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"Danielle needs a reality check"

Posted by Aruba on 08-07-06 at 08:25 PM
I find it comically that a few episodes ago she belly-ached like a sore loser after the food competition when she complained that the HGs who were taller and heavier had an unfair advantage when retrieving the ball with the star on it. Even though her whinning had merit, isn't it funny how she never said a peep about the last HOH competition having an unfair advantage for a lighter HG who would be able to hang much longer???
Instead she gloats over her "victory" that she didn't even win...Erika clearly HANDED it to her.

She should give Alison a big sloppy kiss the next time she sees her, because if anyone...and I mean ANYONE else was up against her for that first eviction, Danielle would have been gone after week 1.

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"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by LIVEURBESTLIFE on 08-07-06 at 08:43 PM
I would think in a hanging competition the people with a lot of upper body strength would have the advantage. Erika could hang there not because she is lighter but because she is a pilates instructor. Pilates builds stamina and strength.

Danielle on the other hand almost gave up but she didn't give up and she hung in there and won. Erika let go because she and Danielle are on the same side. Why torture yourself when you know you are safe? The competition was tough for Howie and he tried to hang on as long as he could. Judging from Howie's looks he has alot of upper body strength but like Danielle he was hurting.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Aruba on 08-07-06 at 09:45 PM
Erika's conditioning was definitely a factor as to why she wasn't struggling. Hence she wasn't "torturing" herself when she gift-wrapped the HOH to Danielle.
After two hours and counting, body weight (or lack of it) becomes the #1 factor in that type of competiton where you can intertwine your arms and legs in the webbing.

And can anyone actually KNOW they are safe??? I don't think so.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-07-06 at 11:42 PM
Erika looked like she could have hung on there all night long. Poor Howie though, heh, he looked like he was dying up there. he was probably thinking to himself about Danielle talking to him about putting on weight and was wishing he hadn't eaten so many chips.

A wonderful Tribe original

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Aruba on 08-08-06 at 06:04 AM
You're right about Erika...she could have cleaned up the competition and taken names while doing it. I believe THAT was the main reason Howie lost whatever fighting spirit he had...knowing Erika could have won easily.
On a positive note, Howie probably lost about five pounds in sweat. And if chips was all he ate it wouldn't have been that bad...did you see him devour those four torpedo cheesesteak sandwiches George cooked for him??? If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, George is golden with Howie. LOL

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-08-06 at 08:55 AM
LOL. I agree with the losing 5lbs in sweat.

A wonderful Tribe original

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by LIVEURBESTLIFE on 08-08-06 at 00:02 AM
Whether you can hang on all night or not doesn't mean you should or that you want to. Her arms may not have hurt her but at some point she would need to eat or go to the bathroom.

Erika knew she was safe and obviously she was right. She isn't the one on the block.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Aruba on 08-08-06 at 05:55 AM
In THIS instance I tend to agree with you...but the POV still needs to be played, and we'll have to see if lucky Danielle is forced to nominate someone else.

Erika stated frankly in a diary room confession that she felt "safe" when Janelle was HOH and, lo and behold, she was nominated. James felt "safe" too until Danielle approached him and said she was "strategically" putting him up. Jase felt he was "safe" and was evited after James put him up even after their agreement.

Bottomline...NO ONE is safe in this game!!!

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-08-06 at 11:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-08-06 AT 11:52 AM (EST)

With all due respect.....they ALL need a reality check.

I'm not even factoring in the insane competitions.....they're permitting to give up any sense of privacy and be on WWW 24/7 and make total a$$es of themselves on National TV.

Seriously though Aruba, I totally agree with you about Danielle taking credit for a competition that was ultimately handed to her and whining about fairness (or lack of fairness) in another competition....but I do think they program themselves to be so defensive and offensive just for survival that they do lose reality. Although "reality" is relative these days!

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 08-08-06 at 02:43 PM
Danielle and James both graduated with honors from the Self-Entitlement School of Thought. They justify their behavior as being part of their outstanding strategy and gameplay abilities. But, when someone else pulls off a similar stunt, they vilify that person and make personal attacks. Danielle and James, do us all a favor and STFU. We are tired of listening to so much sh!t seeping out of your mouths.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-08-06 at 03:00 PM
We are
>tired of listening to so
>much sh!t seeping out of
>your mouths.

I just want to say I'm impressed how you got sh!t to post. Mine came out like #####.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 08-08-06 at 03:33 PM
LOL!! Hey Savannah, I just figured that by using exclamation marks (!) I would be able to get past the profanity filters. =)

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Joyav123 on 08-08-06 at 10:22 PM
Danielle thinks she is a genius in this game, that she has
everyone and every move figured out, guess she and James
are really getting too full of themselves.

"RE: Danielle needs a reality check"
Posted by Aruba on 08-09-06 at 07:04 AM
"THINKS" is the operative word there...based on this last episode (which IMHO was the best episode I saw of this otherwise lame season) she is anything but a genius. She was happier than a pig in mud with the HGs participating in the POV competition, but any idiot could see they would be out for themselves. This chick could audition for a soap opera since she can cry on cue so often. Between her and Bunky (BB2) they have cried enough tears to fill the Amazon river.
I pray that Janelle wins HOH so Danielle could be put up next week.

"Look who's at it again!"
Posted by Aruba on 08-14-06 at 06:49 AM
Danielle, once again, throws the word "lucky" around. Hey Witch, when you win 3 out of 6 HOHs, that's not "luck"...it's called Solid Play. If anyone had luck it was DANIELLE with her only HOH handed to her by Erika.
We had to listen to that same verbal diarrhea in BB3 when she repeatedly referred to Roddy as lucky and then discredits him by saying he's a "devil". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I know I was in the minority during Week #1 when I was hoping Danielle would be evicted. If she doesn't get off the block this week, we'll probably see her cry another river as she walks out the door!

"RE: Look who's at it again!"
Posted by Just Plain Bill on 08-14-06 at 04:17 PM
Danielle's commentary last night was comical because she was so earnest. In her opinion, Janelle should lose to advance Danielle's cause? (But it's difficult to assess the genuine sentiments on the edited versions presented in the broadcast.)

At least James had the honesty to admit that Janelle can rise to the occasion and win competitions and *that's* why he needs to get her out of there.