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"2010 season"

Posted by Tummy on 09-27-10 at 12:02 PM
I'm not even sure what season we're on here.

Besides the wedding - does a happy dance - the best thing about the first episode is the Chief is again The Chief. Yay.

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"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 10-05-10 at 10:05 AM
The thing I like about this show is that they don't break people up just to break people up. Love the ending when McArmy comes and gets Christina and Meredith says "I already fixed her but nice speech". *grin

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 10-07-10 at 09:53 AM
Wondering where Glow, Doodlebug, udg and byoffer are this year. I don't like playing by myself!

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by byoffer on 10-07-10 at 11:48 AM
*waves to Tummy*

I have been watching, but only partially paying attention. My emotional commitment to this show is waning.

At what point do they become real doctors? Then what happens??

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by mrc on 10-08-10 at 03:17 PM
I hope McDreamy's sister chokes on a condom. I can't stand her character.

Ferociously purrfected by thndrkttn

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 10-14-10 at 09:54 AM
At least she's going back to Private Practice.

And McSteamy is still McSlutty.

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 11-02-10 at 09:39 AM
Dear Grey's Anatomy

Does the sick kids in Africa really need Callie and Arizona? Really? Because I think you need them more. Just sayin'. As in - what the hell are you thinking?!

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by mrc on 11-02-10 at 03:09 PM
This was likely a way for Shonda Rhimes to cover up Jessica Capshaw's pregnancy, which was very visible in the last episode.

A Slice of Manga

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 11-19-10 at 10:42 AM
Ok - it's time for Christina to be Christina. She's broken, she's fixed then she's broken again. I don't like this storyline one bit.

And...I didn't like Callie sleeping with McSteamy. Again.

And Little Grey is not getting enough screentime. Get rid of little whiney but sunshine girl already. The show doesn't need her.

I'm really liking the not so dark Meredith though. And I liked Drunk Bailey.

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by byoffer on 11-19-10 at 06:47 PM
I loved drunk Bailey. She was hilarious. But she was driving me nuts with her "fistula" over and over and over. Obviously they are setting us up for more fistula down the road, but quick punching us with the fistula!

I will admit to crushing on Teddy. Thus, I can't imagine that a girl that looks that good ends up computer dating. If that really is the case, then this show needs to start selling advertising to the on-line dating sites (isn't that how they advertise?)

Christina has lost so much in my mind. I loved her as the uber-doctor, fighting to get ahead. The bartending thing was just silly.

I did a head-shake when Meredith and Karev noted that they are the only 2 left from their class. I had to do the math - there were 5, and George=dead, Issy= gone, and now Christina = crazy. Meredith was crazy, but seems to have stabalized and become a pretty reliable doctor. Karev still seems out of control, but he also seems to be the best doctor of the bunch.

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Tummy on 12-09-10 at 12:54 PM
*runs through thread nekkid just to see if anyone notices

I'm sorry but I disagree with all my girlfriends. I would have shut the door in Arizona's face too. Yeah, I would listen later on but that would have been my initial reaction. Just sayin'.

"RE: 2010 season"
Posted by Asrai on 12-16-10 at 11:12 PM
*notices* FTR, I would've shut the door, too. Just sayin'!

"Musical episode"
Posted by mrc on 04-01-11 at 11:23 AM
I was put off by the singing at times, but Sara Ramirez is a fab singer. I can see why she was on Broadway.

A Slice of Manga

"RE: Musical episode"
Posted by djandy on 04-01-11 at 12:39 PM
Sara Ramirez was great, and Chyler Leigh & Kevin McKidd were pretty good too.

"RE: Musical episode"
Posted by Tummy on 04-08-11 at 05:56 PM
But...why did they even have Addison show up? She got about 15 seconds of airtime and didn't sing. I've heard she CAN sing.

I personally hated the episode.

Floating my cares away with Agman - 2011

"RE: Musical episode"
Posted by JoJo B on 04-11-11 at 05:03 PM
I didn't hate the episode, but I didn't love it either. That being said, they did it... it's over, and it should never be done again!

Can anyone please tell me WHY, such long pauses in between episodes? I am really starting to lose interest.