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"The Surreal Life"

Posted by DonnaLynn on 07-11-05 at 09:34 AM
The new season premiered last night. Did anyone else catch it?

First off, I must say that I was so looking forward to seeing Bronson Pinchot. Then he opened his mouth. That man is a sick, disgusting, horn-dog. Every other word is F*** and he is pawing all over everyone. I think it was sick what he did to Janice. Now, don't get me wrong, Janice handled that very poorly. She's no little puppy, she can handle herself and that cry-fest was totally for the cameras.

I absolutely loved Pepa and the motor-cross guy. Those are the 2 I think are the nicest there.

Anyone else watch and want to put their 2 cents worth in the pot?

--Donna :~)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Estee on 07-11-05 at 10:36 AM
I'm writing the summary right now -- but I didn't get to watch the episode last night, so I'm working straight from the tape, going with impressions as they're formed. (I haven't hit the Bronson/Janice incident yet -- just got past Lucky coming in.) Stay tuned.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Fox41 on 07-11-05 at 10:57 AM
I love the Surreal Life. This is going to be a very exciting season. I like Pepa & that motor-cross guy the best, too. They seem to be very down to earth and mature. I can't stand Omarosa, and Janice is nothing but an ACT. She's not a b*tch she just plays one on TV. All that crying in the first episode was totally unnecessary. And it looks like she will continue to cry in episodes to come.

I think this is going to be the best season yet.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Tahj on 07-11-05 at 11:08 AM
These people are Double DAWs. They are playing to the camera.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by weltek on 07-11-05 at 11:29 AM
The circus theme is so appropriate!

I agree that Bronson is a big horn dog. He would've freaked me out, too. The grab was icky, but worse was that he kept demanding a hug to make it all better. I've met guys like that in bars & it grosses me out.

I don't know what was up with Janice's drama fest about it, though. She's a drama queen. And how rude to interrupt Pepa after she ASKED her to tell the story.

I'm just really happy that Omarossa is going to get a run for her money in the Alpha female category.

What a smarmy bunch. Caprice, Pepa and the motorcross dude are normal so far. So far.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by jkokoj on 07-11-05 at 11:59 AM
This is going to be a total B!tch fest and I cannot wait. Jose is going to crack me up...cuz he is so duh about everything! lol I am addicted to these shows like crack!

courtesy of RollDdice

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by kathliam on 07-11-05 at 12:12 PM
I made DH sit and watch a few minutes with me last night, and he ended up watching almost the entire episode. He kept asking me 'what IS this show?' while he was cracking up. It truly is the biggest train wreck on television.

I didn't think it was possible, Janice is such a DAW that she-who-shall-not-be-named may come across as semi-normal? Yikes!

I was a little distracted and didn't pay attention to everything.

"The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by volsfan on 07-11-05 at 12:36 PM
Jose has a nice ass...just saying

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by DonnaLynn on 07-11-05 at 12:42 PM
>Jose has a nice ass...just saying

I agree with you on that one! Holy cow, that man is HOT! I wonder how many of the gals he'll end up sleeping with on that show! I bet Janice will get him...

--Donna :~)

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by Tahj on 07-11-05 at 12:46 PM
I guess shooting up all those steroids didn't hurt his butt any.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by jkokoj on 07-11-05 at 03:49 PM
Good thing cuz that is all the ladies will be able to grab onto!

courtesy of RollDdice
oh my, did minnie just say that?!

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by uglier than sarah w on 07-11-05 at 03:57 PM
Ooh! I missed it!! What's Omarosa doing or are the other people freak shows enough that she doesn't come off so bad?? I better catch the reruns this week!

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by Estee on 07-11-05 at 03:59 PM
What's Omarosa doing or are the other people freak shows enough that she doesn't come off so bad??

We write these summaries for a reason, y'know. ;>

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by Tahj on 07-11-05 at 05:08 PM
And Estee's are de rigueur reading.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: The only thing I gots to say..."
Posted by uglier than sarah w on 07-12-05 at 10:40 AM
Oh I am sorry, I haven't seen the summary yet...I will go do some hunting for it!

Thanks for keeping me up to date...I usually catch up on the reruns!

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Tahj on 07-13-05 at 03:21 PM
So, after having actually watched the episode last night, does anyone else think that Chyna Doll and Janice are sisters?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by bystander on 07-14-05 at 11:16 AM
There is a resemblence. They both seem to be in a constant state of intoxication also. What a DAW.

So, does Janice like Girls or Boys. She was pawing all over Jose but then said she wanted to get into Pepa's pants. I'm confused? Not that it matters of course.

Just keep Bronson out of my seat!

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by ginger on 07-19-05 at 04:32 PM
I still say Chyna's a MAN, baby.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by BOOBOOKITTY on 07-21-05 at 01:26 AM
LOL I was thinking the same thing maybe they have the same plastic surgeon!

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by sammyboy22 on 07-16-05 at 04:21 PM
I think this season is going to be so good. I think Bronson is creepy, Jose is a little slow, Corey and Pepa are awesome, I dont think I like Omarosa. She bugs big time. I havent formed an opinion on Caprice yet. I know that I am in small category that actually like Janice Dickinson. I loved her on Top Model and I have seen her E! True Hollywood Story, and she has been through a lot (I know everyone has...). I just think she would be a riot to hang out with and we would totally get along. Plus, she looks great for being like 52 years old. She really did a lot for more ethnic looking supermodels and opened many doors way back when. She tells the truth and tells it like it is (when many don't want to hear it). I just like her and if Omarosa gives her any S***, I hope she tears her apart... jmho...

"Janice is the friggin' RETARD!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by BHoneycutt on 07-18-05 at 03:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-18-05 AT 03:59 AM (EST)

This is my very first post on a message board. After watching The Surreal Life tonight, I just had to sign up to vent about Janice's STUPID comment! I cannot believe that she referred to those sweet people on the other bowling team as "retards". And she didn't do it just once, but over and over again! It seemed like she really didn't see the problem with it. How ignorant can a person be! If anybody is a "retard" it is JANICE! What a HORRIBLE, INSENSITVE, MISERABLE person she is! I couldn't believe my ears! I was pleasantly surprised by the way that Omarosa stepped up to the plate and became their captain after Janice went back on her word and decided she was "too good" to be on their team. Omarosa was so good with them. It warmed my heart to see her interact so compassionately with them. Bless her heart! Before tonight, I wasn't a huge Omarosa fan but tonight she really showed her heart. Who would've thought that she could be so decent?

"New Respect for Omaroso - No Respect for Janice"
Posted by bystander on 07-18-05 at 08:06 AM
I have to agree with you. Janice is such a head-case. She seriously needs to either get back on her meds or get on some new ones. Maybe she's mixing them with alcohol and that's the problem.

I couldn't believe my ears when she was calling them little retards. Well she did correct herself after Bronson told her that wasn't nice. I guess calling them "Rainman" is sooooo much better. She even called Omarosa a Whore? Whoa, I'm not a big O-woman fan but what justifies calling her that. Janice is the one who is trying to bag Jose and also trying to get into Pepa's pants. Seems like the insecure rantings of a washed up has-been trying to hold onto her 15 minutes of fame. Sorry honey, you've lost what you had and it ain't coming back!

Omarosa did great with her bowling team. You could tell she was genuinely enjoying herself and being with them. Props to her! She gets new respect from me. I never thought I'd say that.

"RE: New Respect for Omaroso - No Respect for Janice"
Posted by Estee on 07-18-05 at 09:45 AM
So far, the theme of the season has been 'The Redemption Of Voldemort'. And it stands a chance of working.

This is just disturbing.

"RE: New Respect for Omaroso - No Respect for Janice"
Posted by DonnaLynn on 07-18-05 at 09:45 AM
I, too, loved Janice on ANTP but I am really starting to dislike her something fierce. How dare she call them retards? People like her should all be sent over to one of these foreign countries where they mess people up and let them have her...

I did not watch the Apprentice when Omarosa was on there so I never really formed an opinion on her. I just knew that the media made her like the most hated person on T.V.... Well, I hadn't thought much of her until the bowling thing. She jumped in there where Janice backed out, she was nice and supportive and genuinely seemed to care about them.

Oh and what was with Janice having to have her hair and makeup guys there and spending like 2 hours to get ready? Now I'm almost positive that she has a whole different face that she takes off at night and these guys have to come in and completely put like a latex thing on there to make her look like that. Anyone else think so??? Heck, even Princess Diana didn't need that long to get ready in the morning!

--Donna :~)

"RE: Janice is the friggin' RETARD!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by Fox41 on 07-18-05 at 10:46 AM

"I cannot believe
>that she referred to those
>sweet people on the other
>bowling team as "retards". And
>she didn't do it just
>once, but over and over
>again! It seemed like she
>really didn't see the problem
>with it."

I'm with you on that. I once thought that Janice was cool. But when she kept saying "retards" I lost all respect for her. She is a true a**hole.

Omarosa was great with the kids! I was so happy to see her talking to them & taking time with them. I think I'm going to warm up to Omarosa. I hope she makes life a living hell for that b*tch Janice.

"RE: Janice is the friggin' RETARD!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by ginger on 07-18-05 at 03:51 PM
This is the evil geenyus that is Surreal Life: all these glowing respectful posts about She Who Must Not be Hired. There is always one "character" who is so out of line that you start approving of "people" you should never, ever, tolerate.

"RE: Janice is the friggin' RETARD!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by bystander on 07-18-05 at 04:37 PM
I agree to a point but you have to admit Omarosa was acting like a real human being last nite, I don't think there was anything DAWish about her (last night).

The nite is still young and there're a few more episodes to go so give her time.

"The best line of the night..."
Posted by volsfan on 07-18-05 at 07:30 PM
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Bronson line to Omoanrosa.

It's the English language...learn it!

"RE: The best line of the night..."
Posted by bystander on 07-19-05 at 02:16 PM
That was hilarious! LMAO! And the look on her face was priceless.

"RE: The best line of the night..."
Posted by ginger on 07-19-05 at 04:03 PM
He's standing tall
on the wings of my dreams

One of six people who actually did watch Perfect Strangers

"RE: The best line of the night..."
Posted by Estee on 07-19-05 at 04:26 PM
The problem is Bronson would be happy if he was standing tall on the anything of your anything.

(Is that what it took to get a Top 10 rating back in the day? Six people? Is it true that you only had four channels and three of them had to be reenacted in your house using charades?)

"RE: The best line of the night..."
Posted by BOOBOOKITTY on 07-21-05 at 01:32 AM
I have a line for Balkie!
Its called a Girdle wear it!... and lose the Don Ho outfits, you are in LA!

"RE: The best line of the night..."
Posted by weltek on 07-21-05 at 11:02 AM
Totally agree, vols! I have this love-hate thing with Bronson. I think he's a pig, but I love how he calls it as he sees it & calmly doesn't put up with carp.

-"rise and faaaaalll...something something something"

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Fox41 on 09-19-05 at 12:38 PM
OH MY GOD! I could not believe what I saw on the Surreal Life last night (9/18/05.) What in the hell is wrong with Janice, & Bronson Pinchot? What was all the crying about? Last nights show was one big ol' crazy mess! All of the crying, & that breakdown that Janice had was SO unnecessary. Talk about drama queens!!

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-19-05 at 02:12 PM
I have been watching repeats of this season on-and-off & haven't seen all the eps. BUT, I do remember one where Bronson was discussing (somewhat emotionally) being abused by his father as a child & his mother living in fear. Yesterday's ep had Janice discussing her father being a pedophile & sexually, as well as physically, abusing her as a child, being beaten by the nuns in Catholic school, no one believing her when she was a child (typically what happens to abused children).

Omagrossa came into the backyard, being the super b!t@ch she is and started in on Janice, basically insulting her in one of the worst ways possible (for someone like Janice or any mother, I'm sure) by going on about what a terrible mother Janice is, etc.

Janice broke down & while Bronson went to console her, she opened up & went into more detail of what she went through as a child, which brought Bronson's horrible childhood to the surface & he broke down as well.

I am not saying Janice is a pillar of society, but she has never made me despise her. Her mouth & actions have made me shake my head & laugh, because she just seems desperate for any kind of attention. Now, hearing about her sad childhood, I understand a lot more of her erratic ways. I just plain feel sorry for her.

Omagrossa, on the other hand, I have despised since her accusing Erika of a racial slur. Omagrossa is just an outright mean, nasty beotch who doesn't know when to shut that huge roach-hole of hers.

This season has to be about the most dysfunctional season of them all. The only thing I really looked forward to was Janice's getting under Omagrossa's skin & those two going at it -- over-infated ego v. over-inflated ego. It's really old now, though. I am especially tired of the continuing crack whore comments from Omagrossa. Can't she pull any new thoughts out of that huge head of hers??

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by bystander on 09-19-05 at 02:20 PM
I agree with what you're saying. Personally, I think some of the Janice-drama was totally fabricated. She seemed to be performing for the cameras.

btw, Janice calling the Developmentally challenged bowlers Retard and Rain-man wasn't offensive to you? They are both equally offensive DAWs who only care about their face-time on TV IMHO.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by Snidget on 09-19-05 at 02:32 PM
The one that got me about the small amount that I caught of the whole break down was Janice going on about how now do you see why I can't be touched and I can't be groped. Correct me if I am wrong but I recall her being the worst in the house about groping others and being totally sexually inappropriate. I know some abuse people do act out like that but somewhere along the way I would have thought it would have twigged through her brain that other people do not like being sexually abused, and being abused as a child does not give you the right to do what you want to others.

It is a situation that is complex psychologically I know, and Omarosa was totally not willing to listen to what was going on (and I think she really does seem to believe that Janice was accusing Omarosa of being a pedophile and that would making anyone pissy as heck). She also needs to occasionally stop the drama for a moment to check back into reality.

Disfunctionality all the way around from what I saw of this episode.

A Syren Creation

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-19-05 at 04:42 PM
>"btw, Janice calling the Developmentally challenged bowlers Retard and Rain-man wasn't offensive to you?"

Very offensive & I totally forgot about that. But I think Janice is just very ignorant & not the brightest bulb in the box. It was totally inexcusable, but I don't think she was being truly malicious about it, in her feeble mind, I think she thought she was being "witty."

Omagrossa, on the other hand, is educated (but ignorant in many other ways) & she is seriously malicious with whatever comes out of that mouth of hers. She just spews vile, vicious lies & insults.

I just wish people like these two and Jonathan would quit being approached by these networks to be on our televisions. They are disgusting human beings with no redeeming qualities.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by toddE on 09-19-05 at 05:15 PM
I feel this has been a most entertaining season of Surreal Life.

And I agree that Janice is a drama queen and can be very annoying.

But I don't hate Janice, because she isn't a nasty beeyutch, and Omarosa is. I thought her behavior last night was downright despicable. Really reprehensible.

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by sammyboy22 on 09-19-05 at 07:21 PM
I have been a fan of Janice Dickinson for awhile now. I think sometimes she is over the top and offensive and the whole thing about making fun of the mentally challenged was totally uncool in my book. I saw her E! True Hollywood Story before watching this season of Surreal Life so I kind of had a soft spot for her in my heart. In her E story it discusses her horrible abuse as a child and how hard she worked to get where she was when she was a supermodel, which is true she was. She worked extremely hard and took amazing photos during the prime of her career....

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by realityshowgeek on 09-20-05 at 03:56 PM
This week's episode was especially disgusting. I was offended the most by Janice. The way she unload on Bronson was so fake and his reaction was even worse. These people are ridiculous. Just moments earlier (last week to the the lucky at home viewer) Bronson was so fed up with Janice and felt Onorosa was justified in her feelings. Now that Janice has disclosed this horrible abuse from her past, that excuses her behavior from earlier in the evening? I think not!!!
Omarosa is a huge jerk and her nastiness is an act, IMHO. For a second there, when they explained to her the entire conversation with Janice and why Janice used the words pedophiles and Omarosa in the same sentence, her initial response was something like"Oh" or "Wow". She caught herself being human and went right back into the ##### mode.
Janice is just fake and willing to do anything and say anything to keep the cameras on her. At the dinner table, no one was taking her bait in discussing Omarosa, so the only thing she had left was to discuss her book. Abuse and neglect at the hands of her parents and the nuns, and she still somehow managed to bring it back to Omarosa (the comment Omarosa overheard). She called Omarosa a devil and Omarosa being the evil (yet insightful) ##### that she is, hit Janice with a comment she knew would knock the wind out of Janice--she talked about how much her kids must hate her!! Mean, vicious, and truly below the belt, but that's Omarosa. Janice tried to be just as mean and vicious, unfortunately for her she's come up against someone that just a wee bit nastier.

"The umsummarizable."
Posted by Estee on 09-20-05 at 03:35 AM
In case anyone was wondering -- that would average one of you at last count -- yes, I did record this one. I haven't worked on the summary yet because:

1. I've had a mild flu.
2. What am I supposed to do with this thing?

Oh, sure. Take a thirty-minute nervous breakdown centering around pedophilia and memories of abuse, then make it funny. I need to rent Christopher Titus for a day. He could probably do it. I've got doubts.

Right now, I seem to have four options. Let the jokes fall where they may. Do the entire episode 'dry'. Try snark before the crisis hits, then move to factual. Quit.

*sigh* I'll try to think of something on Wednesday. Hopefully my head will be clear by then.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by Snidget on 09-20-05 at 06:25 AM
Poor thing. When I caught part of the episode I thought, "What in hades is Estee supposed to do with this mess."

I'm hoping for at least some snark. Not about what happened to her in the past which isn't funny, but some of how people reacted and even how she seems to use this tidbit of information, I mean there are ways to bring this information out that could be healing for her and others. But it seemed to me she just needed to get camera time with excessive drama and use this to abuse others to make up for her being abused (note to Janice, 5 yards for inappropriate use of Karma). A bad past doesn't excuse in anyway what she does to other people. I know the abused often become the abusers, but can anyone be less self-aware about how she behaves and not be cast for this season of Big Bother. And well Old Voldy does deserve some come-uppance for a lot of what I saw of her reactions.

A Syren Creation

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by bystander on 09-20-05 at 02:15 PM
Get well Estee. Your health is more important that this show will ever be.

PS. There are at least 4 of us watching this show. Its almost over though. Cheer up.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by Estee on 09-20-05 at 02:56 PM
Its almost over though. Cheer up.

I know... the best news I got all night was hearing the Lifers say they only had two days left in the Estate, and there's no way VH1 can stretch that out to more than six shows.


"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by realityfreek on 09-20-05 at 03:21 PM
Just read about the new cast on Surreal Life 6...

This from realityblurred.com

Sherman Hemsley and Alexis Arquette headline the cast of The Surreal Life 6, which is really scraping the bottom of the C-list barrel. Poison guitarist C.C. Deville and Smash Mouth lead singer Steve Harwell will also join the cast, along with Playboy TV’s Andrea Lowell and Tawny Kitaen.

This from me....

Sherman Hemsley - Now how old is this guy?! He must be in his 70's.

Alexis Arquette - David and Patricia Arquette's BROTHER! He is a drag queen or something. Not sure if he lives as a women or jsut dresses as one.

C.C. Deville - over the hill rocker

Steve Harwell - over weight rocker

Andrea Lowell - Playboy..nuff said

Tawny Kitaen - Whitesnake video honey. If I remember correctly long time girl of Gene Simmons(KISS). Anyone correct me if I am wrong.

Florence Henderson will not be on full time but will be the "on call" therapist.

Also the cast gets to vote in the final cast memeber from a pool of reality "stars".
I wonder who will be in the pool of "stars"?

Any thoughts..bashes...or things that make you go "hmmmmm"...

"SL #6 cast."
Posted by Estee on 09-20-05 at 03:35 PM
Would it save everyone a lot of time if I announced I wasn't going to go anywhere near the thing now, and y'all can get another demi-innocent victim to write that one up? 'cause my doctor says I'm not supposed to be in the vicinity of Florence Henderson. It's not good for me. Or anyone else.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by toddE on 09-21-05 at 02:18 PM
Tawny Kitaen used to be married to David Coverdale. Then she was with an athlete, pretty famous but I forgot who, and she was charged with assault against him.

This is really a bottom of the barrel cast, with only one member who was ever actually famous. Will the reality vet be the highest profile person on the show?

Loved 5, may not watch 6.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by realityfreek on 09-21-05 at 04:53 PM
Chuck Finely

And she named her kids Raine and Wynter.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-21-05 at 04:56 PM
She's the chick who was dancing on the Jaguar (car) in that Whitesnake video, right?

Also, who the heck is Voldemart? Well, I know it has to do with Harry Potter.

"RE: The umsummarizable."
Posted by Snidget on 09-21-05 at 05:02 PM
Running joke.

She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Hired from the Apprentice Omarosa.

For more details read Estee's summaries of the season to day, just take a bottle of water or three, and some snacks when you go.

For awhile it almost looked like she might redeem herself, but all that camera time is now down the tubes.

I hereby declare you: 'Blacksmith of the Underworld'--ZombieBaby

"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by TRUTH on 09-22-05 at 04:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-05 AT 05:03 AM (EST)








"RE: The Surreal Life"
Posted by sammyboy22 on 09-23-05 at 05:28 PM
I completely agree with your post. All of these people are ripping on Janice, who does probably deserve it to some extent but, she is just such an easy target. The only thing that I get annoyed by is when they say she was never a top model. She totally was. She paved the way for more ethnic (not black) looking models (i.e. Gia Carangi, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington). She is definitely past her prime and I totally agree with that. Before her it was nothing but white blonde girls in pigtails... I love Janice but, that is just me. She is definitely not for everyone.