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"Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"

Posted by ChristinaJB on 04-19-06 at 06:19 PM
Oh my - I've only seen the outtakes so far, but I am cringing every time!
Does anyone know what is said? Kim does so well for a while and then suddenly it's all about her again. UGH.

Or is it editing to hype the graduation?

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"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 04-19-06 at 06:20 PM
The spoilers say Rhonda says something to her about it the day after Kelly's graduation so it must be somehow inappropriate and not all hype. Should be fun!

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by Sues on 04-19-06 at 10:46 PM
It should be fun!!!!! I haven't been a huge Kim fan...but I sooooooooo think someone should call Kelly out on her bitchiness....and since they weren't allowed during her 'journey'...why not a parting shot?? yeah for kim!

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by Incognito on 04-19-06 at 11:11 PM
Kim is a beeoootttccchhh! Lots of people have/have had sukky childhoods. It's past time for her to realize she is in the driver's seat for the rest of her life. She bred, for chrissakes!!!

"RE: Kim's upcoming speech...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by greeleyxcore on 04-19-06 at 11:28 PM
I agree, Incognito. She needs to be an adult and realize there are sometimes when it just is not appropriate to open your mouth. It's called being in control. If she had something to say, she's had more than enough time to say it. A bigger person would wish her well, let the anger go, and move on with her life. How rude and very selfish to use Kelly's graduation to vent...she's making it all about herself. I highly doubt Kim would take it well if people stood up during her graduation and vented their anger towards her instead of celebrating her.

How immature of Kim if she truly does sound as rude as she did on the preview.

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by JustBNMe on 04-19-06 at 11:39 PM
I bet they are trying to bait us through editing. Watch Kim will say something like Kelly finally learned to look at their disagreements and see Kim as innocent because that is what Rhonda teaches in fearless living and that is how we should try to see each other, it is how she hopes Kelly wil continue to see her family etc. Then she'll add that Kelly has come a long way yada yada yada. I bet Rhonda congratulates Kim on her acknowledging Kelly's progress when they meet afterwards. SO loves to build up hype and then it is not at all how it appears in the previews when the parts actually air on tv

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by sharnina on 04-20-06 at 00:16 AM
Wow, you are smart. I have been scratching my head over this one because isn't Kim going to graduate very soon after the big talk with Rhonda? I couldn't figure out how she would get into trouble over doing something so insensitive and then graduate shortly thereafter. Thank you for the very intelligent speculation.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by beckyofthevanwykvariety on 04-20-06 at 09:47 AM
I think youre right because Kim finds out that shes graduating the same day that Rhonda confronts her about her speech

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by snowwhite504903 on 04-20-06 at 10:59 AM
i really think that kim is a drama queen

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by Baxtera on 04-20-06 at 12:39 PM
Kim's speech was pathetic and while I would love to see her but get hauled on the carpet and be forced to own her childish behavior I have little hope of it happening. That speech was all about her and only bashes at Kelly. Then we see previews of Rhonda saying they need to talk but we all know Kim never gets nailed for her bad behavior.

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by Kelzi on 04-20-06 at 04:20 PM
I totally agree, she can't be getting into any trouble for what she said at the graduation, She is always making everything about her. And even after the graduaton she still wouldn't shut up about Kelly. I really don't care for either woman, but I didn't agree with what Kim did. That was Kelly's day and she had to make it all about her. Did you see everyone's faces as she was talking. No one was very happy with what she had to say. I think at this point they are just graduating Kim to get her the hell out of the house. She will never get it that she makes everything always about her. And always thinks she is in the right!.. She needs to go!

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by whistlin_dixie on 04-20-06 at 04:36 PM
PLEASE can someone post what Kim says at Kelly's graduation? The show is being preempted in my area due to bad weather!!!
ARGGHHHHHH!!! I'm dying to know what she says!

Beauty fades...Dumb is forever

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by pmfmpls on 04-21-06 at 00:17 AM
"Kelly Belly...I'm going to miss you- you look beautiful. I want you to look at me and think about all the 'Kelly and Kim' incidences, and look at a face of people out there, and realize their innocence. 'Cause I really was innocent! I remember that particular group we learned what standing in our grace was. Hey look! I did that- with you! I made a comment, and it was inappropriate, and I apologized for it, but I didn't, you know, beat myself up about it, and I went on about my day. And, um, you had a hard time with that at first cuz you were like 'wait a minute, couldn't she know how much that hurt me?' But that was just another example of how I was really not intending to do anything.
And that's when I knew that you had really changed the corner because you did use 'the tone' with me. I stood in my grace. I just thought 'Hey, I don't know what that's about.'
I have changed in many ways, but as far as our interactions, really, I think you did most of the changing. So, thank you for just being you...hahaha..."

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by ChristinaJB on 04-21-06 at 12:43 PM
Uh, I cringe just reading this. Kim - NOOO. SHUT UP - Please!

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 04-21-06 at 09:37 PM
Oh yes...Rhonda is a tigress when it come to confrontation.

Rhonda: "Kim, do you know that you turned that speech into something that made it sound like Kelly needed to change, but you didn't?" (repeat a second time with more hand movement)

Kim: "Oh, I didn't think Kelly was acknowledging her progress, so that's what I was trying to do. I know what I wanted to say, but it comes out all messed up..."

Rhonda: "well, let's see your forgiveness letters..."

Kim: "Oh, I feel awful...horrible"

Rhonda: "Wow, these letters are powerful. How does it feels to write that forgiveness letter to yourself?"

Kim: "strange...it's foreign."

Rhonda: "That's powerful, Kim"

Kim: "I hope I can keep these promises I made to Kim..."

Rhonda: "Congratulations, you're graduating!"

That was one nerve-wracking interchange.


"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by BeeBe on 04-22-06 at 01:33 AM
LOL!! OK so she's not the Queen of Cross-Examination and let Kim slide some. I have to agree. But that can't be the whole exchange -?? I thought that there was at least a little more to it with Rhonda explaining in more details what Kim did wrong and how she sounded. But yes, they don't confront Kim in an in-your-face way like they do with others. I will always believe that there is much more to Kim's backstory of abuse that they did not discuss on air but which the Life Coaches and Dr. Stan learned about in screening her, and that is why they have been so very careful with her even in her setbacks.

"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 04-23-06 at 00:18 AM
Heehee. You're right, BeeBe...I gave you the Cliff's Notes version, but I really don't remember the "correction" portion being much more than that (and I really do remember Rhonda repeating the same thing twice, just using more facial expressions and hand movements the second time). Tell ya what, if I still have it TiVo'd, I'll take another look at it.


"RE: Kim's upcoming speach...at Kelly's graduation"
Posted by whistlin_dixie on 04-22-06 at 02:32 PM
Thanks for filling me in!! I can't believe Kim said those things Im sorry I missed it!!

Beauty fades...Dumb is forever