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"24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."

Posted by sittem on 02-21-06 at 00:17 AM
For this week I've just copied down some quotes from the episode to get things rolling.

Someone must pay.

I agree. You are the one who trusted the Americans (he thrusts knife into belly)

Destray all your databases (he is shot)

Just give me back my keycard!

What's going on Dwayne?

Dammit McGill. I put this on you...take responsibility and do your job!

Why does she keep defending Bauer?

Jack, don't make this any more difficult than it already is.

He may be in charge, but he's not in control.

Jack...mmphhhhhh..gurgle..aaarggghhh...don't fight it Curtis. Sorry.

I'm not talking to a terrorist - you talk to him and find out what he wants.

I better have the route in hand when he calls back.

Someone's screwing with me Bill and I won't tolerate it.

You're starting to sound paranoid.

May we have a moment...my God, Charles...you're talking about murder.

It's not that simple, Martha.

Don't threaten me, Miss Raines.

I do understand, Charles.

Your President is fortunate to have such talented peple working for him.

Thank you Yuri for your steadfast support.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by FFantasyFX on 02-21-06 at 01:45 AM
A rather ho-hum episode overall. The Jack segments gave me a real feeling of deja vu. Didn't I see this all before - maybe in season three or season two perhaps? But thankfully the other action made up for it. I enjoyed watching Sean Astin go into complete meltdown mode in CTU and jeopardize the operation, and Jean Smart's decision to get into the Russian entourage's limo at the end episode was befitting of a final twist. Indeed, it was a shrewd move on her part. Obviously, her main objective is to personalize the dilemma for her idiot husband, but if the bozo decides to let the terrorists blow up the car anyway it gives Logan some cover - he wouldn't have collaborated with terrorists to blow up his own wife, would he? She is indeed supporting him, no matter what he eventually ends up deciding.

I immensely enjoyed the four part premiere, but watching Jack get sloppily integrated into the CTU hierarcy for the umpteenth time (and subsequently falling out of favor yet again as well!) is rather grating. Thankfully, the cast is in fine form, and I think Smart and Astin were really astute additions as well. I've really enjoyed watching them this season.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Breezy on 02-21-06 at 08:12 AM
I'm still not buying Astin as head of anything. But Jean Smart is making the season for me so far. I love her character.

OK why? Why do the people "in charge" not just let Jack do whatever? They should know by now that he knows what he's doing and it's usually for the good of the country.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Buggy on 02-21-06 at 08:38 AM
I agree about Jean Smart as the First Lady, she is wonderful in that character.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Tahj on 02-21-06 at 11:16 AM
Yeah, I'd say they need to make her head of CTU to keep her around except that's the last place to put anyone you want to keep around

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by bystander on 02-21-06 at 11:37 AM
Sean Astin is the most unbelieveable character in this whole show IMO. He's stiff, and not really bringing much to the part.

Jean Smart is great. I love how she got in the Limo with the Russian prez and his wife. Hopefully, her idiot husband gets the news before its too late or we'll be down a good character.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 02-21-06 at 11:52 AM
Is Lyn just going to detain everyone in CTU? He's having a total meltdown! The keycard incident seems important.

I haven't had time to keep up with the 24 spoilers- but IMBD reports Peter Weller will make an appearance next week as Christopher Henderson- Jack's former mentor- who is somehow involed with the terrorists.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Bebo on 02-21-06 at 01:02 PM
I do love mocking the hobbit. Poor Sean Astin - he was grossly miscast, and he's doing the best he can, but he's been given a ridiculous character to play. No wonder there are so many crises, given the total morons who are put in charge of CTU.

I'm liking Audrey now. Now that her character is focused on work, we're actually being shown a capable, quick-thinking woman.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 02-21-06 at 05:59 PM
I like Audrey better this season too

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-22-06 at 05:06 PM
Me three.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Loree on 02-21-06 at 02:29 PM
I am loving this season. Jean Smart is excellent in her role. And I get more annoyed with the Prez every episode. The Vice Prez can't show up soon enough for me.

And I am really waiting for the loss of Lynn's key card to be made known. Something has to knock him down a peg or two. They should just make Chloe and Jack in charge and be done with it. It does get annoying when they continue to try and bring Jack in. How many times in one day can they change their minds?

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-22-06 at 05:08 PM
I am in love with Jean Smart in this role. She is awesome. If she doesn't win an Emmy for this role I will, um, I'll, um, throw a fit. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

A huge fit.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by sittem on 02-22-06 at 05:39 PM
careful - we may have to "institutionalize" you, iykwim

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-23-06 at 06:08 PM
Don't make me get in a limo, Sittem.

Cuz I will.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by sittem on 02-22-06 at 12:30 PM
Mild spoiers lie ahead - and they're not invisible...

Just spent an hour over on the only real spoiler spot on the boards. It's changed so much - I used to read it and it'd be very detailed down to some of the dialogue. Now, there's not much more than a TV Guide listing, but there's a lot of discussion and speculating going on.

BTW - there's a two hour show coming up on March 6!!!

Here's a few bits and pieces for hours 9 through 13.

Someone who seems to be an expert says in his opionion nothing ever really happens until hour 9.

There'll be some good old Jack torturing to obtain info in 10.

Kim returns that hour.

Absolutely no one is safe this year. Read into that whatever you want - the spoilers certainly are.

A bloodbath is coming - when and where? Use your imagination.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by Cyndimaus on 02-22-06 at 02:03 PM
Kim returns that hour./i]

Haven't posted here yet, just reading but it scares me that Kim is returning. She takes the "dumb blonde" stereotype to a new level.

Sigs by Cyg
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Posted by AyaK on 02-22-06 at 03:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-22-06 AT 03:20 PM (EST)

>Just spent an hour over on the only real spoiler spot
>on the boards. It's changed so much - I
>used to read it and it'd be very detailed down
>to some of the dialogue. Now, there's not much
>more than a TV Guide listing, but there's a lot
>of discussion and speculating going on.

The woman who runs that site put up a complete spoiler for the last episode. But she's having more fun this year leaking little bits of info -- like the news that Lynn is not long for command of CTU and that his missing key card leads to ... well, I'll let you all speculate.

"RE: Comment"
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-22-06 at 05:09 PM
I hate Lynn. He can't be gone too soon for me.

"RE: Comment"
Posted by sittem on 02-22-06 at 05:42 PM

>The woman who runs that site
>put up a complete spoiler
>for the last episode.
>But she's having more fun
>this year leaking little bits
>of info

I've not been checking it close to airtime, except maybe once. I was just used to ongoing commentary with ever expanding spoilers. But, in one discussion I was following she said that she might not even spoil this one because it was so big and she didn't want to spill the beans.

>-- like the
>news that Lynn is not
>long for command of CTU
>and that his missing key
>card leads to ... well,
>I'll let you all speculate.

I'm guessing we're talking bb here.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 24 - 5.09 - 3-4 p.m."
Posted by J Slice on 02-22-06 at 06:17 PM
You'd think the folks who've lived through a few seasons of the repeated nonsense in the LA CTU office would regonize all the patterns...

This show's too damned repetitive. I swear, if there's a mountain lion in the next ep....

Edgar Stiles: Maybe it's a delayed reaction kinda thing. Maybe you'll freak out about it in a few days.
Chloe: I hope so.

"Palmer and Logan play golf together!"
Posted by sittem on 02-24-06 at 10:59 AM
This is a fun little article, however you'll have to copy and paste into your browser in order to go there. I can't get it link directly.


Of course, if you want to hate Logan, then maybe you shouldn't read this article.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.