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"So what WAS the big Kelly TV thing?"

Posted by Canada Girl on 11-02-01 at 03:06 PM
Does anyone know what ended up being shown on TV regarding Kelly? It looked like a boot-out spoiler because there were advertisements for a big Kelly special in her home town (can't remember where that is right now...). But now we know it wasn't her and really I didn't think she was the star of the Nov. 1st show at all. Any thoughts?

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"RE: So what WAS the big Kelly TV thing?"
Posted by fru on 11-02-01 at 04:28 PM
Here's the transcript (found on kfmb.com), I didn't see it though:


(11-02-2001) - Twelve contestants remain on Survivor Africa. And if you still haven't decided who you want to win the million dollar prize, this may help; one of the remaining survivors, might be your neighbor.

Graham Ledger gives us an inside look at the one survivor with a San Diego connection.

She's been a fan of survivor since the beginning, and now San Diego's own Kelly Goldsmith is part of the adventure.

“Kelly Goldsmith, 22 years old, a behavioral researcher from Rancho Santa Fe California,” said the Survivor host.

Since being selected for "Survivor Africa", she's become an instant celebrity, appearing on the covers of magazines like "US" and "TV Guide," all to the amazement of her mom and brother.

“Are you surprised that she's there in Africa and made the cut?” said Graham.

“We didn't really expect this to happen. Sixty thousand people applied and 16 make it,” said Kelly’s mother Lyda.

“It's kind of like a joke at first, look what I can do, then it got narrowed down and narrowed down and oh, you did it,” said Kelly’s Brother Bryan.

It's all the more surprising since Kelly never much cared for the outdoors. She even led a student boycott against a school camping trip as a tenth grader at La Jolla country day.

“And Kelly was the class president and she sort of led a mutiny not to go on this trip. She just felt it was maybe too tough,” said Kelly’s high school teacher Tom Perrotti.

But now she's on T.V. roughing it in the wilderness of Africa, surrounded by wild animals, with none of the comforts of home.

“You know I'm unaccustomed to having to work for my food, you know, work for my water. I'm very unaccustomed to it. And that's been hard,” Kelly said on Survivor.

Kelly's had to get accustomed to a lot of new things, like drinking the blood of a cow for a survivor challenge.

“What went through your mind when you saw that the first time?” asked Graham.

“She showed all the courage one could muster. I was really proud of her for that,” said Kelly’s mom.

In some ways, Kelly's newfound celebrity is no surprise. She's been drawn to the spotlight since childhood, taking the stage often in school plays.

“I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and it beats me all to heck.”

“When she was working for me, she was extremely dedicated to getting the best possible performance from herself,” said Kelly’s high school music teacher Keith Heldman.

Those who know her best say other weapons in her arsenal are her leadership skills and her powers of persuasion. In her official Survivor bio, she says "manipulating men" is one of her favorite hobbies.

“She's good at it. She can be pretty slick and they might not even know it,” said Mrs. Goldsmith.

Whether Kelly goes on to take the million-dollar prize or gets her torch snuffed out at the tribal council, she's already a winner to the people who matter most.

“She's only 22, it's the time for adventure in your life. If nothing comes of it and she's voted off tomorrow, she's had a great adventure,” said her mom.

Kelly is not allowed to talk to the media, until she gets voted off the show or wins the grand prize. Her family says they have no inside information on the outcome of the game.

They all signed confidentiality agreements and say they could face stiff financial penalties, if any Survivor secrets get out.