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Forum: DCForumID9
Thread Number: 120
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"This is the worst show on TV"

Posted by LadyT on 08-18-01 at 00:39 AM
yet I am addicted to it. None of these people are people I would give five minutes too, except maybe Will. I might tell him to get a haircut. Why can't we have players that want to win the money and not want to let someone else win it.

If Nicole does win, I really hope she gets some real eyebrows and a lifetime supply of waterproof mascara. To go with her fake crying. If Bunky wins, he needs to visit a chiropracter and get a backbone.

Who the hell decided that Nicole had all the power in the house? Why are they doing her bidding? I hope Will wins HOH and puts up Hardy and Nicole. The sound of their voices make me want to scratch my eyeballs out.

I love Will, because he is honest in his deceit. He tells everyone he lies, yet they fall for it every single damn time. The rest of the house guests put together do not come close to equaling Will's brain. I want Will to win!


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