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"BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"

Posted by Baxtera on 02-03-06 at 11:47 AM
The previews on Fri show a BOR coming for Lisa is it another joke or is it the real deal? Will she be called to account or given another gift? Perhaps she will graduate after a Tupperware party?

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"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 02-03-06 at 12:19 PM
Hey about time we had one. It's been a while for them.

I am so sure that Lisa and Jill will make lots of dramatic ala Allison style comments to the new gals and the camera about how hard the BOR is and these new gals have just no idea because they are so much more evolved then them.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by susan765 on 02-03-06 at 01:30 PM
It will be another joke. But they will give KIm a C because she is their scrape goat. Hey Rhonda loves to hear herself parroted so much she might even give Lisa 1 an A. After all she supervised the making of salsa and that is a vital skill for an adult to have. Or maybe as a condition of graduation she'll have to explore her body issues with Rhonda the expert. After all Lisa is convinced she has the hot body of a sixteen year old.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-03-06 at 02:35 PM
Just a guess for next week: Kim quits and Lisa canned.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by tac_2 on 02-03-06 at 07:05 PM
>Just a guess for next week:
> Kim quits and Lisa

Interesting. I was thinking Kim would disappear via some excuse like missing her son. But outright quitting-maybe that's what Dr. Stan hasn't ever seen happen before and what he was referring to in his recent interview.

I'd love to see one of them refuse to play the SO game and just quit and walk off.
In Kim's case, go home, get real professional help.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SOfan0221 on 02-03-06 at 08:31 PM
I'm pretty sure Deborah from season 2 quit, after lots of crying wolf and having the HG and LC's beg her to stay.

Even if Lisa is on the hot seat with Rhonda, she will have one of her amazing 'epiphanies', *snark, snark.....*yuck, yuck, yukc** and get back in Rhonda's good graces.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-04-06 at 08:05 AM
tac_2 writes:
>I'd love to see one of
>them refuse to play the
>SO game and just quit
>and walk off. In Kim's
>case, go home, get real
>professional help.

Deborah did walk out. However, her web of lies trapped her and it's my belief she left to save face. I think she wanted the inmates to talk her out of leaving again.

In Kim's case, I totally agree with you. She's been married how long? She hasn't learned to kiss hubby when he comes through the door and then leave him a-l-o-n-e while he winds down? She meets him at the door with a todo list? Awww... Well, at least Rhonda helped her out with that one.

There's something I like about this girl. If she would just learn to relax and let it happen. C'mon KimB. I'm rootin fer ya!!!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-04-06 at 07:39 AM
OklaBlue writes:
>Just a guess for next week:
>Kim quits and Lisa canned.

Kim may, eventually, quit. She's still an inmate when Kelly arrives...

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by maryellennaco on 02-03-06 at 03:00 PM
It's gotta be another joke!! LEADER LISATWIT will supervise the making of a milkshake next, since she's become soo adept at salsa supervision... I think the whole "let's get in Kim's face" will probably make the woman go home in tears. LEADER LISATWIT will say something like, "She has no tools" or "She's getting it here (pointing to head) but not getting it here (pointing to heart) or as she usually does, it will be laced with some profanity of some sort. JMHO

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Baxtera on 02-03-06 at 03:19 PM
It might not be the worst thing in the world for Kim to get out of that house with no reflection on her but on the awful treatment she's getting. Get out now while you still can.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by StephG on 02-03-06 at 04:17 PM
I hope Kim don't decide to leave. I am really starting to like her. I think the housemates are being hard on her. As for Lisa the baby I hope she gets asked to leave and not because I don't like her I do but she is not changing much. She has had some progress but not enough for her to stay in my opinion. I feel someone else needs a chance to move in.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by GuyStartingOver on 02-03-06 at 03:35 PM
If there is ANY justice in this world, Rhonda will finally come clean about knowing what a lying, brown-nosing beeotch Lisa is, and they will kick her scrawny butt out. She says what the coaches want to hear in order to stay on this free ride, and then uses the threat of self-destruction to manipulate. She needs a different kind of help than she can get in the SOH.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Juliejo on 02-03-06 at 04:18 PM
Rhonda will probably give Lisa 1 an A and she will graduate. Hope she is gone soon.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SASSI on 02-03-06 at 04:41 PM
i think sneaky lisa will be kicked to the airport....poof

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-04-06 at 07:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-06 AT 07:43 AM (EST)

SASSI writes:
>i think sneaky lisa will be
>kicked to the airport....poof

In a way, you are right. One of Lisa's friends has posted on a few boards that she is sent home with three tasks to accomplish in order to graduate. She has to get a part time job and host a dinner party. The third, I can't remember right now. He also told the internet world that she has since quit that job.

It's during said dinner party that Rhonda barges into her apartment with a camera crew in tow. Then the show flies her bonya** back out to California for her graduation, but, "only" her graduation. I'm not sure what he meant by stressing the "only" part. Maybe she, like XXXtina, was specifically excluded from the 5k finale.

Anyway... Dude! You can post away about Lisa here, in the SPOILERS forum. HTH.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SASSI on 02-04-06 at 07:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-06 AT 07:01 PM (EST)

Miranda writes

In a way, you are right. One of Lisa's friends has posted on a few boards that she is sent home with three tasks to accomplish in order to graduate. She has to get a part time job and host a dinner party. The third, I can't remember right now. He also told the internet world that she has since quit that job.

gag me now....this show has really gone down the tubes...lisa deserves nothing...she is nothing...cept she is a moocher...mooch other ladies husband...mooch her parents money...mooch off any man....

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Labyrinth on 02-05-06 at 08:54 AM
How is "graduating" Lisa with a rider that she has to finish 3 tasks any different then Christina who is rumored now to be working at Hooters?

See I have been asking myself - has ANY woman EVER been helped by this show? Really, think about it.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 12:00 PM
Labyrinth writes:
>See I have been asking myself
>- has ANY woman EVER been helped
>by this show? Really, think about

Not many. From Season 1, I know Teresa (in debt) was and I'd say Susan definitely was. Hannah's doing well. I didn't see much of Lori's (husband's sudden death) stay, but she's either just married or getting married soon. Now, that's a big help. Andie got a career and Brenda got a new one. There may be others from the first season. It seems that the ones who were MOST helped went on about their lives without hanging onto the SO apron. Even PJ is acting and modeling.

Second season? I'm thinking... Oh! Jennifer, for sure. Ummm... I'm having a hard time remembering most of their names! Oh! Even Megg says she benefited from her short stay in the house.

This season, I think TJ got out in the nick of time. OTOH, I've read here that she and her husband are "therapy junkies." I tend to believe that poster.

Maybe we should start this thread over in General Discussion? I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say about this topic. Thanks for bringing it up!
Go Seahawks - Go Steelers
What to do when you love both teams? I know, pray for a GOOD game.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 11:42 AM
SASSI writes:
>gag me now....this show has really
>gone down the tubes...lisa deserves
>nothing...she is nothing...cept she is
>a moocher...mooch other ladies husband...
>mooch her parents money...mooch off any

:::shrugging::: Beats the hell out of me! The guy that's been posting makes no bones of speaking about a lot of terribly personal details. Sounds like you've read them too?

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by AshLanie on 02-05-06 at 07:35 AM
>In a way, you are right.
>One of Lisa's friends has
>posted on a few boards
>that she is sent home
>with three tasks to accomplish
>in order to graduate. She
>has to get a part
>time job and host a
>dinner party. The third, I
>can't remember right now. He
>also told the internet world
>that she has since quit
>that job.
>It's during said dinner party that
>Rhonda barges into her apartment
>with a camera crew in
>tow. Then the show flies
>her bonya** back out to
>California for her graduation, but,
>"only" her graduation. I'm not
>sure what he meant by
>stressing the "only" part. Maybe
>she, like XXXtina, was specifically
>excluded from the 5k finale.

I surely hope the fiend is wrong and the show hsn't sunk to yet another new low.....

I still would love to know why Lisa has been given so many chnaces compared to any other housemate?

Rhonda hasn't even been harsh with her as she ahs with others.

Lisa has been treated with kid gloves......

Something really smells with the show and Lisa.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 12:03 PM
AshLanie writes:
>Something really smells with the show and Lisa.

You've got that right! And the show has NOT, yet, been picked up for a fourth season. Rhut-rhoo.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 02-03-06 at 05:43 PM
>If there is ANY justice in
>this world, Rhonda will finally
>come clean about knowing what
>a lying, brown-nosing beeotch Lisa
>is, and they will kick
>her scrawny butt out.
>She says what the coaches
>want to hear in order
>to stay on this free
>ride, and then uses the
>threat of self-destruction to manipulate.
> She needs a different
>kind of help than she
>can get in the SOH.

Well said GuyStartingOver If this show has any self respect they MUST kick her out! I truly think it's finally gonna happen and could not be happier.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by pnina on 02-03-06 at 04:51 PM
I might be mistaken but it appeared as though Lisa was informed in Group that she would be the subject of BOR that night. Don't I and R normally announce the BOR in group and let the housemates sweat out who will be reviewed that evening? Doesn't sound very good for Lisa1.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-03-06 at 06:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-06 AT 06:04 PM (EST)

Rhonda said Lisa would pay the ultimate price...whatever that might mean.

Is it possible that Lisa was emailing someone else? Then Rhonda can see she wasn't lying, then she can graduate...(LOL fat chance)

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by kal5 on 02-03-06 at 05:18 PM
I think it is another joke. She needs to go home as I don't think she wants to change.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Alpharedhead on 02-03-06 at 07:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-06 AT 07:47 PM (EST)

My prediction is that Lisa will receive a grade of "E", which means she has to sleep in the little Playhouse in the back until Rhonda lets her back in the house.

I'm only half-joking, by the way. The woman is never leaving. I suspect she's leasing that darned house with an option to buy.


"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by snowflake2 on 02-04-06 at 00:08 AM
I'd like to think the reason they've let Lisa stay so long is because they want to "have their cake and eat it too"...meaning they let Lisa stay almost a full duration for ratings (if it is true as has been stated on the MB that, for some bizarre reason, they think Lisa is good for ratings) but will also "rescue" some of the show's integrity by FINALLY kicking her out.

I am hoping to witness Rhonda telling Lisa to pack her bags and hit the road at the BOR. However, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of twist...a new "threatening warning" to Lisa that is even more lame than the "You must move into the guest house" joke. Perhaps Rhonda discovers that Lisa is now stalking someone ELSE instead of "Mr. Internet" and proclaims this a great accomplishment worthy of graduation?

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by moonwick1 on 02-04-06 at 03:04 AM
Ya know, it's kinda sick if you think about it..Heres this house that helps women put their shattered lives back in order...Along comes Lisa..And with all bashing aside, I think we can all agree she does have some serious issues (I'm not sure growing up is even the worse of the lot)..Then you have BM talking about her being good for the ratings..That would have to mean, her actions make viewers tune in..So to keep ratings high, it would serve very little purpose for Lisa to get better..Kinda sick, don't ya think..

As for the BOR..I hope they kick her out..I'm not one of the viewers who tune in to see her snot up while fake crying..I kind of get embarrassed for her..It's like a train wreck that you can see coming.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by asilstar on 02-04-06 at 10:03 AM
I think Lisa is going straight to juvenile hall for all her BAD behavor. And dad will not be able to bail her out.But rhonda will coach her through it for 6 months.Ya know.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by ForeverHotBabe on 02-04-06 at 06:05 PM
Asilstar I hope to the GOD Almighty that they tell her that the SO house is not for her. They had better get it together and really do something and get someone on the show that rdeally wants help and wants to truely be there. There is always that one person on these reality shows that can care less if they are tere or not. There will ALWAYS be drama with anyone they bring on so I don't know why they continue to keep her bony ##### on the show!! She is not worthy to be on the show. She palys it like a F-ing joke, hey look at me im on TV!! For God sake people really do need help, and why don't they find those women instead of Lisa1. Since this is a spoiler site can anyone tell me what has already happened in real time not TV time? What is she doing now, where is shee, in LA or back in SoBe? Someone put ther has to know what is going on. To all you hackers, unite, hack the planet!! Give us the REAL SCOOP on the goings on with the cript keeper Lisa1!!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by ForeverHotBabe on 02-04-06 at 09:17 PM
I don't know how many times I have to tell u but I so do enjoy your pictures u alwasy have at the very end of your post. I always wonder where do u get them or do u design them yourself. They are very inventive and I'm always on the lookout for your creativeness on this site. Love Ya Mean It, Snowflake!!!!!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by snowflake2 on 02-05-06 at 00:38 AM
ForeverHotBabe, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your compliment! Yes, I do make them myself. It's fun!
Thank you for your kind words!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by mhb0125 on 02-05-06 at 05:19 AM
I do hope and pray that Lisa1 is getting kicked out. She has been given so many chances and she has broken every one of the SOH rules. Somer got booted after one incident. If they don't kick her out someone e-mail me when she's gone and then I'll go back to watching the show. Rhonda keeps giving her all the chances in the world to change and she's not going to. Mr. Internet is her addiction and she can't stop, she definitely needs professional help. All Rhonda is doing to Lisa1 is what her parents have done her whole life--coddle, coddle, coddle. It makes me sick.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by AshLanie on 02-05-06 at 07:26 AM
Since the previews on a Fri are for all of nnext week wouldn't suprise me if they had the BOR on Fri and left it as a *cliffhangar* for the following week. Having the viewers wait another weekend to see if Lisa is kicked out and or graduated.

After watching this show since the second show of the first season wouldn't suprise me if they declare her ready to graduate or she'll cry non tears at the BOR and be given one more chance.

My choice of course is kick her butt out, give her 15mins to pack and leave like they ahve others.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-05-06 at 10:17 AM
That's funny. Yesterday they finally updated the SO website previews to go through all of last week. Now today, not even 24 hours later, up go the previews for this coming week!

Looks like we deal with Lisa 1 the whole f-ing week, again. Somebody leaves so Kelly can arrive on Friday. Beginning to think Lisa's friend is right and she departs. They would not be so mean as to short Jill a nice graduation and get her out before Lisa, WOULD THEY?

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by asilstar on 02-05-06 at 11:08 AM
Forever, I totally agree with you on that one!The train is leaving the station, someone please get Lisa on it ...........FAST!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by megpie on 02-05-06 at 12:30 PM
I think Lisa needs to go, she is not going to change. She will always depend on other people for the things she needs. JMO

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SOSsnickers on 02-05-06 at 05:06 PM
Can someone answer me this question? On the second SOH whatever happened to Sommer? I was watching and had to miss a few shows and poof she was gone??? She was the girl that had the gastric bypass surgery and was trying to start over....I often wonder what happened to her and why she had to leave??

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-05-06 at 05:17 PM
I would suggest you use the search function on the board and look for threads discussing Sommer. This thread is about Lisa.

Sigs by Bob, entirely accurate renditions of nature

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SASSI on 02-05-06 at 02:10 PM
They would not be so mean as to short Jill a nice graduation and get her out before Lisa, WOULD THEY? Oklablue
lololololololol...of course they would

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 02:37 PM
SASSI writes:
>lololololololol...of course they would

I knooooooowwwwww. But, pweeeezzzzeeee don't. The whole hour-long trial was cheesy and had nothing to do with the premise of the show. OTOH, it was sooooo campy and with Jill's new do and her obvious discomfort with it, even the next day, and that COSTUME she was wearing... :::groan::: I love Jilly, but if she doesn't get out of there soon, it'll be too late!!! Run Jill, run!!!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SASSI on 02-05-06 at 02:41 PM
Run Jill, run!!!

run run fast as you can...but, I think Lisa will be sent to southbeach...as a test

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 02:49 PM
SASSI writes:
>run run fast as you can...but,
>I think Lisa will be sent to
>southbeach...as a test

Right. That's what her friend in NYC posted. I kinda think he's disappointed his voice hasn't been featured on the show. I guess he's still with her today? Yesterday, he posted on his way out to the airport to pick her up.

Thunder! Come back. It was get a job, throw a dinner party and something else. I can't remember the third trick she had to perform to graduate "only." And, inquiring minds gotta know. Did she land that t-h-i-r-d job after quitting the previous two she had since she was sent back to South Beach? :::i'm getting that itchy feeling again:::

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-05-06 at 03:41 PM
Tennis lessons.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by SASSI on 02-05-06 at 04:32 PM
3 steps for lisa...hmmmmmmmm...how to apply that knowledge in real life....

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 04:37 PM
Sassi writes:
>3 steps for lisa...hmmmmmmmm...how to apply
>that knowledge in real life....

No, that's not it. It's something akin to making her bed or taking out her trash. Stand by. I can find it... Maybe I should get myself a... :::nevermind::: LOL!!!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 04:43 PM
:::slapping self in the head::: It's TENNIS lessons!!! LOL. Tennis lessons that she never took!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 04:55 PM
OklaBlue writes:
>Tennis lessons.

Sorry. I didn't see your post before I went back to his posts. Yes. It was TENNIS lessons. I think she's too weak from barfing to do that. This girl is in bad shape. I wonder if Thunder paid for her airline ticket to NYC and back to Florida? :::shrug:::

BTW, does anyone else think she's quite a bit older than 40? I've only seen her on a pitiful, fuzzy, 13 inch tv. She doesn't look healthy at all. Her skin is frightening and her posture looks like significant osteoporosis to me.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-05-06 at 05:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-05-06 AT 05:04 PM (EST)

Remember, she doesn't have any fat to fill in her wrinkles and make her look pretty!

By the way...go to the SO website and check out this week's previews, they put them up yesterday. Lisa is featured and they have 3 little video preview clips available.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 05:45 PM
OklaBlue writes:
>Remember, she doesn't have
>any fat to fill in her wrinkles
>and make her look pretty!

And, I guess she never realized that Cali is a desert and a good moisturizer isn't a luxury. When the jet stream stays waaayyy north, we have the winds and single digit humidity. Vaseline works for me... LOL. Meanwhile, Pacific NorthWesterners grow webbed feet.

In all seriousness, it's bad up there. Our best friends are without power and are being told it will be a week to ten days before it's restored.

>By the way...go to the SO
>website and check out this
>week's previews, they put them
>up yesterday. Lisa is featured
>and they have 3 little video
>preview clips available.

Oh, please come back with a narration. I can't see any of the videos they put up. Antique computer and on dial up to boot...

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 02-05-06 at 05:14 PM
Miranda - where did he post his comments?

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-05-06 at 06:04 PM
bookwomanblue writes:
>Miranda - where did he post
>his comments?

Here and on aol. If he'd post here in spoilers, he wouldn't get his posts deleted as fast as he puts them up.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by snowflake2 on 02-05-06 at 07:48 PM

Conditional graduation???? UGH! But this spoiler is totally believable because it fits right in with the special treatment Lisa has been receiving in the house all along....being able to lie, not do assignments, getting to move to the guest house instead of just getting thrown out, etc. Lisa is just a waste of space in the house, and I don't know why they consider her a ratings draw.

OklaBlue is right, Lisa gets caught e-mailing Mr. Internet on Monday. She should be kicked out right then & there, but previews show that she is still there till Thursday. Oh Joy, we get to see her host a "successful" Tupperware party.

Is it really any surprise SO is facing cancellation, considering the way this show has been going??

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by maryellennaco on 02-06-06 at 04:15 PM
So true, so true Snow. It's just a sick joke especially with Lisatwit. She should have been bagged, tagged and put out to the curb, but noooo.... we now have "conditional" graduations... Eerrpppp..... Guess there's no need to watch the rest of the week. My stomach is churning at the very thought of a successful TUPPERWARE party. Pepto, anyone??

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by bookwomanblue on 02-06-06 at 07:22 PM
It is astonishing how quickly the concept of this show was destroyed after Mary Ellen Bunim died. She must be spinning in her grave at what they've done to it.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-06-06 at 09:43 PM
maryellennaco writes:
Eerrpppp..... Guess there's no
>need to watch the rest of the
>week. My stomach is churning at
>the very thought of a successful
>TUPPERWARE party. Pepto, anyone??

I'll take you up on that offer maryellen. Since I'm a woos, I prefer the pink pills, but this may require the :::gak::: liquid stuff. Anyone else in line?

So, since I've contained my bile, I'll be watching as long as it's aired. That tri-county fire could very well preempt tomorrow's show. Can't complain too much. TV news is what keeps the evacuees informed. Now, if the network could be bothered to push the buttons required to knock off the repeats of Jay and Conan... :::rant over:::

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by ellcee18 on 02-06-06 at 11:28 PM
I'm with Snowflake - I think Lisa gets an "E" - BUT I think that means she has to live in her CAGE and sell Tupperware from there. LOL

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by jadedgirl37 on 02-07-06 at 01:35 PM
I don't know if this is 100% true or not, but here is some info I have come across. Lisa will get thrown out of the house this week ... or actually asked to go home, but will be given a chance to graduate. She will eventually graduate as they bring her back in about 3 or 4 weeks. There will be an episode eventually showing Rhonda at Lisa's apartment in Miami doing her 'dinner party' ... also, it will show Rhonda talking to Lisa's parents again, but this time in Miami ... but, that will be aired in probably about 4 weeks. Feel free to PM me if you want to know some more info

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Miranda on 02-07-06 at 02:55 PM
jadedgirl37 writes:
>I don't know if this is
>100% true or not, but
>here is some info I
>have come across. Lisa will
>get thrown out of the
>house this week ... or
>actually asked to go home,
>but will be given a
>chance to graduate. She will
>eventually graduate as they bring
>her back in about 3
>or 4 weeks. There will
>be an episode eventually showing
>Rhonda at Lisa's apartment in
>Miami doing her 'dinner party'
>... also, it will show
>Rhonda talking to Lisa's parents
>again, but this time in
>Miami ... but, that will
>be aired in probably about
>4 weeks. Feel free to
>PM me if you want
>to know some more info

I PMed you earlier this morning. YaY! SO is on, now. Bye...

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by beckettrep on 02-08-06 at 07:01 PM
>SASSI writes:
>>run run fast as you can...but,
>>I think Lisa will be sent to
>>southbeach...as a test
>Right. That's what her friend in
>NYC posted. I kinda think
>he's disappointed his voice hasn't
>been featured on the show.
>I guess he's still with
>her today? Yesterday, he posted
>on his way out to
>the airport to pick her
>Thunder! Come back. It was get
>a job, throw a dinner
>party and something else. I
>can't remember the third trick
>she had to perform to
>graduate "only." And, inquiring minds
>gotta know. Did she land
>that t-h-i-r-d job after quitting
>the previous two she had
>since she was sent back
>to South Beach? :::i'm getting
>that itchy feeling again:::

Can you share what site this friend is posting on?

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by OklaBlue on 02-09-06 at 04:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-06 AT 01:14 AM (EST)


So was the little flashback montage they edited together to try to show how "warm and fuzzy" Lisa 1 has progressed while in the house. They could have done a totally different one if they had selected out the clips of her emailing Mr. Internet on the sly, all the fake tears, vomits, cage scene, "B#TCHES" and WENCHES comments, "milk them for their money with Tupperware", "I can't do this!", whiney, crybaby, etc.

It was a reminder of the montage put together to show how Allison had "progressed".

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Little Blimp on 02-09-06 at 04:42 PM
I was cracking up over the baby dress because I had never seen that episode. And TJ putting the pacifier in Lisa's mouth was hysterical!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by lovemydogdude on 02-09-06 at 04:55 PM
JOKE but what did we expect this season?
At least she's gone
For now...

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Mama_Pita on 02-10-06 at 11:12 AM
Her big fat faking crying spell sickens me. She needs to Build a bridge and GET OVER IT!!!! your not graduating, you failed just like everyone told you that you would before you got to the starting over house. ha ha

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Pinkster on 02-10-06 at 11:43 PM
I think it's a joke that she'll get to graduate.

How will Rhonda know if she's been contacting "Mr. Internet" or not? So, she does a quickie dinner party and get's a temp job...

Lisa's a liar and all this does is give Lisa MORE opportunity to get away with her lies.

She does NOT deserve to graduate.

She's a darn LOOOOSER!

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by Labyrinth on 02-15-06 at 04:02 PM
From spoilers posted by Thunder - who correctly said when Lisa1 was leaving - he also said she would be back.

Am I the only ticked off that the SO show is manipulating us by not having Lisa return phone calls and then she WILL GRADUATE?? If that happens, I am one royally p*ssed off person.

Lisa should have been kicked to the curb many moons ago - so to answer your question - yes the BOR was fake - the trial separation is fake - and if she graduates, Major Fake.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by jlarue3253 on 02-15-06 at 06:48 PM
If Lisa comes back and graduate, I am through with starting over. This has gone too far.

"RE: BOR for Lisa on Mon Real or another Joke"
Posted by maryellennaco on 02-18-06 at 04:31 PM
Me,too. I'll just have to live with "Days of Our Lives"... At least I KNOW it's a soap opera!