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"BB21 List #6"

Posted by Aruba on 08-09-19 at 08:10 AM
Red Herring has been on the menu on most Eviction Nights, and with Sam’s 9-0 unanimous vote, it appeared we had another order. Although with Sunday’s episode it was anything but proving to be quite real with the Six-Shooters pretty much shooting blanks this week.

KATHRYN – The moist eyes she displayed minutes before the vote was a tactic that would work for Kat but could never fly with Sam. Her Mata Hari role almost got her executed by the firing squad, but now is sitting pretty. She’s one of Cliff’s “angels,” someone Christie/Tommy/Ana-Least (now in the minority) would still welcome with open arms, and has solidified her F2 deal with Holly. This is Bashers, so I’d be remiss if I did not comment she needs to request Proactive during one of her DR sessions to address that nasty breakout on her face. She probably caught something from the sheets with all the skankiness going down on the BB beds. EWWWW!!!

JESSICA – Banner week for her. You could tell by body language/facial expressions if the HGs knew the answers in the HOH Comp or just winging it. One of Jessica’s answers was a guess, but all the others she answered very definitely...so a well-earned victory on her part. She made the most of it taking a page out of Cliff’s book and putting up two power alliance players. The POV comp was another story—sheer dumbass luck; but completing the “weekly double” put the High School clique on its heels. It’s about time!

CLIFF – He’s sharp enough to realize the High School clique would have shoved him in his locker had he rode with them to the end; so, forming Cliff’s Angels was the right move this week. The question is will he also be sharp enough to figure his “angels” might toss him out of the “Promised Land” in favor of an all-girl endgame? My answer is yes. If he could survive a potential double-eviction night, I like his chances.

HOLLY – When the outgoing HOH has to hand the key over to someone from the “other side” the very next week, it’s rarely a good thing. But she managed to come out of it unscathed and no worse for the wear. And thanks to her BB boyfriend, she had her share of “wear” to deal with. Although she really doesn’t know Kathryn the way Christie and Tommy know each other, she managed to deflect that bullet as well as could be expected. Her relationship with Jackson in the House could go good or bad for her game at the drop of a hat...so she may not be finished with the weaving and dodging.

TOMMY – From what I saw on Sunday, Tommy was a big part keeping the alliance from a complete implosion resulting in a flip vote. The Birthday Boy comes through with a HOH win on his B-Day...way to go! I sure hope Tommy will be able to be his own man and not allow Christie to run his week.

CHRISTIE – Brutal week for her (and her alliance.) As tough as it was, she’s not public enemy #1 even though based on her gameplay she has every reason to be. Can’t see any of the female HGs nominating her, and if nominated whoever is seated next to her would be more at risk. She’s all but guaranteed safety for this week. She doesn’t have the Six-Shooters to ride with, but if she can somehow navigate to the end, I still see her as the player to beat.

NICOLE – Last week Sam gets screwed by association; this week Nicole coasts by association. So why the difference? Plain and simple...COMPETITIONS. Whereas, Reality Show social butterflies may be pretty to watch, BB Comps do not only set the tone for the week; they ARE the tone for the week. No one benefitted the most this week by doing nothing than Nicole.

NICK – Seemed like only yesterday he had one foot in the grave. Now that he appears to have both feet on solid ground, what does he do? He takes the money over the Veto and walks away with 5K at the POV Comp. Brilliant; REAL brilliant.

JACKSON – Can’t help but think of a former poster in Bashers this year getting all obnoxious with his criticism over Christie/Tommy not bringing up the prospect of other HGs possibly having prior knowledge of each other. And how that was perceived by him as “horrible gameplay” on their parts. Well enter Jackson because that’s EXACTLY what he did—and it became the major contributor to bringing down the Six-Shooters. Truth be told in a true twist of irony, it proved to be excellent gameplay on Christie/Tommy’s part to NOT entertain that notion. Fortunately, Jackson still has Holly as a calming influence. Consequently, he does not have much more than that.

ANA-LEAST – With her tag-along supporting role status in the House, my curiosity got the better of me and decided to google her collegiate soccer career. Here goes: Freshman—sat the bench ALL season. Sophomore – Logged a walloping THREE minutes of total playing time the ENTIRE year. Junior -- saw limited action finishing with her FIRST two points in her collegiate career with four SOG. Senior – one goal with three SOG for the whole season. Yep, that’s pretty much what I would have expected from Ana-LEAST.


JACK – One less bullet now in the six-shooter chamber. His bond with Christie (and Tommy who comes in the packaged deal,) along with his bromance with Jackson (and Holly who comes in the packaged deal as well)...and throw in his personal Ho Ana-Least, he had a good thing going. So why throw it all away by narcing out his Bro?? He’ll have a full week of “me” time to think about that in the Jury House.

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"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by kingfish on 08-09-19 at 10:56 AM
Some sympathy from me in regard to the soccer career of Analisa.

Little league baseball. I sucked. I had faulty depth perception as an outfielder. So I sucked. And so I was cut early on. But I kept coming to practice and acting like I was still on the team until the coach apparently forgot he cut me and I was issued a uniform, or maybe (as I suspect) he was just a kind person. And it was just little league, not the bigs. But I was never registered with the league as an official player. If the opposing teams had ever bothered to count, they would have discovered that we had one over the allowed number of players on our roster. I even got a few at-bats and a few hits as a pinch hitter. Surprisingly, as a hitter I had some talent.

Still, I was your basic bench warmer, and my heart and sympathies go out to all the bench warmers of the world. It's tough and depressing, and I admire anyone who manages to persevere. It's actually kinda rewarding in retrospect.

So Analisa was a bench warmer. More power to her for showing up and trying year after year.

As a BB player she sucks though. I can't imagine how she thinks not doing anything will win her the money.

"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by Aruba on 08-09-19 at 06:35 PM
That’s a great personal story, Kingfish. Thanks for sharing and kudos to you for your perseverance to get on the team. Understand, my assessment on Ana-Least was NOT a deliberate attempt to bash ALL the benchwarmers of the world.

On her Bio, she lists her Occupation (and I am quoting this word for word) as “College Soccer Star.” Yes, you read that right and I am NOT exaggerating. If you don’t believe me, check the Bio yourself. I was a College Soccer player myself, and if Ana-Least’s credentials qualifies her as a “Star,” then MY College credentials put me in the same league as Rinaldo and Messi. LOL!

Listen, we know Ana-Least is as dumb as a brick, but this brings me back to the sheer incompetence of Production/Casting. Clearly, Ana-Least is delusional enough to think she was a Soccer “Star,” but how could Production run with that when anyone could easily pull up her Collegiate career just as I did?

You appropriately state you “can't imagine how she thinks not doing anything will win her the money.” Not to be contrary, but this is the same scatterbrain who qualifies herself as a “College Soccer Star,” so I actually CAN imagine her thinking she’s a stellar BB player who deserves to win the money.

"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by Aruba on 08-13-19 at 11:32 AM
No need to check Ana-Least's Bio.
Her title "College Soccer Star" came up by her name during her DR confession as well.

"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by kingfish on 08-14-19 at 03:29 PM
We should be used to BB guests trying to be stars. That doesn't really separate her from these people. Past or present. In fact if there is a basic denominator for casting, it's probably just that.

"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by Aruba on 08-15-19 at 08:09 AM
I’m totally fine with Reality Show guests trying to be “stars.” Actually, that’s not a bad aspiration to have.

My bash on Ana-Least was not what she’s trying to become, but what she was contrary to what she ridiculously claims to be. Based on my personal recollection, I believe an overwhelming majority of BB HGs and Survivor castaways (past and present) honestly assess who they are when it comes to revealing their occupations. With Ana-Least and her "star" quality claim, it’s not even a case of exaggeration...it is a flat-out falsehood/lie. Thus, my appropriate bash.

"RE: BB21 List #6"
Posted by kingfish on 08-15-19 at 02:42 PM
Both on this show and survivor, every season there are examples of guests who cover up their true identities or occupations. Don't know numbers or majorities, but it's not uncommon to do so. Examples that come to mind was that cop who ended up winning, and that poker player. And even that cop had at least one cameo after his season, thus his attempt to be a star.I

But so what anyway, she's an inept competitor who's a goat at best.