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"Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"

Posted by snowflake2 on 03-09-06 at 10:12 PM
Have there been any SO women whose stated age you find hard to believe?

Allison struck me as someone much older than 38-39.

It's very hard for me to believe Kelly is 41. In many ways, she looks older than Lisa2, who is 51. (BTW, I think 51 looks about right for Lisa.) To me, Kelly looks more like mid to late 50's.

In the past 6 months, Jill's age has varied between 35 and 41. (42 if you count the age her mother almost called her.) I do believe Jill is a LIAR!!!

Kim does look about 37.

I'd estimate Jodi to be in her early 40's.

I have a feeling Christie might be older than her stated age of 30-31. (Years shaved off for modeling career?) Renee from last season is 30, and she looks much younger than Christie, and has a younger style.

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"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-09-06 at 11:21 PM
"Kim does look about 37."

Really? Huh. I have a hard time placing Kim's age. There was one episode where Kim was smoking outside on the porch. I have always thought her skin looked like smoker's skin..kind of leathery..I think Kim looks a lot older than she acts, which is part of why it's hard for me to place her age. I am 37 years old, and look about 10 years younger than Kim--but I don't think she's 47!! I bet she's younger than 37. My guess is that Kim is about 33. How old is Jax? Maybe that would be a clue to Kim's age? (I don't know why, just maybe?)

I've noticed the discrepancy with the ages of the housemates on more than one occassion. Lisa is definitely the oldest in the house. I don't think Kelly is older than Lisa, nor do I think she's Lisa's age. I think Jill and Kelly around the same age.

Hard to know..The only person whose age we knew was Lisa-on-probation-never-to-be-mentioned-again. So, if she was 41 years old...there's a "meter stick" (no pun intended.)

How do the other HG compare to her age being 41?

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by julli96 on 03-10-06 at 00:01 AM

> My guess is that
>Kim is about 33.

I think Kim definitely looks older than 33. She has a cute shape, dresses cute and has a flattering hairstlyle, which all helps. Just judging on her face though, she looks at least 37 (IMO).
I'm sure the hard life and smoking doesn't help.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 03-10-06 at 01:03 AM
Hands don't lie. I usually look at a woman's hands, but since that's a little hard to do here, I'll take an educated guess.
I'm trying to figure this out based on women I know in real life. The celebs we see on TV are all surgically redone, so it's not a good standard (Can anyone believe that Cher is 53?)

I believe Allison and Jill are both well into their 40's - maybe 44. The fat in their faces helps fill the wrinkles; the really thin women, like Kim, have the opposite problem.

I estimate Kelly to be about 48 - 51. She has such a hard look. The lines around her mouth are so prominent. It is really hard to believe that she is 41.

Christy...hmmm...I think she's closer to 35. Jodi...closer to 42. Kim...about 36. And Lisa, I think she's telling the truth, 52 or 53.


"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by NicNac on 03-10-06 at 10:54 AM
I think Kelly looks waaaay older than 41 but it is probably because she has such a mean spirited personality. People who frown all the time look way older (IMHO).
Seasoned - Cher is actually going to be 60!!!!! Her birth date is May 20, 1946.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by Jenoc99 on 03-14-06 at 02:10 PM
While doing the timeline assignment, it was stated that Kim was born in 1967 on several occasions.
there are many times when people don't look their age, but I'm just curious to know, what would be the benefit of lieing about your age on the show?

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-14-06 at 06:02 PM
Jenocc99 You are right about the reference to Kim's birth being 1967 in the timeline. Then? Kim pointed to 1987 in the timeline, and said she was "21 years old then." (1987) That doesn't jive. Then, Rhonda commented today, "You were abandoned when you were 5 1/2 years old, and you have had an additional 33 years to process --blah blah blah--" That would make Kim 38 1/2. I have NO idea what the benefit of lying about your age would be. It is plain stupid, imho.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 03-10-06 at 04:30 PM
I think it has been mentioned on the show that Kim is in her late thirties. I could believe early forties.

Jodi looks about 45. Her face is lined and saggy. (I am 48 and I look younger.) Jill is definitely over 40. Kelly could be late 40s. Lisa looks around 50, but still lookin' good. Christie could be anywhere in her 30s. Granted, if Jodi and Jill (and Allison) lost weight, they might look much younger.

As for Allison, I remember at her funeral service, the tombstone or whatever said, "1964-2005" so no way is she 38 or 39! Her hormonal situation, with the cancer and then the hysterectomy, has made her look more like a menopausal or post-menopausal woman. A lot of cancer patients get puffy-looking.

As for the earlier housemates, I thought Jessica and Christina looked about right for their ages (though Christina could have passed for younger). I figured TJ was around Kim's age, but I don't remember anyone mentioning her age.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 03-10-06 at 05:21 PM
My answer would be YES..but not all
The babies i.e. Jessica and Christina didn't..no need
TJ and Kim are real IMO and not out to impress us
The rest I believe lied even if a little..they fibbed
~except for Lisapeoplepleezer she would only lie if someone wanted her to JMO

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 03-11-06 at 03:12 AM

I cannot believe it!!! Cher will be 60! Wow...thanks for the correction...I'm even more impressed now! (You must be a fan!)

BTW, I have to change one of my guestimates from yesterday. I got a really good look at Jodi in a close-up today. I'm willing to move her up to 47. I think her age, peri-menopausal, is responsible for alot of her sad feelings.


"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by JustBNMe on 03-11-06 at 10:51 AM
lovemydogdude I agree with you. Plus IMO the HG tell fibs about alot of little things too. If they lie about little things then I believe they lie about their age (which to aging women can be a big thing). They try to show themselves off in the best light and then turn around and make everyone else in their life seem like they are villians, liars and the cause of all their problems. A friend of mine once said if people lie about big things then you know they lie about little things too. Some of them (like Allison and Lisa1) lie about so much they can't keep their lies straight. I don't care how old they are I care about their growth and honesty overall. I dislike liars with a passion. Lying to me insults other people's intelligence. Do liars think no one will ever catch on?

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by PanchoVilla on 04-24-06 at 01:14 PM
Someone should ask GeeGee who says shes kelly´s sister how old she is. I am 44 and its a crock if kellys that much younger. If she is she smoked and drank and sat out in the sun a lot..She looks a lot older than me. her husband looks like hes in his 50´s.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 03-11-06 at 08:47 AM
Oh without a doubt some of them lie.

Allison has been hanging on to 39 for years. Jill pick an age and stick with it. I think she just kept passing out numbers in hopes that one of them would be beliveable.

I think some of the woman lie for one reason only. They want to be "A STAR" They want in with the biz and know that youth is king. Like Allison and Jill. Now this Lisa is 51 and has no reason to lie because she has no interest in being an actress.

I also believe some of them do it because they are so ashamed of being as old as they are and not having their stuff together.

Dolly Parton said it best in Steel Magnolias "Time marches on and eventually you realize it marches right across your face" (hey Steel Magnolia Allison, learn the lesson. NO ONE believes your still in the 30's)

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by creepyoldwoman on 03-12-06 at 04:42 PM
I would agree Christie is older then 30-31. I would put her at upper 30s probably 38. She just doesn't seem 30-31. She "seems older" perhaps it's the hair. It's gorgeous hair but it's pretty old fashioned looking. Yes, you nailed it with "younger style".

I can't imagine Kelly being just 41 either. I would put her more at 46-48. Sometimes they say that you can tell a woman's age by her hairstyle. Some women, who are stuck in their lives, have their hair in the same style they did when they reached adulthood. Kelly seems to hide her face under too long hair and bangs.

I believe Lisa 2 for 50's.

I think Allison and Jill both saw 40 already. Allison is such a martyr and that's such a heavy dragon to slay and carry around so perhaps she just may be in her 30's but her lifestyle has made her look older. I mean if you are blaming everything but yourself for your problems you can never solve them.

I saw that photo from Melinda with Kim and her 80's hair. Whew, I could smell the fumes of the Stiff Stuff hairspray from here, so I would put Kim at her age that she said.

Jodi looks 40. Her photos of her and her parents looked pretty late 60's to me.

Lisa 1, I have no clue. I can't relate to her. she was too weird for me to even estimate. Her parents looked like they were pushing 70 years old. So, yes, she probably was a late baby and is 40, since that was part of her goal anyway, to grow up at age 40.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-13-06 at 07:36 PM
Today, during Kim's exercise with her mom, making the timelines, Kim was either born in 1967 or 1968 depending on whether Melinda meant she was pregnant in 1967 or HAD Kim in 1968 (in San Antonio, Melinda said.) However, KIM's timeline, Kim said, "When I was 21-years-old" when she was pointing to 1987, which does not jive. Either Kim was born in 1967 and is 38 years old (depending on what month she was born in) OR Kim was 21 years old in 1987, and is 40 years old (again, depends on birth month.) Anyone Tivo? I definitely think the SO women lie about their ages NOW!

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by shawnar on 03-13-06 at 08:47 PM
You are right. Kim said she was born in 67 so she would be 38 or 39 depending on the month. I think. Melinda said they reunited in 87 and Kim said it was her 21st birthday. Thats what I saw on tivo. I am sure all of this has to do with what month she was born. I don't know I can't figure out the math.
But to me it seems pretty close so I doubt she lied about it. Who would lie about a year?

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by Miranda on 03-13-06 at 09:50 PM
shawnar writes:
>Who would lie about a year?

:::grinning::: Psssttt... Have you forgotten about all the bazillions of peeps who vow to celebrate the first anniversary of their "x" birth year after year after year... Yunno. The first anniversary of my 39th, the second anniversary of my 39th, the third anniversary of my 39th... Dang. I just can't make a funny tonight. It's been a very long day.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 03-14-06 at 01:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-06 AT 01:19 PM (EST)

I can never understand lying about your age. To me, if you say you are five years younger than you really are, people might think, "Wow, she doesn't look too good!" Why not lie UPWARD? Say that you're five years OLDER than you are and people will think you look GREAT!! LOL

(Edited to add) After all, 50 is the new 30!

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-14-06 at 01:33 PM
Pixeltalk, It's Sooo funny that you said that about "trading up" in age! That's what I did at work!! Hospital staff keeps asking me, "How old are you?" and I answer, (with a smile and a wink,) I'm 59 years old!" I'd get, "No, really, how old are you?" I stuck with, "Thanks! I must look pretty good for 59! You want any tips on clean living?" Then I say things like, Eat fruit. Don't smoke. Exercise. Hydrate. Moisturize. Wear your seatbelt and sunscreen. keep your money in your inside pocket and look both ways before you cross the street. (Sometimes I end this with "Sonny.") If you think 5 additional years make a difference, try adding 22!

Can you IMAGINE how we would view Lisa2 if she said she was 74?
Or, even Lisa1 might be looking all right for 63 (big stretch here, I know...) Christina might look a little strange for 44!
See what I mean?

It's amazing how many people want to know my age, too! It's really FUN! If you get a chance, try it! Add a ridiculous amount of years! (It helps to know history!) ;) --I'm thought of an extremely attractive spry EMT for my age! It's also how many people are much more willing to lift for me! (OH! the benefits of being an older woman!) ;)

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by patacake on 03-20-06 at 08:51 PM
Jodi looks older than 38, and older than 40, even. She really looks about 48-50 to me. A complete makeover from AP should help, too. Make her look 10 years younger-- like about 38, like she says she really is.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by imamrs on 03-14-06 at 04:28 PM
What is age but just a number? I always celbrate the day I was born not the year (lol).

With society fixed on youth, the women being in CA, and the camera adding what is adds, I can see why they might lie. Not that lying is good but I certainly understand it.

People are lving longer and better, waiting to get married and have kids, so what is age really?

I do think lifestyle, where you live, genetics, are key factors on how one ages.

I am in my mid 30's and with the 40's fast approaching I have found myself getting caught up with the "youth" thing. What happend to growing old gracefully and the wisdom that comes with it.

I do agree that some of the women in the house need a better lifestyle plan. Smoking, yo you dieting, lack of physical activity can show age even before the golden years hit. I really think the SO house needs to have a class on how to look your best at any age (without Andy Paige).

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by creepyoldwoman on 03-22-06 at 03:29 PM
If this is Jill, from a birth database site, then she is in her forties.

First Name Last Name Birthday City State Zipcode
JILL TRACEY 1964-08-27 Miami Beach FL 33141

I think it's silly to lie about their ages. If they lie about something that is natural and they can't control then what else are they lying about?

I don't know Jodi's or Christie's last names. So, I can't look them up. I tested the site out on myself. It only worked for my maiden name not my married one, so Kelly, Kim and Lisa would be more difficult to find out.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by onyx65 on 03-24-06 at 07:29 PM
I have thought this several times. Here's what I think:

I think that Christie seems more like mid-30's.

Jill fluctuated. She went from 35-41 by the time she graduated. Now, that is real GROWTH!

Lisa1 looked 40 to me, back acted a lot younger,

Lisa2 looks about 50, so that jibes.

Kim, to me,looks older than 37.

Jody looks about 40-45

Kelly looks like she has been through it....

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-24-06 at 07:45 PM
Earlier this week, Jodi was in the confessional, and she said something about being "40 puh--" and stopped (I think she started to say "Forty plus" in regards to her age) and stopped. Then, later in the same confessional she said she was 38. I remember this, because I started laughing and said, "There's no such age as Forty Puh...Anyone Tivo this situation?

I know there are several different incidences where Jodi is referred to as 38. I am 37. I do not believe that one iota.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by Dayum Yankee on 03-24-06 at 10:52 PM
In my opinion..............Jodi, Jill, Kelly and Allison have all been lying about their ages. Jodi is definitely older; I'm 45 and look a heck of a lot younger than her and I'm overweight and have smoked for over 20 yrs, Jill is definitely over 40; Kelly looks like she's in her 50s - her kids are just about grown too and I haven't heard her say anything about having her kids when she was a teen and Allison is definitely over 40. Egads stupid to lie about your age.
Christie, Lisa1, Lisa2, Jessica, Christina and Kim I think are not lying about their ages.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by snowflake2 on 03-24-06 at 11:09 PM
EMTBGRL wrote: <<Earlier this week, Jodi was in the confessional, and she said something about being "40 puh--" and stopped (I think she started to say "Forty plus" in regards to her age) and stopped. Then, later in the same confessional she said she was 38. I remember this, because I started laughing and said, "There's no such age as Forty Puh...Anyone Tivo this situation?>>
Yeah, I caught that too. Jodi was actually referring to Kelly...this was the confessional in which she referred to Kelly as having a "rockin' bod"...for a Forty Puh...er, 40 year old.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-25-06 at 08:58 AM
Snowflake, Oh! Thanks for the clarification! I was laughing so hard at "Forty Puh" uhh.."Forty" commment that I forgot Jodi was talking about Kelly (later.)

To me, this is an example of how Jodi is self-conscious about age. If she is able to lie about someone else's age in confessional, it just CONFIRMS for me "Jodi is NOT 38!" Besides, the "healing the fact she won't have children" at 38? Yes, it would be unusual, but 38 is not "over the hill!" Less women in their 40's than their late 30's do not have children. I think Jodi is being AWFULLY generous with her age. What would you say too -- 47? The sad fact is if Jodi *is* 38? Something needs to change in that woman's life immediately!

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by trikelady on 03-26-06 at 00:05 AM
In my opinion...NO WAY IS KELLY 40 something! I would say more like 50 somethingand I'm being nice. Didn't she say her hubby was 20 years older than her? or was that another HM?
BTW I'm 43 and get carded when I buy non-alcoholic beer at a nation wide gas/food mart. My mom is 67 but looks 47 and we never lie about our ages. What a great compliment when you get carded at 43...I LOVE IT!

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 03-26-06 at 08:37 PM
LMAO Christie says she's 30..I say more like 35?..did anyone catch her mom's look at their meeting when Christie referred to her age of 30!? haha don't think so.

Have you checked out Kelly's myspace (email or pm me if you need the link)..her picture makes her look so young..much less facial potholes and wrinkles!) I bet that picture is at least 20 yrs old lol.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by eeyore8664 on 03-29-06 at 01:44 AM
All I know is if Kelly is really 41 then she must have done a whole lot of drinking and drugging in her youth. I am 41 and if I looked thst old I would would need to be on SO just to get over my deep depression from looking like an old crack ho.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by mapleleaf on 04-23-06 at 10:37 PM
Didn't Kelly state early on that her husband is 20 years older than her? If that is the case, then I think their real ages are more like mid-50's (Kelly) and mid-70's (husband). If they are really 41 and 61, something isn't right.

"RE: Do you think the SO women lie about their ages?"
Posted by BeeBe on 04-24-06 at 04:20 AM
"All I know is if Kelly is really 41 then she must have done a whole lot of drinking and drugging in her youth. I am 41 and if I looked thst old I would would need to be on SO just to get over my deep depression from looking like an old crack ho."

And wasn't that in fact Kelly's first step? "Recover from depression from looking like old crack ho."

I thought she looked about 45 and the hub 65. Her oldest son is still in high school isn't he? And she has a young one too. She can't be too old or the plumbing would've shut down.