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Forum: DCForumID9
Thread Number: 118
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Original Message
"Will and Monica"

Posted by LadyT on 08-16-01 at 09:50 PM
These two need to join forces, but so it in a way that no one will ever find out. If one of them gets HOH, they are golden. They have to take down Hardy and Nicole.

Will has been honest in his deceit. No one else has been. For that he should go higher.

If one more player says that the money doesn't mean anything, I am gonna puke.

I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas eve, and I believe in long, slow,deep, soft, wet kisses that last for three days. Goodnight.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Will and Monica"
Posted by MakeItStop on 08-17-01 at 09:30 AM
If one more player says that the money doesn't mean anything, I am gonna puke.

Did you notice how they seem to say this after they have been nominated?

"RE: Will and Monica"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 08-17-01 at 02:16 PM
>If one more player says that
>the money doesn't mean anything,
>I am gonna puke.

CBS should just put on these shows without any prize money at all. I'll bet they'd still have lots of entrants, just for the fame. But then we wouldn't have to keep hearing this lame nonsense.

"RE: Will and Monica"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 08-17-01 at 06:41 PM
Actually, didn't Hardy mumble something about how they were all "trapped" now???

Something about how they all what to just quit and walk out, but if they do they don't get any of the weekly stipend ($750 a week) that they get for being in the house.

...and Hardy mentioned that he personally couldn't afford to leave without that money after having "taken 2 months out of his life."

"RE: stipends..."
Posted by taginite on 08-18-01 at 00:16 AM
if hardy is counting on his 750 per week stipend (stoopend?)
...how many weeks will he have to stay in the house to take home 500,000...

its almost evil

-but just imagine how clean all those mirrors would be..