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"Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"

Posted by LadyRose2005 on 08-21-06 at 01:16 AM
Boogie just threatened George to keep him from putting up Will.

Threats, whether physical or otherwise should not be allowed.
Boogie should be removed from the game, he went too far.
What if next time he uses threats against one of the women?
If physical threats are against the rules, how are psychological threats any different?

Either way, it's the use of aggression to try and win the game.

No one should be allowed to use threats to change the out come of the game, NO ONE!.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by AyaK on 08-21-06 at 06:04 AM
If physical threats are against the rules, how are psychological threats any different?

You can debate that question in a psychology class if you like, but physical threats have been treated differently from psychological threats for the past 3000 years of Western culture.

The crime of assault consists of making physical threats. There is no equivalent for psychological threats -- and, in fact, a big part of BB gameplay is convincing others to vote along with you by any means OTHER than physical threats.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by MarkP on 08-21-06 at 08:14 AM
The entire game of BB revolves around psychological threats. If you do this, he will vote you out, if you don't do this, you are alone, etc...etc...etc. Without psychological threats reality shows like this and Survivor would cease to exist. My only question was that Boogie all but told CG that he had the power and it was strong enough to get CG booted if he put up Will. My understanding was he wasn't allowed to tell others he had it so CBS really dropped the ball on this one because Boogie ignored the rules and got away with it.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-21-06 at 08:20 AM
I agree. I believe the producers intended this to be a secret power, and wasn't to be used to hold over people's heads.

I figure they wanted someone to win it and actually use it, shocking someone who hadn't been nominated to be suddenly up on the block with no time to campaign for votes. It was supposed to shake up the house, not add cement to the existing foundation.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Icancook75 on 08-21-06 at 08:25 AM
First off, Boogie didn't directly say to them in that conversation that he had it, he just said that there was a power and it could be used. It was indirect, therefore i think it's fine that BB didn't do anything about it.

Secondly, a THREAT? If he had threatened George's family, threatened him physically, or anything like that, FINE, i would have agreed with you.

But this was a threat to kick him out of the house.. HARDLY something we haven't seen before. People in this game threaten to kick each other out all the time. People were just offended because of the fact Boogie had the power and hinted he may have it and that he would use it.

It's hardly something to cry about.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by MarkP on 08-21-06 at 09:04 AM
>First off, Boogie didn't directly say
>to them in that conversation
>that he had it, he
>just said that there was
>a power and it could
>be used. It was
>indirect, therefore i think it's
>fine that BB didn't do
>anything about it.

If Boogie is allowed to say what he said then don't have that silly stipulation. If you can "indirectly" tell people you have the power and threaten them with it then you might as well just let them tell everyone they have it and what it is...and I must say Boogie's little threatening speech was a heck of a lot closer to being "direct" as opposed to "indirect"...the only other thing he could have done was show them a tape from the DR where Jules told him he won the power and what it was.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by geg6 on 08-21-06 at 08:54 AM
Ummm, have you ever watched this show before?

The entire premise of the show is based on such things. Exactly what should Boogie have said instead to get George to do what he wanted? Pretty please?

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by kingfish on 08-21-06 at 09:30 AM
Boogie did reveal what was supposed to be a secret. Indirectly, maybe, by implication maybe, but he did reveal it. To use it as a threat is a reveal.

And he ain't supposed to do that.

He's a pretty bad poker player too, I think. His expressions when JC asked for the Cd'E power holder to use it or not were easy to read.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by AyaK on 08-21-06 at 10:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-06 AT 10:43 AM (EST)

>Boogie did reveal what was supposed to be a secret.
>Indirectly, maybe, by implication maybe, but
>he did reveal it. To use it as a threat
>is a reveal.

But the power (whatever it was) IS a threat. All he did was remind George about the threat of that power.

>And he ain't supposed to do that.

I'm sorry that the Legion of Janelle () couldn't summon the earth to open up and swallow Boogie before he could influence CG, but let's be serious here.

Boogie might not have been able to say what the power was, but I'm not sure George even remembered that the power existed. It didn't take much to convince CG that discretion was the better part of valor. And Boogie hasn't made a "general" reveal of the power, because the only person who seems to remember that the power was presented as limited in duration is Dani -- both Erika and Janie stated last night that they thought the unknown power was still good after this week.

As CG discussed last night, he was the only player in the house who had never PLAYED BB the way it's played in the US. In BB1, CG played the European version of BB, where it's all about looking good to the camera for the fans at home. He said that the reason he came back was because he wanted to see what US BB had become since his day. I think he actually forgot that being popular among the Legion of Janelle was not a winning strategy any longer, though it might have been in BB1.

If we played European BB in the US, then Janelle would be coasting to victory. Instead, she's doomed, and she'll stay around as long as Will wants her around, unless Dani can outmaneuver him and get her dumped sooner. I know it's hard for the Legion of Janelle to accept that she's doomed, and that Will doesn't have real feelings for her ... but that's the way it is.

Anyway, who in his right mind would ever dump Erin Brodie for Janelle?

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by okaychatt on 08-21-06 at 09:33 AM
Hi ladyrose.

Part of the Coup d'Etat power game is being able to use it to influence other players. Only the winner knew exactly what the power was.

All George knew was that he didn't have the power.

So when Boogie told him to play nice, or else, George decided to stay in the game a while longer. He didn't know he was safe as HOH, but that didn't matter.

Boogie's distasteful power manipulation worked.

P.S. I didn't like Boogie's method or tone, either.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by MarkP on 08-21-06 at 09:42 AM
>Part of the Coup d'Etat power
>game is being able to
>use it to influence other
>players. Only the winner
>knew exactly what the power

I didn't think that was ever part of the power...I thought the power was your ability to turn the game around when you did use it (thus do not tell anyone)as opposed to turning the game around when you did not use it? If you were able to use the power to influence others, wouldn't they have to know you had it? I think that CBS' intent of the power was for someone to make a big splash at an eviction voting, not to hold it over others heads for 3 weeks thus making for a very dull game.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by nazpink on 08-21-06 at 09:49 AM
What I thought was all weird about the situation was Will "forgot" to tell Boogie about his proposal to CG, which created this whole mess....lol. And even funnier CG didn't say that in his defense for why he was going to put Will up. For some reason did CG have a thought that maybe Will and Boogie were not playing together? I guess that could work to CT's advantage.

Secondly, when Howie was nominated he went on a tyrant all of which I didn't get until after when Will, Janelle, and James spoke to him. That's when I got more of what he was talking about. I couldn't believe that after Boogie singled out Janelle and Howie they somehow still had the impression that they had the numbers!!! Which is why Howie's eviction tyrant was so ridiculous, after all why would Boogie have gone that extra step to out them in front of everyone (except James) if he was in with them? If Janelle keeps working with these two she deserves to be the next to go, after all CT has worked mostly in the favor of themselves and in the favor of the rest of the house.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by nazpink on 08-21-06 at 09:51 AM
Oh, yeah, I agree this game is psychological so everything concerning that aspect is fair play. I guess what made Boogie's "attack" worse was the setting in which he did it. George had no where to go, everyone was there, it was a tense enviroment and there was hardly any time to compose himself.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by geg6 on 08-21-06 at 10:54 AM
And what you characterize as "worse" is exactly why it was a good move. He did it in exactly the right setting with the right people there and with the pressure turned on high.

What is the deal with everyone thinking this game is about playing nice and not causing any hamsters undue stress? Grace and gameplay under pressure is the whole point of the game.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-21-06 at 10:49 AM
Oh please. This game is all about using psychological threats of all kinds (we'll vote you out, we'll keep you safe, we won't be your friend anymore). How players make threats and respond to them determines how far they will go.

Boogie walked a delicate line in exploiting the CdE to pressure George. He did not say he had it, he said someone did. He did not say what it was, he said 'Julie said it has the power to shake up the game like never before' (or words to that effect). The CdE was a valuable power, Boogie won it and he made some use of it. How was that unfair?

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by kazaam on 08-21-06 at 06:01 PM
The whole CdT thing is unfair it should'nt even be in the game.

Posted by AyaK on 08-21-06 at 11:23 AM
I let this thread go at first, since I thought it would turn into a quick discussion about whether something we saw on the feeds was legal or not within the BB rules. Instead, it's turned into a discussion of what constitutes "fair play" on BB. That's not spoiler info, so I'm locking the thread.

Posted by AyaK on 08-21-06 at 11:27 AM
Moved to Bashers.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Just Plain Bill on 08-21-06 at 02:10 PM
<<Boogie just threatened George to keep him from putting up Will. Threats, whether physical or otherwise should not be allowed.>>

As noted by others, psychological 'threats' are what the game is about.

The only physical threat that I'm aware of (beyond tempers flaring) got the competitor evicted in about 3 nanoseconds, iirc. (Season 4? Guy threatened one of the gals with a knife from the kitchen.)

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by realitytvwatcher on 08-21-06 at 02:38 PM
All this talk about Mike not following the Coup d'Etat guidelines are absurd. He never admitted to having the power. As stated in a post above, he simply reminded everyone that the power existed. The houseguests already knew someone had won it when Julie told them during the previous eviction show.

I'm sure this is EXACTLY what CBS wanted to happen with the Coup d'Etat. Why else would they make a big production out of reminding everyone that it is a special power that could change the game? Why else would they let everyone know that someone DID win it? And keep reminding them at each eviction!

Posted by shakes the clown on 08-21-06 at 02:44 PM
I may have to close down the home office forever since this ridiculous topic will be nearly impossible to ever beat.

No psychological threats allowed on BB! Seriously, didn't you realize how stupid that sounded as you were typing it?

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by kazaam on 08-21-06 at 05:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-06 AT 06:12 PM (EST)

Omgersh I can't believe you noticed that too. He totallly threatened him but he did'nt just threaten him with that stupid power he threatend him with "guilt". I thought for sure I was the only one who noticed this. Finally someone on this board who thinks like a "human"! And no I don't approve of threats. Most game play has been done by "if you do this for me I will do this for you" type stradegy's or "I gaurantee this for you". What kind of person just openly threaten's somebody like that. Talk about classless.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Snidget on 08-21-06 at 06:25 PM
So all the "I need the money more than the rest of you" guilt trips or all the other various assorted guilt trips used in every show every year are all something that should be banned.

Not all manipulation is I will do this for that. I remember was it Tom and Ian where Tom guilted Ian out of the game on Survivor because Ian dared to have a plan B?

Whatever you can use. Sometimes you don't have anything to offer back so you use whatever else you got.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by kazaam on 08-21-06 at 06:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-06 AT 06:15 PM (EST)

Don't be deterd by these people. Obviously there scared that your questioning a belief of theres or else they would'nt be so quick to shut you up. Theres already like twenty post on this topic in scared defense, I think you hit a nerve.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Snidget on 08-21-06 at 06:27 PM
That is an interesting interpretation of this thread.

If you don't want to watch other people do whatever mean, evil, guilt-tripping, manipulative, nasty thing they can do to others to stay in the game then reality TV is probably not for you.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by LadyRose2005 on 08-21-06 at 06:46 PM
Thank you Kazaam.

I just feel that the aggression Boogie showed towards CG was over the line.

And we need to remember that Boogie was told to say nothing regaurding the CDT.
Nothing means nothing.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-21-06 at 07:34 PM
Nope. He was told he could not reveal what the power was or that he had it. That is not the same as nothing and it means something different than nothing.

He said someone has a power and Julie says it's a big power. Anyone else could have said the same thing. For example, Howie, if he was clever, could have BLUFFED George by saying exactly the same things Boogie did and Boogie could not have called him on it because of the restrictions he was under. But Howie said something like 'duh' when George asked him what he thought. In this example, would Howie be guilty of making a threat? Or since it would ultimately be an empty threat is that ok?

Posted by Das Mole on 08-21-06 at 10:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-06 AT 10:08 PM (EST)

Well, as much as I hate Mike Boogie, there are a few problems here:

First of all, as many others have stated in this thread, the whole game is pretty much based on "psychological threats" anyway.

People in the house aren't privy to the fact that Boogie holds it, although that is popular belief among the HGs. Therefore what you've perceived as a "threat" is actually taken as an attempt by Boogie to make George think he holds the power.

If none of us knew who had it, Boogie's statements to George would have had the same effect as if Janelle or Howie had said the same thing.

And as for "Boogie isn't allowed to talk about the Coup", that statement is inaccurate as well. He's just not allowed to say that he has it or what it is. He can still mention the power just as anyone else in the house could. Wouldn't it be a bit odd if someone else brought it up to him and he said "actually BB said I'm not allowed to talk about it"? You're wrong there too.

With all that said, I didn't like the way Boogie went about saying it, but then again...being brutally honest does have a different effect than trying to soften up what you're saying. I can't think of another way Boogie should've gone about bringing up the CdE, but that's just me.

Oy vey.

"RE: Um..."
Posted by nazpink on 08-21-06 at 11:09 PM
I know I have already posted a few or so times on this paticular thread but I would like to add something. I was too lazy to go through all the threads to see if anyone has made the complaints I am about to mention so if I'm wrong then I will apologize now but here goes.....

I find it rather absurd that people are freaking out about Boogie's game tactics yet why aren't the same people freaking out about Howie's non-strategical based crude behavior? Am I truly the only one who finds Howie's behavior more offensive than Boogie's tactics? I think that Howie's crude sexual commentary about the female contestants bodies is over-stepping the line and the way he hugs them all while practically grinding his body on theirs and moaning and groaning, but where are the moral seekers on this? What about Howie's constant attempts at feeling up Will, did no one here find that offensive? How is it that Howie has gotten away from the bashing of viewers on this topic, when his actions were not at all game play but purely perverted yet Boogie is being stomped on about something that is very much part of the game?

Once again, if there were threads concerning this then I apologize for my blunder. I would also like to add that I am not a Boogie fan,so none of my commentary reflects what I personally think of him, which makes it rather neutral, in my opinion.

"RE: Um..."
Posted by okaychatt on 08-22-06 at 06:29 PM
<Howie's non-strategical based crude behavior? Am I truly the only one who finds Howie's behavior more offensive than Boogie's tactics?

I find Howie incredibly boorish. Ignorant. Obnoxious. Anathema. Disgusting.

I find Boogie's threat unlikeable, but within the bounds of fairplay. Not good sport play. But legal.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Um..."
Posted by kazaam on 08-22-06 at 01:21 AM
Explain how the game is based on "psychological threats" give some examples don't just say it is.

"RE: Um..."
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-22-06 at 01:35 AM
1. In week 2, Kaysar decided not to put up Chill Town based in large part on Will's threat that they would 'come after him' if he did. Kaysar's failure to handle that threat ultimately got him sent home.

2. Kaysar's timid nominations reflect a pattern this year -- in most weeks, the HoH has made timid nominations because of threats, real, implied or imagined of revenge nominations by opposing alliances the next week. This is why Diane, Nakomis, Jase and Marcellus are no longer on prime time.

3. In season 6, Ivette gave up her best chance to win the prize based on Maggie and that group's threat to vote against her if she sent Maggie to the jury.

I could go on, but the use of threats, bribes, trade-offs, side deals and lying is so rampant it really should not be necessary.

"RE: Threatening other players is NOT a fair way to play the game"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 08-22-06 at 11:27 AM
Melodramatic much?

It's not Booger threatened to kill the guy or kick his ass. He just reminded Chicken Vader that the power was still out there and may be used if he put up Will. I probably woulda done the same thing he did. I don't see anything wrong with what he did and I can't even stand the little shat.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.