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"Drunken Danielle"

Posted by FLfan on 08-28-06 at 09:58 AM
First time poster, so please excuse if I'm doing it wrong. Does it strike anybody else that Danielle is a full-blown alcoholic? All she seems to do is get drunk and beg for more booze. Then, she sits around bragging about how great she is and how useless everybody else is, especially Janelle. I, for one, will be glad to see her leave!

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"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-28-06 at 10:56 AM
Hi FLfan Your first post was great!

To me they're all exempt from judgement about booze while they're in the house. If someone didn't drink before, it's probably enough to make you start...

My guess is that they're probably hving some fun with the editing getting the drunk Danielle clips.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by AugustGirl on 08-28-06 at 11:01 AM
Not to give anything away to those who don't do the spoiling/love feeds, but from the feeds from last night they will have a lot of drunk Danielle material. A lot.


And welcome to FLfan!

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J., One for all, all for Janelle!

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-28-06 at 11:05 AM
That'll make her daughter proud.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Hoobie on 08-30-06 at 02:15 AM
I was disappointed that they didn't really show how drunk and annoying Danielle REALLY was during the HOH doorbell ringing phase. I wish she would have left in week one.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Aruba on 08-28-06 at 07:17 PM
Welcome FLfan!

I don't view the live feeds and Danielle is one of my least favorite HGs, but based on what I saw last night I didn't think she was drunk? They did show her drinking wine, but booze runs pretty freely in the House.

As far as saying how great she is...this disillusional hampster was saying that even when competitions were being handed to her. AND THAT'S WHEN SHE WAS SOBER!!!

Had she been sitting next to anyone other than Alison she would have been gone in week one; but when/if she does go, better late than never.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by MarkP on 08-29-06 at 07:23 PM
I think you need to watch the live feeds to get the full effect of how much she really drinks (lets just say for a first time post you hit the nail right on the head here).

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Aruba on 08-29-06 at 08:00 PM
Thanks for the invite, but Danielle sober is more than I care to watch. Danielle drunk I can do without. If so, I agree with Savannah...GREAT EXAMPLE FOR YOUR DAUGHTER!!!

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Aruba on 08-30-06 at 06:54 AM
OK...after last night's episode the verdict (for those who do not view the live feed) is in. Danielle is a drunk. I could see it in her eyes especially in the DR.
For you Danielle lovers who say her eyes looked that way because she was crying?...Sorry, but I worked in a club/bar for a year and a half. I know the difference.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by jeffr on 08-30-06 at 11:14 AM
She maybe a drunk and I am ready for her to leave but let's not take away that she is a great player. She went from leaving the first week to everyone wanting her in their aliance because of her strategic play. She just got got screwed by better players in Will and Boogie.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 08-30-06 at 01:20 PM
I'm sorry, but I seem to remember that the only true alliance she had was with James. I don't remember every hamster dying to be in an alliance with Dani. None of the Sovs (except James) wanted to allign with her. Erika and Marcellas were forced into a loose alliance with her because of the circumstances. And, the LOD alliance was an arrangement that CT exploited to their advantage. So, I fail to see how Danielle was such a coveted ally inside the house. I think she was overconfident and stupid, which is why now she's about to be evicted.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by tamarama on 08-30-06 at 02:01 PM
>>overconfident and stupid<<

Gotta agree with you here.

Didn't see Danielle's season, but I had heard she should have won -- that she was a good player.

REALLY disappointed. She has consistently over-played this game. Over-playing is how she got nominated in week 1.

I can see how she and James ended up together -- they're 2 of a kind:

Hypocritical, egotistical, over-scheming, conspiracy-spouting whiners with a marked lack of self-perception.

Oh, and "stress of being filmed 24/7" or not...Danielle drinks a scary amount. I can't imagine allowing myself to get stupid drunk nearly every night ESPECIALLY since it's all being taped.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Sketchyboi on 08-30-06 at 07:27 PM
Geeeesh, people. Okay, maybe Danielle over played this season, etc, etc... maybe she has had a bit much to drink on occasion... that hardly makes her a "drunk" or an "alcoholic".

I find these boards a ton of fun, and I often join in on the "bashing" of players, however, throwing around words like "alcoholic" is not funny at all, nor is it fair, when none of us really have a clue about Danielle and her drinking habits. Not cool. Even in gest.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Aruba on 08-30-06 at 07:34 PM
I totally agree with you about calling someone an "alcoholic" without knowing the individual personally...but when someone has had too much to drink, you can rightfully refer to them as a "drunk".

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by nicolemay on 08-30-06 at 09:32 PM
I can remember last season a certain person (Jani) getting really drunk and making an ##### of herself. Jani and Beau acted like idiots when they got drunk and got into that fight with each other. I wouldn't call her or Beau a "drunk or an "alcoholic". They ALL drink in the house, she just decided to drink a lot! I probably would have too if Erica did that to me. A drunk or an alcoholic are people that do it all of the time and need help. I really don't think that Danielle has a problem.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Buggy on 08-30-06 at 11:20 PM
I don't know that Danielle has a problem, I dont think she has a problem. I think that the stress is getting to her, bad and that she has been drinking quite a bit.

The 3 or 4 minutes that was shown on the show Tuesday, was cut from about 25 minutes of a drunken tirade, complete with badly slurred speech , drunken mannerisms and smoking ( she usually hides when she smokes so her Dad and her Kids don't see her do it). She went off on Erika, so much that Erika went into the house looking for Woogie to protect her from Dani, and then hid from her in the HOH the rest of the night.

I would never speculate whether she has a problem with alcohol in her real life, but that fact is, she was wasted the other night, very drunk. If there was even the slightest chance that Erika wasn't going to put her on the block, Dani blew it.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by Aruba on 08-31-06 at 05:34 AM
An alcoholic is someone with a cronic problem. You don't know that unless you personal know the individual. Someone who is drunk means that they drank alot.
Janelle and Beau drank alot when they got in their catfight last season, hence they were drunk.
Danielle drank alot to drown her sorrows about being potentially put up by Erika, hence she was drunk.

Most people have experienced times when they drank too much. When they did; they were drunk. Doesn't mean all of them are "alcoholics."

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by FLfan on 08-31-06 at 09:16 AM
The dictionary defines "alcoholism" as "the excessive use of intoxicating beverages." If you were watching the live feeds or keeping up with them in the bashers forum, you would be aware that Danielle has consistently gotten drunk every time they have had alcohol in the house (which has been quite frequently). She has gone to the DR room on a number of occasions and "begged for more alcohol" (her words). A number of times, she has told the others that she needed a drink bad. She has even hidden beer from the other hg so she could have it for breakfast. This was the basis for my suggesting that she might have a problem; it was not a one-time occurrence.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 08-31-06 at 03:34 PM
The big difference between the drunken brawl between Janelle and Beau last season (I can't believe I'm going to defend someone from the Fiendship) is that it was an isolated incident. They didn't make it a habit of getting completelly trashed during their stay in the house. Danielle, on the other hand, is constantly getting drunk inside the house. Obviously, I don't know her well enough to say that she's an alcoholic. But, I can definitelly say that she drinks excessivelly, which was detrimental to her game because she started acting like a lunatic. That sealed her fate. So long, Dani. Enjoy sequester!

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by tamarama on 08-31-06 at 01:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-06 AT 01:11 PM (EST)


I did NOT call Danielle a drunk -- I said she got/gets drunk. that's different.

I didn't even use the word alcoholic.

(edited because it's hard to type with mittens on)

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by jeffr on 08-31-06 at 11:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-06 AT 11:36 AM (EST)


Now way. We must have been watching a different show. James aligned with her. Chill town was looking for suggestions after they aligned with her (they also felt they needed to get her out or she would win it all). As much as Marcellas hated her, he felt he needed to align with her to get further in the game. Erica the same thing. I think many player looked at her as a very strong player with a good strategic mind. Why do think she has not been put up for eviction until now and it was a backdoor at that?

I am not saying she is the greatest player but she is no question one of the top players. She played the same way in her season and made it to the final two.

"RE: Drunken Danielle"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 08-31-06 at 03:47 PM
I think we're saying the same things from different perspectives. To me, Danielle's only true ally in the game was James. CT just used Danielle to further their agenda. Ultimatelly, Danielle was seen as responsible for Kaysar's eviction in the eyes of Janelle/Howie. CT remained free of responsability, even though they had engineered the whole thing. Erika's true allegiance is to Boogie, not Danielle. And Marcellas only seeked protection from the floaters (not just Danielle) when he stupidly believed that Janelle had turned on him, which resulted in a self-fulfilled prophecy because his behavior is what prompted Janelle to nominate him. Regardless, Marcellas never really had Dani's back. He would have turned on her in a second if it had been beneficial to his game. So, I don't think he was a true ally to her either.

As far as Danielle not getting nominated, I don't really think it had to do with Danielle herself as a player. The first 4 weeks were completelly controlled by the Sovereign alliance and James was the main reason why Danielle was kept safe (except for week 1 because Danielle overplayed her hand). Why do you think that Janelle targeted Diane instead of going after Danielle, like she originally intended? She was afraid of James' retaliation. Unfortunatelly, he retaliated anyway because Diane was another of his safety nets.

The bottom line is that I don't think Danielle had any strong bonds with any of the other houseguest, besides James. If she had formed strong alliances, she wouldn't be in the position that she's in, would she?