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"who's your least fav. cast member?"

Posted by vaguelylovely on 12-04-05 at 01:10 AM
mine - in order from least to most are:

TJ - she's too annoying and just doesn't get it. what progress has she made, really?

Allison - get over yourself, honey. you have too many great things to do in the world. be brave and go do it. you beat cancer for god's sake, you can live through not being a southern bell every day of your life.

Jessica - jessica's doing good too and i'm happy for her but sometimes i think she's a bit of an egotist in hiding. i also think that she's got some issues to work on that don't have to deal with her mother's death that need some attention.

Jill - i really like jill and i think she's doing great. i just don't really connect with her issues.

Lisa - lisa can be annoying and she's childish and makes a ton of mistakes but she makes good tv.

Christina - christina's my fav. because her story is interesting and unique. i feel really bad for her. plus they aren't showing a lot of her lately so it makes it exciting when they do finally work on her story.

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"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Dayum Yankee on 12-04-05 at 04:18 PM
Lisa is my absolute LEAST favorite. She's just lazy and spoiled and has no intention on trying to change. When she leaves the show, I'd bet $100 that within a few months she'll be right back to where she was before she came on, if not worse.

Next least favorite is Christina. Her voice annoys the crap out of me and I think she's still hiding a great deal of stuff and keeping that boyfriend that she met in the strip club is NOT getting rid of the past and starting over. All she seems to do is complain about TJ and she needs to stop complaining and gossiping and get her stuff together if she wants to graduate and really be a good mom to her little boy.

Now comes Jessica - my mom has been gone a year less than Jessica and I was just as close. I am from NY also and I understand her pain and I know how hard it is to come to grips with losing a mom but is that ALL to her life??? Is there nothing else in her life besides the grief of losing her mom?? If that's the case, than she wasn't living before her mom died.

Ahhhh Alison - your typical southern woman who is sweet to everyone's face and fake as hell. I commend her for getting through Cancer (breast cancer is what my mom died of) and I know she has a whole lot of problems with alcoholism in her family and her mom appears just as fake as she is. Perhaps move her out of Charlotte and bring her to a city where folks come right out and tell a person the truth instead of being nice to your face and calling you all sorts of things behind your back. Alison - you need a true friend who won't sugar coat everything for you.

Lisa and TJ - my two favorites - maybe because they are outspoken and because they're honest. They know they have problems but they're both working really hard at facing them head on and trying to get to the root of them and dealing with them. Kudos to both women.

"Looks like we have the makings..."
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 12-06-05 at 10:22 AM
...of an SO Love List Thread!

We've done "love lists" on various reality shows to rank our favorite reality show players; see The Amazing Race Fanatics and Survivor Fanatics boards for examples. We make it clear that these aren't discussion threads, just peeps giving their opinion of whom they do and don't love.

Maybe someone could generate one of these each week, and label the thread accordingly? Just a thought.

"Give me liberty . . . or a bran muffin!" --Colin Mochrie, "Whose Line"

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by kal5 on 12-04-05 at 04:35 PM
Allison is my least favorite. She is a fake. For someone who doesn't want to be noticed, she sure has a way of dressing so bad that she stands out in a crowd. Her whining is annoying and she needs to go home. She is there for the ride.

Christina comes next as least favorite. She has no plans of changing. Her voice and smirk are hard to take.

Next comes Lisa. All she needs is a rich "sugar daddy" and she can move on. She rarely has tears when she fake cries and whines.

Jessica. It it time for her to graduate.

TJ tries so hard. I think she tries too hard. She is over analyzing everything.

Jill is my favorite. She is working hardest in my opinion. I actually think she is there to get help.

The problem with all of them is that they are being misguided by the coaches. Many of the assignments are useless and degrading. The coaches are more into drama this year.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by barbed on 12-09-05 at 06:18 AM
The purpose of the show is to entertain.
If there were no drama, would anyone watch??

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by beckettrep on 12-04-05 at 04:41 PM
Least Fav

1. Jessica
2. Christina
3. Allison
4. Lisa

I like TJ and Jill

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by momloveschocolate on 12-04-05 at 07:34 PM
Least to most fav:

Allison - and I am SO dissapointed to have to say this. I am also in my 40's, from NC, and have a chronic medical problem. At first, I really thought I would learn from her and her experiences ... but she just can't get there. And the coaches ... I just don't feel like they are MAKING her 'get over herself' and start her life over. She needs to be grateful for the life she has and get out there and LIVE!!

Lisa - She is spoiled and doesn't really want to learn to take care of herself ... and if she does want to 'learn how to work', making and selling jewelry is not doing the trick!

TJ - She knows all the psycho-mumbo-jumbo words, but she talks on and on without really saying anything. I think that she learned a lot at first but haven't seen her making any progress lately - haven't seen her being asked to do positive activities lately either.

Christina - I like her. She has problems but I think with the correct help, she could come out of there a different person. Problem ... I don't see her getting the RIGHT help!!! She is young and can't always express her 'feelings' like TJ and some of the others can. I wish they would insist that she get her GED and start some type of trade school - like cosmotology, where she could quickly learn a way to make some money honorably. She also needs to be talking to women who are really 'Women of Honor' ... like business women who are raising children, not pseudo-writers, ie ... ex-husslers.

Jessica - I think that she is ready to leave the house. She has made terrific progress. Mourning is a slow process and she has learned some new coping skills.

Jill - I really like her. Feel sorry for her and her medical problems, but she doesn't whine and seems willing to work on the many problems - pyscho, social, and health related - that she is experiencing. She is also really happy with any progress that she makes.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by SOfan0221 on 12-05-05 at 10:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-05 AT 10:53 AM (EST)

I have a dead heat tie for least likeable HG's this season.

Lisa/Allison/Christina - any or all of them could leave and I would have a glass of wine to celebrate. Lisa and Christina's immaturity and cruelty to the other HG's are the big reason I do not care for them. Allison and her simpering, whining, smiling, lisping, shashaying, wino drinking ways are just plain getting on my nerves. She should have stayed gone after season 2 and if she needed to come back then done a cameo one or two days. No need to go through all the crap she keeps digging up in an attempt to stay put at SO.

Next least favorite is Jessica. I really think she has dealt with her problem, she was at the SO house over 9/11. She needs to get her butt out and start working and living again.

Favorites are Jill and TJ. I really think Jill finally got it and she seems to have a good common sense head on her shoulders even if she did get into trouble in the world. TJ, I admit I would have a problem getting along with her on a 24/7 daily diet but she is trying and she is getting the least help of anyone. Rhonda seems to just let TJ wander around and get into trouble and never address it. I hope TJ gets out of that house before they hurt her more than help her. How long can someone go on when they are shunned, taunted, and made fun of at every turn. And the LC's let it go on.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by ktsmom on 12-05-05 at 01:36 PM
I think my least favorite would be a tie between Allison, Lisa and Christina they are all spinning their wheels and getting nowhere.
Jessica whines but is about ready tograduate and Jill and tj try.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by hunterjax on 12-05-05 at 01:57 PM
I'm torn between TJ and Lisa for least favorite.

Lisa is just whiny and weak.

TJ acts like she's everybody's life coach, yet can't coach herself to curb all of those irritately intrusive behaviors of hers.

Allison has been my fav all along. Jill is second fav.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by love on 12-05-05 at 02:09 PM
Lisa needs more help then the house can give.

Cristina Her personality is YUCK

Allison she's ok Needs to go though

Jessica she's ok Needs to go though

Jill and Tj, My favorites.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by bentherdunthat on 12-05-05 at 02:23 PM
From LEAST to MOST favorite:

5. Tie: Allison and Christina
4. Lisa
3. Jessica
2. TJ
1. Jill

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by shawnar on 12-05-05 at 03:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-05 AT 03:51 PM (EST)

From least to most:

6.Allison - she's selfish and winey I'm sick of her getting special treatment!

5.Christina - don't think she really wants to change

4. Jessica - she has alot more issues than just grieving her mother. She's also a gossip

3. Lisa - is not going to change she just wants to go from mommy and daddy money to some rich guy. She makes good tv would love JIll to knock her out!

2. Jill - I love her she has such a strong personality she makes me laugh!

1. Tj - I love her honesty sometimes she's over the top but I would love to have her as a friend!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by ElenaNY on 12-05-05 at 04:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-05 AT 04:58 PM (EST)

From least to fave.

5. Christina-I think she is a liar, manipulator and two-faced. Her snide remarks and fake innocent face drives me mad!

4. Lisa-Its not that I dislike Lisa and I wish her the best but I do not like the fact that she disrespects the housemates by cursing at them and talking about them behind their backs. I believe deep in her heart she wants to change.

3.Jessica and Allison. I do not dislike them but I am disappointed in Jessica with her two-facedness. I think she is getting better though thankfully. I have nothing against Allison either.

4. TJ and Jill are my faves. I like them bc they are real and upfrint about things. They are not perfect but they are working hard in the S/O house.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by jujubean71 on 12-05-05 at 04:55 PM
My least favorite housemate is Lisa. She shouldn't even be on the show anymore because she has failed too many assignments and she got a "D".

Tj is my favorite because I feel she is the most mis-understood of the group. I think she is going to be most changed when she graduates from SO.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Imn2pt on 12-05-05 at 05:43 PM
Isn't it funny that there is such a wide variance of who we like most and least? I think that is a GOOD thing but here is my list from least to most.....

1. Jessica. I know that her mother's death was a horrible, horrible tragedy. I am in no way minimizing that but many people have lost loved ones in tragic ways and they don't spend the rest of their lives on the verge of tears! My sister lost her grandfather, her husband and a newborn son within 3 months of one another but she was able to grieve and ,not get over it, but move on with her life. This has become Jessica's life and her identity and I'm not convinced she doesn't LIKE it there.
2. Christine. She is definitely a fake and she does NOT get it. She answers questions in a voice that sounds like she asking a question...like if she wants to know if she is giving the right answer. On one hand she says she wants to change her life and on the other she jokes about it. She is catty and two faced and thrives on starting conflict.
3. Allison. Last year she was my favorite but this year...I don't know WHAT it is. She seems to want to be the house mother/life coach but is doing it for all the wrong reasons...validation and attention. The real life she lives at home sounds SO much different than her life in the SO house, I don't see how she can change her life being so totally isolated from the life she really lives.
4. Lisa. God love her. She is annoying and whiney and immature but that is the way she is! I don't think there is any faking on her part. She matured to about a 13 year old and then just stopped.
5. TJ I think I like TJ because she reminds me of someone I know and that person does NOT realize that she is having such an awful affect on people, feels awful about it when she does, but just doesn't know what to do about it. However, as time as gone on, I see TJ getting more "therapy-ized" and talking in psycho-babble that really doesn't mean ANYTING...the core of my being stuff....what the heck is THAT?
6. Jill....to me she is the one that is there for all the right reasons and doing the very best she knows how to do despite the odd reactions she gets from her life coaches. It is like she is given an assignment and they wait till she finishes and they tell her NOPE, that is wrong. I admire her sense of humor, her honesty with the other houseguests and her perseverance.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by shockedandamused on 12-05-05 at 07:01 PM
I can’t say that I truly dislike any of the houseguests. But, here's my interpretation of them anyway:

T.J. strikes me as a highly judgmental person, though she has been unfairly judged herself. Sadly, just about every time T.J. is shown on camera, she is saying something hurtful to or about someone else. I haven’t heard her say anything positive in weeks. Maybe it is time the life coaches start to address this for her.

I think Jessica has reached the point where she has achieved what she set out to do and she should move on so the coaches can spend more time with the other ladies.

Allison needs to get focused on herself and quit blaming her parents/relatives for whatever has happened to her. I feel she hasn't accepted her inadequacies yet - that she is still fighting the reality of her life. Hey, all of us have things we hate in our backgrounds but at some point, we grow up and get over them. I hope this happens soon for Allie.

My personal favorites are Lisa and Jill. I would love to have either of them as a friend as they are both worldly and interesting. Jill, especially, seems to have a vast history. I love it when she opens up (which is rare) and shares herself with the television audience. Jill is funny, smart, savvy and just plain good fun. I know she has had some personal challenges that led her to the house, but overall, I think she is the most 'together' of the entire group (life coaches included).

Lisa is such a mess, but her heart is good, even if her approach is haughty at times. I don't think she is stuck up at all - just deeply sad and isolated by her own insecurities. Her closeness to her parents is not all bad.

Christina is a very young person, I'm not sure she can fully appreciate the opportunity that has been given her. She is very impatient! Lucky for her, she is filled with talents and gifts that would keep any person from the life she managed to find. So sad! I hope she finds a career that utilizes her good talents (like the art) and she can stay away from the hustle.

Considering that each of these ladies has come to the Starting Over house in the hopes of finding a new path for their life, I don’t think I am supposed to “like” them as they are. The girls need help and fast. I admire them all for trying to change.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by SOwatch on 12-05-05 at 10:42 PM
For me, TJ, Allison and Lisa tie for least favourites in no particular order. TJ thinks she is a know-it-all and a life coach, Allison is fake and Lisa is SO immature.

I am definitely starting not to like Christina. To me when she speaks she doesn't seem to want anyone's opinion and she doesn't seem to be changing in any way.

Jill and Jessica I like. Jill seems the most genuine and down to earth. I didn't like her at first but she is really my favourite right now. I feel sorry for Jessica and she can seem a little annoying at times but to me she seems personable.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by huntjl on 12-06-05 at 10:12 AM
my least favorite is a 3 way tie for 1st place:

Allison, Jessica and Lisa - they are the ones that i find to be the most annoying. They are fake and judgemental, even about each other.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Baxtera on 12-06-05 at 10:20 AM
Christina: master manipulator and bomb dropper loves to stir the pot and run. I hate the way she'll get something started and run away and watch it burn. Brat.

Allison: I was fooled last season into thinking she was a beautiful person but I hate to see her manipulating the pack and trying to be queen. I really wish they would have left us with her positive image last season.

Lisa: Nothing is ever her fault and she's just mad that the others are just as good as manipulating as she is and she can't run the household the way she does at home. She tries to start wars but rarely gets the support that Christina does.

Jessica: I'm just tired of her it's all about me Allsion imitations. She needs to go home and get real.

I like TJ and Jill. I do hope TJ gets some professional ADHD help on the show. It amazes me that the pole girl has had two people helping her and accomplished nothing but TJ only gets Rhonda's assignments which clearly indicate Rhonda's never even read a book about ADHD.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by coolkid on 12-06-05 at 01:19 PM
In order from least favorite to most....

1. Christina/Allison are tied for least
I realize Christina is young however her immaturity grates on my nerves. My sense is that she is conning herself and others subconsciously. Allison irks me because of her syrupy sweet veneer. Underneath her 'perfect' exterior, I believe there is a river of rage that has yet to be tamed. I believe she is not ready to break through that exterior at this time. I believe Iyanla's in-her-face exercise scared the hell out of her. Allison seems to have sunken deeper into niceness, smiling self-deprecation, and perfectionism.

2. Lisa
In general, I like her. My opinion of her waxes and wanes. I think she is smart, savvy, and cool but crass and thoughtless a lot of the time. I believe that she should go back living in the guest house and earning each day at the Starting Over house. It seems to me that she has returned to some of her old ways of behaving.

3. Jessica
I like her. I worked in the grief counseling field and many of the issues she is facing regarding the sudden, violent, and public death her mother suffered are echoes of what other clients have shared. Her feelings about betrayal by her father for marrying another woman and shunning her step-mother are not uncommon. I empathize with her. Her mother will not be physically present to witness her wedding, birth of child(ren), etc. This is a huge loss. I think she has made tremendous strides in the SO house and believe she has already begun to reengage her life.

4. TJ/Jill are tied for most favorite
TJ is sincere and trying to do her best. I most enjoyed watching her growth when she was in the box and breaking out. I don't believe she needs to go back into the box but I would like to see her pull out her 'conversation' cards that instructed her to ask a series of questions i.e. Is what I'm about to say necessary, kind, etc.? I think that would go a long way in helping her communicate more effectively with her housemates. Jill is a peach in my book. I love her straightforwardness. I think she had it right when she said that if a housemate wants the truth they go to her and if they want sympathy they go to Allison.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Alpharedhead on 12-06-05 at 02:46 PM
It's a tie between Lisa and Christina. Christina is kind of hateful and obnoxious and still a big-time manipulator/hustler. And as for Lisa... oh, my... what a waste of human DNA....

Please. Please. Somebody. Send them both home. Without the lovely parting gifts, if you please.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by MistressMo on 12-06-05 at 04:17 PM
Least Favorite
Lisa-Another manipulator.

Has anyone else noticed how it's always Christina, Allison, Lisa, and Jessica kissing each others butts and the only people they ever criticize are TJ and Jill? Even when they made their lists of things that I like and don't like about my housemates, the only ones that were harsh were directed at Jill & TJ. I can't believe they are getting away with that kind of behavior.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by wzmartin on 12-06-05 at 05:30 PM
From least to most:

6. Allison - She's a graduate of the SO house yet doesn't have a clue. Why did they graduate her in the first place? If I were a housemate, I'd call her on that. The irony is that she really could be such a resource to her housemates if she'd get over herself. She spins her wheels, hasn't made any real progress, and is never called on her bad behavior. I'm tired already!

5. Lisa - This girl is self-absorbed and mean! I think she could be fun in a limited social situation (i.e. at a party) but her entitled attitude won't change. It's too ingrained.

4. Jessica - She seems nice enough but is a fence-sitter. She is everyone's "go-to" girl for gossip because she'll agree with whatever anyone says about anyone else.

3. Christina - I find her story intriguing. I also cut her a LOT of slack for her lack of life-experience. The way she talks, acts, and reacts to her housemates is pretty typical for a young twentysomething (I'm generalizing, of course). She may have done a lot more "stuff" than most in her few years on Earth, but that doesn't equate to maturity. Give her time to grow up.

2. TJ - She really tries to connect, even though she tries too hard sometimes. The housemates need to cut her a break.

1. Jill - I admire her. She's focused on her healing and really has everyone's number! I love it!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by dianezee on 12-07-05 at 12:36 PM
I keep going hot-and-cold with the houseguests this season.

My least favorite, without any competition whatsoever, is Christina. I think she has HUGE problems that cannot be fixed by the SO house. I would even say she's a sociopath ... one who only has feelings for herself and doesn't relate to the feelings of others. I find her creepy, manipulative and emotionally detached, especially from her own emotions. She's a very screwed-up little girl and I have no doubt that she will return to the life she has been leading. She needs something HUGE to pull her away from that life.... she needs to hit bottom. And just a sidenote -- did anyone notice that when they were talking about what they were doing on 9/11/01, Christina said, "I remember reading about it." HUH????? What was she doing through that entire ordeal? I can only imagine. This girl is clueless and detached and not very bright. How is she ever going to get a real job? She makes so much money hustling and for her it's like breathing ... she doesn't know how to behave differently. She needs TOUGH LOVE.

Allison -- Like a lot of other SO fans, I liked Allison last year but this year, eccch. I'm really seeing the seething anger below the smiling face. Everytime she pours herself a drink and then gets defensive about it, that's where the REAL Allison comes out. That's the "f.u.-how-could-you-possibly-understand-pitiful-little-me" Allison. There's so much hate and resentment inside her, if it ever comes out, it will be an avalanche of torried emotion.

TJ -- I've not really been a fan of hers although I do sometimes find her sort of funny and fun. I just can't get passed all the analyzation that she does of others. She doesn't know how to be a friend and she is sooo inappropriate. I would find it embarrassing to be her friend, plus I couldn't stand having a friend who is always psycho-analyzing me. I hated the way she talked about Buffy ... that lady she made "friends" with briefly. She kept categorizing Buffy as "the Valley Girl." I thought it was irritating.

Jessica -- Her mother died so violently, it's difficult for me to wrap my brain around what that must feel like. I would be imagining my mother in that plane and what she must have felt and what must have been happening up there. Ugh. It's too horrible to even contemplate. On the other hand, it's been FOUR years and I think she needs to move on and stop resenting everyone, including her father. I think she's ready to graduate. It's enough already.

Lisa -- For some strange reason, I don't hate her. I think she's had a real raw deal in the house. Rhonda is treating her like an idiot. I mean, really, what's up with the stupid jewelry business? I made and sold jewelry for a few years and it's not something you just throw together overnight. It takes a LOT of practice and reading. You actually have to LIKE it and have an interest in it. So why doesn't Rhonda take some of Lisa's strengths and talents and use THOSE to help her come up with a career. Lisa is a world traveler. Certainly there's got to be something she can impart to others about that.

Jill -- My favorite. I just love her. She's the one who I could easily be friends with. She's real. She's smart. She's insightful. And I know she's "getting it." I think if she loses the weight and gets control of her health, there will be no stopping her.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Soupy on 12-09-05 at 01:21 AM
Dianzi, In response to your comment about "What's up with Rhonda making Lisa do the jewelry"-question...


That is what's up with that...it was Lisa's IDEA in the first place, then complains about it, when she had to actually WORK!
Honest to goodness truth! Ask anyone here....

I just wanted to set you striaght on any misconceptions on this particular excersise with Lisa... She thought it would be easy money when she presented the 'light-bulb idea' to Rhonda...It was her misfortune that it was her own concept that came back and bit her in the behind...lol... in the end.
She whined and cried through the whole thing, as you saw. I thought then, be careful what ya wish for Lisa.

PEACE ~ Soupy

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by lcray762 on 12-08-05 at 02:12 PM
CHRISTINA I just cant stand her she seems sto be Running a game on every one in the house.

Allison is full of Horse Poop. She is so selfish. She appears to be giving but she is really a fake. She doesn't do nice things for people , she does them for herself. SHe likes things perfect so she cleans and does things to make herself happy. NOt for the other ladies. They just happen to benefit from Allison's need for perfection. Send her to my house, I could use a great organizer.

LISA is sickening UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!

I like Jill, Jessica and TJ. Funny, at the beginning I thought these would be the ones I would not like. WOW

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by librarian on 12-08-05 at 02:21 PM
Least to most:
1. TJ
2. Jessica
3. Allison
4. Lisa
5. Christina
6. Jill
I do think it is funny that the one person a lot of the posters seem to say they like best is the one spoke of least in posts!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by babymine419 on 12-08-05 at 03:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-05 AT 03:47 PM (EST)

Least favorite

1. Lisa
2. Lisa
3. Alison
4. Lisa
5. Lisa

Jill is my favorite, followed by TJ. Jessica and Christina, are just a toss up and they switch every day.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by serenityseeker on 12-08-05 at 06:22 PM
I dislike :
1. Lisa - she is a real B*t*c* and cares about noone but herself.. she needs to be kicked out and soon!

2. Christina - She is also a real B**** and is so mean to TJ.

3. Jessica - She's a bit better now but was such a gossiper, complaining about TJ and making faces at people.

4. Allison - She doesn't bother me much but does get on my nerves as she does not bother with certain houseguests and I thought she was better than that.

5. TJ - I feel sorry for TJ. She means well in trying to help people but just needs some firm but gentle guidance and no LC is helping her out AT ALL! Instead they slam her but never teach her or encourage her.

6. Jill - She is the most eventempered and I like her the most next to...

7. Mabel ( Jill's mannequin ) - The most normal and non confrontational of the HG's LOL!!!!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Redbud on 12-08-05 at 07:58 PM
Least favorite to favorite

Jessica...don't get me started. It would take all night to type out all the reasons why I loathe her. I have no respect for someone who uses her mother's death as a means to get attention and sympathy.

Christina...a slut who actually thinks she is perceived as "professional and knowledgeable", yeah..maybe in the sex for hire world. Snotty and selfish.

Allison...incredibly self-centered; fake, thrives on sympathy but can be compassionate for others

TJ: Always getting the short end of the stick. Rhonda should be ashamed at the lack of attention she gives TJ. TJ might say it wrong (she has that condescending attitude - like she's talking to an imbecile who barely understands English, BUT she's usually right on target with her comments. I LOVED her telling Allison today to mind her own business. I wouldn't have been as nice if she told me to "look Lisa in the eye". Whoa girl!

Lisa: she makes for good tv. I don't really believe a word she says but she's doing a good job at stirring up trouble lately. Besides, she's finally telling it like it is, even though the others don't like it.

Jill: Not at all what I expected. Wish she'd let loose on Jessica and Christina though.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by sowhat on 12-08-05 at 10:20 PM
Allison..no comment

TJ..controlling, likes the camera (Denise #2), casted only to cause drama, invades boundaries

Jessica..gossipy and judgemental at times, learning to show her feelings

Jill..secretly conceited, irresponsible with health, history of theft, doesn't say what's she's really thinking, has common sense, insightful

Christina..self-centered, but strong willed, wants to succeed, will always follow the money though

Lisa..needs to mature and be responsible for herself, but pleasant personality

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by ulshafer on 12-09-05 at 01:34 AM
Least to most!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by mhb0125 on 12-09-05 at 04:47 AM
Least to most...here goes!!

5. Lisa: She's been handed too much in her life AND in the SO house. If that was TJ having to make the jewelry you know that none of them would have helped her, not even Allison. I hate the vulgarity that comes out of her mouth. I despise her defensiveness to EVERYTHING that is said to her, good or bad. I think it's ridiculous that she is 40 years old because she was told by the sex expert that she behaves emotionally like a 10 year old so she decides she should continue to act like she's 10. She is judgmental much worse than TJ and can't wipe her own a** without help from Allison. Her time is up.

4. Allison: I LOVED Ally last season and was SO excited she was coming back. I checked the guide on my tv every week to see when Starting Over was coming back on the air just for her. I am so sadly disappointed. She has regressed because she WANTS to. IMO she totally gets everything, all the assignments, and each word that has been said to her she just chooses to not show that she has gotten it. She wants to stay the way she is because she gets pity from others, she can forever stay the victim, and she can be Ms. Hollywood. Her nose crinkle is beyond annoying. Did she do that last season?

3. Christina: I liked her at the beginning of the season, she was my favorite, but she conned me. She loves drama too much. She loves d*** too much. She loves being sexual too much. She loves to gossip too much. She loves money too much. I really don't see her changing. I just hope and pray she takes care of that little boy and doesn't need for anything.

2. Jessica: She TOTALLY annoyed me at the beginning of the season but her assignments have helped me deal with my loss. The play she did with Ally, my gosh, I bawled for an hour after that. We are all God's children but the people He has that come in and out of our lives make loss especially difficult to cope with. Her never ending crying was too much to watch at times but I wish her all the best. I hope she finds her soul mate and is a wonderful mother.

Jill and TJ are tied for me for favorite. I like them both for different reasons and watch to see their progress and (unfortunately, the drama with the rest of them). Jill is SO funny, genuine, and real. She really gets her exercises and I see her doing great things after Starting Over. TJ is great. She annoys others but I find her refreshing. I don't believe she is trying to be an LC. I think she really cares for each of the women and if she can help them in any way, she will. It pains me to see her struggle with her words and trying to explain herself. She's labeled too much and misunderstood. I wish Iyanla was her LC because I think IV would REALLY, REALLY benefit her goal.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by barbed on 12-09-05 at 06:15 AM
Definitely TJ. I hate the theatrical faces she makes when she sniffles. I'll be glad to see the end of her.
Lisa is annoying, too.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by KeeLee28 on 12-09-05 at 10:32 PM
Allison- Get over yourself! If I see that woman cry or whine one more time I will puke! GO HOME!

Lisa- age 40 going on 4 GROW UP!

Christina- I think she is in the SO house in hopes of meeting new men, do you notice how she looks and acts, toward any and every man that comes into the SO house.

TJ- HAG-BAG, likes to think she is the boss

Jessica- Like her, cries alot, but I might too in her situation

Jill- Love her, she actually acts like an adult woman

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Soupy on 12-09-05 at 11:18 PM
>Allison- Get over yourself! If I
>see that woman cry or
>whine one more time I
>will puke! GO HOME!
>Lisa- age 40 going on 4
>Christina- I think she is in
>the SO house in hopes
>of meeting new men, do
>you notice how she looks
>and acts, toward any and
>every man that comes into
>the SO house.

>Jill- Love her, she actually acts
>like an adult woman

Wanted to comment on your feedback about Christina... Go read the spoilers on her! YIKES! Are you ever right on!- big time!
After watching the board of review tonight- I wanted to watch the Show today, for one last view...in hopes that they came to their senses at board of review. My hope was that they would have at least invested a moment of their time to address Lisa's bad language or something in the form of her behavior in the house with accountability to some degree. She has been ther long enough... You'd think she'd of got something by now!!! NOPE!
Another disappointment.
T.J. sure got chewed and spit out though today at board of review.... I don't get this show at all- this season.(?) I remember the integrity of the House was so important in previous seasons. If ratings is all the matter now, Look out!
I for one am not sticking around for the nonesense in the future. BUMMER! Just talking out loud, I guess. Thanks in advance. PEACE ~ Soupy
I agree with you as well about Jill...
I think Jill is working on herself too. When she was talking to 'Miss Mable',( her true-self maniquin)sp.?- she was so sincere yesterday... I.M.H.O.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by quiller on 12-10-05 at 01:14 AM
Well, let's lets see: from least favorite to most

Allison: I liked her last year and really wished her well. But this year I have been SO disappointed in her. She is totally self centred, steals attention from the other house guests, thinks she is a life coach, and runs to bed with wine any time someone doesn't agree with her.

Lisa: I cannot stand how she immediately refuses to talk whenever anyone tries to give her feedback. I don't think she has learned a thing from her exercises and think she is now using her abuse and her need to "express her feelings" as a way to be a b**** and say anything she wants.

Christina: I would really like to believe that this girl (and she is still a girl in that she is SO immature) will get it. But I am really bothered by how she seems to get on an adrenaline high whenever she talks about stripping or escorting.

Jessica: she really drove me nuts at first, I know her mother died in an extremely tragic way, but come on, grieve her and deal with it. I am also bothered by her gossiping. However, I have been feeling more positive about her lately and think she will probably graduate after her father comes to the house.

TJ: I think she works really hard but is having a hard time getting it. I think Rhonda has totally struck out with giving her assignments that seem more about humiliating TJ than genuinely giving her the tools she needs.

Jill: I love Jill. She looks great, I think she is working hard. I know, I know, she gained back some of the weight. But losing weight is hard, and it doesn't help that Rhonda is CONSTANTLY giving food rewards to the housemates. Also, she said herself that she didn't not anything about portion sizes, and it takes time to learn all that. But I think she is really making progress with all her stuff.

So, that's my list and I am sticking by it.

cause this is what I do when I am NOT watching SO or posting on this board.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by celisabeth on 12-10-05 at 01:43 AM
I think I'm going to answer this one from a slightly different point of view. Some of these women make for very good TV, but would drive me nuts if I were living in a house with them. Some of them, I think, are making genuine progress, but I'd have a hard time with maintaining the energy it would seem to require in order to 'support' them.

The person with whom I'd have the most trouble if I were living with her is, hands down, TJ, and for me, a lotta this has to do with her seeming need to simultaneously act as a moderator or facilitator in all housemate discussions, but at the same time dominate the discussions by going on at length about her own perceptions of people's problems, of the household dynamic, etc. I don't doubt that TJ's ADHD is a factor in this. I have some empathy for her in that I don't think her exercises and her coaching have been particularly substantive in terms of helping her deal with her ADHD-related issues. But even with the empathy I have, I'd be exhausted by her.

I'd find Lisa to be similarly wearying, though in general, it's Lisa's panicky reaction to stress that has bothered me more so than her flippancy. I'd tend to shrug off Lisa's catty remarks as being annoying and inappropriate, but not particularly upsetting.

I get the impression that Christina plays a lotta headgames with everybody. I feel like even in her confessionals, I can see her turning on the "innocent little girl" act (with the big grin and the slightly babyish tone of voice), and I can see her turning on the "I'm so much more sophisticated than the rest of these women" attitude. It bothers me that she sees her boyfriend as "not the kind of guy who goes to strip clubs," despite the fact that she met her boyfriend in a strip club, and that when she brings up issues from her personal life for discussion, whenever anybody expresses mild disagreement with her, her confessionals indicate that she's upset WAAAAAY outta proportion to whatver comments have been made.

Allison seems generally likable, but needs so much attention and validation and assurance that she's a good person that I'd be worn out by her. I'm aware that in dysfunctional families, there's often a child who takes on the role of "the hero," and I don't doubt that within her family, Allison was the hero. Her mom seems to still expect that Allison play that role, and Allison seems all-too-willing to play it, while at the same time resenting that she's playing that role.

Jessica seems to have a lot of common sense, but I've seen her behave as though she's THE voice of reason in the house and that everybody else's perspective takes a backseat to hers.

Of all of the women we're now seeing in the Starting Over house, the one with whom I can most easily imagine myself enjoying as a housemate is Jill. Jill seems to see positives and negatives in all of her housemates. She's gossiped and she's complained, but she seems to be learning to distance herself from the pettiest of the gossip that goes on in the house. She's been supportive of her housemates, and has been direct but diplomatic when that seems to have been called for.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by meemah on 12-11-05 at 03:42 PM
>giving food rewards to the

Yeah...Poor Jill...what's with a fondue party??!! and everyone being so blatent about eating in front of Jill..and Lisa actually rubbing the fact that they were eating chocolate ...???

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Violet_Skye on 12-10-05 at 12:26 PM
Like the least=1, Like the most=6

1) Jessica. She is a two-faced instigator in the house, and is pimping her mother's death for cheap sympathy. If she does not want to deal with her mother's death as a public worldwide event, WTF is she doing talking about it on national TV? She is a drama whore. Your MOTHER was the victim, Jessica, NOT you. And BLOW YOUR NOSE ONCE IN AWHILE, WOULD YOU? She is SO childish and self centered. That's the reason why she 'withdrew' from her cousins, dad, etc. Because they probably told her to stop acting like the world revolves around her, they have pain too, but she never seems to think about that.

2) Allushon. Please. Liberace needs to leave the building. put her big azz on a cruise ship and send her on her way. Next.

3) TJ. I understand her physical and brain chemistry challenges, but she is insufferable. Truly. Why would they have her go off her medicine? They need to get her to a specialist to diagnose exactly what disorder(s) she is suffering from, and go from there. They need to make her wear a timer, and stop talking after 10 or 15 seconds. I think once she starts, she loses track, and can't stop herself, and just keeps endlessly circling the topic with no resolution, and it drives ppl batshit. I think she should have been called out on her pugnacious behavior with Lisa and Allison in the kitchen.

4) Christina. She is sooooooo young. She has a lot of potential, but she needs to be called on her scheming ways EVERY time and RIGHT AWAY. She needs to get in touch with her heart, find out who she is on a deeper level. Who she was before she got into all the soul-destroying crap. Right now, she is in survival mode, and very immature. She needs to be taken to see women who have continued in that lifestyle (escort/stripping) and see the drug addicted, worn out, used up hags they become. Ask those women what their children think of them, how their children are doing. I think that would be more instructive than taking her to see some so-called 'reformed' 'ho who clearly is not reformed.

5)Lisa. I think Lisa is very able to change her dependent ways, she just has been given crappy humiliating assignments that have accomplished nothing. Sure she is a spoiled brat, but she also has personality and wit. Many many people make great incomes using those attributes in sales, etc. I feel that the most effort by Rhonduh has been made to turn her into a joke, not into an adult.

6)Jill. She is straighforward, laid back, patient with herself and others, doesn't start drama, doesn't jump into other HG's drama uninvited, AND actually has a sense of HUMOR which is sorely lacking in many of the HGs. She truly listens and takes things to heart in her sessions with Iyanla, you can see her thinking and trying hard to get the point of each exercise, and she doesn't just start the maudlin sobbing at every bit of feedback she is given, good or bad. I think she is the only one who did not come onto SO with thoughts of being a movie star.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by meemah on 12-11-05 at 03:33 PM
Well..I guess I would like to put my 2 cents in also! LOL

Least favorite: Alison...depends on the SO house too much! Her first session at the SO house, I thought she was awesome! She was witty and cute..But she has turned into a conceited victim. She wears her scars like a badge that says "LOOK AT ME!!!OVER HERE" She needs to turn from VICTIM of cancer, to VICTOR over cancer!!!

When she went to help with the hurricane victims, what was with the pearls???!!! Also, why was she staying in a plush hotel, instead of staying with the victims? Time for her to leave...YESTERDAY!!!!

5th least favorite: Christine!!! Where does she get off thinking that she can get exective position with no high school diploma??!! When she was looking for the job, she was "Oh, there's only 3 that I can get"...huh??? They were all college degree positions...

4th least favorite: LISA...Just doesn't get it!!! Whiny...What's with the comment to Jill..."you do it, we're eating chocolate"...that is just a portion of her rudeness and self-centeredness....

3rd favorite: Jessica...She's ok...I can't imagine losing a part of my family in such a tragic way! Especially my mother!!! She's going to do ok tho..

2nd favorite: TJ...Love her! She does do a lot of "psychobabble", but I think that her trying to help the other housemates is part of her healing process.

Favorite::: JILL...what a doll!!! Been there, done that...I guess I can relate to her the best...I thought she was going to be another Deborah, but she's not at all like that...

I wish all the houseguest good luck and hope they reach their goals, whatever they may be...

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by dopeydwarf on 12-11-05 at 09:23 PM
least favorite
LISA, no, ALLISON, no, LISA, no...well both are tied for last

CHRISTINA: no clue with respect to the working world.Stripper 101 remark at the building site was out of line. Doesn't have a clue about the boyfriend either.
I crack up when she says "Stripper',because of the way she says it.(Purse your lips. Hold 'em rigid. Now say "Stripper." Sounds like "sturpur".That's the way she says it)

JESSICA, just stuck her here in the middle because the other two are my favorites:

TJ and JILL!!

Looks like they are almost everyone's favorites.


I'd rather be at Disneyworld

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by digirb on 12-13-05 at 04:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-05 AT 04:11 PM (EST)


Isn't so annoying when Christina says SCHTURPUR the way she does? And so many things make her fruSCHSTRAted too. I hope they get a voice and diction coach in the SO house. (Jessica has a tendency to speak in a droning monotone.) A little tweaking of her speech habits could really help her, too.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by cindy12 on 12-12-05 at 11:39 AM
Least Favorite: "Christina" because she is so young and immature and there is nothing to her. One day the other women were asking her about any secrets of the trade, meaning prostitution, and she lite up like a christmas tree, still showing how conected and proud she is of being a whore, sadly thinking that men that pay for sex qualifies her as some kind of expert. Sad she doesn't realize that men in that area, will "F" anything that lays down and spreads their legs, Not much skill in that. Her interview with the job counselor was an example of her whole life, she is INEXPERIENCED IN EVERYTHING, and that was the best thing that happened to her, she got a view of how much she really needs to do on all levels, her naive attitude, like she thinks all of life is skating thru on her looks. It was embarassing to watch her try to act all mature and like she had something to offer, she lied about working on a GED, and was picking out jobs like dental assistant, not having a clue what the job is and what skills are required. She is so lost in reality, she acts like what she wants she gets, without any work. She couldn't even dress appropriately for the interview, then she doesn't even take it serious. I have a strong belief that she will leave the show and not ever get better, she will be too tempting to make the fast easy money laying on her back, she is not sincere about wanting to do more, or she would be working on it. Instead she just lays around worring about being pregnant. Does she not even know how to avoid that? Good Grief, she is a sad case. I think the house gave up on her a long time ago realizing she is in need of serious help they can't give her, and also they probably know she is not honest and sincere about the house, she is just using it looking for some free ride to come out of it.
The show with the realestate people was hilarious, Christina looked so lost, she didn't even understand half the words they were using. I think they need to get her back to school and she needs to work on her GED before she goes any further, I think the realestate deal was a waste of the houses resources. Unless they just wanted her to see how out of place she is, and how little she has to offer. She is like some poor kid that sees an info-mercial about getting rich in realestate, and she really thinks she can just jump in and do it. Not the same Christina!, there is a big difference in Reality and work, and laying on her back facking everything. It's not as easy to Fake it in a real job.
"Well read, well spoken, educated", Christina just doesnt have the knowlege of the world. Just like the lady said, she doesnt have it, she just an immature kid.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by marchbabe on 12-12-05 at 09:59 PM
I would have to say that Lisa ranks #1 and Allison isn't far behind. When it comes to being the least favs. I can't stand either one of them self righteous b@#*&es. And it is funny how they never hardly ever get called out on their bad behavior. T.J. on the other hand is probably my favorite on the show. My son has ADHD too and I can see some of his behaviors in her. I think alot of people don't like her because they don't have the understanding for her or her condition. Lisa and Allison have no excuse for their obnoxious behavior. I flat out can't stand them! The other ladies in the house (Jill,Jessica and Christina)are alright but they are not as compelling as T.J. I feel really bad for her she always gets the short end of the stick so to speak. Sometimes I wish I could be in the house so I could stand up for her. Since nobody else will. JMO

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by BflyGurl on 12-14-05 at 01:25 AM
Least to favorite...my picks...

Two way tie for least favorite goes to Lisa and Allison.

Lisa will never get it. She has not progressed at all. She is very naive. I think most men would get bored with her pretty quickly. I probably would like her better if I felt she was really putting out a sincere effort. I just think she needs to get over herself.

Allison...oh, dear...what a mess. I was another viewer who liked her last season but I can't stand her this season. She is just a mess. I hate her voice, her sacharine personality. I am not so sure that she really is that big of a do gooder....people pleaser. It is like she is trying to plant that spin. I don't really see her as a people pleaser, unless you call cleaning people pleasing. I think she is a narcissist. I think she is back in the SO house for all the wrong reasons. Her 15 minutes are over. She will not make it as a star.

Christina would be next on the list: She is very naive and rather dumb. But, I will cut her some slack because of her age. I don't see her motivated enough to ever have much of a career in anything of honor. I think she may try to stay away from the pole. But, I also see her mooching off some low life guy who will probably abuse her.

Jessica: She just has such a blah personality. I don't like her or dislike her. I am very neutral. She is just boring.

TJ: I think she is very misunderstood. I like that she tries hard. I think she has a good heart. I wish her all the best. I don't think the SO house is good for her. I think Rhonda is not at all qualified to deal with her.

Jill: I also thought she might be like Deborah. But, what a surprise. I like her a lot. She is the only housemate I could picture being friends with. She has a great spirit and I like her sense of humor.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by teacherst on 01-26-06 at 11:11 PM
Right now my least favorite is Kim. she is so annoying and why won't she shut up!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 01-27-06 at 04:05 PM
Right now, my order of most to least favorite is:

1) Jodi
2) Christie
3) Lisa2
4) Kim
5) Jill
6) Lisa1

It's probably not a coincidence that I like the "newbies" more than the "old timers." P.S. I used to be a Jill fan but her behavior lately has kind of turned me off.

As for the "originals," I'd put them in this order:

1) Jill
2) TJ
3) Jessica
4) Allison
5) Lisa
6) Christina

Wow, I can't believe Allison is #4!! That shows it was not a very strong group!

BTW towards the end of the original group all being together, I'd probably swap TJ and Jill.

The two characteristics that I "judge" them on are: Meanness or lack thereof and Progress (or Potential for Progress) or lack thereof.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Ijustsharted on 01-27-06 at 05:13 PM

I dont have a favorite or a least favorite.
My feelings change from day to day.
But if I had to choose right now it's Kim. She looks plastic and I cant relate to anything she says.
I dont care for Lisa much but she makes for great writting material for the boards....LOL

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by turquiosedove on 01-29-06 at 02:45 PM
Worst; allisonstanley.con

then Jessica, liked her at first, saw her true colors

then Tj,

others are in a tie. I don't have a favorite.

I wonder if they get kickbacks from all the reruns.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 01-29-06 at 03:06 PM
Least fav = Jill
That bums me out too...didn't used to be the case.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by ladybugg on 01-30-06 at 01:56 AM
My least favorite is Lisa2. I just feel that she just don't get it and it annoys the h*ll out of me. She don't really get anything.

Next least fav. is Lisa1. What is up with her? She is just a joke.

Next Jodi. Don't really know much about her as of now. She is really guarded...

Next Christi. Seems to be full of it.

Next to favorite is Kim. Eventhough she is having some drama with Jill. I really like her. I think that her and Jill will eventually be friends.. I hope.

My favorite is the one and only Jill... She is just a trip. I love the way she speaks her mind and she really seems to want to get it. I wish her well... in fact I wish them all well!!

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by OklaBlue on 01-30-06 at 10:04 AM
"wish them all well"

That is one point they don't get when they or their friends read these boards. Everyone (IMO) would like to see them do better.

"RE: who's your least fav. cast member?"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 01-30-06 at 03:57 PM
You're right.

I think, for the most part, the women who are criticized on this board are the ones who frustrate us with their lack of progress or insincerity. Also, I hate it when they are mean. (That is a lack of progress in itself.)