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""Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11""

Posted by Oscirus on 04-09-05 at 10:45 PM

We put the stress in seamstress

Previously on the apprentice: we learn that once again how unimaginative these two teams were when they both used Donald’s ideas instead of their own. Migraine won again not because of their talent but because Worthless really is that bad. Trump showed us that he prefers raving psychotics working for him as opposed to inept women as Stephanie got fired.


Alex- somehow was deemed a superstar by Trump. I guess his ability to use that wannabe street lingo of his actually is good in the business world
Angie- considers herself the mother hen, which would be cute if it weren’t for the fact that of her three supposed kids one was a smart a55, one was an incompetent idiot and one is a raving psychotic. Maybe she should consider giving up her actual kids for adoption.
Chris- apparently there is a shortage of foul mouthed nimrods named Chris in the Trump’s organization.

Kendra- She’s actually pretty qualified meaning that she must have been too busy to participate in the first apprentice.
Tana- Perky and also pretty qualified. Meaning that she too was too bus to participate in the first apprentice
Bren- His only major contribution was that thanks to him Americans everywhere will never look at cucumbers the same way ever again
Craig –apparently he thinks that he is playing survivor and has utilized the UTR strategy to success so far.

You have a lot of black and white pictures a bunch of smiling (including one form Kendra that is just ghastly) and the coolest intro ever, the Michael head bop.

The show
Everybody waits for Chris and Alex to come back, when they come back hugs and smiles all around. Chris and Alex relay to the rest of the crew that Trump thinks that Alex is a superstar and Chris is a psycho. Chris spouts off some more nonsense and then this leads us into the first task. As the candidates come in Trump disguises his inability to read by talking about the fabrics, after using another of his trademark catchphrases to the executives he starts talking to the candidates. He starts by introducing Michelle the attorney who is very tough despite her looks and Caroline who is grinning like an idiot. He then proceeds on with blah blah blah here’s your visa blah blah blah create the best clothing line blah blah blah someone will be fired and Bren will not be fired due to the fact that he was the last winning pm. He also informs the candidates that they all sucked on the last task and instead of sucking up to him that they should do their own market research from here on out.

Alex is pm. Alex decides that putting a laptop in the back of a jacket is a good idea (sounds like someone isn’t doing their market research) Chris calls him a metrosexual which is a nice way of calling him a girl, and when the choice of who will deal with accounting comes up, they decide that Angie should be in charge as opposed to the psychotic Chris.

With Tana as their pm, Migraine decides to take the advice that Trump just gave them a couple of hours ago and do their market research first. Tana then proceeds to point out the stupidity of Worthless.

Chris is over at Best Buy buying supplies while a register guy whose name apparently is Bubba rings him up. Bubba gives him his receipt but fails to give him back the credit card. Bubba then proceeds to rush Chris out the door so that he can keep the credit card and go on a shopping spree on Trump’s dime. Later on that night we learn that Chris has bought dinner for everyone and while they are at dinner we learn that Chris has lost the credit card. O NO. That’s when we go into our first commercial

Trumps Lesson of the week: Don’t let anything get in your way.
Oscirus’s lesson of the week: Don’t get picked by worthless.

Chris goes back to Best Buy and tries to get his credit card back, the manager looks in the safe but it isn’t there, apparently Bubba has started his shopping spree. Chris takes this opportunity to let us know how calm he has been since quitting dipping. He emphasizes this point by threatening to break someone’s legs if his credit card isn’t found.

Bren demonstrates how to use a Game boy SP. Tana picks a name for their clothing line while Craig picks out all the logos for the men’s clothing line, and then Craig tries to get Kendra to design the logos for the women’s line, since she sucks at this she declines
At which point Craig starts screwing with Kendra. Kendra then has a confessional in which she pulls an Omarosa and complains about her blood sugar. Tana defuses the situation and moves on to the next phase.

Angie micromanages the whole clothes making process, we also learn that Alex has given Angie 1002 tasks to do while giving Chris 5 tasks and himself one. Over at Best Buy Chris is standing by a counter while one of the workers briefly looks outside the door to see if Mr. psycho is still out there. After seeing that he is she retreats into her cubby hole.

As Craig and Bren are in the cab on their way to getting the clothing, they speak to Tana on phone to verify this fact. They go into this shop that nobody in their right mind should have used. If there is more than one person there wearing a shirt about marijuana then it’s probably not the place that you want making your clothes. They receive their clothes back with paint on them and the backwards logo which may or may not be hip according to the current teen trends.

As Chris is getting training on how to be a security guard over at Best Buy, the manager finally managed to stop Bubba and get the card back. The manager gives Chris the card back and Best Buy employees breathe a sigh of relief at having the psycho finally leave their store.

Tana sees the screwed up clothing for the first time and surprisingly avoids having a fit right there. She gets everybody to fix the problems as best they can and moves on to the next phase. While Craig is whiting out the clothing, Tana preps the models and all is well.

Alex decides that it is more it is more important to talk to Carolyn and Michelle then to actually work on the task. It starts to get extremely frantic as they are close to their deadline and there are still no models there. Chris arrives and contributes nothing. As they are leaving the camera pans on a jacket left behind by one of the models. They are all in the cab when Angie notes that they are going to be late. Angie is praying as we go into the commercials.

Presentations: Migraine
Migraine’s presentation goes off perfectly without a hitch; the exec asks a question to make sure that Migraine did there research. Bren answers correctly and all is well as we move on to:

Presentations: Worthless
They learn about the Jacket that the model forgot about further flustering Angie. Angie does her best porky pig impersonation while the execs look on unimpressed. Angie totally misses the question and of course.

Of course Migraine wins and as a reward they receive a shopping spree. Worthless will go into the boardroom where someone will be fired. We see the dejected faces of worthless as we go into commercials.

They go shopping in at Bird dog Goodman Migraine has fun shopping. Bren and Craig pick the same outfits. Craig tells us about Tana’s great leadership. After telling us that she is the only Pm that is 2 and 0 Tana does her best Troy impression and all is well in Migraine land.

They are all discussing their failure, for some reason known only to Alex he thinks that they built a better product. He blames Angie’s horrible presentation for their loss. Angie thinks that Chris losing the credit card and Alex’s horrible leadership are to blame and that there is no way that she is going to get fired. This can mean only one thing. Bye Angie.


Trump: What went wrong Alex?
Angie: I messed up the presentation the models forgot their jackets
Trump: who was responsible?
Alex: Angie
Angie: I was pretty much responsible for everything
Carolyn: What did you do Chris?
Chris: I secured the technology
Carolyn so you went to the store and lost the credit card that is not good Chris
Trump: whose fault was it that the card was lost
Chris: mine
Trump: Whose fault was it that you lost
Angie: well Chris he was gone for half the day and
Trump: well Alex you were a winner until you started hanging around these two losers. Alex you should stop hanging around losers.
Alex: How am I supposed to avoid hanging around you when I’m trying to interview for a job with your company Mr. Trump
Trump: ok everybody get out and allow me to ignore the advice that my executives are about to give me.

Chris, Angie and Alex leave the boardroom. Outside as Angie contemplates the fact that she just got called a loser we go to commercial


Trump: Who should I fire?
Carolyn: Chris he’s a disaster
Michelle: Angie she messed up on presentation
Trump call them back in

Enter Worthless
Trump: So Alex did you guys really lose because of Chris losing the credit card
Alex: Nope we lost because of Angie’s poor presentation skills
Angie: Screw that these fools aren’t about to blame me for this mess

Blah blah blah more nonsense lets fast forward to the end.

Trump: Alex you were brought down by these two disasters so I won’t fire you. Chris you are good for ratings so I won’t fire you. Angie you choked right?
Angie: yes
Trump: Angie you’re fired

m Worthless exits. Alex and Chris hug Angie as the separate. Angie catches her taxi and the cab drives away.

t time on the apprentice: get everything but how the person who gets fired reacts. My guess Bren not only tells Trump what he can do with the cucumber but also demonstrates it just in case he didn’t understand what Bren was saying.

the cab
Angie: I can’t believe that I got fired before the psycho. Maybe I should have said no to that last choking questions.

Thank you for giving me honor in hat form.

Table of contents
  • RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11",janda3, 09:15 AM, 04-10-05
  • RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11",ARnutz, 11:35 AM, 04-10-05
  • RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11",seahorse, 08:24 AM, 04-11-05
  • RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11",miss_ganda, 04:31 PM, 04-12-05

Messages in this discussion
"RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11""
Posted by janda3 on 04-10-05 at 09:15 AM
really good job, Oscirus! My TV is out so I only rely on you guys to help feed me.

"RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11""
Posted by ARnutz on 04-10-05 at 11:35 AM

LMAO!!! Some of the best parts, IMO:

~ Bubba's shopping spree.

~ Angie's Porky Pig imitation.

~ Bird dog Goodman.

~ Trump: ... Alex you should stop hanging around losers.
Alex: How am I supposed to avoid hanging around you when I’m trying to interview for a job with your company Mr. Trump

Great job!!!

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11""
Posted by seahorse on 04-11-05 at 08:24 AM
Very good job with the summary, Oscirus.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: "Official RTVW Summary: The Apprentice 3, Episode 11""
Posted by miss_ganda on 04-12-05 at 04:31 PM
Thanks for reminding me about another Worthless Migraine this last show left us with.

Your reality checks were to the point, except for:

Angie micromanages the whole clothes making process, we also learn that Alex has given Angie 1002 tasks to do while giving Chris 5 tasks and himself one. Which all the more supports Trump's statement that Angie is a member of the three L's: lousy leader loser. Whether she is overworked and the others are not, worse than being unable to delegate, she let her team dictate to her. She took that role willingly in the hopes that she can use it against them by saying they didn't contribute at all. Well, she's right about that. Angie, and Angie alone, is solely responsible for the disastrous presentation, and no one else. Credit card story was just a side issue in the grand scheme of things.

Over at Best Buy Chris is standing by a counter while one of the workers briefly looks outside the door to see if Mr. psycho is still out there. After seeing that he is she retreats into her cubby hole. ***Sigh*** everyone wants their 15 minutes. Hope her mother, father, brother, sister, cousins, etc.etc. have TIVO'd that.