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Thread Number: 127
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"tomica disappointed me"

Posted by thecaptain on 10-03-01 at 00:49 AM
Was anyone else disappointed that no one pulled anybody's top off during the chicken mud puddle fight. It was there for the taking: all we needed was a finger to get behind a strap and pull back. Tomica blew a great chance to become a legend by not exposing Toni's melons. Such a let down (literally).

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by desert_rhino on 10-03-01 at 09:37 AM
I hesitated to even respond to this, in hopes that it would drop off the pages, but it seems like there's a real need for a comment here. I hope y'all forgive me, in advance:


"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by thecaptain on 10-03-01 at 01:22 PM
The show is Love Cruise. It is juvenile. So am I. Don't take it so damn seriously.

"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-03-01 at 01:25 PM
Perhaps he meant to say, There are ladies here.
It may be Love Cruise, and it is on Fox, but that doesn't make this a fantasy Porn site.

"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by LBIslander on 10-03-01 at 03:25 PM
captain..why waste yur time with "Lose Cruise"? Go get some Victoria's Secret catalogues and "shake your clown" to your hearts delight!!

"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by ItzLisa on 10-03-01 at 01:42 PM
Go away, you silly little boy!


"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by Thrill Seeker on 10-03-01 at 02:46 PM
Tomica disappointed me because she was attracted to Anthony.

What is it about this guy that women are attracted to? He seems smarmy and affected and what is an "aspiring screenwriter" anyway? His poetry was just annoying and don't even get me started on the coating of tatoos. Could he use more gel to make his hair spikier? I just don't get it.

"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by blondejuligirl on 10-03-01 at 03:26 PM
As a woman, I'll tell ya we're attracted to Anthony because of the whole bad boy image thing...I think. He's got a great face too. Great eyes. Without the tats, I think he'd be prime meat. But his attitude and personality knock him out of the hot category very quickly. So who knows why everyone is attracted to him? Just my opinion

"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by Ioway on 10-03-01 at 04:02 PM
Yeah women really dig the bad boy thing. When I was young it kinda bummed me out (being the ogre-brother type). But now that I am older I think it is HILARIOUS!

I don't know how many times I have seen nice guys get doodooed on by a female friend in favor of a bad boy. To be fair, the reverse usually happens too. Nice girls are passed over in favor of sluts. Ah well, such is life

I think it is hilarious, because all you have to do is watch a good girl hook up with a bad boy, buy some popcorn, sit back and watch the show...the drama, the betrayals, the tears. Understandable when people are in their teens, but it's freaking hilarious when 30 year old women never learn from those mistakes. DUH!

Let's face it people. Anthonys are eye candy for women. Lauras are eye candy for men. Just enjoy the view, but pick a human being, of less stunning looks, for real life partners. The odds are better to find real happiness.

"If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you!"

Plus the reality is, once you get past the window dressing, an odd phenomenon occurs. A person's looks begin to more and more reflect the inner person.

"A beautiful woman is a jewel.
A good woman is a treasure."


"RE: tomica disappointed me"
Posted by MandyM on 10-03-01 at 08:15 PM
Love the quote "A beautiful woman is a jewel.
A good woman is a treasure." So true!

I don't get the Anthony thing either. I didn't even think he was cute for 2 seconds....guess I'm too old for the "bad boy" thing to even be tempting!

I like Ralph and Michael the best for guys.

For gals....I did like Lisa and I do like Tomiko. I liked Toni until she didn't save Adrian. That blew.

That Captain fella posting has to find another ship IMO.

Don't sweat the petty things and DO pet the sweaty things.

"RE: toni's "melons"?"
Posted by Frau Hexe on 10-03-01 at 07:23 PM
Sweetheart, what do you think you would have seen of Toni's fake breasts that you haven't seen already? Someone else already said this, but this is network television you're watching, not the Spice channel. Take Nightscribe's advice from your previous post and find yourself some free internet porn--even a boy on a budget can afford that. It's time for Mr. Captain to find himself a new playground.

Frau Hexe

"RE: toni's "melons"?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-03-01 at 07:34 PM

Love that new Witch pic Frau Hexe !


"RE: toni's "melons"?"
Posted by Frau Hexe on 10-03-01 at 10:34 PM
Thanks Ebuggy. You're so sweet.

Frau Hexe

"RE: toni's "melons"?"
Posted by NightScribe on 10-04-01 at 11:46 AM
hey cap! I told you I would find you when you pulled this #####. But rather than repeat myself, I just have one question: How can you post to these boards and jerk off at the same time? Toni's melons indeed.

Hey Frau, can you hurl some flame balls cap's way?

"RE: toni's "melons"?"
Posted by Frau Hexe on 10-04-01 at 01:54 PM

Hurling mechanism armed. Sites locked on cap. Launch will proceed in 3...2...1....
