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"Rhonda on Christie"

Posted by petmama on 06-08-06 at 04:47 PM
In her latest book, "Do I Look Fat in This?", Rhonda seems to share many of our sentiments on Christie.
On page 19...
"Christie entered the Starting Over house because she thought that if she could just be beautiful, all her problems would be solved...Christie, however, had a food addiction and a lazy mentality. She didn't want to exercise to gain her perfect body; she thought it would happen by magic...her solution? Gastric bypass surgery, a tummy tuck, and a boob job."
"When she entered the starting Over house, I asked her how she had thought her body would change after surgery. her answer 'I would have the perfect body'"
"But it never happened...after her surgery, like most miracle seekers, she never exercised...Her solution? More surgery. This time an arm reduction"
On page 20...
"Her dream of a perfect body was ruined, 'Unless,' she thought...''I'll just get a lower lift, liposuction on my thighs,and redo my arms.'"
Boob job? I thought boob jobs were supposed to make them perkier. Not saggier. Sounds like a discount job to me.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by Seabisquit on 06-08-06 at 05:28 PM
Tell me about it petmama, Piss-T's boobs hang sooo low, they probably touch her belly button. She looks almost flat chested in low cut tops, and there is certainly nothing PERKY about her boobs or her personality.

Piss-T will never have a 'perfect body', not that anyone really ever does, but lower lift, liposuction on her thighs...it's not going to ever change her basic shape. She will always look like a wide-load coming or going. Food addict, addict, whatever...this and her lazy ways that are not likely to change. I'm quite sure she will gain back much of her weight in time. Perfect body Piss-T...NOT GONNA HAPPEN. NOT EVER.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by petmama on 06-08-06 at 07:13 PM
Every time Christie was in the confessional, wearing a tank top, I was wondering why there was so much distance between her shoulders and her breasts. Now, I know why. They sag below her elbows. Even in a bra. I'm almost 54, with D cuppers. I've never had breast lift. And, without a bra, my nipples are only two thirds of the way between my shoulders and elbows. Even the bottom of my breasts aren't to my elbows. By the time Christie is my age, she'll probably be walking on hers.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by Seabisquit on 06-08-06 at 08:03 PM
>Every time Christie was in the
>confessional, wearing a tank top,
>I was wondering why there
>was so much distance between
>her shoulders and her breasts.
>Now, I know why. They
>sag below her elbows. Even
>in a bra. I'm almost
>54, with D cuppers. I've
>never had breast lift. And,
>without a bra, my nipples
>are only two thirds of
>the way between my shoulders
>and elbows. Even the bottom
>of my breasts aren't to
>my elbows. By the time
>Christie is my age, she'll
>probably be walking on hers.


"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by momof4inVA on 06-08-06 at 10:05 PM
what does TMI mean?

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by alaholly on 06-08-06 at 10:17 PM
TMI = Too much information

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by momof4inVA on 06-08-06 at 11:34 PM
thx (thanks)

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by Sues on 06-08-06 at 10:18 PM
tmi means 'too much information'

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by momof4inVA on 06-08-06 at 11:35 PM

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by turquiosedove on 06-08-06 at 05:34 PM
Sounds like she found the cheapest surgeon around.
Did Rhonda send her to rehab for her pill/booze addiction? Because she entered the SOH right from rehab, according to show. And her book was prob. finished when Christie entered the house. Didn't it come out in Feb? I don't think Rhonda would've put her in the book if she was boozing and pilling it up still. She thought the SOH was a magic pill to become famous too, lol.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by petmama on 06-08-06 at 06:17 PM
The first printing was in February. But, I think taping of SO had already wrapped up. I saw, on another MB, a link soliciting runners for a 5K race in January.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by turquiosedove on 06-08-06 at 10:32 PM
Oh yeah that's right. But I still think Rhonda helped her highness before she entered the house.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by Toushay on 06-08-06 at 05:54 PM
How much was there in the book actually about Christie? Just a mention, or more? Rhonda said in February that the press run preorders then (she asked people to order) would determine how many were printed in early March (2nd). She had to have written it before February, but who knows how much time that took? It could have been a quickie, so she could include Christie, and she knew Sommer from before in the house.
Did she say more about Christie than you put above?

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by petmama on 06-08-06 at 06:11 PM
She mentions Christie on pages 19 through 24. But, that's as far as I've read. I skimmed though and noticed that she mentions Sommer, too. Spelled her name Summer, though. As I continue reading, I'll let you know if there's any further mention of Christie.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by Labyrinth on 06-08-06 at 09:19 PM
Thanks for posting this - I've been curious. Personally, I think Rhonda sees Christina exactly the way Christina is.. did not get the impression that Rhonda was that impressed by her AND her level of work on the SO.

Christina got to graduate as a consolation, let's wrap this season up, can't back out of it because the lazy b*tch has a PR event that we cannot let fail the producer...

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by BimBo on 06-09-06 at 07:21 AM
There was a time I really liked Rhonda. But as time went on, it was clear that the soap opera writers were scripting every word she uttered, as they did for all the hg's. Her antics and her stupid exercises made me lose all respect for her. However, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and think that she is an intelligent woman, nontheless. But how stupid do you have to be to think that having ANY association with a person like christy the wastecase would be good for your career. I realize this book was written pre-season3, but it makes me wonder who is riding who's coat-tails?? Christy is making a complete ARSE out of herself and she's doing it in the public eye....during filming and after. It's only a matter of time before her fraudulant activities catch up to her and when they do, that too will become public!!! (does Alliscam come to mind maybe??) (we have some VERY resourceful people here!!) My point??? Rhonda might have better luck riding out her OWN 15 mins of fame if she did it without making people think that Christy is her big success story. I'M NOT IMPRESSED!!! I don't read self-help books(probably should tho), but I am familiar with the before and after christy and well, need I say more??? If I WERE to consider buying a self-help book, this is one I would definately NOT spend my money on.
And how is it that Christy & Rhonda had a connection before SO?? Did Christy seek out her services or something? And if so did she find some way of getting the tax-payers to pick up the tab for that too?? Afterall, the woman is a famous life-coach with a "big" t.v. show, I'm sure her private services aren't cheap!!
Phew...I'm outta breath..sorry for the long post!

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by BlingBlong on 06-09-06 at 07:50 AM
Now, who, with body image problems, would want them in a book anyhow for the world to know about or see? Are there photos in this book?

I'm not going to believe anything anybody on this show has to say, even Dr. Stan!

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by petmama on 06-09-06 at 03:25 PM
There are photos of about twenty women, of different shapes and sizes, wearing black bra tops and bicycle shorts, in the book. There's one of Rhonda, another of Andy, but none of Christie or anyone else associated with SO.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by petmama on 06-09-06 at 03:20 PM
Rhonda come across much different on paper than she does on TV.
"Do I Look Fat in This" is the first book of hers that I've ever bought. Now, I might get her other two.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by creepyoldwoman on 06-09-06 at 08:22 AM
I wonder how the 'christie empire' is going to market this one. I mean, even bad publicity is good publicity, right? So, Our heroine is mentioned in a book however it's in a nefarious way. The book doesn't sound like it is singing her phrases and bowing down to her. So, she gets this PR coup, she' mentioned in a book but not really favorably. How does she use this for her Empire? Does she shoot down the author, attacking Rhondas credentials? Complain she's been misunderstood? Blame it on her issues? Blame it on mommy? Hollywood? Become a champion for women who do not have perfect bodies? Invoke the ghost of Reubens?

Should be very interesting. She's such a fame whore, she needs the exposure and like all of her other addictions, this one may not be too easy to pass up.

"Here's another tidbit from Rhonda's book"
Posted by petmama on 06-09-06 at 03:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-09-06 AT 03:35 PM (EST)

Remember that puke green satin dress Rhonda wore the first time SO was nominated for an EMMY? She was looking for a dress that didn't make her butt look big, was short enough to show some leg, and showed her cleavage. She and Andy spent all day looking for just such a dress. With no luck. Until they went to Bergdorf Goodman. And, found the "perfect" dress. Except for the price. $10,000! Just $9,500 over her limit. Andy's solution. Three girdles. And, that puke green dress. The funny thing? Even over all those girdles, that dress still made her look fat!

"RE: Here's another tidbit from Rhonda's book"
Posted by justsaynototoughlove on 06-11-06 at 10:59 PM

I took a pic off the Emmy's and this is what came out. Sorry it looks so big at this site.

Rhonda actually dreams of her metaphor exercises, so am afraid she is to blame for them, or so she once said. And yes the book was written before fall I'd heard.

Rhonda traded alcohol for obsession and is often writing books, she is often doing anything to sell herself as her major, she didn't finish was marketing. Yr one, she wrote one of her fearless books. Fearless Spirituality: When god is not enough. But I suppose that collided with Iyanla's act, so it didn't go to market, yet anyway.

I do feel someone can have compassion in their charachter and intelligence, and still be an abusive mess.I feel Rhonda has always been fearles, she was born that way. It just took her a lot of treatment centers to decide to trade pills and booze in for selling her story and herself.

"RE: Here's another tidbit from Rhonda's book"
Posted by justsaynototoughlove on 06-11-06 at 11:03 PM
And another hypocrisym why isn't Rhonda into accepting face image like the body? She has not aged well in the past couple of yrs,but keeps lifting her lids and puts Bette Davis to shame with those lips. Some of her expressions scare me.

"RE: Here's another tidbit from Rhonda's book"
Posted by beautyboyknockout on 06-11-06 at 11:18 PM
LOL Justsaynototoughlove!
Is the dude next to her Dr.Stan? LoL. I knew she and Christie knew each other b4 she entered the asylum. Its all about money and marketing. Too bad Christie thinks she can make big money with her SO status::choke, gag, barf::
As for Rhonda's face, it has the doings of plastic Andy Page, queen of face surgery-poor Rhonda takes her advice.

"RE: Rhonda on Christie"
Posted by maryellennaco on 06-22-06 at 07:58 PM
It seems to me Rhonda hasn't been "coaching" (using the term loosely) Christie lately, because all that girl can do is shill money out of people!! Her latest entry in the e-bay world is some crappy "Journey Journal" with the first page "written by CHRISTIE, of STARTING OVER FAME"... For a mere $14, YOU TOO, can get some ugly piece of crap, decorated straight out of the '70's (and I was around then!) from the world famous, COMPASSIONATE DINGLEBERRY. JEEZ!!! I wonder how that "Cocktail Chat" with Jill is going??? Let's hope they each made FIVE DOLLARS!!!!
As an aside, did any of you see what some doofus wrote about Jill and trying for a radio-god job in LAS VEGAS?????
Isn't that where DADDY lives??? Look out DADDY!!!! Yo baby hippo is headin' your direction!!!DUCK & COVER, DUDE!