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"Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"

Posted by Winter_Lady on 05-18-06 at 02:51 PM
After spending the past several months listening to these women I vote for an "Ear, Nose & Throat" specialist to remove the adenoids of more than half the guests, then a speech pathologist to get them to speak, from their diaphragms rather than through their noses. After listening to Christie, Antonia, Cassie, Lisa1, Lisa2 and Niambi I am ready to climb the walls. I think Jill was really the only one who didn't need work. Given their penchant for bringing back ex-HGs maybe she could give the others a few lessons.

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"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by phlinky on 05-18-06 at 05:54 PM
That is so true! After hearing and seeing Christie today when she was in confessional (they showed snippets during that woman with the crazy hair), I thought her voice is so nasal. Not only her voice, but Jodie's as well. When Dr Stan enters the group, I always hear Jodi's high pitched nasal whine above everyone elses.

What and why are they so nasal? It was getting on my nerves.

Even Antonia's voice is grating. Jill was the only one who had resonance.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 05-19-06 at 12:15 PM

>What and why are they so
>nasal? It was getting
>on my nerves.

It's odd isn't it. I first thought is it a microphone thing but like you all said Jill never sounded that way. I never really heard it from Kim though or Kelly.

Think it's a personality thing? Just they are whiney people and they know no other way of speaking other than to whine?

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by petmama on 05-19-06 at 02:59 PM
Jill has been in radio for years. I think that's why she speaks from her diaphragm.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 05-18-06 at 07:10 PM
I so agree! Christie also has that sing-song thing going on where she ends every sentence as if its a question. Drives me nuts!

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by petmama on 05-19-06 at 03:07 PM
I can't stand hearing people end every sentence with that questioning intonation. It's like they're asking permission to continue living.
But, it's Christie's creaky, whiny, sniffing back snot voice that grates on my nerves. She sounds like she's constantly on the verge of tears.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by tac_2 on 05-19-06 at 03:12 PM
>I so agree! Christie also has
>that sing-song thing going on
>where she ends every sentence
>as if its a question.
> Drives me nuts!

Someone I know can't stand that form of speech. He calls it 'uptalk'. I call it a dead giveaway for someone unconvinced of whatever they're talking about. In Christie's case, an over-aged valley girl, it's particularly annoying.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by petmama on 05-19-06 at 05:36 PM
It smacks of extreme self consciousness

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by Twinkles on 05-20-06 at 09:29 PM
Seriously, some kind of vocal coaching would be a good idea. They each have 1 comfort zone but if they learned to vary their speech and speak well it would be so empowering.

It would help with their expression, assertiveness, and self-awareness. They are often stuck in one emotion and it sounds so obvious to an observer but they can't hear it or vary their tone one bit. So many of them want to improve personally and not be manipulative people but I doubt they hear how they are. And they have professional goals to be motivational speakers. They have so far to go to get to be motivating or good public speakers.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by phlinky on 05-21-06 at 11:10 PM
Some of my daughter's 13 year old friends talk like that....they slightly raise their voice at the end of a sentence and it almost sounds like a question.

Maybe since Christie never had a real childhood, she is somehow stuck in that developmental age.

"RE: Professionals Desperately Needed in the House"
Posted by petmama on 05-23-06 at 05:23 PM
What I hate is when the HG's start whining their words so badly, we viewers can't understand what they're saying. If what they're saying is important enough to be aired on TV, B/M needs to caption it. Josie and Lisa I were the worst.