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"September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 09-25-09 at 09:47 AM
Yes, I cried for the first hour. I'm a schmuck and I don't care.Chistina and Owen - again Christina carries the show. She and Owen were meh for me.
Izzie and Alex - I'm glad Izzie lived even if Katherine Hiegl isn't.
Callie and Arizona (who I still call Dakota) - my favorite couple tonight. Callie made me cry the hardest.
McSteamy and Little Grey - I love the scene between Lexie and Callie "how gay are you?".
Dr Weber and Miranda - "meh"
If it weren't for George dying I would have fallen asleep. If House's premiere was a 10 for me this was a 2.
Table of contents
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 04:39 PM, 10-02-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Glow, 01:09 PM, 10-07-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,mayzilou, 02:12 PM, 10-13-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 10:56 AM, 10-19-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Glow, 09:06 AM, 10-22-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 11:42 AM, 10-23-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Glow, 09:06 AM, 10-27-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Glow, 11:27 AM, 10-30-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 03:53 PM, 11-02-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,mrc, 05:58 PM, 11-02-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 05:30 PM, 11-11-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,mrc, 11:02 PM, 11-12-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,DoodleBug, 05:01 PM, 11-20-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 11:20 AM, 11-20-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,DoodleBug, 04:59 PM, 11-20-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 12:22 PM, 11-23-09
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 05:56 PM, 01-14-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Ahtumbreez, 12:50 PM, 01-15-10
- Found the Blink episode summary,udg, 11:08 PM, 01-20-10
- RE: Found the Blink episode summary,Tummy, 10:51 AM, 01-21-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Tummy, 05:26 PM, 01-27-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Tummy, 11:52 PM, 03-04-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,byoffer, 01:34 PM, 03-08-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Tummy, 02:01 PM, 04-05-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Glow, 01:50 PM, 04-07-10
- season finale,byoffer, 11:50 PM, 05-20-10
- RE: season finale,KwietOne, 05:02 AM, 05-21-10
- RE: season finale,Tummy, 09:29 AM, 05-21-10
- RE: season finale,mrc, 12:18 PM, 05-21-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,Tummy, 01:12 PM, 05-24-10
- RE: September 24th - season premiere,byoffer, 12:15 PM, 05-27-10
Messages in this discussion
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-02-09 at 04:39 PM
I know how Snidget feels when know one shows up for SYTYCD. So far I'm liking this season - but what's up with the Chief (yes, I'm fully aware I'm talking to myself) he's being a jerk.
I love Lexie and McSteamy - and who would have thunk that Alex had so much Mom in him.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Glow on 10-07-09 at 01:09 PM
My favorite characters remain Alex, Owen and Callie.
Sandra Oh remains amazing.I'm glad Izzie lived too.
McSteamy and Lexie are growing on me.
I'm bored with Miranda, Mer and Der.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by mayzilou on 10-13-09 at 02:12 PM
I am really glad that Izzie lived too, she is one of my favorite characters on the show.Please join http://www.rockthe411.com for all your celebrity gossip
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-19-09 at 10:56 AM
Well, I'm glad I'm still watching this show if only to have seen the scene of Arizona talking to Callie's father. One of the best acted parts I've seen on this series. Arizona is quickly gaining on Christina as my favorite characters. The whole storyline of Callie, her dad and Arizona was worth my time this week.
I knew Izzy was leaving - at least for 5 weeks - but the way she did it (leaving Karev) set him up for a great scene. I still think she's going to die this year.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Glow on 10-22-09 at 09:06 AM
Alex has been through enough. I thought she finally deserved him but I guess not. If Christina would have hugged him at the end, I would have lost it. What a touching scene that was. That one and the one with Christina crawling into bed with Mer. That's the strength of this show. The dynamics of the different friendships that have been built.The scene with Arizona and Callie's dad was magnificent. I agree, it was one of the best acted scenes ever on this show. They should have Callie's dad on more. Hector Elizondo is a stellar actor. He brings out the best in his scene partners.
Lexie continues to grow on me as a character. I loved her in this episode.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-23-09 at 11:42 AM
*waves at Glow - I think this is our own private kiddie poolAfter last week - this week was a huge letdown for me. Blah, blah and more blah. If this episode had started of the series this year I would have given up. I'm not sure if it was such a letdown because last week was SO good or if it was seriously just that bad.
One hour just to get rid of a chick who's name I didn't even know. Ugh. and I think it's two bad they didn't get rid of Big-Eyed Girl from Heroes while they were at it.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Glow on 10-27-09 at 09:06 AM
My DVR ate last week's episode. Is it worth trying to watch it on the computer?
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Glow on 10-30-09 at 11:27 AM
There were some things I liked about last night's episode. I liked Mer talking the tumor operation through with Der while he drew on the bedroom wall. I liked Owen helping Christina with the pen on the nose. I liked Lexie again. Arizona and Callie were cute. The support that the little elf showed Alex warmed me to her a bit (I'd still rather not see him with her but if she's good to him, I'll accept). Justin Chambers has chemistry with everybody. Heck, he has chemistry with walls. He's a magnet for it. I liked at the end when Chief fired Shepard and he was like, "sleep on it. I'll see you tomorrow."
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-02-09 at 03:53 PM
Finally got to watch it last night. Mer and Der need to buy an open frame and hang it over the "tumor" drawing. Loved that Christina bombed and Owen helped her at the end.
Like your "elf" moniker for whatshername - and I don't want her with Alex.
Where's the guy that twisted Izzy around his little finger?
I never thought I would like Lexie. I was wrong.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by mrc on 11-02-09 at 05:58 PM
This season has gotten better and better for these reasons: 1. The merger has added a new dynamic that I really like.
2. Mer has been largely absent recently, which has been nice. Lexie is my fave Grey.
3. Izzie has left, which make me even happier. I've come to hate her character. She could stay gone for all I care.
A Slice of Manga
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-11-09 at 05:30 PM
I predict you'll soon post a "this season is going downhill again" post soon. As Izzie is coming back (at least for a little bit) and I foresee Mer coming back full strength soon.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by mrc on 11-12-09 at 11:02 PM
Yep. I'm not too happy about Izzie coming back. I really liked her the first season, but when Dead Denny started showing up, that was it for me. Done by a Cap
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by DoodleBug on 11-20-09 at 05:01 PM
ditto - she's my least favorite characterLoved it when Karev told her off
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-20-09 at 11:20 AM
I like when Grey's can still surprise me. I would have put down good money that Owen would kiss Teddy by the end of the show - but no (thank goodness). Poor Teddy. But that was one super hot, molten kiss he laid on Christina. In fact, I think I melted thru the sofa onto the floor. *sighHaving Thanksgiving, Christmas and NYE in one show. Does that mean it's not back until next year? I'm suspecting so. That's ok I'll just keep replaying the Owen/Christina kiss between now and then!
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by DoodleBug on 11-20-09 at 04:59 PM
Popping in to see if anyone is posting this season. *waves hi to Tummy and Glow*I had to fan myself after that scene with Christina and Owen - WOW! And the tension between Owen and Teddy - he is one spectacular actor.
I'm guessing too that we'll see a string of reruns. It was odd to fast forward to New Year's in one show.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-23-09 at 12:22 PM
*hands Doodle a floatie and a mojitoWho knows - we may have to upgrade the kiddie pool soon.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 01-14-10 at 05:56 PM
Yeah! Cross-over with Private Practice tonight. If McSteamy kisses/sleeps with Addison tonight I'm going to smack him. But I'm hoping it's misdirection.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 01-15-10 at 12:50 PM
Arrrgh. After fantasizing about that kiss between Owen and Christina - what the hell was that?! and Lexy and McSteamy?!
I hated this episode. and the cross-over to Practice.
Very dissatisfied!
"Found the Blink episode summary"
Posted by udg on 01-20-10 at 11:08 PM
I'm glad I removed it from my TiVo queue before the episode aired. I'm done with this show.
Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
"RE: Found the Blink episode summary"
Posted by Tummy on 01-21-10 at 10:51 AM
Sadly I can't kick my addiction so easily.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Tummy on 01-27-10 at 05:26 PM
McKidd gives the hottest kisses shown on tv. *sigh
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Tummy on 03-04-10 at 11:52 PM
Best line of the season: Your heart lives in your vagina. *snort
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by byoffer on 03-08-10 at 01:34 PM
That was pretty funny. One of my older kids came in and asked a question when that line was delivered. We had to rewind to see if what we thought we heard was real. *snicker*
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Tummy on 04-05-10 at 02:01 PM
"I'd hit her. I'd hit her hard." I'm still laughing my butt off over that! I'm liking the Chief as not the Chief.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Glow on 04-07-10 at 01:50 PM
I love Alex.
"season finale"
Posted by byoffer on 05-20-10 at 11:50 PM
Oh.My.Gawd.That was the most intense Greys ever. DW and I actually turned it off after 60 minutes thinking that was the cliff hanger (after the shooting on the cross walk) but then realized that there was 60 more minutes of cliff hangers and action. That one will take some time to digest.
I won't post spoiler info yet. Maybe back in a few days to discuss specifics. But wow.
"RE: season finale"
Posted by KwietOne on 05-21-10 at 05:02 AM
I previewed the Hulu version 2 days prior to the finale and thought to myself...OMG. I then read that it gets worse in the second hour. This episode was way INTENSE.
"RE: season finale"
Posted by Tummy on 05-21-10 at 09:29 AM
This was like watching a good episode of 24, I was exhausted! Best Grey's episode ever, but so many things that I want to hate yet can't because it was so well done.
I did hate the thing with Meredith at the end. And Bailey should get an Emmy - I love Bailey.I want to talk now! But I guess I can wait until Monday.
"RE: season finale"
Posted by mrc on 05-21-10 at 12:18 PM
Best GA episode ever. I'm so glad Izzie and George weren't around to ruin it.
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by Tummy on 05-24-10 at 01:12 PM
Can we talk now, huh, huh, huh?
"RE: September 24th - season premiere"
Posted by byoffer on 05-27-10 at 12:15 PM
yes please. - I knew we were in for an intense show when the cute doc with the short hair was shot so quickly and so fatally. I will miss her cute short hair.
- Derek's bullet location also seemed (to me) to be rather fatal. I can't imagine that he will die, but that bullet location was bad.
- Bailey was great. Normally she is so in control of everything, but I thought her struggle with the enormity of the situation was humanizing and great.
- DW and I kept wondering where the heck all the hospital security was. It seemed to take forever for any help to arrive. Then the sniper shot the bad guy, but then let him get away? I realize that without all that incompetence from the security/police the show wouldn't have been the same, but this strayed too far from reality for me.
- OMG, Meredith miscarrying and then continuing to do surgery? That was certainly intense. Not sure why she miscarried, but then again I am not a doctor. I can't say I am surprised that she lost the baby - isn't that was all these shows do? (I kept expecting the same with Lynette on DH).
okay, your turn to add more. I may have to watch again to get more.