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Thread Number: 41
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Original Message
"Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"

Posted by tvgeek401 on 07-23-06 at 03:03 PM
I know everyone thinks those Air Force and Southie boys are dreamy, but I'm sure someone else loves the geniuses.

If I knew them in real life, I'm sure we'd be friends because they're all just like me--too smart for their own good.

And Francis? *drool*

anyone else?

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!
anyone? anyone?
*tumbleweed blowing by*

Table of contents
  • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,qwertypie, 03:44 PM, 07-23-06
    • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,ShandaLear, 09:16 PM, 07-23-06
    • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Earl Colby Pottinger, 10:41 AM, 07-24-06
      • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,qwertypie, 02:14 PM, 07-24-06
        • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Earl Colby Pottinger, 10:08 PM, 07-24-06
  • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,HistoryDetective, 12:02 PM, 07-24-06
    • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,qwertypie, 02:11 PM, 07-24-06
      • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Tahj, 11:48 AM, 07-25-06
  • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Dakota, 03:30 AM, 07-25-06
    • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,tvgeek401, 11:35 AM, 07-25-06
  • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Tahj, 11:50 AM, 07-25-06
    • RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?,Padme, 01:27 PM, 07-25-06
  • I only have one thing to say...,syren, 03:52 PM, 07-25-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by qwertypie on 07-23-06 at 03:44 PM
It's the continual (at least in the first few episodes) "We are so smart" comments that turned me off. Much better for people to gasp and say "My GAWD - you are so frightening smart" than have to tell people continually.

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by ShandaLear on 07-23-06 at 09:16 PM
They don't seem that bright, and yet look down their noses and cop an attitude all the time. Couple this with the way they began to crumble as a team the second the heat was on... nope, no love for 'em here. Sorry.


"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-24-06 at 10:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-06 AT 10:44 AM (EST)

My best friend Larry is smart - true genius level smart, and the funny thing is he does not believe me when I tell him so. Yet when I have a conversation with him on just about anything the speed that he can followup ideas and extend them is almost scary. There are subjects/science discoveries that I just find out about that if I try to talk to other people may take half an hour to hours to get a person to understand what I am talking about that he grasps is just a few minutes. Repeatly I have asked if he had seen the information/subject before and he replies "No, it was obvious what follows.". He is smart, but never says so in public that I know of.

Personally, there are people who also think that I am smart. I AM NOT! What I have is a lot of book knowledge, thus if you ask me about something that I do have knowledge, I can answer quickly. Ask me about something I don't have knowledge of and I am just as lost as most other people without access to Google. Larry on the other hand can often work out the answer even without really knowing the subject.

To me Team Genius is a mix of book knowledge and brains, however they have made the mistake of not realizing the diffirence. They think thier book knowledge is also brains, but all the other teams have computers and access to ASK.com and thus has access to just as much book knowledge. Team Genius may have the edge in brain power but it is not as large as they think it is, and when it comes to bodily health all the remaining teams have them beat (yes, including the Fogals and Team USA) so they better hope there are more puzzles and less running in the future.

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by qwertypie on 07-24-06 at 02:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-06 AT 02:15 PM (EST)

It's a hardware vs. software thing.

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!
BTW Earl, I think you are being too modest. Being able to retrieve the knowledge you do have requires some ability

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-24-06 at 10:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-24-06 AT 10:22 PM (EST)

Modest, never! What I do is nothing more than what a computer running Google does, there is no brains required - just lots of reading and a good memory. I consider myself smarter than the average person, but just smart enough to properly understand writting by people like Einstein, S. Hawkins, Alan Kay etc.

And the thing that ALWAYS stands out when I read thier ideas is how they are really, really, really so much smarter than me. I am just smart enough to realize how dumb I am! That is not being modest, that is facing the facts. The true geniuses out there work on an entirely diffirent level.

I have on a few rare occasions experience 'Focus' and have done weeks worth of creative efforts in just hours. The idea that some people are naturally like that at all times is scarely when you think about it.

Team Genius, is not really smart, they have a lot of book knowledge is all. Again look how close they came to being last, and how much they messed up the teams that listened to them.

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-24-06 at 12:02 PM
I am sure that you are correct and that Francis does indeed drool. I especially liked the ape-like noises he made in the first moments of the first episode when he heard the Morse code.

If these guys are such geniuses, why did they think it was a good idea to bring stupid fat hobbit along on the adventure?

Sigs by Seana and Syren. Bouncie by IceCat. One and Only WeinerGuy.

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by qwertypie on 07-24-06 at 02:11 PM
But, you have to admit, that without his asthmatic wheezing on the mirrors, they still might be in the theatre.

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Tahj on 07-25-06 at 11:48 AM
Bwahaha! Good one, Qwertypie.

Tribe rocked my sig

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Dakota on 07-25-06 at 03:30 AM
Well, they are kinda cute in a young, geeky sort of way (no offense, TVGeek). Between the Southies, the Matts and Todd the Spook, I haven't really given the geniuses much thought. I did feel bad for the guy left behind in the swamp, sitting, waiting, not knowing if his friends would abandon him. *sniffle* They are smart, but they seem to lack the maturity, toughness and maybe a bit of common sense that could get them through some of these situations with a little more ease and finesse. I have to admit, as an American, I feel a little more secure, just a little, actually a teensy bit more secure, that the XAF and XCIA are still in this.

Cygnus Artistry

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 07-25-06 at 11:35 AM
But that's why I like them. They lack maturity and common sense just like me.

You've got to admit that they are getting better at solving those clues. They were in the quilt room for 9 minutes while a bunch of the other teams were there for an hour and a half or so.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!
I like young geeky cute. Except Charles looks like someone JK Rowling would describe in a Harry Potter book--a perfect nerd know-it-all stereotype.

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Tahj on 07-25-06 at 11:50 AM
If I knew them in real life, I'm sure we'd be friends because they're all just like me--too smart for their own good.

Uh, yeah, same here.

Tribe rocks my sig

"RE: Can we give some love to the Geniuses?"
Posted by Padme on 07-25-06 at 01:27 PM
I liked them and rooted for them up until they told the bus driver to take them to the WRONG LOCATION! Right off the bat they were wrong, were the only team who was wrong and couldn't understand what they did wrong. They are a bunch of ego-maniacs.

I know a lot of smart super genius people but NONE OF THEM ever go on about how smart they are. They are very humble and do more listening than talking.

These "geniuses" are probably smart on paper only. UGH! At least the Brown family was entertaining to watch!

"I only have one thing to say..."
Posted by syren on 07-25-06 at 03:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-06 AT 03:53 PM (EST)


Well that and I never really liked them, but they gave some comedy relief last night.