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"A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"

Posted by Estee on 01-22-07 at 08:47 AM
Okay -- abject humiliation. We knew that. And it's part of the reason most people watch this thing, besides waiting for the inevitable quit attempts. But if the lists are going to work out, then there has to be movement between them. Even with eliminations where the B-Listers might be able to say 'Well, at least we're up five-four', there's no point in having the division if people can't jump the gap. Maybe a winning B-list team gets to send someone to the A-group, and the losing A-list has to pick someone for the Bs. Or the other group makes the selection. Or, just because this is SL and the only rules are whatever manifested in the hallucingenic smoke last night, they throw C.C. to the floor and spin him around: whoever he throws up on is the first member of the new Z-list. Either way.

Ron Jeremy: A-Lister. There's just something so very wrong with that.

Next rule: the A-List gets their shoes polished every morning. With the B-List's tongues.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by arkiegrl on 01-22-07 at 12:43 PM
The funny thing is that some of these people (Traci in particular) seem to believe they truly *are* A-List.

Syren rocks.

"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 01-22-07 at 06:42 PM
>The funny thing is that some
>of these people (Traci in
>particular) seem to believe they
>truly *are* A-List.

Took the words right out of my mouth. As I watch that last episode, her conversation about how truly offended and shocked to be the "b list" was almost comical to me. I barely knew who she was when she went on and what has she done since? If she mentions Baywatch one more time, i think I might spit. When was that show on? 10 years ago?

"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by nazpink on 01-23-07 at 01:07 PM
I don't know who is worse...the Surreal Lifers or Real Worlders?

First of all, these "celebs" need to take on Emmanuel's attitude about this who "experience". Why would any of them actually take this seriously? Do they think losing this game will actually prove what everyone already knows? They are wash ups. The fact that they even accepted the invitation to be on this show is proof of that along with the fact that they haven't actually done anything or if they have no one knows about it.

The B-list accomadations aren't all that bad. In fact, I don't think they are bad at all. Get over it, there's worse that could happen. Traci definately needs to suck it up and stop pretending that she has ever even graced the A-list. It was Baywatch!!! Not exactly something any serious actor would put on their resume...well maybe for kicks.

As for Brigette...typical. Willing to go to any length for a few extra minutes of camara time and attention. I could understand being upset if the toe tag made a reference to her son's illness, which it didn't! Besides, if your all that sensitive and concerned go home to your child!!! Going off the deepend over a stupid joke that lacked humor is a bit much.

"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 01-25-07 at 03:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-07 AT 10:17 AM (EST)

Yes, Bridgette WAY OVERREACTED! I thought it was a harmless joke. If she was so worried about the kids why did she take time away from the sick kid to be on a tv show?!?!

I find this A List vs B List hilarious. We watching know that all these people are C List stars. It is funny to watch them react to their treatment. Emannual seems to have the best attitude though.....he realizes where he is at.....and out of all the child stars I have seen really has adjusted well to growing up....geezo not only is he a former child star but he is also 'small'....someone thought that he was a kid......when the poor guy is in his thirties now....but he laughs about it...great attitude.

Tracey Bingham was the same on her season of Surreal Life....she reacted the same way back them so I am sure when they cast her they realized she was perfect for this competition. I have seen Baywatch a couple times.....still do not remember her. I just remember her on these reality shows....Surreal Life and Celebrity Bootcamp...never seen her outside of that.

"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by arkiegrl on 01-25-07 at 09:30 PM
C List? You're being more generous than I would be. I think they're barely D-List.

"RE: A-List vs. B-List: what's the point?"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 01-26-07 at 09:07 AM
Bah, it's F-list for "failures". Duh.

A Tribe Original!