do nothing!"

Momily: They have bitched and moan about their lack of luck.
What do you call being carried by another team? If not for feasters they would have been gone a long time ago.

Guidos: Loved them the first episode, thought they where calm cool and collected. (boy was I wrong!) If they do win, I will never ever ever ever watch another amazing race!!!!! (Im lying of courseBut I would be fit to be tied!!!!!
Lawyers: I did not think they would have
made it this far! They have made some right moves, but...
not enough drive? something, can't figure it out.

Feasters: Contenders fron the get go. They work well as a team
admit mistakes apologize and move on. They also seem to be enjoying the game (other than India)

Frank and Margarita: I thought they were strong
>from the start. My pick to win ( or hope they win)

BTW, Margarita's french is better than the
Guido's (who lived in Paris). For 2 years no less

"RE: Opinions"
Posted by Cole on 11-14-01 at 02:53 PM
Matt and Anna: Too bad we didn't see more of them, I liked them better than some of the other teams. The part where Anna called him a moron and Matt said she fell in love with the moron was endearing.

The Teachers: Not very nice to the other teams or the locals. Unfortunate they didn't last longer as they were fairly attractive and would have helped to maintain male interest.

The Mothers: Plain old bad luck to go to the wrong pendulum. Could have happened to anyone. Good attitude when they were eliminated - happy to be in their 40s and doing something like this.

The Grandparents: Who wasn't rooting for them? An amazing team, the scene of Margaretta counting the scabbards and realizing they were last was heartbreaking.

Paul and Amie: Mix whiny and sobby with lack of ambition and you get one unfortunate ugly mess. At least they got massages.

Lennnnnnnnnneeeee and Karyn: Personally I liked Karyn, I was amazed that such a smart and competitive woman ended up with a lump like Lenny. Lenny was as dumb as a house. I was pulling for them until the Eiffel Tower incident. Absolutely the most mismatched team.

The Guidos: Never in the history of reality television have I abhorred contestants as much as these condescending, snide, rude and nasty men. They were made for each other.

Momily: Got a lot further than anyone expected. They have gotten lucky for most of the race but apart from India they have played well and fair.

The Festers: I intensely disliked this team at the beginning, they were clowns who self-admittedly personified the term "ugly Americans". They have grown into a very competitive team that has been enjoyable to watch.

Frangarita: Even when Frank was yelling and screaming, I liked this team. It's nice that they have already gotten what they wanted out of the race, to see if they can be together. They are winners regardless of where they finish.

The Lawyers: My favorite team. They are always calm and collected. Very polite to the other teams and the locals (even the scam artist Indians). Never fight and maintain positive attitudes about the race.

"I'm always ready to give my opinions"
Posted by kiki_k on 11-14-01 at 04:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-01 AT 04:21 PM (EST)

Matt&Anna: out of it too soon for me to like one way or the other, although Matt didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. They were cute together though.

The Teachers: I agree -- disappointing -- I too expected better --- they are teachers, for crissake, they should know geography, etc. better than the average person. . . but maybe their performance explains why our schools are in trouble.

The Moms: Bad luck in Paris, but I did not except much from them -- a little too unprepared, not enough ambition, just no zest, if you know what I mean.

Grandparents: Loved them! I have posted this before, but these two were way too classy for a reality tv show. They were always gracious, to others and each other. They also seemed to enjoy the traveling and just being together. I think the fact that all the other teams (except the Guidos) stayed to see them finish and cheer for them when they came in last says a lot about what kind of people these two sweeties are.

Paul&Amie: Dumb & Dumber -- how they outlasted the grandparents I don't know. Amie just does NOT like traveling in these kinds of conditions -- she was in misery the entire time. And I can't see how Paul can put up with her constant complaints.

Lenny&Karyn: Dumb & Dumber part deux. I agree they greatly exceeded expectations. I thought they would go sooner, because they seem completely unable to work together. Not a match made
in heaven, to say the least. And her downright vindictiveness to dump him on tv because he "made" them lose -- ha! -- she should hold on to any man willing to put up with her.

Momily: Luck is what has gotten them this far, and nothing else. I stopped liking them when Emily had her tirade in New Dehli -- that whole scene was very offensive to me.

Guidos: I am not surprised they lasted this long, and they could go all the way. They are smart, work well together, etc. but their rudeness and arrogance are too much for me to take (as I have previously stated, their scene at the airport made me stop being amused by their antics and start rooting against them). In the name of all that is good and holy, they don't deserve to win.

Lawyers: They do well, but they are so DULL. I still can't tell them apart.

Fratties: Loved them from day one because of their wicked humor with each other, and have come to really respect them. The have surprised me at how good a team they are and their little asides, like when Big Fester was talking about the old man he flew with in the glider and he said "He's 76! God bless him" or when they were playing cards on the train in India, show they are good, genuine guys. I really want them to win. (BTW, I don't think people who haven't been to India should critize them too much for their "smell" comment -- Although I agree that the comment was not very culturally-sensitive, they said it to the camera, not to the Indian people and trust me, I have been to India and the odor, especially in a crowded market place, is very unusual to the Western nose and could take one aback. I am not saying it is "bad" it is just really different from what we here in America are used to -- and the same would be true in many non-western countries. It is like the palace of the rats -- it seems crazy to many of us, but it is just so different from our reality that it is difficult for us to understand.)

F&M: I really like them too, and if the Fratties don't take it, I want them to win. Their relationship with each other has really improved -- showing that when the chips are down, they can work together effectively. Also, I like how they interact with the people in the countries they are in -- they are very respectful and seem to be enjoying their adventure, not just trying to win the game.

Overall, I have been very impressed with this show as a whole -- a lot of fun to watch.