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Thread Number: 37
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"Treasure Hunter Thread"

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 08:52 PM
And it begins with Kathy screaming.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 08:56 PM
My ears are still bleeding. I would have left her behind within the first 10 seconds of the screeching.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by pumpkinqueen on 07-18-06 at 00:04 AM
My ears are still bleeding. I would have left her behind within the first 10 seconds of the screeching.

i would have left her when i had the chance. i know i should try to pay attention to what is going on, i just can not stand her and have to tune out everything that happens when she opens her mouth.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 07-18-06 at 06:46 AM
Good for you! She says nothing to help anyone...much less her mother and father.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:01 PM
An hour and a half and no-one in the first team even accidently breathed on a mirror?

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:03 PM
I don't think I would have ever thought to have breathed on the mirror.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:08 PM
Probably not I either. But I would think it would happen as I am examining one close up. Or maybe I am just a heavy breather.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-18-06 at 11:29 AM
I'm not so sure I would have thought to "huff" on the mirror either.

I thought for sure one of the Geniuses, the asthmatic, would have done it on accident. He got really close!!!

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:05 PM
6 hours delay, can the browns still make it? I think it is still possible if they are fast on the safe house and mirrors.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by ARnutz on 07-18-06 at 11:13 AM
I really didn't understand why they were given a 6 hour penalty for Keith not being able to continue. Any other team would have been rewarded for ditching the third member! I can understand a penalty, but 6 hours?!?!?!

If the Browns had made it to the dock, which reasonably could have been only 10-15 minutes from where Keith got hurt, they could've decided to leave him behind, continue as a two person team and not wasted any time at all, plus they would've gained the 3 hours that the other teams used up to go back for their third team member.

They were totally doomed from the start of this part of the hunt! Oh well, I suppose they were given a second chance in this hunt anyway.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by bullzeye on 07-18-06 at 11:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-18-06 AT 11:28 AM (EST)

You raise an interesting point. Perhaps the reason that they were assessed such a large penalty is that unlike the other teams who had to make a choice, their choice was bestowed upon them. Thus - they would have had an unfair advantage over the other teams.

I do agree that six hours seemed a bit harsh.

ETA: Ooops - should have read the entire thread before posting. Michel made the same observation in Post #29. Sorry Michel.

"Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:06 PM
and put her out of my misery. URGH!

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:10 PM
Well, I now know I was badly mistaken about Mr. Fogal not caring about her in the early epsiodes. She cries at everything, and blames others for making her look stupid.

Bet the parents of her students refuse to let the kids watch.

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:22 PM
Do you realize we are the only two posting? Did Kathy kill all the other viewers. Oh the inhumanity of her voice.

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:28 PM
HD has just posted so we are not alone.

Katie can't say anything without bitchin about something. She didn't like holding the flashlight...hell, that was better than diggin. NO?

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-17-06 at 09:34 PM
My thought exactly: holding the flashlight is the easiest frickin' job possible. What was her problem? Please medicate her!

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:38 PM
Let's not waste good medication on this useless piece of flesh and bones.

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by catsnotkids on 07-18-06 at 02:58 PM
She's one of the most annoying players in any reality show I've watched!!!

"RE: Could someone PAHLEASE kill Katie"
Posted by CouchTater on 07-18-06 at 09:30 PM
Woohoo, it's not me anymore.

It's so tough being the annoying whinning one

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:16 PM
Is not "Test your metal" a clue?

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:20 PM
I dunno but I was surprised to see the red glasses used again.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by realitycoholic on 07-18-06 at 09:43 AM

I wondered as well if it was some way to shortcut having to dig holes all over the place. Drives me nuts when no one thinks about an obvious clue (like the fREeDom clue at the quilts)! Any thoughts?

**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 07-18-06 at 02:11 PM
I interrupt your regularly scheduled summarizing to praise realitycoholic on his amusing tagline.

Also, can someone post a list of the team order this week? Since I have to work on Monday nights, I have to wait until the weekend to watch the episodes on my parents' DVR.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!

"Ask and ye shall receive"
Posted by realitybites on 07-18-06 at 03:12 PM
>can someone post a list of the team order this week?

1) Air Force
2) ex-CIA
3) Southie Boys
4) Fogals
5) Miss USA
6) Geniuses
X) Browns

P.S. this week's summary is ready.

I'm realitybites and I approved this post.

"RE: Ask and ye shall receive"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 07-19-06 at 01:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-19-06 AT 01:49 AM (EST)

Ooh...thank you.

My genii* had better start improving. I don't want them to leave. I love me some nerdy boys.

I'm incredibly grateful for your summaries, by the way. I can at least halfway know what's going on.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!
*genii (n): the plural of genius.

"RE: Treasure Hunter Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:20 PM
Team Genuis still checking the mirrors, and the Browns are only 20 miles away. Shame it ends with digging, a foot race between these to teams to the end-point would be interesting.

Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-17-06 at 09:24 PM
Southie Boys: please pour more water over yourselves...

"RE: Mmmmmmm..."
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:27 PM
I liked the tat on the bicep. HEHEHEHE!

"RE: Mmmmmmm..."
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-17-06 at 09:39 PM
Are you for the game or the Beefcake?

"RE: Mmmmmmm..."
Posted by HistoryDetective on 07-17-06 at 09:42 PM
Some from Column A, some from Column B.

"RE: Mmmmmmm..."
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 10:14 PM
I like column B more than column A...problem?

Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:33 PM
The Fogel's move on.

Posted by ARnutz on 07-18-06 at 11:15 AM
I HATE KAYTE!!! ...and her dad too!

I wish they would've left her back at the friggin' dock!

Posted by pumpkinqueen on 07-18-06 at 01:28 PM
i really wonder what's wrong with her--she has to have some kind of disorder that makes her unable to regulate/control her emotions. that is the only reason--i can come up with--that no one has told her to shut the f(*k up. other teams have shot her some pretty dirty looks, but i would have to tell her to shut it.

thank you arkiegrl

Posted by CouchTater on 07-18-06 at 09:25 PM
I want to smack her! She needs a good spanking. Spoiled little whinny girl. Her parents should have left her behind.

A Tribephyl creation

Posted by Tamena on 07-19-06 at 08:05 AM
I wonder if Miss Katterwallin Kayte is married yet? If any potential spouses see this show she's got no chance in hades of ever finding a husband LOL

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

Posted by OTR on 07-24-06 at 01:58 AM
Yes, this girl definitely has mental problems OR her folks have let her get away with being a SUPREME DRAMA QUEEN her entire life. Her mom really seems to feed into it...I wonder if she has the awareness to be embarrassed at being such a baby when she watches herself on the show?!?

Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-18-06 at 02:00 PM
If I were Dad I would say something like this..."Why don't you stop you're whining and be glad you didn't have to die on a cross!"

Put life in perspective, there are people in dire straights all over this world and you want to whine and complain about every little thing....you can't even hold a flashlight? You have got to be kidding me. Grow up!!!! It's a game!!!! Love it or leave it.

Parents, shame on you for allowing this behavior probably all her silly life.

"The Brown Family"
Posted by volsfan on 07-17-06 at 09:42 PM
must be a family of cats. Are their nine lives FINALLY up?

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-18-06 at 07:46 AM
One thing for sure. This race is harder on the players than TAR, has anyone ever had to quit a TAR because of an injury? I can't remember any. The old man and his daughter were the closest and his injury did not stop him from continuing the leg, in fact I believe it was the following leg when they came last.

If another team loses a member in the next leg the Browns may end up back in the race.

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by michel on 07-18-06 at 08:02 AM
No doubt that this leg was hard but TAR is not so easy either. Remember Gretchen's injury in the mine shaft. She was cut pretty bad. Brian and Greg's car turning over in Africa caused injury but to the camera man. Last season's detour in the river where the Frat Boys almost caught BJ and Tyler was close to the swamp crossing but was shorter. Maybe TAR plans better and knows you don't need to kill your contestants to make it interesting. Watching teams dig for 5 hours isn't exactly thrilling!

I found this episode long and tedious to watch especially since at the start the Browns were 90% assured of being eliminated and the edit didn't change that very much. Imagine: It made me regret TAR's bunching points! And what about Robohost's "emotional" send-off to the Browns. Could it have been more cold.

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-18-06 at 08:08 PM
The thing is bad as all those accidents were not a single was unable to complete the entire leg of the race because of them.

At this rate I expect atleast one more weak team to suffer injury on TH.

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by dragonflies on 07-18-06 at 09:46 AM
Remember the 2 bigger brothers from TAR, who quit in the end? One of them had bad knees or something.

And yes HD, more water on the Southie Boys would be a good thing.

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by bootsie on 07-18-06 at 10:43 AM
I missed something, why did the browns get a six hour delay. Oh and by the please some make katie stop with the screaming....I still don't think I can hear.lol

"RE: The Brown Family"
Posted by michel on 07-18-06 at 10:58 AM
The 6 hour penalty was for not completing the swamp course. It would have been OK if Keith had made it to the pier where other teams had to decide to drop a teammate, but not making it there would have given them an unfair three hour break since they didn't have to consider coming back.

The editors seem to like Katie's screams. We even were allowed to see replays of her highlites. That was BAD!

"Totally impressed with Geniuses"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-18-06 at 11:34 AM
9 minutes in the quilts!!! Good job guys!

Still surprised myself that nobody picked up on the fREeDom word on the wall.

Anyone get a time on how they did on digging???

Boys, you will have to step it up a bit now!!!!

"Team USA"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 07-18-06 at 11:36 AM
You gals rocked, with minimal complaining. You had a reason to be distraught at the digging competition, even the guys were stressed!!!! What a long day!!!

Quite proud of you ladies.

"RE: Team USA"
Posted by byoffer on 07-18-06 at 12:32 PM


"RE: Team USA"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 07-18-06 at 08:14 PM
If my memory is correct they have done better than any all-girl model/beauty queens who have been on TAR, and are as good or better than most of the all-girl teams choosen for TAR.

While not the brightness team on TH, none of them come across like the air-heads we see too often TAR either.