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"bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"

Posted by susan765 on 02-07-06 at 12:50 PM
Could last nights episode be any more inane?
I don't know which part was worse terrorist using tracable land lines, the first lady telling the president to come clean to the public, the suicide, the drug addict sister, the mugging, the sex slave, giving the old pervert immunity and a free child sex slave, no one interupting the man in the bike shop, Oh and the final sillyness the child sex slave having a gun. If she knew where a gun was don't you think she would have used it before?

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"RE: bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"
Posted by Maroonclown on 02-08-06 at 01:56 PM
I completely agree on more than a couple of points. My real problem was (a) - bike shop guy said the staff was out for lunch. How long does lunch take? Obviously long enough for him to cut through umpteen hightech metal canisters with surgical precision. and (b) I don;t beleive anyone, let alone a governmental security agancy would permit a deal that included a 15 year old sex slave. Preposterous.

But, I still dig the show.

Rolly Sig Shop

"RE: bashing the whole season"
Posted by michel on 02-08-06 at 02:40 PM
Same format as last year: CTU employees get involved, arrested, interrogated then reinstated then dismissed all in 1 day!!

During a national crisis, they still take time to care for a drugged out sister. Wait for it, within an episode or so, the terrorists will use that director's sister to blackmail him.
He'll be ready to sacrifice half the western world to save her!

The terrorists will be stopped soon but only 10 hours will have passed since the start so that wasn't their real plan. As with the hostage crisis, those canisters will turn out to be just a distraction for something else.
Now sex slaves!?!?

Can someone say too much!

A good spy novel, like Robert Ludlum's or John Le Carré's does have twists and turns but still retains some logic in the plot line.
24 is sacrificing credibility to maintain an artificially frenetic pace. I'm still watching but for how long?

"RE: bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"
Posted by Fishercat on 02-08-06 at 10:44 PM
About (a), well, it's on "real time", and I don't think an hour lunch break is that crazy. Granted, getting through all those canisters? He's either really sure of what he's doing or, yeah, it was artifically sped up.

Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.

"RE: bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 02-10-06 at 04:26 PM
the episode was definitely a bit helter skelter and come'on where did the girl get the gun. She pulled it out of her bra and I can't believe Jack would just leave his gun lying around for her to pick up.

Bob: giving sigs to the shroom loving undeserving since forever!

"RE: bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-11-06 at 12:08 PM
I didn't tape the episode, but I thought she grabbed Jack's gun right off of him (from inside his jacket). Or that's what I thought happened.

Can anyone confirm?

Hi Steve!

"RE: bashing last nights episode 2/6/06"
Posted by shermie on 02-13-06 at 01:46 AM
She grabbed Jack's gun. She didn't have one of her own.

Posted by AyaK on 02-13-06 at 07:14 PM
From the Fox website:

1:59 P.M.
Jack has Rossler wired, and he takes Inessa to leave. Suddenly, Inessa pulls a gun from her shirt and plugs Rossler with two shots. Jack lunges for the gun, but Rossler is already dead. With Erwich calling back shortly, they have no other link to the nerve gas.

Nope, she didn't take Jack's gun. We're back to the illogic of her having a gun at hand.

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"You're right"
Posted by michel on 02-14-06 at 12:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-14-06 AT 12:59 PM (EST)

It certainly wasn't Jack's gun. I always thought she grabbed the gun from one of the guards that were shot when Jack entered the room. She hid it in her blouse and then took a shot when she was in position. It wasn't really shown but she was in the back of the room where those guards were.