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"Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"

Posted by ginger on 06-30-05 at 06:21 PM
So, is Estee doing the summaries?


I heard about parts of it. Not. Going. To. Watch.

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"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Drive My Car on 06-30-05 at 06:33 PM
It sounds like such a train wreck, and I am one of those people who always tries to figure out if Whitney is high.
I may have to peek just once to say I saw it.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Fox41 on 07-03-05 at 04:13 PM
This show is a MESS. Whitney looks like a crack head.
I'm sure that she stays high. Bobby is just gross. Their
kids are out of control. He has six our seven outside children.
And it seems like Whitney is trying to get pregnant again! Whitney's career is SO OVER. This show is a major train wreck.
And I plan to watch every minute of it.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by volsfan on 07-01-05 at 08:07 AM
It was...

Handcrafted by RollDdice
I caught like 5 mins and really don't want to discuss what I saw.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by missygirl3 on 07-01-05 at 08:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-01-05 AT 08:16 AM (EST)

You all beat me to the punch!! It is awful. He thinks he is king of the world... hey volsfan, do you want my shrink's number??? I think I need therapy after watching that.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by volsfan on 07-01-05 at 09:41 AM
I may need it!

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-01-05 at 08:29 AM
They ran some episodes last night, I don't know if they ran the same 2 over again or if they were different. I saw one full episode and most of another.

Yes, this is a train wreck!
Whitney did not appear to be high, and didn't act like much of a freak ( seriously). But Bobby? What a mess!

He kept trying to attract fans and pose for pictures and autograghs, but Whitney wanted nothing to do with that ( though she tried to be gracious about it a few times) Bobby is messing with the fans so much he doesn't sit down with his family to eat, and poor Whitney ( oh sheesh, did I just say, "Poor Whitney?" ) just wanted to eat without people shoving cameras in her face.

Bikini Fan : Whitney can I get a picture with you?
W: Not right now I'm eating.
Fan: Pleease, just one.
W: Ma'am? Can you see I am eating here with my children?
Fan: Oh come on!
W ( still trying to be polite): Not now, I trying to eat here.
Fan to friend : She's p*ssed off
Bobby: I'll take a picture with you!

It was like that. In fact in one epsiode I saw Bobby takes Whit to a spa for a massage, and when Whit gets in the sauna Bobby brings some woman over for an autogragh! Whitney puts her robe on, comes out of the sauna and says to the woman - " I'm taking a sauna can't you see that?" The woman persists, Whitney relents. The whole thing was rude. Bobby looked thrilled to sign the autogragh but no one wanted him like they wanted Whit and it was wearing on her.
Can't imagine a life where not only is your privacy invaded constantly, but your husband thrives on it and encourages it.
He uses Whit to attract attention to himself. I didn't see anyone asking for his autogragh when she was not around.

Bobby and Whit talked endlessly about how they love each other.
Bobby: That's my girl, that's my wife, that's my baby, that's my woman.
Whitney: I love you Bobby ( when people weren't in her face)
It feels kinda desparate, like they are trying to convince themselves they are in love. They do have some cute scenes where they laugh and play. And I think she loves him, or is trying to still love him, and it's obvious that he needs her ( and not in a healthy way)
But you can see she tries really hard not to lose her patience with that annoying ego driven goofy DAW jerk she is married to, and several times she fails. She walks away from him a lot, especially when he is posing and playing with a group of fans that really just want her.
I never thought I'd say this, but Whitney looks good, better than she has in YEARS. Her skin is lovely she looks healthy. She is a bit nutty, but not as much as you'd expect, and you almost can't blame her.
He just looks desparate, and acts like a little boy for the cameras, in a 'Let me show my toys' way.

In the episodes I saw they were never at home once.
The kids seem like after thoughts, they are around, but mostly in scenes of them running about without any attention (though you never know what the cameras aren't showing) and the one scene when Whitney was trying to have some privacy eating with them while Daddy was cultivating fans.
Bobby Kristina, ( they call her Krissy) is such a homely child, poor thing. Bobby's son from another relationship is shown too, and there was a third kid running around that they never explained.

It's a train wreck, or more apt, he is, but it is worth taking a look.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by volsfan on 07-01-05 at 09:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-01-05 AT 09:41 AM (EST)

I agree with you that it seems Whitney does just want to be left alone and Bobby is grabbing for that 15 more minutes.

Can you explain the entire scene when Whitney was getting her make-up applied and Bobby was sitting on the commode (not using it...he was fully clothed) but Bobby starts talking about a t*rd being to big (was he talking about someone or a thing?). I came into the scene with Whitney trying to get him to shut up. What was that all about?

Handcrafted by RollDdice
edited because I am obviously having trouble making sense today!

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-01-05 at 09:54 AM
Really gross.
He was talking about one of her turds ( just exactly what you want your husband talking to anyone about, much less a camera crew) and how he helped her because it was stuck. YIKES!
It was awful and I cringed for her. He thought it was funny, she had to be embarressed but couldn't control him. She tried to save face by saying that her sister's told her , " That's Love !" But it was uncomfortable.
He's a jerk and a pig!

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by volsfan on 07-01-05 at 10:44 AM
That is what I thought it was but when I came into the conversation it could have been something else.

That is very uncomfortable. He has no manners.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by ginger on 07-01-05 at 11:39 AM
I tried to warn you!

Coming soon: Being Chuck Berry.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-01-05 at 11:12 AM
Nice Recap DMC. I agree with everything you said.

The kids seem like after thoughts, they are around, but mostly in scenes of them running about without any attention (though you never know what the cameras aren't showing) and the one scene when Whitney was trying to have some privacy eating with them while Daddy was cultivating fans.
Bobby Kristina, ( they call her Krissy) is such a homely child, poor thing. Bobby's son from another relationship is shown too, and there was a third kid running around that they never explained.

The third kid was LaPrincia, Bobby's daughter and sister to the boy.
I feel especially bad for the kids. I think they seem basically neglected, even if they have other people taking care of them. Of course, like you said, we don't know what they aren't showing. Bobby Kristina seemed especially insecure. She's got a weight problem and did you see her sucking her thumb when she was sitting next to them in the car?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Estee on 07-01-05 at 09:55 AM
So, is Estee doing the summaries?

No. Is Ginger going to pay me ten thousand dollars an episode for my time?

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-01-05 at 09:57 AM
Just use my post, we'll claim it's a summary and you can split the money with me.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Estee on 07-01-05 at 10:02 AM
Won't work. First, you should get all the money 'cause you actually watched it and it's 'pain and suffering' compensating, plus if I'd written the thing, it would be about twenty pages longer, so no one's gonna fall for it. Nice thought, though.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by ginger on 07-01-05 at 11:40 AM
Look, if you bit the bullet and did just ONE summary, the show might get cancelled. It would be a service to humanity.

Like you got up this morning and went, Hmmmmmmm...how could I better serve humanity this week?

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Estee on 07-01-05 at 11:48 AM
'Look, if you committed suicide by watching this show, it would be a service to humanity.' Pass. My interest in torturing myself with new and interesting implements has a limit.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-01-05 at 11:59 AM
How can you possibly talk about this show getting cancelled? The DAW level is off the hook!!! This show has more bashing potential than any in awhile.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by mrc on 07-01-05 at 12:03 PM
Even we non-public DAWS have to have our limits, though.

A Nefarious Dice Creation
Otherwise, we become Tom Cruises.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Estee on 07-01-05 at 12:13 PM
Then you write the summaries.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-01-05 at 12:17 PM
Summaries, Sclummaries.....I just want to bash at random.

But Ginger's right, if anyone should do it, you should. It would be sooooo tasty. Yummmm.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Estee on 07-01-05 at 12:23 PM
And my ten thousand dollars per episode is where?

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by ginger on 07-01-05 at 12:28 PM
I was going to say up Whitney's...............but then I thought the better of it.

I hereby extend to thee a "Get Out of Summary Free" card. No one should be forced to watch the Ma and Pa Brown on the Farm.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-01-05 at 12:46 PM
And my ten thousand dollars per episode is where?

Right here!

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by MollyTV on 07-16-05 at 11:30 AM
well....i for one LOVE this show....when bobby is walking around drunk with his "why is my shoe following me" and whitney says..."i ain't got time to do that why is my shoe following me routine with you" i died laughing...

and the camping episode last night...

i'll take 10 of these...
oh i NEED this in a size 12...no i don't need to try it on.

sad note...when whitney is critizing krissy because she is overweight and can't find anything to wear in london....she says to bobby..."well this wouldn't happen if she took after the houstons"...but she's a brown.

i think bobby is totally kindhearted, witty, spontaneous, takes after pops in the drinking dept...and might need to go on celebrity fit club 3.

i think whitney is mentally "drugged"? its hard to tell...she is so manic depressive throughout.

i can't be the only one loving this show...i think its REALITY.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-18-05 at 02:37 PM
I like it too. I wonder when it was actually filmed. I thought I remembered reading something about how they delayed airing it.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by ginger on 07-18-05 at 03:32 PM
I just can't watch it. I feel too badly for the kids. It's the Crack Family Robinson. Whitney, in particular, is a tragic waste of talent.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Tahj on 07-18-05 at 03:57 PM
i know what ya mean, Ginger, but I'm drawn to it.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Fox41 on 07-18-05 at 04:48 PM
You couldn't pay me to stop watching it!!

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by iloverob on 07-19-05 at 10:03 AM
I'm with you. I love this show. Can't wait for the next episode each week. And when they re-run it, and I happen by it, I have to stop to watch. It just totally amazes me. I also loved the 'shoe is following me' scene.

Obviously I am in the minority in my other opinion too - Whitney is much worse than Bobby. Bobby needs AA, needs to grow up, and needs to have councelling for his jealousy/(imo) wife beating problem. But everyone always blames him for her being on drugs, etc., but based on what I've seen so far, I think she just fell in with someone just like herself. In other words, she was doing drugs before she met him and being with him just made it easier because he was alright with it. I don't think it is a case of the 'student' surpassing the 'teacher'. She seems too 'street' - much more 'street' than he. The image we saw of her back in the day was all created. I don't believe that was ever really her or even came close to the real her. IMHO, the Whitney we see now is the real Whitney and the use of drugs just makes her not care that we know it.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Fox41 on 07-19-05 at 10:31 AM
You are SO right about that. We are seeing the real Whitney.
She didn't turn into that after marrying Bobby Brown. She's always been like that. You can take a person out of the STREET, but you can't take the STREET out of the person.

It's the same situation with Britney Spears & Kevin Federline.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by iloverob on 07-20-05 at 12:43 PM
You are absolutely right about Britney too. She is the mini-Whitney. And when other things come out about Britney, everyone will probably blame her husband too. People buy into the image that the record companies produce and then when they see the real person, they have to blame someone for destroying the image.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Fox41 on 08-26-05 at 10:17 AM
Well, the first season of Being Bobby Brown is over.
I loved watching this show!

I'll miss those two crack-heads. I can't wait for
season 2 to start.

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Pepito on 09-01-05 at 06:35 PM
... I loved this show too.... it just CRACKED me up!! Both of them are notorious scene stealers!!

Can't wait for another season.. bring it on THE ONE, you two lovebirds!!!

PS: On the season finale, behind her farted, she was right.. I heard it too... LOUD and CLEAR... Cracked me up...

"RE: Being Bobby Brown Called Worst Reality Show Ever"
Posted by Pepito on 09-01-05 at 06:48 PM
If you think these people are weird, check out "The Girls Next Door"... wow...