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"24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "

Posted by AyaK on 04-16-07 at 11:52 AM
Tonight Wayne holds a press conference that would interfere with the start of Letterman and Leno, which doesn't go so well for him either. What self-respecting media advisor would let him do that?

Meanwhile, the return of Audrey and Cheng starts the plot swinging in a new direction for the end of the season.

But real life is giving us more important issues with Russia than the ones in 24, as Russia returns to its Orwellian past. Ask Garry Kasparov.

Opposition Rally in Russia Halted by Police for 2nd Straight Day

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

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"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by Loree on 04-17-07 at 10:06 AM
I found this episode frustrating. I don't like Audrey. So basing an episode on Jack doing anything to save her... well it was frustrating. I kept yelling at Jack not to bother.

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by J Slice on 04-17-07 at 10:52 AM
I don't get it. Jack has screamed countless times that it's not worth sacrificing the whole country for one person.

But Audrey "Probably a Robot" Raines? No... she NEEDS to be saved!

And I'm sorry, but I had to laugh my ass off at the malfunctioning Chuck E. Cheese Animatronic that was Wayne Palmer "having a stroke." And EeeevilVP quietly slipping away his letter... "won't be needing this."

Why doesn't Tom just hand over the damned recording?

And Chloe? the answer to every question is not "because it's Jack."

Hey Chloe, why do I have the flesh-eating virus?

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by Bebo on 04-17-07 at 01:20 PM
Bleah episode. The stoopid advisors wouldn't jump in and cut short the press conference as soon as Wayne started to misspeak? And usually I can't count on my girl Chloe, but she was just braindead this ep.

I knew it was bad when I started cheering for Ricky. And I knew it was really bad when Mr. Bebo repeated his "Ricky looks so much older than he really is" conversation from last week in the middle of the, ahem, action.

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by AyaK on 04-18-07 at 01:04 AM
The show runners for 24 need to go. Now.

Imagine if, say, Mary Cheney were visiting China, and the Chinese told us she'd died while there. Then we find out that not only isn't she dead, the Chinese have smuggled her back into the US and are holding her hostage here.

Think what the US government would rely upon is the renegade actions of a solo agent who'd only been free from captivity for less than 24 hours? Or do you think we'd start rounding up Chinese nationals while telling the Chinese government that it had committed an act of war -- a war they started but that we intended to finish?

Anyone who voted for the first option should jon the current 24 scriptwriting team, nicknamed "Clueless" by the rest of us.

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by curveball on 04-18-07 at 04:04 PM
yea, the only chance of saving this show if for the VP to go on a rampage and start firing missiles at China.

And will someone, (anyone) please eat, drink, or pee?

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by FishWoman on 04-18-07 at 05:27 PM
Morris was drinking .

~is it spring yet?~

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by curveball on 04-18-07 at 05:48 PM
he bought a red bull, left it on the counter, and spit out his alcohol.

plus, he later passed Chloe's breath-test.

Really, someone needs a bottle of water, pizza in the break room, or a trip to the restroom. This bothers me. I can go 24 hours without sleeping, but not without a bathroom break.

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by AyaK on 04-18-07 at 08:24 PM
Morris also went to the bathroom.

"RE: 24 S6 E18 (11 PM-12 AM) -- 4/16 thread "
Posted by curveball on 04-19-07 at 02:21 PM
he went to the bathroom, but didn't use the bathroom. Many people go to the bathroom in this show, usually to make phone calls. When Chloe found him he was sitting in the stall on top of the toilet seat lid. He got up, told her he wasn't drinking, she left, and he dumped his alcohol out.

So, possibly it was implied that he drank there, but drinking alcohol doesn't cut it for me. Someone, Jack/Bill/Wayne/Chloe, needs to eat, get a bottle of water, something.

I know I'm obsessed with this, but it bugs me.