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"Christie is in Rhonda's book"

Posted by OklaBlue on 03-05-06 at 11:45 PM
Not sure if this belongs in Spoilers or General, sorry.

Just found this tidbit on Christie's MySpace. Now we know where she came from. Explanation is here:


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"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Labyrinth on 03-06-06 at 08:10 AM
Thanks Blue - you are the researcher extraordinaire! Always finding out the best info....

Not surprised. Figured Christie was there to promote Rhonda's new book from the very beginning. Now we also know she won't be kicked out of the house.

"Post 23 removed"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 03-15-06 at 12:00 PM
By request of its author.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by tac_2 on 03-06-06 at 11:44 AM
That sure explains the Christie and Rhonda attachment. Thanks.

Not sure if this info is current or was posted prior to Christie's SO appearance but I find her bio here pretty revealing. Looks to me like she's using SO as a tool to help her modeling career.

she'll do "promotions for alcholic beverage products" lol


"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Labyrinth on 03-06-06 at 12:22 PM
Hmm okay thanks for the link... just a few observations ---

1.) She's FIVE FOOT FIVE INCHES but she thinks this is model material? Sorry but I thought they look for 5'7" and taller? Seasoned Refinement needs to comment since her daughter is a REAL model.

2.) She's 31 years old. Isn't this a bit old for Super Model material? I mean if she had been doing it for years and had a reputation maybe she could stay in the game but starting at 31?

3.) The wedding pic with the tiara just doesn't do it for me. Sorry.

So I guess her Vision Board where she put down Super Model was to be read literally as her dream.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by sharnina on 03-07-06 at 01:06 PM

>3.) The wedding pic with the
>tiara just doesn't do it
>for me. Sorry.

What's really odd about the use of that photo is that on her myspace she has some much better and IMO stunning photos that would work much better.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 03-06-06 at 12:51 PM

>she'll do "promotions for alcholic beverage
>products" lol

What better person to sell the product!! "You can get really tanked on this stuff" should be her pitch. She ought to know!

Yeah 31 is kind of up there model status. I don't think she'll be working the runway anytime soon. Those gals at America's Next Top Model can rest easy.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by justsaynototoughlove on 03-06-06 at 02:54 PM
Telling spoiler for me blu.
Said sarcastically: Well I guess this explains why Christie feels so entitled to do zip in the house, she knows she's being both used by and using Rhonda and the show. She just wants face time out of it. Wonder how Rhonda courted her.
Of course, putting her in treatment was mandatory before going in the house! Not Christies idea I bet, cuz the book was written long ago.
Since she's addicted to looks, the hosue would do her a service to only video her below the neck, cuz it ain't pretty.

That is THE most pathetic bio of someone 31 I have ever heard of in my life! Does it shock anyone else? That's it for lifetime work?
My sister has done one of those demo tapes and would hardly put it in her bio.
Stylist often ask a client if they can use them for a presentaion/contest they are doing. Looks don't matter, (not that I'm not goreous, grin, eyes rolled,) just the hair style coming out well. I forgot, till reading this, that I was asked to do same thing once, and happily passed on it. Too pathetic.

Pathetic. All face and woah.

There are different types of models. Face, hands, feet etc. But overall her height is too short for even a Penny's ad. Supermodel,ho ho.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 03-06-06 at 05:04 PM
It sounds like Christie has some work to do on her "beauty addiction"!!!

(Also her sense of reality.)

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 03-06-06 at 08:00 PM

Happy to oblige!

Oh, that was a sad link. The girl is serious. I'll be very honest with you. Christy will never be a super-model, a sub-super-model, or a sorta-super-model.

There are many types of modeling as another poster pointed out. But when we hear "supermodel", we all think of high-profile fashion models. If a girl hasn't made a serious impact in the fashion industry (that doesn't mean the general public knows your name, but top photographers do) by the age of 20 or 21, as a rule, it isn't going to happen. These agencies are taking "new faces" between the ages of 14-19, so at age 31, the only job Christy would get in a fashion agency is as a receptionist.

Generally, it takes 3-5 years in an agency to make an impact (there are exceptions). Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell were smart in parlaying their modeling success into other areas. No one will hire either or them for the latest Dior campaign. Those high-end markets are all about youth and new faces.

NYC is the hub of the fashion market. If you are going to "make it", you will have to make it there. Girls are typically 5'9"-5'11" (they will take exceptional girls as short as 5'7" - 5'8", but they must be ultra thin - around 100 pounds), their busts should be 34" max, waist 23"-25", 36" inch hips are seriously frowned upon, and absolutely no bigger than that is acceptable for a new girl. Christy is so far out of that range at 5'5" and with more realistic stats of approximately 39-32-44 (as opposed to her claim of 35-23-35) that she would strike out there too. Several of the big agencies have plus size divisions; Ford is one of them. Those women are very beautiful, start at size 10 - 12 and go up to around size 20, and are still very tall. Even in plus size, the top and bottom measurements should be very close, with the waist being 10 inches less (42-32-42).

There is also fashion modeling in LA, but it is not as "edgy" (think heroin sheik) as NYC. There's more focus on beauty. The same body type is required though.

There is commercial modeling which caters to women who are or were fashion models. Think cosmetic ads. Some fashion girls are lucky enough to be able to carry off both looks. Stores like Penney's, Macy's, etc. use those types of girls. Christy wouldn't fit there either.

Lifestyle commercial modeling and stock photography modeling is much more diverse. All shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and ages will work. There are even agencies for handi-capped models. Every brochure and advertisement you see has models in it. Many of those nameless faces come from commercial agencies. Some of them pay well, but you won't get famous that way and you have to find your niche (and a reputable agency).

As far as Christy is concerned, her body is so disproportionate that booking her would be a problem. Because her scarring is pretty bad and a big negative, the shots would all be headshots. That's very limiting. She's got an attractive, all American appeal, but she'll never advertise Lancome or Revlon. Airbrushing is usually used to correct lighting and minor imperfections of a girl with a good look, not someone with serious scarring.

Hair shows as a rule are pretty easy to get. You don't need a modeling agency to get them. Unless you have done print work or something very special for a high end company, the pay rate is low (maybe $100 for a day). What they are looking for is hair that women are willing to cut, color, or style. The women should be young, decent looking, but models aren't necessary. Most models won't put hair shows on a resume.

The problem with the internet is that everyone and their mother is now a "model". Sites like the one Lab mentioned are all over the place. They are generally used by girls who cannot secure a tangible agency with bookers, portfolios, and clients. If Christy is still with that "scouting service", and I use the term loosely, she is paying about $30 a month for it. True, her stats are laughably fudged, but it doesn't matter. No one is calling her (except SO, lol). With one photo (that could be her own wedding photo) her inexperience is glaring.

The service Christy subscribes to has been rated with an "F" by the BBB (There are twelve grades from AAA to F). Over the past 36 months, there have 54 complaints against them. I'll include a portion of the BBB's write-up about this particular "modeling agency":

"...advertises talent submission services via their wesite, claiming the service is free. We urge caution! Although this company advertises free services, our complaint experience with this company indicates otherwise. After the initial introductory webpage asks for contact information for free registration, a second screen appears which explains the free registration is actually a seven day trial with a negative option cancellation clause. Viewers are asked for payment information to show they "are serious" about their career, and advised no charges will be placed on their cards if cancellation occurs within the 7 day period.

It goes on to say that most complaints concern cancellations that are not honored, audition info that is outdated and/or useless, and difficulty getting someone on the phone.

Besides anything else, if your head is not on straight, if you battle with self-confidence issues, or you are prone to substance abuse, you'd better find another dream.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by tac_2 on 03-07-06 at 12:58 PM
All very interesting, SR. It appears to me, after reading this, Christie has either ignored the basic requirements for modeling or has, with Rhonda's help and encouragement, decided to pursue her wildest dreams.

Christie is just another lost and misguided woman to add to Rhonda's resume. She sure can pick 'em. lol

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by snowflake2 on 03-07-06 at 12:50 PM
Thanks for the info, everyone!

I don't think Christie is unattractive in an average-woman-on-the-street sort of way, but fashion model? Yep, that may be just a tad unrealistic.

I'd be interested in when the "modeling resume" info provided by tac_2 was posted. I'm leaning towards guessing pre-SO, which makes the fact that she entered the SOH sobbing about being "ugly and disfigured" all the more interesting. How many women who truly feel they are "ugly and disfigured" seek out modeling careers?

Reading her "short resume", I also can't believe that the same person now touts herself as an expert resume writer. ????

The "As well as done some promotions for alcholic beverage products" part gave me a chuckle, too. Sometimes in bars alcohol vendors scope out females who seem to be "party girls" or bar-hoppers, and give them a bunch of free stuff---keychains, T-shirts, bottle-openers, etc---to distribute at each one of their bar stops. There is usually no payment for this...except obviously getting to keep some of the merchandise yourself, and sometimes some free alcohol. Realistically, this is what I think Christie meant by "promotions for alcoholic beverage products". I can't believe someone would put this on a "modeling" resume.

Knowing Christie genuinely wants to be a fashion model fills me with even more apprehension about what Jodi's "secret career" will eventually be revealed to be.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by maryellennaco on 03-07-06 at 06:45 PM
Uh oh, I feel a "big girl modeling agency" coming... Jodie's the cigar smoking agent for the SO women... They're gonna need more than some "expert resumes" to get this turkey off the ground!! Rhonda & Iguana Agency of Masters of Wizardry...Eerrpp! Please pass the pepto!!

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 03-07-06 at 10:03 PM

ROTFLMAO! What a visual! Jodi, the cigar-smoking, tough-talking den mother to a bevy of "big girl" beauties. So perfectly believable!

Snowflake, you are right on the money about the promotional work. There are thousands of low-level modeling agencies in the US, and they keep the lights on by charging hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for crappy photos AND taking their 20%+ for filling "promotional" jobs. You have no idea how many girls will add clients like DKNY, Chanel, or Abercrombie & Fitch to their resumes (along with a month and year). The agency also gets to use those names on their client list (technically, they were clients) which impresses naieve girls hoping to make it big. When you actually talk to them and ask where you can see the work, they'll say, "Oh, it was promotional". That means they assaulted you with a spritz of perfume while you were at Lord & Taylor, or they handed you a coupon at a shopping center.

And I agree with you about Christy. IMO, she has the best face that I've seen on SO in a long time (I noticed it in the confessional). I bet she is quite beautiful when she's made up correctly. Still, I wonder why Rhonda selected her for this "special mission", lol. They must have really bonded while she was at the house.


"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Labyrinth on 03-12-06 at 07:11 PM
Thanks SR -

What is sad is that Rhonda hasn't corrected Christy's delusion that she could market herself into a Super Model. Sorry but the girl needs to be aware that her unrealisitic goal is as addictive as the others. Believing in Wonderland will only continue to be her excuse on why she didn't do this or that.

I have to disagree about Christy's face though. The area around her mouth, especially when she smiles, does not look natural. Very plastic and I wonder if she hasn't had a face lift done as it has the same look as Rhonda's plastic eyebrows earlier this season.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by snowflake2 on 03-14-06 at 07:51 PM
Labyrinth wrote: <<What is sad is that Rhonda hasn't corrected Christy's delusion that she could market herself into a Super Model. Sorry but the girl needs to be aware that her unrealisitic goal is as addictive as the others. Believing in Wonderland will only continue to be her excuse on why she didn't do this or that.>>
Interestingly enough, the Amazon description for Rhonda's book includes the following: "As a life coach on the daytime reality show Starting Over, Britten has helped countless women befriend their bodies—first by facing and accepting what they see in the mirror, and then by empowering them to make healthier decisions about their weight."

Okay, so if Rhonda's technique involves "facing and accepting" reality, why is Rhonda still apparently playing along with Christie's fashion model goal? Why not give Christie a reality check by actually taking her to a real modeling agency, and letting them give Christie an honest evaluation of her chances of becoming a fashion model?

Labyrinth also wrote: <<I have to disagree about Christy's face though. The area around her mouth, especially when she smiles, does not look natural. Very plastic and I wonder if she hasn't had a face lift done as it has the same look as Rhonda's plastic eyebrows earlier this season.>>

I never thought of Christie as having had any facial surgery, and I'm not sure that she did. But now that you brought this up, I'll note that it is kinda funny how the skin on her face seems to have "snapped back" after a very large weight loss, while the skin on her body didn't. Christie has had post-weight loss surgery on her arms & on her breasts also (I think), so I guess cosmetic facial surgery isn't out of the question.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by patacake on 03-15-06 at 06:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-06 AT 06:49 PM (EST)

>Okay, so if Rhonda's technique involves
>"facing and accepting" reality, why
>is Rhonda still apparently playing
>along with Christie's fashion model
>goal? Why not give
>Christie a reality check by
>actually taking her to a
>real modeling agency, and letting
>them give Christie an honest
>evaluation of her chances of
>becoming a fashion model?
Remember the "female black country wanna-be-singer"? Rhonda encouraged that fantasy-- the folks in the industry gave the reality check. Haven't heard any more about Towanda, either. Same with everyone else-- Rhonda's the biggest "cheerleader" when it comes to dreams and fantasies.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Labyrinth on 03-16-06 at 02:26 PM
>Interestingly enough, the Amazon description for
>Rhonda's book includes the following:
> "As a life coach
>on the daytime reality show
>Starting Over, Britten has helped
>countless women befriend their bodies—first
>by facing and accepting what
>they see in the mirror,
>and then by empowering them
>to make healthier decisions about
>their weight."

Have you noticed how little work Rhonda is actually doing (that is being shown anyway) with Christie? And yes this is a spoiler because I think Christie is in the SO house ONLY as a promise by Rhonda to use Christie later for the promotion in her book - just as you see in this spoiler.

Obviously, Rhonda and Christie had a working relationship before SO and after the show. Christie was picked to push Rhonda's book and since she is mentioned IN the book which was written prior to SO and published during the SO season being shown on television, it's a sure bet that Christie was a prior client that Rhonda gave some television time too.

>Okay, so if Rhonda's technique involves
>"facing and accepting" reality, why
>is Rhonda still apparently playing
>along with Christie's fashion model

Notice that no discussion on the SHOW states that Christy has plans on being a super model. Except for someone catching it on her vision board we have seen no discussion of it. Why? Because it is so FANTASTICAL! that it has been edited out. It wouldn't look like B-M and SO and Rhonda were helping Christy if they let the public know how delusional the girl is about her modeling career potential.

>Christie has had
>post-weight loss surgery on her
>arms & on her breasts
>also (I think), so I
>guess cosmetic facial surgery isn't
>out of the question.

Did they ever show a pic of Christy as fat? and how much weight did she supposedly lose with the gastric surgery?

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by JessicaRN on 03-08-06 at 01:19 AM
The "always stylish and current" Miss Andy Paige was also a plus size model, so she could guide Christie. We know that at least Christie has one bra that fits her well (of course she burned her other). Andy could help Christie thicken and darken her eyebrows in the hope that she could also be employed as a model for the Transvestite market.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by mhb0125 on 03-08-06 at 09:35 PM
I found it so freaking HIL-AR-I-OUS that she says her dress size is 9 and she weighs 138!! I'm sorry, I'm not saying anything to offend anyone but she is a LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!! Her hips and legs are at least size 14-16. I can't stand it when someone lies like that. Kirstie Alley is another one. I'm proud that I weigh 152 lbs and I wear a size 12. I wouldn't lie about it. And I have to say, too, that my hips and legs are nowhere near the size of hers. Ya know, I would have LOVED to be a model when I was younger but being almost 27 (tomorrow!!!) I would never try to break into that biz. She is just dreaming in a fish bowl. Do a Dollar Store ad and shut up, Christie!!!!

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 03-10-06 at 00:45 AM
"I'm proud that I weigh 152 lbs. and I wear a size 12."

Thank you, thank you. That is about exactly right. An honest woman! Christy is in the 170 range. Next time she sits down, look at her legs.


"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by mhb0125 on 03-10-06 at 03:07 AM
I accidentally paused my DVR to run to the br and when I came back it was stuck on a HORRIBLE shot of Christie during group. I actually took off my jogging pants and had my husband compare my legs to hers. There is no comparison!!!! I honestly think that Christie's calves are bigger than Jill's !!

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by Pixeltalk on 03-13-06 at 02:49 PM
Didn't they weigh Christie when she talked to that gastric bypass expert? If so, I don't remember what she weighed.

If she weighs 170, wouldn't that mean she gained back 50% of what she lost? (She went down to something like 128.)

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by sharnina on 03-13-06 at 04:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-06 AT 05:45 PM (EST)

She said on the show today that she weighed 152. She is 5'5" so that is actually not too farfetched. She is out of shape so it makes her look heavier. I know that two women who weigh the same may look very different depending on frame, fitness, heredity, etc.

ETA - For me at 5'7" I look pretty good at 152 (haven't seen it in a while though). My friend who is 5' 3" can carry that much weight and still look good because she has a very tight physique. So those couple of inches one way or another can really make a difference.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by mhb0125 on 03-14-06 at 04:42 PM
Exactly!! I look a lot smaller than what I am because I'm 5'7" and I weigh 152. But on today's show before Christie and Jodi jumped in the pool, Christie just looked a lot bigger than 152. She needs to do some intense aerobics to get her legs in shape. Her face and torso are so small it looks like she is withering away but then BAM!!! those legs are just huge. I don't like Christie AT ALL but I feel bad about that. Well, no, not really, it she got off her lazy butt and exercised 3x a week she might actually get shape in her legs and loose the inches.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 03-14-06 at 05:56 PM
Christie IMHO is DEFINATETLY more than 152 fricken pounds..she's GOTTA be at least late 170's..I would gues 180's. She has a nice shape to her despite her struggles..nice and pear..much better IMO than the apple gut.

"RE: Christie is in Rhonda's book"
Posted by JustBNMe on 03-19-06 at 05:03 PM
Yes Christie is mentioned in Rhonda's book but it's not like she is in there alot. Sommer is mentioned in it too-it's not like she is the only HG mentioned. As for Christie's claim that she is proportioned like she is she is seriously delusional. Maybe she looks like she thinks she does in a carnival mirror but it's not reality. She may be able to model for Kmart and their plus size clothes but she is way too out of proportion to be taken seriously plus she always has a scowl on her face and who wants to look like that or at that? She is delusional in how she despribes herself on her Myspace webpage too. She is not sexy at all. My boyfriend says if she was the last woman on earth he'd be celibate (not the way De-Bores-Ya the cotton candy eating HG was either)